When I was one of the first to dare to speak out at the beginning of the Covid period (in autumn 2020), Aktuálně.cz immediately rushed in with a defamatory article and video, the funniest part of which was that it actually didn't deny anything at all, it just tried to ridicule and defamate me. Each of their sentences began: "In this, my…
Outgoing President Joe Biden pardoned his son today, saying, "No reasonable person who looks at the facts of Hunter's case can come to any conclusion other than that Hunter was singled out simply because he is my son..." Sure, guns, drugs and a laptop full of child pornography and…
We all well remember how PAN Imán Khalif won in women's boxing at the Olympics and what an uproar it caused, especially in the left-wing progressive media, which immediately tried to refute it in every possible way. Likewise, "fact-checking" agencies that are paid by the EU and the government, such as Demagog, could break out to reveal the truth...
Some time ago, I filmed a video on how censorship and shadowbanning work, for example, on YouTube, when the search engine deliberately does not find what is on YouTube. A lot of people object to this: "Facebook and YouTube are private companies and they can have any rules - start your own network...". Sure, if I forget…
I think things are starting to move… and this is a VERY important message in these times of chaos. Watch this one minute video that covers everything. It’s easy – ANYONE who uses the word “disinformation” is a liar! There is ONLY truth or lies. Like10
Last October, I filed a lawsuit for the protection of personality against the lies that Forum24 has been spreading about me for a long time at the District Court for Prague 1 (judge JUDr. Dagmar Stamidisová - quite a nice account of her work...) (see older text). Yesterday, surely just coincidentally in the middle of the holidays, 40 days after the state-specified…
Again, completely shameless informing of our (and the world's) public media about what is happening in Britain right now. A Rwandan immigrant (yes, he was already born in Britain... - so the media refers to him as a "forged Welshman") murdered children in a kindergarten and in some places, the soot was really blowing. Of course, this is not an isolated...
Yesterday I watched the opening of the Olympic Games in Paris and even now, as I write this, I am not well and have a very bad feeling... I would call the first part - the height of amateurism, bad taste and snobbery of the cécque amateur level for the district championship. Paris without people and spectators - empty waterfront and distressed ships……
A very important and above all harshly true video. We can guess WHY this is happening, but the fact that it is already happening is in itself unmissable, but still most people do not want to believe it for some reason... Dutch lawyer Eva Vlaardingerbroek spoke this year in April at CPAC in Budapest,…
Yesterday, an article appeared on the ČT website about how "the Gulf Stream is very stable and its collapse is unlikely", which would not have been so strange if the same media had not published a completely opposite article a few months ago (last summer) “Ocean currents may collapse as early as…
You probably haven't missed another batch of catastrophic storms on the topic of the Green deal in recent days - this time with the subtitle "The Gulf Stream is stopping". Instead of catastrophic warming, the whole of Europe is said to be facing a catastrophic winter. All the articles that have been published recently have one thing in common – the exact same meaningless phrases…
However, you constantly read the exact opposite in the media - there are eight billion of us and it's a DISASTER. Sometimes there is a small whiff of a "local problem" - for example, CT finally noticed that for the second year in a row, the birth rate in our country has dropped by 10%, which is completely unprecedented. This is the equivalent of an idea,…
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