Tag: manipulation

Shameless intimidation by the court

Last October, I filed a lawsuit for the protection of personality against the lies that Forum24 has been spreading about me for a long time at the District Court for Prague 1 (judge JUDr. Dagmar Stamidisová - quite a nice account of her work...) (see older text). Yesterday, surely just coincidentally in the middle of the holidays, 40 days after the state-specified…

The Fall of Britain live…

Again, completely shameless informing of our (and the world's) public media about what is happening in Britain right now. A Rwandan immigrant (yes, he was already born in Britain... - so the media refers to him as a "forged Welshman") murdered children in a kindergarten and in some places, the soot was really blowing. Of course, this is not an isolated...

A feast of loathing, ruin, decadence and death

Yesterday I watched the opening of the Olympic Games in Paris and even now, as I write this, I am not well and have a very bad feeling... I would call the first part - the height of amateurism, bad taste and snobbery of the cécque amateur level for the district championship. Paris without people and spectators - empty waterfront and distressed ships……

A big interview for Rádio Universum

About everything that happens around us and what is discussed in my book Guide to the Rabbit Hole - 3 parts, without censorship with Martina Kociánová. Like6

The Truth made by Czech TV

Yesterday, an article appeared on the ČT website about how "the Gulf Stream is very stable and its collapse is unlikely", which would not have been so strange if the same media had not published a completely opposite article a few months ago (last summer) “Ocean currents may collapse as early as…

Talk about books for Parallel

With Jirka Havel about the books – Guide to the Rabbit Hole and The War with the Trees. How prepared are you for the next tree war? Like3

Sunday Live Chat

Recording of evening live discussions. Thanks for all the nice responses and I look forward to seeing you again next time. If you subscribe to my YouTube channel, you won't miss the next debate... Sunday Talk #4 - 9/11 - Conspiracy and Reality Sunday Talk #3 - American "Freedom", Big Pharma, Bill Clinton, Whooping Cough...

Fools and minions

One chapter from my book A Guide to the Rabbit Hole The special group that makes all power games - including the covid and green deal - work are fools and minions, which of course includes most politicians, but let's save those in more detail for a separate chapter. Some of the minions of the system really delusional,…

Catastrophe - The Gulf Stream Stops! Really…?

You probably haven't missed another batch of catastrophic storms on the topic of the Green deal in recent days - this time with the subtitle "The Gulf Stream is stopping". Instead of catastrophic warming, the whole of Europe is said to be facing a catastrophic winter. All the articles that have been published recently have one thing in common – the exact same meaningless phrases…

The king is terribly naked

Sometimes I look at the profiles of old acquaintances and friends, how they still have Ukrainian flags on their profile photos, "I'm voting for the General" and "we're going to do it TOGETHER"... They all live in a huge and interconnected bubble, and with their will alone they support and hold the bubble together. I believe each of them has…

The hero with the crusty bread…

"It's raining outside?" Today's journalist, rather than getting his butt out of his chair, would rather reach out to an agency and find an answer there, or invite two people to the studio, one of whom claims that the sun is shining outside and the other that it's raining. Which, by the way, is no longer the case today either, because today is ONLY invited...

Interview for the Conscience of the Nation

“Want to sweep the squeamish elephant under the rug? In time, everyone trips over the trunk." - pre-Christmas talk not only about the book Guide to the Rabbit Hole. Like12

Interview for Countercurrent

Pleasant talk about the book Guide to the Rabbit Hole and philosophizing with Petr Hájek. Like21

100% Safe and effective!

At the end of the summer of this year, a court in South Africa ruled that the local ministry must publish secret agreements with Pfizer. In addition to the fact that Africa paid many times more for the vaccine than the EU and there are other financial issues that are "interesting" probably more for them, paragraph 5.5 of the contract is interesting for us,...