Control over your money at RB Bank? But go for it!


It started with us Česká spořitelna unilaterally canceled the account for the Healthy Forumwhen I refused to fill out their bullshit questionnaire.

Another experience with banks occurred about a week ago, when we found out that Raiffeisen Bank is completely blatantly spying on your payments and calculating absolutely ridiculous carbon tax figures for them.
First my wife wrote a complaint, but this meaningless piece of electronic paper was returned to her (Probably with an internal bonus for the writer for every word “sustainability” she uses….).

The funny thing is that the bank is not even able to monitor its "responders" to ensure that they write the same thing. My post since it has meanwhile generated a fairly significant response on social networks, so the bank promisedthat within a week it will introduce the option to turn off this spying. Well, not “turning off”, but hiding it in the application, but in the background the bank will of course continue to happily monitor everything…

So we immediately proceeded to cancel the account. But hey...
Do you think that the money in your accounts is yours and that you can do whatever you want with it? Or that it is safe? At Raiffeisen Bank, that's what you get. FORGET!

Through the mobile application, where we of course went through all the security steps, we confirmed the transfer of all the money to a new account in another bank (FIO). And within a minute the phone from UNKNOWN numbers.
It was an RB employee (supposedly)... that they noticed a "SUSPICIBLE" transaction.
"It's okay," the woman said automatically.
"Tell me the year of your birth."
Seriously – FOREIGN An unknown number asks you for your year of birth...?
This is roughly what the woman replied to him and the man said that he would pay DON'T DO IT!

I'll cut it short - because we were finishing with them, the woman finally said her year of birth and the payment (even though it was entered as INSTANT) came only after many hours...

Is this how Raiffeisen Bank detects internet crime? As a fraudster who bypasses all bank security, I probably wouldn't be able to find out the client's year of birth...
Only complete client blunder and a security hole like the Titanic – yoyo – “Responsible Bank of the Year 2023”

It's your money. ONLY What do the managers of these banks understand - don't let them fool you, let them know what you think and go somewhere else!
Next time I will write about how ČSOB values its business clients and how I am also closing my accounts with them after 20 years...


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3 days before

Banks are the greatest evil, which, from the position of owner of everything on Earth, begins to poke its nose into private transactions and dictates to its clients (or rather, subjects) under what conditions they can have an account with them.
I am at KB for a mortgage – they refused to set up an account for the editors of Svědí národ because they are labeled “disinformers”, so I plan to leave. The same thing is happening at Spořitelna. Two months ago, at Moneta, after I had documented my income to get a new mortgage, they wanted a monthly statement. When I asked why the income was not enough for them, the mortgage advisor literally told me: “we want to see what you are spending on”! And my paycheck goes to RB, where I have been somewhat satisfied so far (although historically I have dealt with a complaint about the bank arbitrarily switching on my bank identity 4 times!). Fortunately, I do not have the application and will not have it, and I recommend this to everyone else. Pay with cash so that I do not lose it and do not unnecessarily support applications for everything that can be arranged and works without them. I only have a basic RB key for logging in and I deal with everything on a PC, where I do not allow data collection. They might still be spying on me, but I didn't notice any carbon footprints in my online bank. Have a nice day and thanks for the article 🙂

12 days before

I remember opening a bank account in a village at a Czech bank branch in 1995. All I needed was a bank statement, there were no pointless questionnaires back then, no one was spying on you, no one was aggressively forcing their services on you. There were no mobile networks or telephones in the village, so no annoying monitoring calls.

Currently, the human stupidity, ignorance, greed and predatory nature of banks and insurance companies is insane, it is reaching its peak and it is clear that one day their downfall will come. It almost doesn't matter if it is a bank like ČSOB, ČS, KB, RB and others. Each of them is following the agenda of characterless, greedy multi-billionaires who send their bank employees only new notes on how to act".

There are still small differences between them, although KB, RB and ČSOB are literally "factories for producing idiots".
Everyone is only interested in money, those who have a lot always want more and more.

I no longer respond to their irregular, "fake" and annoying monitored phone calls from the bank and email questionnaires, saying that I am satisfied with their services and what new banking products or services they have, where the goal of the call is basically to break the client and add another paid service. Because their beautiful words are just a theater for idiots.

So anyway, Honza, I agree with you, it's exactly as you write, you need to cancel the account. There is no other way.

And the same goes for mandatory TV license fees. And if that criminal gang in the PS approves mandatory fees for everyone who has access to the Internet, I'm done with the Internet. I really don't want to pay those psychopaths any more.

13 days ago

Thanks Honza for continuing, I gave the information to everyone around me. Almost no one knew about it! Today I will probably finish the sample letter for revoking consent to all that crap and resigning. The only luck is that you have a brain in your head and that you are more visible:)

14 days before

Thank you Mr. Tománek for the interesting article. However, switching to another bank is only a temporary solution, all banks will gradually switch to it….

15 days before

“You don't own the money in the bank, the money isn't money, it's not in the bank, and the bank isn't a bank.” Daniel Steigerwald (ChainCamp2023) Searchable and explained on YT. In my opinion, the foundation of financial literacy.

15 days before

mbank – we have it at home, there was nothing like it and there is none..
+ The ESG agenda, which pushes companies to behave “sustainably,” promote “diversity” in the workplace, and similar steps, is on the wane… and that’s only a good thing. More in John Stossel’s video:

Last edited 15 days ago by CZkotas
Reply  Jan Tománek
15 days before

You're right, I've also seen that all known Jewish banks have such Zionist leanings. Hand in hand with propaganda. No job works without it, i.e. without an account to send "paychecks" etc. We don't use any "applications" and therefore we don't have "mobile banking", we don't support this shit at home, just like Jewish TV, Jewish news, Jewish propaganda, Jewish fake science..

Back to mBank - we've been using it at home for over twelve years, never any hidden fees, everything is free, they've only called me about 1-2 times in twelve years (otherwise I have all marketing etc. disabled in the banking settings), never any problems, everything works without any problems for me, everything is always handled online, primarily in banking.

Is it possible to change this Jewish mess in any way, to function without it?
In my opinion, no 🙁 . I mean without a “bank” and an account in it..

And from what I read recently, the introduction of mandatory digital identification for all nations on the planet has become a major goal of the UN. It won't happen tomorrow, but eventually the plan is to include practically all people in the world in the system. After that, nothing on the Internet will be able to be bought or sold without the help of a digital identification chip mandated by the UN!! Without a digital identification chip mandated by the UN!!!

By the way, the UN also runs Jewry, in case you didn't know, just like all major organizations!

Last edited 14 days ago by CZkotas
Reply  CZkotas
12 days before

It is impossible to function without an account.