100% Safe and effective!


Late summer this year the court in South Africa decided, that the ministry there must disclose secret agreements with Pfizer. In addition to the fact that Africa paid many times more for the vaccine than the EU and there are other financial issues that are probably more "interesting" for them, paragraph 5.5 of the agreement, which is also part of the agreement signed by the EU - is interesting for us hence us.

Point 5.5 – directly mentions that:
“Buyer acknowledges that the vaccine and vaccine-related materials and their components and components are being rapidly developed due to the extraordinary circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic and will continue to be investigated even after the vaccine has been provided to the purchaser under this contract.
The acquirer further acknowledges that the long-term effects and effectiveness of the vaccine are currently unknown and that there may be adverse effects of the vaccine, which are currently unknown.“

Full document for download.

The same thing, only in a different paragraph (4), is also in our contract, which the EU concluded on our behalf.

Full document for download.

So in short:
How long does the vaccine work - NOT KNOWN
True efficiency – NOT KNOWN
Side effects - THEY ARE NOT KNOWN

So, exactly as they told us – 100% safe and effective…

Anyway, I wish everyone who didn't understand even after three years, a nice fourth (fifth, sixth...) dose and a long life as an experimental guinea pig.


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1 year ago

I have to add another fact (there are already so many...), but it's actually nothing we didn't know from the beginning, or as Mr. Turánek said – In this country there is an interest in silencing the experts .. link to his new video interview:


"Kocourkov is a rational society compared to the current one. The vaccine should not be spread over the entire body. With a large amount of nanoparticles in vaccines, side effects increase, and the inflammation of the S-protein also plays a role here. The norm of plasmid in vaccines is below 10 nanograms, and in some lots up to several micrograms have been found. Rapid death after a vaccine can be caused by contaminants. The biggest problems of this country are censorship and the unscrupulous defense of something that can no longer be defended. Everything is decided by the public whether or not it wants to continue to be deceived. People have allowed themselves to be manipulated into a game in which they either choose a communist businessman or a communist lampoon, as if there was no other choice. We live in a period of totalitarian power, which has slightly different methods. The task of the coalition of five is to bring this country to its knees and then sell it to foreign companies at ridiculous prices. No messiah will save us, but we ourselves must become the messiah who will put this society back on its feet.”

AND I WILL ADD TO IT - three South Korean universities (referring to data from the health insurance database) found that "fully vaccinated" are worse off than (pure and genetically unmutated) unvaccinated individuals and confirmed (what we have known for a long time) that co*covid "vaccination destroys human health: Autoimmunity, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), inflammation of the musculoskeletal system and other and other problems.. see:


"All vaccines were identified as significant risk factors for each inflammatory musculoskeletal disorder," the researchers concluded. "This study found that individuals who received any vaccine were more likely to be diagnosed with inflammatory musculoskeletal disorders than those who did not receive the vaccine."

1 year ago

It is exactly as you stated 🙁 …

1 year ago

+ It is estimated that at least 17 million people worldwide have died as a result of co*covid “vaccination” idiocy!!




As part of the study, a team of doctors examined 17 countries on four continents in Latin America and the equatorial region, giving them a representative sample of the world. "We calculated the toxicity of the vaccine for all ages, given the number of doses given worldwide, and concluded that this vaccine would kill 17 million people," said Dr. Rancourt. The 17 equatorial and southern hemisphere countries surveyed include Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Colombia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Suriname, Thailand and Uruguay.
!! These death peaks are synchronous with or immediately preceding the deployment of vaccine boosters (3rd and higher doses), reports !!
They also found that the older the recipient of the vaccine, the more likely they were to die prematurely from the COVID vaccine.
!! The total risk of death from vaccine injection in the real population, derived from excess all-cause mortality and its synchronization with the spread, is widespread worldwide and far, far greater than all clinical studies, adverse event surveillance, and cause-of-death statistics from death certificates indicate. and by three orders of magnitude!!

= 17 million? That is not enough for the globalists anyway. Expect another "deadly pandemic" with a miracle "vaccine" to follow soon. Gaťes and others have already told us to be prepared for the next "pandemic", which is just a bonus for the crazy globalists. According to the data, on average, one person dies for every 1,000 doses of the COVID vaccine given. Also note that the two major mRNA (modRNA) injections from Pfizer (BioNTech) and Moderna come in two doses, meaning that for every 500 people who receive the two brands' complete two-dose series, one person will die on average. The more "doses" the greater the chance of death.

1 year ago


"I wore a Josie the Riveter sweater to the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine because I see vaccination as a war effort."
= Now on Tuesday, the cameras started rolling when the mayor of Montreal, Canada, Valérie Plante, collapsed dramatically during a press conference. Plante was answering questions from reporters at a news conference at City Hall when she suddenly stopped mid-sentence, stared blankly for several seconds, then fell to the floor behind the podium. See:

In 2021, Plante received two doses of the injection in April and June, later in December of the same year she tested positive REPEATEDLY.
And yes, the lady was demonstrably "vaccinated with the saving co*covid vaccine"

And yes, the "unexpected collapse" is certainly reminiscent of hundreds of other videos in which people, including athletes, even presenters, entertainers... suddenly faint or even die live. See note:

= Stand up comedian Heather McDonald "brags" about having 3 "experimental covid injections" collapses on stage and cracks her skull when she hits the floor. The comedian collapsed halfway through her performance, with many in the audience laughing thinking it was part of her act.


no one yet
no one yet
1 year ago


The worst, the massive dying of the vaccinated is just ahead of us, and I think I will want to cover it up with another plandemia and speed up possibly another vaccination connected with it. And maybe I won't even cover it anymore, they will dump it on a new beach...

1 year ago

+ Docu film “Shot Dead” tells the stories of children who died after “vaccination against COVID” For the first time ever, you will hear stories of deaths from covid injections as told by parents who have lost their children.

+ "The COVID-19 VACCINE IS GENOCIDE" – wrote the head of the clinic in Chemnitz in farewell and committed suicide

+ Strange fibers removed from lungs of Utah vaccine patient. These strange threads have been seen here before..


Reply  Jan Tománek
1 year ago

Thanks, I'm trying.

+ They won't learn, they still won't.. From the criminal activity of Pfizer (and the farm of all those companies in general). According to a new lawsuit, Pfizer "knowingly distributed" dangerous drugs to children:
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has filed a lawsuit against pharmaceutical giant Pfizer for allegedly giving a popular ADHD drug to children "despite the drug failing quality control tests." Pfizer and partner company Tris Pharma "knowingly distributed" a drug known as Quillivant despite criminal fraud during its regulatory approval.
= and ADHD itself is part of the "side" effect from all those "childhood" vaccines, just as AUTISM is demonstrably related to it! And it's funny and it still proves one thing: we create a problem, we sell it for money, and we make (another) patch for that problem, for money, and they continue..

+ Cemper recently labeled David Šubik's article for Resettheus entitled "The Ministry of Health has no proof that the SC2 virus actually exists" as misinformation. And Cemper lost the case. In addition, the court noted that the ministry does not really have that evidence.
= So far, there is no proof of the isolation of this "virus" in the whole world, but that's fine, let's move on. And it's still not clear what exactly is transmitted from vaccinated to unvaccinated, but something clearly is. There are too many cases, too many stories (even in our family, eye to eye) and too much medical information to suggest this.

Last edited 1 year ago by CZkotas
Reply  CZkotas
1 year ago

+ School “vaccination campaigns” are under scrutiny in France after a 12-year-old boy died on the school floor after receiving an HPV vaccination. Although there have been several lawsuits in the US, India, Japan, Colombia, Spain (even France) that have proven that the HPV vaccine is an instrument of death and debilitation, pharmaceutical companies and multinational organizations continue to fund anti-HPV campaigns in schools around the world.
On October 19, 2023, a nationwide HPV vaccination campaign was launched. The vaccination campaign was aimed at schoolchildren aged 11-14. Not only did the toxic aluminum-based injection poison every single student vaccinated, but the vaccination program also caused the death of a twelve-year-old boy named Elouan.

= Experts say that… The death was caused by EVERYTHING but the vaccine(s). And HPV is (supposedly) contracted through the exchange of bodily fluids during intercourse. The vaccine, sold under the name Guardasil, is recommended from 10 to 13 years of age. Why? Like ALL the “vaccines” given to children…

Reply  CZkotas
1 year ago

About the fact that Covid-19 and the so-called mRNA vaccine is a biological weapon, genocide, articles and sources were published in 2022, on the blog of the Slovak law firm Weis a partners s ro and lawyer JUDr. Peter Weis - akw.sk
Articles in 2023 are no longer available on the blog, but are available at web.archive.org



Reply  CZkotas
1 year ago

I also know a family that had their daughter injected. Why? Well, because she played sports - athletics, she was (is) successful, and my father was afraid that he would never make up for the lack of a year's training and non-competition. And because why? Because sports clubs set such a condition - only children vaccinated against covid can participate in trainings and competitions! So far, the girl is healthy and has no consequences, so far. Maybe she got a good batch. But her father is a jerk, a moron - his only daughter and he will give her to the crows. Disgusting, what kind of people are they who don't protect their young
PS: So children who wanted/want to play sports are also vaccinated here!

The most comprehensive summary on the subject of vaxx:

+ study to understand the nature of the corona

Reply  Anonym
1 year ago

I know that too - it's enough in our family, approximately half are and the other are not. The one that is, that's still something, the worst thing happened to me was an uncle from Bohemia, about 14 days after the second opich he ended up in the hospital with phlebitis. Bloody scabs, bruises on his legs.. And since then he's been there one more time with shingles = CASE EXAMPLE! And he has no immunity. It's totally fucked up.
And for children = there are also my brother and his wife (she is still sick and is looking for doctors, brother so far only a little). Nooo, but their two children are (both under 18 at the time). And they even did it so that they could go to the sea then and not have to "test". And the funny thing is, the problems with the uncle did not deter them (he had it and it is proven in the papers that it was caused by the saving "vaccination"), they still went to whip!! We don't hang out, I have no idea what else they have or don't have. But in my opinion they will definitely not be ok.

1 year ago

If I vaccinate about 70% people on the planet, with what is not a vaccine, against a virus that is not a virus, they have to clean up after themselves and somehow justify why so many people die. Add to that antibiotics that are not antibiotics, contaminated food, water, air and microwaves on every transmitter, by 2025 it's done. Agenda 2030? No way, comrades are going five years!

The more pictures of Fiala with Nutella, the less time you have to figure it out.

And no drugs cure, they just mask the symptoms. How about blood pressure medication? Will it cure? No. It must be taken throughout life. They are basically and literally drugs with hundreds of side effects.
And I'm not taking "medicines" for cholesterol. Some years ago, there was no HDL and LDL cholesterol, the blood cholesterol norm was 6.6 mmol/l. Ditto sugar. They use aspartane instead of stevia.

A biological weapon... And that it's called a vaccine only because it's written in the contract with the manufacturer, and if they didn't call it a "vaccine" then I wouldn't sell that shit.
The main criterion for such scumbags is that the director of Pfizer has 100x more income than him, so he must be 100x smarter, and he is 100x more right, and he doesn't even need to see the contract that Kundula signed with him.

Pfizer sues Poland over Covid-19 vaccine The lawsuit was filed this week in Brussels. Millions of Poles refused to be vaccinated against Covid-19 and Warsaw halted vaccine supplies.
Holt The Polish government reflected the will of the nation and sent Pfizer to the kelp with its genetic shit. Unlike the sycophants and anti-national governments of the Czech Republic and Slovakia….

1 year ago

I have never, in my entire life, heard of so many athletes and young people dying, and I have never seen actors and presenters die, live.

1 year ago

And co*covid and flu “vaccines” at the same time each have their own set of possible side effects, but if these two risky “vaccinations” are given together, the risks are higher. A growing body of evidence already points to one very dangerous side (primary?) effect: stroke. In the study, researchers identified 373 strokes in patients within 42 days of receiving the bivalent vaccine; after 42 days, 1,511 strokes were recorded. Meanwhile, even "scientists" from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) admitted that they had identified an increased risk of stroke in people who received the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine at the same time as the flu vaccine. This finding came from an independently controlled case series involving Medicare vaccine recipients who received both vaccines….


Reply  CZkotas
1 year ago

Since no one wants to even say the word "covid" anymore, let alone get another "vaccination" injection for it, Pfizer's CEO - Albert Bourla - proposes to combine his company's latest mRNA "booster" injections with seasonal flu vaccines to create a new "double dose" in one..

Officials have been lied to and will continue to be lied to.. even the director of the NHS has already confirmed that hospitals lied about the causes of death to create the illusion of a "covid pandemic"

Last edited 1 year ago by CZkotas
1 year ago

on the net-


-A large amount of plasmid DNA was found in packaged form. As with mRNA, the packaging ensured successful delivery to our body's cells. The difference is that DNA is much more stable than mRNA and can serve as a recipe for production over a longer period of time. Cellular uptake of a functional foreign chromosome represents nothing less than a genetic change. It is likely that people injected with the vaccine with these packaged bacterial plasmids will suffer this fate. [..] It is also to be expected that contamination of vaccine batches with plasmid DNA will not be the exception, but rather the rule, as there is no cost-effective method to reliably separate mass-produced RNA from plasmids. Therefore, a long-lasting autoimmune attack on the cells is inevitable when plasmid DNA is inoculated.

Documented. Another brave person, this time a 1x vaccinated woman, files a criminal complaint against the government of Andrej Babiše and the government of Petr Fiala for the genocide of a nation with experimental vaccines-


I'll add some important links to key scientific reviews and vaccine papers:
German Study: Contaminants in Covid19 Vaccines-

Swedish study: I spike protein inhibits self-repair processes in DNA
Swedish study: II Transcription of vaccine mRNA into liver cell DNA
British study: among other things, confirmation of the presence of graphene in vaccines
Dr.Campra-graphene oxide spectroscopy in vaccines available here:
Plasmid DNA in vaccines:

...and still getting vaccinated. What more to add..

no one yet
no one yet
1 year ago

USA: America's food supply has been flooded with depopulation agents intended to silently and illegally sterilize most of the human race, according to an insider at the Gates Foundation, who has admitted that Bill Gates' mRNA vaccines, mosquitoes and food production are part of a multiple eugenic assault on the human race

Sperm counts in men from North America, Europe and Australia are declining so rapidly that most men in these countries will be infertile by 2060. That's according to new research Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Sperm count in Western men fell by 50-60% between 1973 and 2011, according to a new study, and the trend will continue until men are completely infertile.
Interestingly, the study, which analyzed sperm count data from more than 40,000 men, found no drop in sperm count in men from Africa, South America and Asia — parts of the world less dominated by big pharmaceutical companies, GMOs and toxic, commercially processed "foodstuffs."

Girls and women between the ages of 15 and 49 were instructed to get vaccinated with a series of five injections six months apart. This is suspected to be the precise schedule required for the fertility vaccine to induce sterility.

According to whistleblowers, medical billing code data captured by the Defense Medical Epidemiology database, which is run by the Department of Defense, shows that rates of miscarriage, myocarditis, cancer, Bell's palsy, female infertility and many more serious health conditions have skyrocketed since the vaccines were ordered.

1 year ago

Trust the science, get vaccinated! "Believe in science" is a demented phrase apparently invented by idiots at USSA for other idiots. I have never heard a more stupid contradiction. Science has always been there to doubt and verify the results of its research, that is its basis. Therefore, those who "believe in science" quite naturally doubted in the first step and looked for evidence of the results of vaccination. I would also add that it was already suspicious that people were forced to sign informed consent without being informed and also that the vaccines lacked composition and information about side effects. That "consent" was conceived in such a way that anyone with basic legal knowledge should return the diploma after signing it.

1 year ago

Great. I agree. And I will add here (remind you) IMPORTANT info that I have written and updated.. Guidelines for removing GRAPHENOXIDE, how to DETOX (+other substances excreted not only from "covid vaccines") from your body:

+ And writing in articles or discussions about hundreds more proven deaths from sleeping (false) "vaccines" is no longer worth it. There is enough information and facts everywhere. As well as the proven destructive effects. The results of the vax and covid hoax are frightening. So I'll add at least this:
More than 50% youngsters who got myocarditis after the "vaccination" now have permanently damaged hearts:



= As with most such incriminating studies, the mainstream media buried it and pretended it didn't exist.

+ Vaccinations are linked to autism and other health problems in children!

Last edited 1 year ago by CZkotas
Reply  CZkotas
1 year ago

Allegedly, scandals with vaccines have started quite a bit in the USA, something in Switzerland as well....only the media here is silent

Reply  Michael
1 year ago

And they don't rush into more injections either. Recent data provided by the Department of Health and Human Services from the United States (HHS) revealed that only 2% of all Americans received an "updated (new/additional) vaccination" against co*covid after it was approved and recommended (what else) by federal health officials a few weeks ago:


= Anyway 2% there are about 7 million morons (I don't have another name for them, don't be mad at me)..

And even the son of one of the co-founders of the World Economic Forum (WEF – yes, that bunch of morons who want to run all the time), now a retired Swiss banker calls for justice against the criminals (so soon, why now..?) who released co*covid “vaccines” into the world.. Some info e.g. here:


= And yet the clowning called covid still continues.

But what "scares" me more now is how, for example, a purple moron goes to Zionist Israel and deliberately escalates another conflict and is so stupid and stupid that I don't know whether to laugh or cry. because, not only American military bases will be destroyed throughout the Middle East. Hezbollah and other groups from Jordan, Syria and Iran join the fight against Israel. The US and Israel greatly underestimate the strength and military capabilities of the Arab nations…

BUT MAINLY, we can thank the purple fool for this:
Energy prices around the world will skyrocket as energy exports are cut off or embargoed, which will also affect oil and liquefied natural gas (Russia will receive a huge influx of energy revenues thanks to rising global energy prices). Muslim groups will target Christian and Jewish centers in the world. Yessssssssssssssssssssss Americans will double down on money printing to try to finance a war on three fronts (outskirts, azrael, shui-wan). In Europe, there will be a sharp acceleration of inflation as a result of the doubling and subsequent tripling of energy prices. Most people will have their savings, pensions and investments completely wiped out, or better said BANISHED (as I previously reported about the collapse of food supplies, is it possible to digitize "everything" as well?). Global supply chains will continue to collapse. There will be power shortages everywhere, when gas stations also start to allocate fuel. Elections (not only) in Usa will be cancelled and Biden's the regime declares a national state of emergency and attempts total internet censorship combined with a nationwide arms confiscation and outlawing ammunition in the hands of civilians…

The first swallows are already starting to fly...: Fighting between Israel and Hamas could disrupt oil supplies from the Middle East to the whole world. The crisis would "impact global security, escalate regional conflict, it would threaten energy supplies, deepen the economic crisis and trigger further conflicts", said al-Sudani (Iraqi Prime Minister) at the Cairo Peace Summit:


And also note that in recent days there has been a sharp increase in the number of attacks on US forces in Iraq and Syria after Biden declared full support for Israel in the war. And what about immigrants in Europe? And add to that the purple moron who rides bibim on azrael, you can't make it up....

=And pour that purple scumbag (with other political sh*ts) back into the fire and still stupidly read it to Bibi from a pile of papers like a complete c*kot=

Reply  Jan Tománek
1 year ago

Yes, it is :-/ And we live in (US colony) Czechia, that's how they normally present us abroad, not only in the news .. no Czech Republic 🙁 …

I have to put this here as a reminder:
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So, the Czech Republic supported Israel and Israel launched an attack. For such Fialas and Babiše was the republic founded on October 28, 1918?

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Even General Blažko failed?!
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Even General Blažko failed?!

Last edited 1 year ago by CZkotas
Reply  Jan Tománek
1 year ago

In 105 years, this country has not experienced greater humiliation and ridicule in front of the world than in the last two years of this "democratic" reign of terror.

Reply  Jan Tománek
1 year ago

I'm sitting at my sister's by the ring road and within twenty minutes I get two calls that they want to vaccinate for Covid. There were 23 of them on the syringe that I looked over my shoulder. I thought that no one would get vaccinated on their own initiative. The vaccinated get a command in their brain and go. They simply have an affected consciousness from the sticks, muzzles, previous vaccines.

We see it unnecessarily negatively. This should be the only positive thing, when the stupid havelo-sheep will reduce themselves. Ideal! When you find out that they're mutts, recommend another dose of the covid vaccine and tell them how well it worked for you. It is necessary to have them eliminated by legal means, and vaccines fulfill that. If someone is retarded, then immediately support him in beating all the dots. There is no help for those who do not have advice.

And if you live in Prague, I recommend stopping by the Thomayer hospital, in the vaccination pavilion.

Reply  Jan Tománek
1 year ago

Finally here with ofcema it looks like as of today it is:
"300,000 people have been vaccinated against covid since September"
And I think that the numbers will realistically be smaller (i.e. 10,000 if they were stabbed daily, there would be 300,000 in a month). (morons).

For others – stay away from all needles of all “vaccines” even “tetanus is not JUST tetanus” .. don’t play the big pharmas their games…

Last edited 1 year ago by CZkotas
Bozena Maderová
Bozena Maderová
Reply  CZkotas
1 year ago

I read somewhere that m.NA crap is not only put in
of all vaccines, but also in all industrially processed foods. Since we have been in Nato, they have been spraying us with the same thing. The point is that we all have the same thing in our bodies, even the unvaccinated ones. You can get infected from those eyes, it is transmitted through the mucous membranes. And I'm still worried about the blood as such. People come to donate blood and no one keeps track of whether or not they were an eye. And then you can receive a transfusion in the hospital, even if you don't want it.
And then what will we do with the pulverized agricultural land? Then it won't help you to grow your own vegetables and fruits, avoid chemical fertilizers and sprays, and try to be food self-sufficient and independent of the system. You will have that crap in the soil and you will never again be able to claim that you grow organic products and raise organic cattle, even if you only graze them on organic land all year round. And then where do we get clean and healthy food?
In the end, we already know what kind of crap is in the springs of the rivers we drink, how much microplastic we all already have in us. As if the simple pollution of nature by our production was not enough, they must also purposefully harm by spreading poisons.

Reply  Bozena Maderová
1 year ago

It is as you stated

Reply  Bozena Maderová
1 year ago

Yes, and regarding food, I will add a link to the SK translation - "RNA and DNA contamination of food is much worse than you probably think"

And I will add a new finding – Italy's former health minister - Roberto Speranza - could be charged with murder after emails sent at the start of the co*covid operation show he knew full well that "vaccinations" were killing people, but forced them on his country anyway! "According to reports, Speranza, who at the time knew that a co*covid vaccination was a death sentence for a person," ordered local health authorities throughout Italy to not only promote vaccination, but also to conceal all deaths and serious side effects from the public, while at the same time Italian citizens were falsely assured that the vaccination was "safe"!! SEE:


"The allegation is that the responsible minister and the head of the anti-narcotics office knowingly and deliberately exposed the unsuspecting Italian population to this risk,"
"Yes, they encouraged Italians to get vaccinated. Vaccination was even mandatory for some professional groups. Subsequently, many side effects, including fatal ones, came to light. Murder, grievous bodily harm and more are being investigated as Speranza and Magrini apparently instructed local health authorities to cover up deaths and serious side effects that occurred immediately after the vaccinations began, so as not to jeopardize the vaccination campaign - and to reassure citizens of their safety .”

+ I see that below the nick "jiri" posted a link through YT to the video "Jaroslav Petr: Microplastics and nanoplastics. Small, ubiquitous, harmful? (C.Nobel Teplice, 20.7.2023)"= I RECOMMEND SEEING IT, I ALREADY SAW IT IN THE SUMMER and I wasn't very happy with those findings 🙁 …

Last edited 1 year ago by CZkotas