How to legally buy elections

Read: 1937

Of course, it is just a coincidence that the electricity subsidy of NOK 3,500 came to the customers of ČEZ, which is owned by the state from 70%, not now in October, but already on September 13 - that is, more than a week before the elections...

And what is the actual real help? I can only speak from my experience:

1) In the house where we live and where I will pay (without heating) about 35,000 per year, it is spitting into the water, which does not solve anything at all. For those who also use electricity for heating, the amount will certainly be below their ability to discern and in their account around CZK 150 - 200,000, they will hardly find it...
2) At the cottage, where we don't go much and the monthly deposit was CZK 150, it will pay our electricity for almost two years...
3) In the old house belonging to the woman's parents, where historically there are two electricity meters and the house is not used much now, we will earn 2 x 3,500,- and again we will have prepaid for about two years...

I would therefore like to thank all the citizens for donating to us from their taxes in such a completely senseless way, without our wanting it, and unfortunately those who, unlike us, would really need help, also contributed to us.

I'm glad that you didn't let yourself be bought in the election again and you made such a great choice... 😉


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1 year ago

And ČEZ announced an increase in profit to 52.3 billion crowns from 6.7 billion crowns.
And he will introduce further electricity price hikes...

And the Netherlands became the first country to lift sanctions against Russia without the EU's consent. Acting in the best interests of its citizens, the Netherlands today officially lifted sanctions against Russia, even though the European Union did not approve or authorize them.
As the first country in Europe, Holland started by issuing 91 exemptions from sanctions against Russia after the first invasion. These exemptions were for specific items that the country needed, such as aluminum and food.
Today, the country has decided that many other sanctions must disappear because there is simply no good reason to continue them, because they only harm Europe, while they do almost nothing to "punish" Russia.

=The rest of Europe had better get off the EU war wagon=

2 years ago

In my opinion, the increase in energy prices is mainly for people to pay more money to those gunsmiths for the production of weapons and ammunition.. everyone is unknowingly a perpetrator and a participant in the war, all behind our backs... ABOUT US WITHOUT US!

2 years ago

A little about CEZ's special Ukrainian tariff:

2 years ago

Whip Russian propaganda. The interior has a plan to block websites that threaten the Czech Republic

Rakušanhe interior has declared an information war on the citizens of the Czech Republic!!

2 years ago

More interesting in this masquerade called "elections" is the turnout itself, which probably everywhere in the first round was around 30-35% MAXimum on average in each region, in the second it was even lower by 10%. It can also prove that people are angry and purposefully avoided the elections to show that the dog shits on the ruling shit..
But otherwise you are right, it is a FRAUD committed again and again on ordinary people! The insolence towards us is blatant!!
And I don't understand how in three years 1% ruling idiots called Jelita (when politicians are just puppets and all politics is theater) will rule the world and when the rest of us 99% won't do anything SIGNIFICANT to change and reverse all this 🙁 …