Interview for the Conscience of the Nation


“I stopped watching the mainstream a long time ago. It seems strange to me that I would suddenly start believing someone who has been lying to me for two years. It's like that abused wife at home who keeps apologizing to her husband, that he didn't mean it that way, that he likes her... Psychologists and sociologists will one day benefit from what's happening here," says writer and director Jan Tománek in a new interview. According to him, attacks on his person in various media and on social networks do not affect him. Swearing experts and public figures into pro-Russian trolls and trolls, which is already taken as the color of the time, reminds him in some ways of pre-war Germany. Tománek recently published a new book, The War with Trees, which is a chilling parable of the covid era. "I had to write several chapters after I finished it so that the absurd parable would have any exaggeration at all," he comments.

"The worst thing is that people don't understand the connections... Energy prices didn't surprise me at all, I already knew a year ago what they would be and how much it would cost us. A lot of people I asked a year ago what they were going to do about energy, then they said nothing, and now they are very surprised. And many people still don't realize that it's not about whether you wear a sweater at home, but about the fact that when you have three times the energy prices, it will very quickly be reflected in everything...," the founder of the Healthy Forum shares his observations, saying that According to him, the train that our society is traveling towards decline can no longer be stopped. According to him, it is important not to remain silent, not to jump on lies and not to support them. "My way is to surround myself with friends and laugh about it, give each other optimism," he says.

This and other videos on the website - The Conscience of the Nation Foundation


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2 years ago

Thank you very much for the interview with journalist Markéta Dobiášová..I immediately heat up the keyboard and write to Válk and all members of the government..The absence of data, the audacity to recommend another dose, no responsibility..Thank you, I will use this interview as inspiration for asking questions.

2 years ago

The only Green Deal and nothing else is allowed in the EU, the EU liquidates any attempts to obtain gas..
The lack of fuel pushes fuel prices up, this leads to an increase in the prices of goods and services that people will SOON not be able to afford.
Economic and social disruption will come in all countries of Western society and they will be offered a solution in the form of a contract of unconditional income, but it will be conditional on lifelong humility and obedience...
It doesn't matter who you are, how much money you have, saved, etc. everything will fall

Helena Ghazalova
Helena Ghazalova
Reply  Boyka
2 years ago

-yeah, and we'll HAVE to go to war-
Helena G. Žatec

2 years ago

Thank you, heard. I agree with everything. People finally need to fall on their faces in order for "something" to change. I hope it happens SOON. They still don't understand and live in the naive idea that the government will take care of them, or it will be done by itself.

AND WARMING IS NOW GOOD: “Environmentalists” in Germany are now praying for a warm winter as energy shortages and soaring prices loom..:

"Now, as Germany's energy crisis deepens dangerously, Federal Economy Minister Robert Habeck (Green Party) is desperately looking for ways to somehow get the country through the winter without gas supplies running out and millions freezing to death,"
“One way is to ask Germans to turn down/turn off the heating significantly in their homes so they don't run out of gas before the end of the cold weather next May.