I am suing Forum24
The cup of "normal" media expression has overflowed a long time ago, but I think even journalistic work should have some limits and not constantly reach into the deepest mud and write completely obvious lies that have only one goal: to discredit and increase readership and own sales on these victims.
On September 24, the editor-in-chief of the Forum24 server wrote a completely false and deliberately defamatory article "And we have another bottom. The mayor of Náchod's eighteen-year-old daughter died, anti-vaxxers are rejoicing", which on the server hung on the main page all Sunday.
In the text, without citing any source, the author tries to give the impression that I rejoice at someone's death, and what's more, she directly writes that "tens of thousands of people died needlessly because of such spreaders of lies as Mr. Tománek". Which is really strong coffee that cannot be easily passed over.
That's why I decided to file a lawsuit on FORUM24 and demand both an apology and a financial sum for the damage caused.
A week ago, we sent a pre-lawsuit request to the server to remove the article, publish an apology and pay a "symbolic" sum of 1 million crowns, which I would donate to the children.
(Link to the full text of the pre-suit summons: PDF)
Instead of an apology and an answer, today another false article about me was published in the printed weekly, where this time a different editor tries to create the impression that I deleted some kind of article where I was "making myself popular" or perhaps mocking death.
I NEVER wrote any text like that, so I couldn't even delete it!
The only status I posted about the death of Mayor Birke's daughter is still online and it is the following image where I just linked the Mayor's older article urging young people to get vaccinated and the latest newspaper article where the media reports that his young daughter died of an embolism. I only wrote that I am not going to comment on it in any way and that others should ask.
This is in no way a random and isolated excess from the Forum24 server, because I have counted similar defamatory articles about my person fourteen in total.
When suing, it is necessary to submit 1% from the sued amount + court fees, payment for a lawyer and, in the event of a loss, also for the opposing party's lawyer, which is "fun" that costs more than tens of thousands of crowns, and the media rely on the fact that an ordinary person cannot sacrifice so much with the fact that even if he is right, the result of the court is completely uncertain.
But as I wrote, the cup has overflowed and this cannot be tolerated by the media any longer. In 2012, Marek Vašut sued the boulevard for 1 million crowns, "only" for the fact that they completely fabricatedly wrote about him as having depression.
Well, where have we come in eleven years, haven't we?
I have no ambitions to make a living from this, and all the money I get if I win in court will be donated to the children and I take the lawsuit not only as a defense of my honor, but as the protection of everyone who has already been intentionally harmed by this server in the past.
Thank you very much to the good lady from the tobacco shop on Vinohradská, who let me photograph the article in the printed weekly for court purposes, so that I would not have to support this mud with a single crown.
Update - October 19, 2023
Through a legal representative, I have filed a lawsuit against the Forum24 portal at the District Court for Prague 1, in which I will demand the removal of a false and defamatory text about me, I will demand the publication of an apology, and I will also request compensation for non-pecuniary damage in the amount of 4 million Czech crowns.
Update - November 3, 2023
On October 30, the District Court for Prague 1 accepted my lawsuit against Forum24. A court fee of CZK 40,000 was also paid yesterday.
Thank you very much to everyone who contributed to the lawsuit - to date, CZK 64,132 has been collected, the rest of the money and the rest that will be collected will be used for legal services related to the lawsuit.
Update - March 8, 2024
Today, the first hearing against Forum24 took place at the District Court for Prague 1.
The very "quality" of Forum24's journalistic work is probably best described by their own statement on our lawsuit:
"...the defendant emphasizes that part of the article "The fact that tens of thousands of people have died needlessly because of such spreaders of lies as Mr. Tománek, but they remain tactfully silent" represents journalistic exaggeration.“
And the biggest crown to everything, however, is their expression:
"As for the "anti-vaxxers rejoice" part of the article, this part of the article it is not primarily associated with the plaintiff, but is mainly based on the contribution of Lukáš Neterda dated 22/09/2023, which stated "Jan Birke's daughter died of an embolism. Think what you want about me, but I am sincerely happy about this event of this COVIDista, I wish him the same and I laugh at him.¨
So - that I am spreader of lies and that tens of thousands of people died because of me – is, according to Forum24, "journalistic exaggeration" and the entire headline and body of the article, which is completely about me, is actually about someone completely different that I'm not with at all nothing in common and what is even more spicy, his name is not even mentioned in the text...
So much for the work of the "quality" journalists of Forum24 and that, by which he quite seriously defends his lies before the court… 😉
The next hearing was adjourned so that we could complete and specify some details, including the amount of non-property damage.
Moving on - thanks for your interest, support and I'll write again as soon as anything else is known.
Update - August 8, 2024
A sequel and an unashamedly intimidating verdict!
If you would like to contribute to the lawsuit, please send any amount to the transparent account of the Healthy Forum 2602999420/2010 and please include a note "Action".

You will best support my work buys books,
if you don't read, you can and otherwise....
I agree and stand behind you, cross my fingers and, of course, send a contribution.
I see that the government, the media, etc. they are simply the only ones here who keep lying, almost everything anyone has ever written, said.. THEY WILLIORLY IGNORE AND DISTORT ALL THE EXPERT FACTS!! see e.g.:
"There are many cases where opinions are put into our mouths by certain groups that we have never expressed. And of course they harm us by spreading similar lies, untruths and manipulative claims. And they also damage the professional scientific discussion as such, because they force scientists to self-censor and present only those opinions that can be asserted "with impunity."
This is happening everywhere, all over the world, and it constantly confirms the fact that:
So Private Kotas' link and other comments clearly show what's going on here... :-))) Well, cesspool.
Yes, even the comments clearly prove that Forum24 is a cesspool, that's true... :-)))
Well, Private Kotas agrees that F24 is a dump site 😀
I have read everything and I fully agree with everything and sign incl. a gift:) I informed others, so we'll see what response it will have...
Thank you and greetings
PS: See you at Hučka's :)
Mr. Tomanek, just hrrrrr at the journalistic dump that the F24 is without a doubt!
I'm happy to contribute. F24 are truly disturbed people. Among other things they wrote "Bandero forgive" it's about supporting movements associated with the genocide of Poles, Jews, Russians and Czechs, and that's 3-5 years if there was a rule of law.
Yes, I'm glad that you took this topic a little bit, I'll throw in this one more so that we're in the picture and a link to ZF:
31 years ago, Yugoslavia was bombed for 78 consecutive days by the then 19-member North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Many families in Belgrade, Novi Sad and Niš fled to bomb shelters daily during the air raid. The lasting trauma caused to millions of civilians, especially children, is perhaps impossible to calculate. And this was denied or ignored by Europe and the world. As forgotten as cluster bomb fragments and depleted uranium left behind by "NATO humanitarian intervention". The air war was justified by US President Bill Clinton, British Prime Minister Tony Blair and NATO Secretary General Javier Solana as a noble crusade to stop "the worst genocide since Hitler" in the Serbian province of Kosovo. Operation Allied Force began with a barrage of Tomahawk cruise missiles launched from ships and submarines in the Adriatic Sea. In total, more than 1,000 NATO military aircraft flew 30,000 sorties over a country with a population of just over 10 million, including two million in Kosovo; a military bloc whose total population at the time was about 850 million and which included three of the world's nuclear powers. In total, 23,000 bombs and 2,500 cruise missiles were dropped on the territory of the former Yugoslavia.
= That video shook me.. As the death toll rises in Gaza, bodies are also being loaded into ice cream trucks. Ice cream vans, which still have advertising images of smiling children enjoying ice cream cones on their sides, are commonly used to deliver to supermarkets.
More than 150 members of al-Saleha families in northern Gaza are staying in an overcrowded building without access to drinking water, while five family members who were forced to leave for southern Gaza after Israeli orders were killed on the way. Saleha and her husband, who own a small three-story building in northern Gaza, said they are hosting nearly 150 people from their extended family who have fled their homes and are looking for a "safer" place.
“Practically speaking, there is no such thing as a safe place in the Gaza Strip right now, but some people are running from one place to another looking for shelter. Wherever you go, you are exposed to random Israeli strikes that hit the besieged enclave,” she told the Press TV website.
Hundreds of those who made the perilous journey were killed or seriously injured along the way.
"This is how we feel in the Gaza Strip, so the Israelis are giving us two options," Saleha told the Press TV website, recounting scenes of unspeakable horror:
The intervention of Israel is too brutal, it led to the massacre of a human convoy, the bombing of the airport in Damascus, Aleppo... Putin has never done something like that in Ukraine - for Russia to bomb the neighboring states of Ukraine and their flights! Or not to supply Ukraine. The West and the USA needed Russia's resources, but it withstood the pressure of the sanctions, so they may want to loot Iran, I would wait to see how it works out. Applying collective guilt to all Palestinians, Israel, and politicians everywhere, even here in CR, does not and will not pay off. It is arrogance and nonsense.
I SUPPORT YOU IN THE FIGHT AGAINST LIES! I will add that Forum24 is a cesspool, garbage. I also contributed. A lot of lies and misinformation is published on Forum24..
Thank you very much for the wish and contribution.
I join with a small contribution, Mr. Tománek. Forum24 is the biggest cesspool of Czech pseudo-journalism, as you rightly describe them, and it is necessary not to let them pass through it all the time. I have never seen a more wretched bunch of scribes in our society. I hope they disappear into the abyss of history soon.
Thank you - you are right, unfortunately a lot of relatively normal people read them and even take them as coins...
Fingers crossed, Mr. Tománek. Forum24 has published an article full of fabrications about me as well. It is really the bottom of Czech pseudo-journalism.
Mr. Tománek,
First of all, it is good to judge yourself. I see it as at least an attempt to regulate today's journalistic prostitutes.
Just consult a good lawyer. As far as I know, it is very difficult for a judge to recognize damages if you even state up front that you are donating it to charity. Donate those later. First of all, you will probably have to prove that you have suffered damage and that you deny it in advance with your statement. But I'm a legal layman, I just studied similar judgments for the sake of the matter. .
Hi Honzo, I agree. "It's disgusting, your majesty"... I was happy to contribute to your trial. I wish you to keep your mental health while in contact with that cesspool.
Thanks a lot - I take it as a process for all of us. Especially if I don't get anything out of it.