European values…?

Read: 13781

Yesterday I was interested in a status of some sort Jakub Janda from Facebook that I received an alert on.
I only saw his laconic statement "Fourth dose because I'm not an idiot".

So I wanted to see who this person who is being followed by 12,000 people is.

Mr Janda is former gay porn actor, a graduate student who received a reprimand from the faculty for plagiarism and, most interestingly, has been running his non-profit since 2010 European values.

This in itself is probably not objectionable and everyone can do what they want, the problem is when such a non-profit organization receives generous grants and payments from our state, other states and other non-profits and non-transparent companies.

For example, on theirs USD account are interesting and relatively high incomes in dollars for the last month only - 120.000, 54.023, or USD 45,125.

Similar amounts can be found on theirs EUR account – where I was interested in paying for EUR 25,000 written "MINISTRY OF FINANCE" - is this our ministry or another?

And if we look at the spending side CZK account. so here are the amounts for just the last month:

Rent: 71,400,-
Computers: NOK 275,418
Salary costs: 377,200,- 422,016,- and 386,099,-
That is a total of 1.2 million in salaries for the month of June alone.

I remember how recently the media, some politicians and journalists literally dragged us through the mud, what Zdravé fórum "affords" to pay monthly for complete operation for several people - NOK 50,000 for legal services, excluding tax, and another approximately NOK 50,000 for complete website management , texts, graphics and operation of servers and mail systems...
And all this ONLY from the money of small voluntary donors without any grants or state aid.

And here is a non-profit organization that operates in a completely different order, is heavily subsidized by other non-profit organizations and even very generously directly by the state (not only ours), the embassies of Canada, the USA and the UK, and the media is completely uninterested? Where is our famous investigative and State Watchmen?

Sample of subsidies from 2020 (Minimum 2.4 million crowns from our state alone)

It is also interesting to see what the media wrote about Mr. Janda's "expertise" back in 2016 - (The creations of Jakub Janda have nothing to do with professional work, experts agree)
And this person today determines who is and is not a disinformation and where the "truth" is Czech television cheerfully refers to him and for that, this nonprofit collects millions.

What are all these generous payments for? What do they actually do?

And that's just it European values – one completely small and insignificant fish that kicks completely for the establishment, the government, the European agenda and for vaccinations, while we all pay for it.
But that's probably enough to give you an idea of the enormous amount of money, pressures and forces that are spinning in the entire gear.
I really feel like a small handful of rebels standing against the limitless might of the Star Wars Galactic Empire.

In the end, all that remains is to state also laconically: Mr. Janda is right - when I see all this, he is probably not really an idiot, and on the contrary, idiots are all of us who are trying to fight for freedom and truth.


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1 year ago

It is a certain skill of the parasite to find the best host.

2 years ago

Would anyone like to join? They offer a salary of 36,000 to 43,000 CZK for full-time employment at HPP.
And that's pretty decent today.

2 years ago

European values…? = Ukraine is right, no matter what it does. Just put a Ukrainian flag on your car - and you will be selected. Brussels approves it. This is what a double meter looks like in a practical version. One is allowed to promote one's views almost without restriction. They can easily settle in Staromák or Václavák. They can shout slogans like "Save Azov!" and howling into unconsciousness - all allowed.
!And attack Bohemia to infinity|:comment image
= And the police have no problem. Today, anyone who has the wrong flag above them - i.e. Czech, and also dares to play the wrong anthem - Czech, is a supporter of Putin.
This is what our democracy and equality look like today..

Czech Republic in 1st place! 09/03/2022 / 14:00 / Wenceslas Square

2 years ago

There are +- 200,000 fact checkers in the world today. Everyone knows that being a fact checker is easier than working and more profitable. About 99% fact checkers have no qualifications and more than 98% are illiterate. Who wouldn't want to become a fact checker too? Just follow this:

1) Going to primary school so you can say you have an education. (Being able to read and/or write is an option, though you'll need to add up large sums to keep track of all the money you've been given).
2) Learn to lie without feeling embarrassed or ashamed.
3) Open a page with a name that has one or more of the following words in the title: "facts", "approved", "verify", "truth", "authorized", "independent", "manipulation", "international" , “global”, “authorized” and “disinformation”.
4) Write to the government and the Gates Foundation, asking them to sponsor you.
5) Look for people who tell the truth (the opposite of the narrative). Then simply say they are lying. No need to try to prove them lying.
Remember the Fact Checker mantra: “Knowledge is a barrier to criticism”. Your government and MSM media will give you names of people to target 😉

That is all! Now you can become a full-fledged, authorized and approved fact-checker and get rich. Hundreds of thousands of other people have already succeeded - why can't you?

2 years ago

I have x blocks from Janda on different networks. Just for prompting not to respond to him. Janda releases a provocative post, he doesn't care about anything else, he doesn't respond, but people do and so do his fake accounts. When Janda is begging in the US Congress, it shows how active and impactful it is. So, I repeat, don't regurgitate, don't mention, every attention brings him money.

2 years ago

Good puzzle... from the documented screenshots it is not at all clear who the account belongs to, but Mr. Tománek passes it off as the account of a non-profit organization and the blossoming of the nation believes him... Mr. Tománek, why are you lying? Partly copied article from the Parliamentary Papers and amended..
The non-profit publishes an annual report and not a bank statement, by the way…

2 years ago

British government: vaccinees are dying en masse:
comment image
= Just like the Spanish flu, 92 % vaccinees died. The report, which was quietly released by the British government just hours before Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced his resignation, reveals extremely serious facts.
Deaths hit new record in hypervaccinated Australia:
comment image
= Although more than 96 percent of the population there have received the first two "vaccinations" and more than 70 percent are fully "vaccinated", the death rate from co*covid in the entire country has reached a record high.
The data graph (above) clearly shows that since this "operation" began, injection-related deaths down underground have skyrocketed. No one who is not vaccinated experiences any of this, which further proves that what the sick are suffering from is vaccine damage, not the covid infection!!

Reply  CZkotas
2 years ago

I couldn't do it, I have to add something to it. So this is already something and the result of training obedience and cowardice of people, Beijing - covid measures, video:
Thanks to covid passports, the government tracks your every move, including those around you. It is enough for one person on the bus to have a red covid passport and everyone will automatically be quarantined. Also, doors are locked and people are trapped in their apartments if one of the tenants has a red covid passport. People also avoid these spaces so as not to make their own red. Think of a virus that doesn't exist anyway, and it's clear to you what the real goal is. The points system will also work in this way and even more thoughtfully - are you in contact with someone who has few points? You will automatically get a few…

2 years ago

If someone wants to take a look, the financing of projects via Erasmus+ is also interesting. Those amounts are similar and they are led by quite similar people – gay, lgbt community, underprivileged and others. In the same way, everything revolves around the European Parliament and it has a large breeding ground in the law faculty and philosophy fields. They are the ones who make this stuff up and do most of the social media propaganda.

2 years ago

If we lose this war, and now for the first time I fear that we might lose it, it will not be because of the lies and deceit of the billionaire J(elites) who control the governments, the media and the professions. It won't be because of censorship and suppression of truth tellers. If we lose this war, the most important in our history, it will be because of the collaborators, trolls, and virtue signalers who listen without thinking, who fuss and whine over pettiness and inconsistencies, and who do not understand that we are fighting for our lives and freedom - see e.g. some kind of Mr. Janda, who sucks like a leech on the system, as well as lying cemperators, elves..who didn't understand that it also applies to them.

And if we lose this war, there will never be another war, we will be pawns; without any control over their lives and destiny.
I wonder how many of the so-called journalists working for CNN PRIMA, ČT, SEZNAM (and the aforementioned Mr. Janda) etc. realize that the lies they spread help lead them to a world where they too will own nothing! The doctors, journalists, judges, lawyers and politicians who support this conspiracy will not be exempt from the J(elites') bloody ambitions to reduce the world's population by 90 %. None of them will be exempt from the billionaires' plan to own everything and rule us as slaves.

If and when the reset happens, we will have no rights, no property, no privacy, no freedom, no choices, no family, no health care, no education, no freedom of movement, and no ability to live where we want. We won't even have control over our own bodies.

If you think this is overkill, look at the new laws that are being passed and see how things are changing. Not only around us, but the whole world! Millions of people became willing collaborators; broken by the nonsense of recycling and softened by the babysitter. =They truly believe that the state cares for them and will take care of them.=

The digital society is not just about being able to pay for your coffee without having to bother with cash. It means you can only buy coffee if they let you. A digital society means they control your money and how you spend it.
(What does CBDC mean? The European Commission, in complete silence, is very significantly accelerating the agenda of the introduction of digital currencies: )

I wonder if the employees of all MSM media are aware that in the New Order the absurdly overpaid anchors of CNN PRIMA, CT, SEZNAM (Mr. Janda) etc. will receive the same income as parking lot attendants?!
There are people who think that everything that has happened lately is just bad luck: the covid scam; the mad rush to net zero and the consequences of the fabricated media war between Russia and Ukraine.
This shows a woefully naive misunderstanding of how the world is now run!!

Those who think I'm exaggerating might ask why anyone who told the truth about covid or covid wages (for covid beds, completing protocols for financial amount, bonuses, extras..) was immediately silenced, banned, censored ..
Governments are not trying to suppress, intimidate or punish Russia. They are fighting against us. TO ALL OF US!

Unnecessary PCR tests can be used to collect DNA samples (which are then sold to commercial companies) or vaccinations, whether we like it or not.

When the conspiracists say "You will own nothing and be happy", that is exactly what they mean. By this time next year, you will be living in “China”.

WE HAVE FOUR MONTHS LEFT. TO ALL THE MSM, CEMPERATORS, JANDS AND OTHER TRUTHERS: THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE HELPING TO BUILD AND WHO YOU STAND FOR (remember that they are no longer in the public eye that they consider the world to be grossly overpopulated - and that they intend to depopulate the planet by removing 90 % of the world's population). DO YOU THINK YOU COULD BE ONE OF THE CHOSEN ONES? WE STILL HAVE TIME TO STOP IT.

Eternal paranoia is now the price of freedom…

Red Alpha
Red Alpha
Reply  CZkotas
2 years ago

They think that if they helped to manipulate and fool the crowds, that they will not suffer the same fate, that maybe they will fit in with the 10%s who preside over the genocide. So I don't know if they are completely naive or arrogant, but either way they will be surprised

Reply  CZkotas
2 years ago

I believe and I know in my heart that it will turn out well in the end.
But if the plan should happen to win. So it won't be forever. One day, several generations later, it begins to crumble. As it has always been in the past.

They've gone
They've gone
Reply  Arwi
2 years ago

"a few generations later" - that sounds pretty terrible and scary to us living in the present