Tag: government

A big interview for Rádio Universum

About everything that happens around us and what is discussed in my book Guide to the Rabbit Hole - 3 parts, without censorship with Martina Kociánová. Like5

EU Parliament Elections 2024 - own survey

Let's not be influenced by fake polls that have the sole purpose of manipulating your vote. A small poll from my and other bubbles... But we will see the final result at the weekend. Like98

AstraZeneca quietly withdrawn and ministry's life-threatening lies

They are all equally safe and effective... Vaccine manufacturer AstraZeneca has admitted that their vaccine can cause severe clotting and is withdrawing it from the market. Such an admission by the manufacturer is really VERY alarming, because in the legal circles of drug manufacturers, only one thing applies - hammer, hammer and hammer again, because every recall of a product…

The king is terribly naked

Sometimes I look at the profiles of old acquaintances and friends, how they still have Ukrainian flags on their profile photos, "I'm voting for the General" and "we're going to do it TOGETHER"... They all live in a huge and interconnected bubble, and with their will alone they support and hold the bubble together. I believe each of them has…

A hope that really cannot be silenced

At the end of last year, Judge Loretta Preska released a list of 150 names of people connected to the investigation of Jeffrey Epstein's pedophile scandals, and more details will follow...In addition to the names given by the pilots under oath, there are names from the flight plans of people who have been proven to Epstein's pedophile island they flew many times. No one…

Still not weird to you?

Don't you still find it strange that everything is getting more expensive and there is not ONE objective reason for it? Energy, food, housing, raw materials - everything is flying up at a dizzying speed, while nothing fundamental has happened in the economy and is not happening (that is, except perhaps artificially induced inflation). Oh yes – Ukraine. Sure, it is…

"It's all the media's fault" - Interview

Covid. The war in Ukraine. Israel, Hamas and the Gaza Strip. Three events that could not and cannot be discussed in public with any deviation from the only accepted opinion, without the bearer of a different view of the matter being ostracized from decent society. Previously, such fierceness and inciting hatred in my opinion...

Non-dotted stories - Czech documentary

The next part of the long-awaited documentary Conscience of the Nation (after Dotted Stories). A great act about the trauma that our society has experienced and it is not healed and must not be kept silent about it. I am very proud that my wife Verča was one of them. On the stories of 24 brave people who chose instead of fear…

I wonder in vain where the difference is...

Original text published - 3/6/2022 I recently came across an article on Echo24 where the author wonders how in Russia they prosecute teachers who say something other than what the government propaganda claims. …and as it turns out, it can be quite tricky for educators in Russian schools to try to oppose the official narrative in any way. In April…

You don't have to believe it - it's enough that they do!

The European Council agreed with the WHO that it would be an excellent idea for the WHO to completely manage the next pandemic, in such a way that its decisions would be directly superior to the constitutions of individual national states. In translation, this means that individual countries would completely put themselves in the hands of the WHO's decision-making if it were...

The epoch between August and November - a documentary

Of course, this document from 2019 is no longer available on the CT website, but I think it is even more worthy of attention, because its analogy with today and the transfer of power is striking - only this time it is in a different guard and under a different power. It is a statement of almost…

All or nothing

The MP for ANO JUST dared to ask on Twitter that it would be worth it to investigate everything regarding the intervention at the Museum... You can look at the dozens and hundreds of reactions yourself. Here I have selected a few of them... And it is not only politicians who can do it within...

Intervention in front of the Museum provoked by the police

It is quite clear that Minister Rakušan publicly LHAL about the incident in front of the National Museum. Like all mainstream media. Does anyone else feel like we live in a state of law when the police don't help and protect, but INTENTIONALLY incite violence and engage the crowd standing in front of the Museum building? AND…

How are people handling the price hike and not on the streets yet?

Energy and mortgages are almost three times more expensive, some foods are twice as expensive, the prices of services, medicines and actually everything naturally start to rise in an inflationary spiral thanks to energy. What is happening is completely unprecedented. And I've been asking myself and the people around me for almost a year now, how is it possible that after...