Is there a levy?

Read: 919

This is a continuation of the text about the army, where the conspiracy is slowly becoming a reality again.
As time passed with the army laws and the election of Paul - here.

Yesterday, a rather disturbing letter appeared, which is being sent to doctors in the Ústí Region, inviting them to appear on 18.5. to the mobilization exercise, where the readiness and feasibility of the levy procedure will be verified.

The fact-checkers immediately went on the attack and may break (by the way, again a great indication that this is a serious topic and hit the nail on the head), to trivialize this absolutely alarming thing with naive references to the past, that such exercises are commonly done...
Sure, military exercises are routinely done, but to involve civilian doctors in a country with a professional military? That would mean relatively extensive levies and a mobilization that is unprecedented and that army doctors could not handle…
But again, just a conspiracy that - the good general Pavel and the great prime minister wouldn't do that, drag our country into war... 😉

Meanwhile, the article appeared in the mainstream and the "chief covidator" expressed himself very surprisingly - he probably hadn't received the instructions yet and was caught unprepared... 😉
“This is the first time I've heard of this, I've never heard of anything like this. Not even in this case - I don't know that anyone would turn to the Czech Medical Chamber in such a matter. In our country, full-time military service has been abolished for almost twenty years," Milan Kubek, president of the Czech Medical Chamber, told the editors.

And now it again depends on the doctors which side they will take - so that they can look their children in the eyes one day...


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1 year ago

+ Off topic but I have to! Info about the famous "Ukrainian counter-offensive" which is currently underway (was taking place), when Ukraine shoots at its own troops, as has been confirmed many times before: A pair of Ukrainian soldiers defected under fire from their own units to the side of the Russian Army! The offensive of the Ukrainian army has turned into a retreat, but the retreating soldiers are being shot by AFU punitive units with machine guns!

As you can see, there are deserters in the end from the spectacularly announced offensive.

So, the offensive ended on the first day, and now they are looking for ways to cover it up. This is really stupid propaganda that they broadcast to televisions that still believe them.
But mainly they still send udders there (in our country five-demolition with a purple moron at the head) all billions, the whole degenerate west, and not to defeat Russia, after all, it's laughable..the propaganda! It's all starting to get awkward!!!

Well, theirs the hyped “shhhhh offensive” offensive has stalled (finished?) and no wonder because Chief of the General Staff Valery Zaluzhny is missing, and recently the head of Ukrainian military intelligence, Kyrylo Budanov, is also missing.

And the flooding of the area under the destroyed Kachovská power plant is supposed to be an excuse to force the postponement of the next Ukrainian offensive!
And I will add that the propaganda of the Bandera (purple) junta has let the media service down the collective toilet through a plume within the narrative of an inhuman Russian who must surely be punished for everything. I checked it out yesterday, it's bullshit. that Russia did it and that the animals in the zoo died there, etc.

But it works for them, because the authorities (just like with covid fraud) do not fundamentally verify it, and the falsehoods are then not corrected, so the information then remains with them. Then when you start to contradict them, they are able to fight with you that you are destroying their information space!!

Reply  CZkotas
1 year ago

Just like with the Nord Stream, it was discovered after some time that Russia did not do it, the same thing will happen here at the ziiiv dam, propaganda has been running full time for three years every day, and thank you for all the information, I appreciate it

Reply  Boyka
1 year ago

Over the past two days I've seen enough drone videos (and not only) of edge vehicles honking in tight formations across open fields, with no mortars, no smoke screen or artillery cover, only to blow up in minefields and be massacred by anti-tank missiles. .
No experienced platoon or company leader would plan and execute such an attack, but after watching these videos, I doubt the perimeter still has one.

But propaganda aka TV, Seznam.. it still goes according to its instructions.. Just like with covid….

Last edited 1 year ago by CZkotas
Reply  CZkotas
1 year ago

All the newspapers yesterday claimed that the fearsome Russians were not shooting at tanks, but at agricultural sprayers, tractors, or not hitting each other. I myself am curious as to who and how will change everything after the end of the special operation...

1 year ago

How many such smiles are there in World War II photos?!
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Reply  CZkotas
1 year ago

Are they politicians or comedians?
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1 year ago

!!They are already taking them. Tanks today, us tomorrow. OSTRAVA SVINOV:

The German tanks are already there. Czech cannon fur will follow soon. For Ukraine, Fiala, Pavel, Černochová, European values and the European Union dictatorship!
I remind you that they also started training camps on the outskirts, the same recently in Bulgaria.
Running out of cannon foor…
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1 year ago

Bulgarians are already receiving conscription orders. When should it be our turn? Let's stop it!

+ Money (fraud) for the fringe - up to 70 % stolen by the Bandera junta! Just Mr. Khazar ZELENSKY stole over EUR 400 million!

+ Tatra banka shocked its clients when it quietly canceled basic services with immediate effect. Branches are switching from cash to cashless one by one:

1 year ago

It will be so-called cannon fodder if it comes to that. These conscripts need no training whatsoever. The Russians then aim fire at the mass, expose their positions and empty their supply of ammunition and round

1 year ago

Even under the Warsaw Pact, ČSLA did not hold mobilization exercises regularly every year. The reserve players were also mapped medically, they didn't have to practice extra, and paramedics were on every unit. It was about the exercise of military units of the return mobilization detachment (eNZets, outfitters, etc.) and the mobilization of equipment from the national economy to the army. What and with what does this current cabaret club called the army want to rehearse? At most, collecting meat for the butchery.

Nobody yet
Nobody yet
1 year ago

NATO weapons, including Slovak and Czech, kill civilians, including children, every day in the Donbass. Politicians sending weapons must face fair punishment!

1 year ago

All of them go hand in hand with the introduction of TOTAL CONTROL, including pushing "insects" as they are hasty, full of proteins, etc. But the fact that the human body does not process it and that almost nothing is absorbed from the super proteins, is kept silent about. And that they are starting to test it on children in kindergartens, schools... And I'm not writing about slipping digital currency, digitizing passports, ID cards...
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So the majority will do what, don't look, act like it doesn't concern them, shut up and move on... where is "the" border... how much longer? THEY WANT TO REPLACE MEAT WITH BUGS!!

And what is the situation with the Czech post office, when the 300 branches are to be replaced by the Okrain post office and finances go back to the margins? By the way, this is already quite vehemently rumored on the social networks, so go ahead, but since I don't go to any, I don't know this information, but I discovered this message that is only a month old:
And exactly for the period when ČP closed and will end branches?! Not even Hitler opened the German post office here. If this is true, then the banner at the National Museum is not disappearing. The flag of another state on a state building or national monument signifies occupation.

And what about the incitement of the EU, NATO... against Russia? Before the European Peace Plan:

1968- for Dubček, for Svoboda .. And today: for Pekarová, for Fiala?

Try moving to a non-EU country with open borders = most will require you to prove you have financial assets or means of subsistence before being allowed to stay. No usurious social benefits are allowed.

+ covid candy, at the end. Autopsies reveal medical atrocities of gene therapy:

Last edited 1 year ago by CZkotas
Reply  CZkotas
1 year ago

Some of the comments on the article on the list are really powerful. As in one of the majority of the debaters are nutrition experts. In 2020-2022, they were experts on mRNA "vaccine" and Covid.

For a moment I thought that I would insert a link to Mrs. Mgr. Ivana Stenzlova, who has been dedicated to diet for more than ten years and literally warns against it.

As he says, the already poisonous industrial foods will become even more toxic with the insect particles. I didn't put the link there in the end, it probably wouldn't last long anyway.

Reply  Martin
1 year ago

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=The poster above was created specifically to manipulate children into eating bugs. He uses cheap psychological tactics and uses arguments like "everyone does it", "you can dip them in CHOCOLATE" and "it makes you cool". He also argues that "meat carries diseases" and "makes you sick"... They say you can't get sick from insects. Propaganda claims these LIES..

1 year ago

Hand on heart
In such a country, where the ruling party of the five coalition increases their salaries, but on the other hand increases the prices of food, services, VAT for other people, censors other opinions, hastily changes the valorization law, wants to reduce gambling taxes and recommends continuing to inject mRNA chemical shit into children as well , so any further collaboration with government regulations and the army regarding levies can only be carried out by an idiot or a member and vassal of this poor party.

During the pandemic, the previous government, launched at the behest of the WHO, broke dozens of laws with impunity, destroyed the economy and did not even consider the Constitution of the Czech Republic, and the current government continues in its footsteps, and will determine who will not be subject to levies and who will be sent to certain death on Ukraine. Well, sure, I'm all "hot", that's all that's left. Shit!

The quintet and their cronies in the ranks of the ACR did not give me my life, and they will not take it from me either.

Well, to be honest, I was probably very naive when I lied to myself since 2019 that the Army of the Czech Republic is the last guarantee that the elected government here complies with the Constitution and the laws of the Czech Republic, and in case of non-compliance it will take decisive action, but it can be seen that it itself is part of the problems.

1 year ago

..I have a message for all those Hrušinska, saffron, jandy, doležal, cemper, cartouche and all sorts of other elves, or whatever they call themselves: what you wanted, you will get in abundance in the coming months. It was only a matter of time before the destructive approach of the government's incompetents to inflation, marginal processes, warfare, Russian gas, energy would quite logically translate into the disastrous state of our finances, and only an idiot could think that it didn't concern him, that it would be enough call glory to Fial, straw at the cowshed, I don't want Russian gas, we can handle it, hooray for a Russian or what do I care about pensioners, they're fine, they've had enough anyway. Well, it won't be enough - it's your turn after the retirees and real value workers, and it won't be a pretty wake up call. People need to eat, but listening to, reading or watching propaganda videos and even paying for them is something everyone will think twice about in this year's economic situation. And the state won't save you, because it has no way - you can't even borrow against debt and then give it to your cronies indefinitely.

Well, over time they get sharp and the pro-regime one didn't drag everyone. The first swallows have already flown from the nest - see, for example, proposals to increase VAT in culture. And the cultural front is already screaming hysterically at Novinky - how could you do this to us? To us, your voters!
And by the way, a typical example of the logic of the followers of the five-bludarius - you can rob pensioners, we don't care, they don't vote for you anyway, but how could you do THIS to US?

All the artists, political non-profits, bought pro-government media, experts in institutes researching war and peace, Greendeal peeps, democracy watchdogs and a number of other non-movers attached to the state's teats, looking sourly at the paper from the ministry that, sorry, unfortunately, the sources have dried up...

Reply  Jan Tománek
1 year ago

We are not alone, more and more people are waking up, and once they wake up, they won't go back to sleep. The question is HOW LONG… The hardest option is almost always the right one.
It is easier to deceive people than to convince them that they have been deceived. – Mark Twain

The false narrative being promoted is meant to make people feel POWERLESS.

Is Digital Currency Almost Here? But first the global financial system must collapse to make way for it. This is happening EVERYWHERE now 🙁
IF he comes digital currency, it will be the ultimate form of tyranny..
The US, like Europe, is already in recession. More and more people are unable to pay their debts.

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Reply  CZkotas
1 year ago

It depends on the digital currency and who is behind it. If it is a digital euro or dollar as part of the Great Reset or a digital currency backed by precious metals as part of the transition to a new quantum financial system see

Reply  XMart
1 year ago

IMF launches Unicoin, a new global CBDC to enslave the entire planet under a single global digital currency

Reply  CZkotas
1 year ago

...we are watching the apathy of Czech pensioners who let themselves be robbed of their valorization a few weeks ago, and because they kept their mouths shut, the government now wants to cancel their pension payments in cash. He who stood for a while stands far away….
Total Control and a cashless society will trample citizens' remnants of freedom

Reply  Anonym
1 year ago

Pensioners have been going to the post office for money for decades. So what has changed in terms of street safety in recent months? Why so suddenly?
I can only think of one thing: the number of Ukrainians. This is the only change that can be observed. So is Mr. Rakušan telling us that pensioners and by extension all of us should be afraid of Ukrainians?

Last edited 1 year ago by jiri
1 year ago

Rict simply no and no! It does the same thing as with covid. They consider us idiots every day, I don't care, I'll just blame them, like with covidism. And Cemper is the king of idiots, he hasn't even learned to speak properly, anyway, even the speech therapist gave up on him when he was still a child, hahaha! Imagine an army made up of cemeper, violet, black, elf and all those greased up stupid senseless european western dignitaries burning america xD

1 year ago

they did the same thing with covid, if people don't see it, they are just mentally ill, they also said that vaccines are not voluntary and how did it turn out