Yesterday, an article appeared on the ČT website about how "The Gulf Stream is very stable and its collapse is unlikely", which would not be so strange if the same media had not published a completely opposite article a few months ago (last summer) "Ocean currents may collapse as early as 2025" and before that in 2021 one more text "The Gulf Stream has slowed significantly. Collapse could occur within decades, study shows”.
But it is far from a unique excess of Czech Television. Yesterday, another completely meaningless article was published "Planting trees can lead to a warming of the planet.", although in 2021 CT still wrote "Planting new forests is an even more effective weapon against climate change than previously thought” – so again two COMPLETELY contradictory reports.
It is interesting that everything comes from the "pen" of one author, a certain Tomáš Karlík, who writes COMPLETELY contradictory and often COMPLETELY nonsensical texts, without any swagger, responsibility, or even self-reflection.
At the same time, the fact that the Gulf Stream does not slow down at all can be found out after a few clicks of z publicly available ocean current data – but we would probably want too much for our concessionaire fee money…
Everything is always very cleverly hidden behind "studies say, according to XY's opinion, according to research..." and the like, which are the perfect defense mechanisms of today's journalists, which de facto protect them from lawsuits and retribution, because they don't claim anything, they JUST take the studies some scientists, possibly people's opinions, or other press agencies...
Up to that point, the stupidity is actually funny and one would like to laugh at it, but the problem is that the ordinary reader and viewer takes ČT as a relevant source with the fact that what it claims has been verified and established, but precisely thanks to that "according to the study" CT (and other media) wash their hands of everything.
Unfortunately, Czech television is taken seriously by other media, or Wikipedia, which then likes to quote it. But what is even more serious, ČT's claims are often referred to as a "relevant media", for example by the courts, when they determine who IS and who IS NOT a liar or misinformer in the public space. Which is no longer funny, because similar court decisions destroy people's careers, or even their lives.
I think it would be a worthwhile job for a lawyer to have the court finally review whether one of these theses is valid: either CT is a relevant media, but it must verify what it publishes, it follows its own code and the basics of journalistic ethics and is so responsible for its texts and can be sued, for example, for "spreading an alarmist message", or is it a medium that "just slaps what anyone brings to it", its information is only tabloid cries, but then the courts cannot be guided by them and be cited, for example, on Wikipedia.
Of course, this whole topic is not only a problem for CT, but for all of today's journalism, because it looks like anyone can write any kind of false headline, or an entire article with a link that someone claims...
For example, let's make a bombastic headline that says "The director of CT is a dangerous pedophile - claims an expert" and then in the text we read in small print that the cited expert is a homeless man named Karel, who is an expert on rat fur because he originally holds a doctorate from Masaryk University... but of course no one reads that anymore. All that will remain is the bombastic headline and the feeling in people that there is a bit of truth in every joke... The seed is sown, the purpose is fulfilled and we can only ask who it serves...
Yes, this is exactly how the truth is cooked today - and from our money too...
Here are articles about CT lying that I have written about in the past
Using a photo after the tornado, presented as an illustration of the war in Ukraine
How censorship works in CT
How CT did not substantiate its claims and again violated its code
Analysis of CT's manipulative reporting
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It's literally pitch black in the Kavče Mountains. One editor next to another - Jews.

..those manure throwers are highly toxic and you can brainwash a person in several ways, not only through chemistry, but also through the media, right...
Yes it's right! Us normals have known that for a long time, but what about that? 🙁
They lie almost daily, they even want to pay for the manipulations - see. eg list!
Even the famous ChatGPT promotes PROPAGANDA and parrots LIES, see e.g.:
They are promoting the same lies over and over again, the old saying that doctors spout that there is not enough mercury in vaccines to harm the human body is a long proven farce! Just like today's doctors who spew the lie that the spiked proteins remain at the injection site, even though the vascular system spreads them to all organs including the brain, just as cancer is catapulted when it reaches the lymph nodes (lymphoma).
Mercury is the most toxic non-radioactive element on Earth. There are 25 micrograms of mercury in one average vaccine (e.g. against flu), while the safety limit is 5 micrograms?!
+ Aluminum (and I'm not mentioning new forms of aluminum and other metals!) in vaccines (listed as aluminum phosphate) helps mercury (listed as thimerosal) in vaccines in general (including multi-dose flu vaccines, etc.) cross the blood-brain barrier.
+ I remind you that the number of childhood vaccines tripled in the 1990s, which was a warning sign that vaccines are actually the direct cause of millions of cases of autism, as the number of cases rose from 1 in 10,000 children to 1 in 68, mostly in men..
And mercury passes through the blood-brain barrier, as do toxic, protein-mimicking viruses from mRNA "vaccines"! Autism Spectrum Disorder is a developmental disorder, not a birth defect, so its cause is NOT genetic.
= Massive increase in inflammatory cytokines in the blood. Inflammation in the brain that is recognized in most autistic children and is related to aluminum mixed with the measles virus that is part of the MMR vaccine. Live measles viruses found in immune cells of autistic children with inflammatory bowel disorders. Pathological changes in the gut microbiome that subsequently promote a dysfunctional immune response, including problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Increased mercury exposure and problems detoxing mercury, lead, aluminum and other heavy metal toxins (which contribute to brain inflammation)…
And the cell danger response (CDR) is when cells are threatened by something in their environment, such as toxic spike proteins that have escaped from the injection site and attacked vital organs. Once the CDR is triggered, the body goes through an inflammatory phase (CDR1), followed by a regenerative phase (CDR2), and then should resume normal function in the CDR3 phase. However, many people with Sprotein syndrome and autism never escape CDR stages 1 and 2, leading to chronic conditions that most doctors write off or simply cannot figure out (especially because they must never point the finger at vaccines).
+ After years of ignoring the serious safety signals for “COVID-19 vaccines,” the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) finally commissioned a safety study to take a closer look at two serious side effects that affect young children and teens: heart inflammation and seizures!
More at:
In a large cohort study involving more than 4 million vaccinated children, the FDA found an increase in seizures in children aged 2 to 5 years. The agency also found an increase in inflammation of the myocardium and pericardium in children aged 12 to 17 years.
"Statistical signals were found for myocarditis or pericarditis after vaccination with BNT162b2 in children aged 12 to 17 years and seizures after vaccination with BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 in children aged 2 to 4 or 5 years," the study authors wrote.
= Children permanently damaged, without scientific justification or legal sanction. Children are forced to accept heart damage and seizures as normal and necessary for the "higher good".
Hi Honzo, you wrote this really well! Thank you! By the way, the misinformation about Ukraine, the tornado passed them by without a trial, right?
The H5N1 bird flu virus was found in cow's milk just as clinical trials of the vaccine began. The US CDC has urged states to prepare for "rapid bird flu testing". This happened after tests revealed fragments of the H5N1 bird flu virus in pasteurized milk at one grocery store.
The media is calling it a "coincidence" that this is happening at the exact same time that a funded bird flu vaccine has just entered the clinical trial phase!
What about those cows who, for example, in Australia, Canada... vaccinated mRNA with crap against the alleged covid19? How many people drank and ate products from this contaminated milk or from their meat? Or just around the corner, German pork, they are vaccinating their pigs for the second year!