Tag: great reset

Controlled population exchange in Europe

A very important and above all harshly true video. We can guess WHY this is happening, but the fact that it is already happening is in itself unmissable, but still most people do not want to believe it for some reason... Dutch lawyer Eva Vlaardingerbroek spoke this year in April at CPAC in Budapest,…

Talk about books for Parallel

With Jirka Havel about the books – Guide to the Rabbit Hole and The War with the Trees. How prepared are you for the next tree war? Like3

Sunday Live Chat

Recording of evening live discussions. Thanks for all the nice responses and I look forward to seeing you again next time. If you subscribe to my YouTube channel, you won't miss the next debate... Sunday Talk #4 - 9/11 - Conspiracy and Reality Sunday Talk #3 - American "Freedom", Big Pharma, Bill Clinton, Whooping Cough...

Fools and minions

One chapter from my book A Guide to the Rabbit Hole The special group that makes all power games - including the covid and green deal - work are fools and minions, which of course includes most politicians, but let's save those in more detail for a separate chapter. Some of the minions of the system really delusional,…

Catastrophe - The Gulf Stream Stops! Really…?

You probably haven't missed another batch of catastrophic storms on the topic of the Green deal in recent days - this time with the subtitle "The Gulf Stream is stopping". Instead of catastrophic warming, the whole of Europe is said to be facing a catastrophic winter. All the articles that have been published recently have one thing in common – the exact same meaningless phrases…

Not overpopulation - the planet is dying!

However, you constantly read the exact opposite in the media - there are eight billion of us and it's a DISASTER. Sometimes there is a small whiff of a "local problem" - for example, CT finally noticed that for the second year in a row, the birth rate in our country has dropped by 10%, which is completely unprecedented. This is the equivalent of an idea,…

A hope that really cannot be silenced

At the end of last year, Judge Loretta Preska released a list of 150 names of people connected to the investigation of Jeffrey Epstein's pedophile scandals, and more details will follow...In addition to the names given by the pilots under oath, there are names from the flight plans of people who have been proven to Epstein's pedophile island they flew many times. No one…

Interview for Countercurrent

Pleasant talk about the book Guide to the Rabbit Hole and philosophizing with Petr Hájek. Like21

System change – Petr Blahynka

A very interesting lecture about the relationship between work and money, the Great Reset vs. The local reset, the end of the system based on the dollar, about the countries of different categories, the economic functioning of the world and the inevitable rebirth into another epoch - the New World Order, because capitalism has exhausted itself and ends... I don't completely agree with everything, but I really recommend it...

A Guide to the Rabbit Hole - New Book

On September 28, my new book A Guide to the Rabbit Hole will be published, which will answer many questions about the world that you may not even want to know. It only depends on you, if you have the courage to ask if the world is really the way it tries to convince us. Anyway, I think it will be fun... In our e-shop in...

Dr. Yeadon: There was no pandemic - they want total control

Dr. Michael Yeadon was the head of the research department and one of several presidents at Pfizer. I highly recommend listening to this speech he gave at a recent demonstration in London (May 2023).And if this still sounds like science fiction to you, try to think what these people would get out of it,…

Let's finally talk about the Great Reset

Original text written in March 2022 (supplemented by new videos) Let's call it what you want - New fourth industrial revolution, New world order, Green deal, Agenda 2030, Great reset... - it doesn't matter - the result is still the same and we need to really start having fun with it. Global Redistribution and Modern Socialism…

You don't have to believe it - it's enough that they do!

The European Council agreed with the WHO that it would be an excellent idea for the WHO to completely manage the next pandemic, in such a way that its decisions would be directly superior to the constitutions of individual national states. In translation, this means that individual countries would completely put themselves in the hands of the WHO's decision-making if it were...

Contemporary Economy - Life on the Titanic

(article was originally written on 1/23/2023) You are also fascinated by how the city streets are full of people shopping, everyone is spending on stupid things, young progressive leftists can't do without their coffee at an overpriced Starbucks, and economists pretend that nothing is happening and that we will move on as before? Over the past two years…