Tag: considerations

Sunday Live Chat

Recording of evening live discussions. Thanks for all the nice responses and I look forward to seeing you again next time. If you subscribe to my YouTube channel, you won't miss the next debate... Sunday Talk #4 - 9/11 - Conspiracy and Reality Sunday Talk #3 - American "Freedom", Big Pharma, Bill Clinton, Whooping Cough...

The king is terribly naked

Sometimes I look at the profiles of old acquaintances and friends, how they still have Ukrainian flags on their profile photos, "I'm voting for the General" and "we're going to do it TOGETHER"... They all live in a huge and interconnected bubble, and with their will alone they support and hold the bubble together. I believe each of them has…

Let's finally talk about the Great Reset

Original text written in March 2022 (supplemented by new videos) Let's call it what you want - New fourth industrial revolution, New world order, Green deal, Agenda 2030, Great reset... - it doesn't matter - the result is still the same and we need to really start having fun with it. Global Redistribution and Modern Socialism…

What if II…

When I wrote my sci-fi review "What if..." some time ago, I was missing the last piece in the mosaic for everything to fit together perfectly. Such a small detail that you know that when it falls into place, everything will only start to make perfectly crazy sense. I still find myself…

It is not "just" a point to Croatia

Written for Echo 24 - June 21, 2021 Man is a strange creature - the more banal decisions he makes in life, the more time he devotes to them. I know, I was one myself until recently. He spends long minutes deciding which of dozens of pizzas to order in a restaurant, choosing hours and going through all the parameters...

What if…

Allow me a little sci-fi writer's reflection today. Imagine that you are a really rich and powerful person. I'm not talking about the people who are tossed around as "billionaires" in Forbes for the masses to talk about and dream about - I mean, when you're really rich and powerful - like the groups that…