Tag: freedom

Two completely flagrant lies of Minister Rakušana

Great interview with Minister Rakušanem, what IS and what is NOT disinformation. Using an example here, he shows what disinformation IS and what he would therefore prosecute. It's a shame that TWO of his TWO examples are completely obvious and demonstrable lies - that is, as he himself likes to say - misinformation. First…

Why do so many people still believe covid lies?

Milgram's experiment - about listening and blind trust in authorities, when one's own responsibility is easily hidden behind "I was ordered to"... "I had to"... or "I blindly trust". The Stanford Prison Experiment - where everyone is happy to play the role of a warden and is able to torture and restrain other people if given the…

How many more Alexs like that…?

Being a dad myself, I have to share this story that happened in America a few days ago and it really touched me. The helplessness must be unimaginable… Alex was born in Washington state with a congenital, relatively trivial heart defect that is routinely operated on today with 95% success rate,…

What if…

Allow me a little sci-fi writer's reflection today. Imagine that you are a really rich and powerful person. I'm not talking about the people who are tossed around as "billionaires" in Forbes for the masses to talk about and dream about - I mean, when you're really rich and powerful - like the groups that…

Suddenly freedom for China…?

Why rewrite history when we can change the paradigm right in real time. For two years we have been pointing out what is happening in China - how camps are being built for covid positive people, people without a vaccination passport cannot get to the doctor and literally die on the street in front of the hospital, or people...

Paradoxically, I see hope in stupidity

Rationality, arguments and common sense have been vulgar insults for more than two years now, and propaganda and sectarian religion have taken over the brains of the vast majority of the population (not only) of our country. First it was blind faith in senseless measures, then in a dangerous and untested vaccine, and now, paradoxically, even in…

No time for the big question?

I keep reading the same narrative: "Putin won't stop at Ukraine - he threatens all of Europe." Well, let's face it - I, as well as probably no one except Putin and his entourage, do not know, but I probably need to answer the basic question first: Is it true, is Russia economically collapsing,...

Interview for the Conscience of the Nation

“I stopped watching the mainstream a long time ago. It seems strange to me that I would suddenly start believing someone who has been lying to me for two years. It's like the battered wife at home who keeps apologizing to her husband for not meaning to like her... Psychologists and sociologists will one day reap the harvest of...

Propaganda - the answer to HOW and WHY

Two very important documents. Propaganda, the consent factory - this documentary was created in 2017 and ČT broadcast it in 2019 - but today, in 2022, I don't think that would happen anymore, because this documentary perfectly describes the reality in which we have just found ourselves and excellently...

The West - freedom and democracy?

Do you remember how it was two years ago when you wanted to write ANYTHING that contradicted the general perception of covid? Even if you started every text with the words "I don't deny covid, but..." - you immediately became a "denier" and a "flu-monger" for the mainstream anyway ”. However, similar defamation continued – if you later wrote ANYTHING…

Do you still believe in coincidences?

In France, at the time of the biggest energy crisis, 32 out of 56 nuclear reactors are shut down. In Holland, farmers want to cull herds. In 2021 and 2022, quite a lot of food warehouses burned down in the USA. quite a massive explosion…

When a man is alone, he doubts

Civilization is gravely ill. Healing must come from below. The system will crash, there is no way to stop it. Definitely autumn. Let's build communities, keep friendships. When a person can lean on someone, they see that they are not crazy and alone. And why didn't I go into politics… My latest interview for the Blue Deer – dear…

ČT did not prove anything and again violated its code!

Not so long ago, I wrote about how the CT Council stated that CT grossly violated its code and the presenter lied on the air. And today we received a response from the CT board to our other complaint and according to their statement – Czech Television has violated its code AGAIN! "...The Council notes that...

Those who have seen through the covid lie once will not succumb to it again

Unfortunately, it is far from that easy... It is true that those who have seen through the covid lie once are much more resistant and cautious towards further manipulations, but this is far from the rule. Unfortunately, quite a lot of people who have been debunking the covid and vaccination lies have jumped right on board with the Ukrainian and warmongering manipulation. Those reasons can…