When I wrote my science fiction review some time ago “What if…”, the last piece in the mosaic was missing for everything to fit together perfectly. Such a small detail that you know that when it falls into place, everything will only start to make perfectly crazy sense.
I kept asking myself what would be the significance of the fact that if it was really about the liquidation of a relatively large part of the population, then its executors in the manner described would actually eliminate those who would be the best servants. Exactly the crowd that perfectly obeys and carries out their orders, and only the rebellious and quarrelsome who disobey remain illogically.
And the second question mark, which is more difficult - if it really was about the enslavement of people and a certain depopulation, why is it going so slowly?
This question is easier - in order to avoid a massive collapse of the system and also a great awakening and understanding of the masses, it stands to reason that people must die slowly, gradually, and from all sorts of causes. In short, to trace as few common patterns as possible and to make the narrative of "randomness" and "unrelated" last as long as possible.
And besides, they need masses of people who will "clean up" everything after this crazy game of theirs and bury the dead - perfectly cynical...
But there are more of those ways - vaccines, for example, are just one of the "small" ways. Another could be an unbearable increase in prices, which will "eliminate" pensioners and other socially weak people who were not destroyed by the vaccine and covid with their crazy solution, among other things.
Then there is for example this appalling story from Great Britain and talking about the "common practice" that is now prevailing here and mainly ruled during the covid "pandemic". Are we really returning to the practices of the Third Reich and the "merciful euthanasia" of the weak and sick? After all, the trends in Canada, for example, are also in this spirit, where euthanasia is completely out of control…
And then there are, for example, various "accidents" and chemical plant fires. You don't remember the huge ecological one a derailed train disaster at the beginning of February? So know that she is not the only one - these are just the places in America where there has been an "accident" and a fire since the beginning of February.
And as I follow the news from the world, it is far from happening only in America...
Well, if you add to that the escalation of the war in Ukraine, which if it really "flares up", with the involvement of other countries, as they may be planning, then it will do the rest of the destruction in Europe and its population.
The crazy thing is, as I found out, some people are really afraid that Russia won't stop in Ukraine, and that the Russians will come all the way here... Actually, it's the exact same irrational and pointless fear - just like the fear of covid - that is quite purposefully and accurately evoked by the media. And those people, unfortunately, do not see that by what they are doing - that is, by escalating the war and before that by following senseless measures and vaccinations - they are doing EXACTLY the opposite and the worst possible thing. So they will prolong the situation, destroy their economy and health and escalate the war here.
In this case, the Great Reset is, in addition to the existing book, a global conspiracy plan and a tendency towards one world government and totalitarian control of people. Do you believe it exists?
But to return to the main point - that they don't mind that mainly the rebellious complainers will remain?
If all this is really true and it really is this perfectly made up, then you as the new ruler of the world need to legislate a tremendous amount of change in society and amending laws, which, however, must be enforced by someone and voted for by someone else, so that the installed global government is subsequently legitimate and, above all, its position unshakable. The masses who now naively serve will gladly take care of the change themselves...
That is, after, when only rebellious querulants and non-submissive ones remain in the world, the new system must be completely stabilized and the relevant laws and Constitutions changed.
And who could do it better than the vast unthinking and servile mass now going willingly with a song on their lips literally to the slaughter along with political stooges drunk on their apparent power? And that's happening right now.
Then it will be too late to change anything - and those who remain will have no chance at all.
If I wanted to come up with a perfectly diabolical plan, this is exactly how I would do it, because unfortunately there is almost no weakness in a runaway train like this, until people wake up in time, or some factor X intervenes...
By the way, during the Third Reich, of course, no one believed that disabled people were killed, and the Red Cross did not believe (did not want to believe) in the existence of concentration camps until the end of the war.
But of course, it's just a sci-fi story again and everything is certainly just a coincidence - today nothing like that could ever happen again - it's only in the textbooks after all...
Two texts that I have written before and in which I see some hope.
Paradoxically, I see hope in stupidity
Paradoxically, I see hope in evil
I have detailed everything in more detail in my new book A Guide down the Rabbit hole
You will best support my work buys books,
if you don't read, you can and otherwise....
VIDEO: War mongers Naď and Káčer debated the conflict in Ukraine. "Shame! Shame! Shame!," shouted disgruntled people in the audience, showing their opposition to the two ministers who, as part of the ongoing fight against Russia, are trying to provoke World War 3 by sending weapons to Ukrainehttps://www.infovojna.bz/article/video-vojnovi -stvaci-nad-a-kacer-debated-about-the-conflict-in-Ukraine
I am looking forward to the time when Naď Káčer Čaputová, Heger Matovič, and of course the monkey Havran will walk without security. They ignore people's rights, so the only peaceful way to express their displeasure is to boo them. They deserve it!
What "coincidences" that these "accidents" in America only affect red states - like right now Ohio and Florida.. The fourth -industrial- disaster has happened in Northeast Ohio within a few weeks. On Wednesday 1.3, a fire broke out at a metal manufacturing plant in Cleveland, Ohio, causing several explosions. More than 50 firefighters and hazardous material specialists responded to the scene. The fire caused nitrogen and propane explosions that released fine dust particles and unknown byproducts into the surrounding air.
Such "random" bad luck cannot happen so quickly. It's definitely sabotage. Plus, since it's a strong red state = the bidet isn't too worried either.
And regarding the bidet - according to the investigators, the Okraine gas company Burisma functioned as a money launderer for the "Biden family"
+ Florida: DeSantis attacked in Florida against the globalist LGBTQ+ company Disney, which operates Disney World attractions in Florida and was exempt from paying taxes and even on Disney land Florida state laws did not apply, the company had land as its own self-governing district, similar to Washington DC in the state of Columbia.
Well, at the end of February, Governor Ron DeSantis signed a new law, by which, for example, the right of the Disney company is taken away, the land comes under the ordinary jurisdiction of the state of Florida, and the globalist company Disney, which runs LGBTQ+ toxic gender woke productions for children and youth, must start paying taxes in Florida . It is not surprising that the globalists blew their fuses and the Republican Party, which in February openly supported DeSantis against Trump, suddenly turned 180 degrees and this morning the party leadership supports Trump, which is also shown by the latest polls in the USA.
+ Perlička, when PMC Wagner Group soldiers found in Bachmut during the fighting..:
Ukrainian Orthodox Church Kyiv Patriarchate Diocese of Vinnitsa
= It's the same process, nothing has changed on the margins, and after the collapse of the USSR, the West only decided that this anti-Russian narrative after World War II St. after the defeat of Nazism, the war will revive.
In order to spread Nazism and fascism, which served them, the circumcised, so well during the Second World War, the government of the purple circumcised is able to pamper those Ukronazis here and there in Europe and let them make a mess of the republic, they are supported by benefits for which there is money from the budget , from the funds for Czech pensioners, who are being stabbed in the navel by our bastards at these very hours in the parliament...
They have to pay for the war and the fascism of the nation in the first place, even at the price of committing "assisted suicides", as has been rampant lately. Not one such case has actually been reported:
And the Ukrainians who work here on the construction sites are hard workers and you can have a reasonable conversation with them.
ALL those with Nazi tattoos, aggressive people and those who mainly "escaped" here in expensive cars and with suitcases of money should return to Ukraine.
But they have to bribe Ropushan with toads.
NATO - to the last drop of blood. On the anniversary of the opening of the USO, a video appeared about how NATO actually "supports" Ukraine..
"Stop NATO! Cease fire immediately! Negotiate peace!” shouted thousands of people in Brussels. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vv9UUDltp5I
I bet that Kowenko and our government won't do anything about it, the Banderization of the Czech Republic is going on, after all, they are working intensively on it and the "untouchables" are on the same level as the green bastards spol.
It has long been known that Azovians and other fascists set up their cells here and are protected.
An honest scoundrel who is not afraid of work went to Russia, or Germany, or further afield.
Yeah I thought how can NATO call for help to Ukraine if they are winning every day? you can't argue like that, war. to the administration that why do we have to shake hands when Russia already lost yesterday? how is it with those blue funnels, they go with us, if not to the gun, then to the trenches, factories and hospitals?
So, in the end, the government will impoverish the pensioners.. When will the pensioners take the same amount of money in valorizations that they spent on marginal weapons. And the pensioners are silent, they don't protest, they don't take to the streets, because that's the nature of the nation. And this is how everything has been at the top here in the moron, for three years now...
EU spokesperson: we need to increase production of ammunition/bullets because we are running out on the margins. Well, I bet the Ukrainian generals are happy that the Russians now know that Ukrainian soldiers have to count bullets before going into battle 🙂
And one idiot fringe man in a smart uniform declared that his country's tanks would soon be in Red Square. He's an idiot because his tanks will never be in Red Square unless the Russians take them home as souvenirs. The problem with the fringes (and everyone else who supports them in fascism) is that Russia has nukes..
Last week I saw two messages. One reported that the four-day work week is popular abroad. Another reported that more and more people were complaining that they did not have enough money to meet rising costs. OMG — you'd think someone would notice the connection, right?
The globalist guts want to release particles into the stratosphere to partially block the sun to overcome non-existent global warming. Is the real reason for this dangerous nonsense is the shortening of the growing season and mass starvation around the world? Therefore, anyone promoting dangerous global warming lies should be arrested for fraud!
And how many US citizens know that Biden promised that America will pay pensions to marginal lemmers?
And speaking of America, they still demand that foreign visitors must be "vaccinated", which does not do what it is supposed to, but kills and maims people. Why does the US government want to stop sane visitors and ensure that only idiots enter US soil?
CZK question... absolutely exactly... it's more comfortable to listen to the pipe on TV and read the newspaper, they must know it there...
Producer prices in the Czech Republic continued to rise by tens of percent year-on-year in January this year. They rose by 25.5 percent in agriculture, by 19 percent in industry, and by 11.4 percent in construction. They make food, housing, and energy more expensive by a total of 17.51 TP7T by fraud, indeed even by 50 or more %.
Car companies are reducing production due to a lack of parts (Skoda), Toyota in Kolín closed the plant for the whole (so far) of February. Smaller businesses are going bankrupt, traders are closing...
The government only cares about Ukraine, it heavily subsidizes migrants with our money, at the expense of our citizens. "Thus, thanks to Czech efforts, hundreds of pieces of heavy military equipment and more than a million pieces of rockets, anti-tank grenades and large-caliber ammunition with a total value of forty billion crowns have been delivered to Ukraine to date," said Fiala. "Since the beginning of the Russian invasion, the Czech Republic has been one of the largest donors and supplier of military aid to Ukraine.
The government is planning to increase VAT on all goods, including food and medicine, increase property taxes, increase highway tolls, public transport fares, abolish st. contribution to the building, dowry. savings, etc. It plans to introduce co-payments for treatment and surgical procedures in the healthcare sector, including entrance fees to the doctor. He proposes that the services of dentists be fully paid for by citizens.
Employees' salaries are stagnant, they want to reduce pensions, but they increased themselves and judges by 13%. In every way they want to skin us, make us homeless, the onset of poverty and even hunger for many.
Crime has increased (thanks to the demonstrations), suicides and psychological problems of citizens have increased.
Collapse of the Czech Republic.
Humanity is being slaughtered in a long-planned genocide and no one is doing anything about it or talking about it, except the alternative media! If this goes on much longer, there won't be much of humanity left-
Demonstration for the destruction of the Czech Republic
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0veGXwWOd-s
They want the complete destruction of the Czech Republic and that is why they came to demonstrate not only on Wenceslas Square, but also on Letná. They want even greater inflation, much more expensive energy, no pension, they want to donate all the money that is still in the state coffers to the Ukrainians and most of all they want a war with Russia.. Such demonstrations in support of criminals are an ideal place for recruitment (and eventual capture) into the army. Then it would be seen how seriously the fight for their pseudo-values, these morons think.
Don't worry, these will be fine too. The only thing he told them was that you will lead the cause. Weak consolation!
Otherwise, one thing seems a bit strange to me in recent months, and that is that every time I go to take out the trash, the containers are empty or half-empty (the paper and plastic bins are full). Before, it used to be the other way around, the containers were cracked to the top, now you rarely see it. Why do they suddenly have such a need to take out the garbage so often? Basically half-empty garbage cans…
The older generation perceives the current situation more cautiously, but the young are under the influence of propaganda. And so I guess it goes round and round.
Meanwhile, the cancer-causing compound is spreading in eastern Ohio.. That disaster in eastern Palestine that released the largest chemical dioxin fallout in history is just the tip of the iceberg. It seems that the world powers are now ready to strike at once and unleash hell on earth like never before. Coincidences?!
Well, in emerica (it probably continues and expands): An explosion at a metals factory in Ohio on February 20th killed one person and injured 13..
Also on Wednesday, February 22, a fire broke out at the Y-12 National Security Complex uranium processing facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. All 200 employees were immediately evacuated from the premises.
And meanwhile, there's a new "study" that claims World War II-style meat and fossil fuel rationing (but only for the West, of course) is necessary to ensure the planet's climate doesn't wipe us all out.
"Next week, countries will begin negotiating a 'zero draft' of a new pandemic deal." pic.twitter.com/IGbx7b8tzq
If this one "agreement" approved, it will negate the sovereignty of all nations
So, in the name of fair allocation, they will take away our resources. Our food, water, chickens and pets, survival supplies, etc. They will take the children away from the parents if the parents do not comply and will claim that the parents are "endangering" their children. Let's not forget the new contract with the WHO. The WHO will be able to unleash its newly granted power and enforce its "pandemic" procedures on everyone. Not only that, they will be able to "quarantine" anyone if they fight back. Who will enforce all these things? I think maybe the immigrants - military age males flooding our country. The government has paid for their housing, food, and other amenities and will cut them off when it's time to fight. And that will happen soon.
+ proposed legislation in Brazil threatens jail time for refusing mandatory co*covid “vaccination” pic.twitter.com/VvJuUnaM3E
…and as the decades passed and each generation of influenced men realized that they could use science and technology to exterminate people, they too did not hesitate to do so…
Residents of Ohio are experiencing terrifying symptoms, and thousands of animals are dying.
However, many residents have expressed concern about the effects on their health, and more and more reports are coming in that describe the disturbing symptoms many of the area's residents are experiencing, as well as the effects on wildlife in the area. However, most of the residents of the area paint a far different picture of the reality on the ground than the media and the government are trying to tell...
State officials admitted yesterday that more than 43,000 amphibians, crustaceans, fish and other animals may have died as a result of the derailment. Residents have reported finding dead roosters, rabbits, cats, dogs and foxes, with animals such as pigs falling ill with strange symptoms. In addition to the carcinogenic dioxins that poisoned the area, there are also concerns about the presence of toxic PFASs from firefighting foam at the crash site, which likely contaminated soil and water and does not break down in the environment.
If 43,000 "animals" died, millions died and people will die in large-
I'm trying new comments - you can also give pictures, links are better - bold - comment rating… – and tons of other features.
You should also be able to log in via Facebook and other social networks so that you don't have to have an account here.
Does it seem clear to you? Or is it just a matter of habit?
Be sure to keep the comments "without registration", thank you 🙂
Well sure - that should work, shouldn't it? It's more about system and design.
I think it's better. Thanks.
Let's say you have some purely private experience with models of the future and the crisis and collapse of complex systems.
Which one?
My experience is mainly this:
1. All models are flawed.
2. The plan is one thing, the reality of its execution is completely different.
It is perfectly true: "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth." – Mike Tyson
3. Every system stands and falls with the energy available to it.
Where will you get the energy to implement the Great Reset? The US and EU energy plans and transitions to "green" - in fact extremely dirty energy are laughable to those familiar with the global energy situation.
Personally, I'm leaning more and more towards Taoism and Wu Wei.
Why does someone think their solution is better than others?
Where do you get the assurance that it's not supposed to be like this?
The ongoing collapse of the West is a natural process that has a number of precedents in the past.
The current "decadent" elites are simply doing what the elites have always done - they naively think that they control the ongoing processes.
Nice illusion.
A few observations on the topic:
I have no experience… just a thought, nothing more. And I have no idea if that's the case.
But I think it's important for people to start asking - What if it really is?
Everything is happening as it should.
It is part of material and moral evolution.
I freely quote Michael Laitman (in the introduction to the Book of Zohar): until mankind steps on the path of truth (Torah), they will be given a cruel ruler who will force them to the path of truth (by hardship)…
And what if it's the complete opposite. The sheep will be eliminated precisely because they are so easily controlled and from the point of view of "GOD" they do not deserve their place on earth. A quarrelsome man proves that he is worthy of his being. Why? Because he resembles "GOD" ……
Well, I'm not entirely sure that the annihilation of most of humanity would be God's plan... although there was actually a Flood and other plagues in the past... well, we'll see. 😉
So some of the current events fit the prediction of the biblical apocalypse...
Better for the future of humanity are non-sheep, but trapped in a fixed system.
I didn't go to the bee at first purely out of disbelief in the safety of the vaccine. I had no idea that I was also expressing a political opinion.