Contemporary Economy - Life on the Titanic

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(the article was originally written on January 23, 2023)

Are you also fascinated by how the city streets are full of people shopping, everyone is spending on stupid things, the young progressive leftists cannot do without their coffee at an overpriced Starbucks, and the economists pretend that nothing is happening and that we will carry on as before?

For the past two years, we have had energy THREE TIMES more expensive, just like mortgages - groceries "only" TWICE, but that's cool, it doesn't mean anything...
Also, just look at, for example, the US debt, which has completely broken off the chain and has risen since 2000 FIVE TIMES on 30 TRILLION dollars. And a huge part of the state's income from taxes (a fifth of all state income) goes just to service this astronomical debt - that is, people only pay the interest on this debt from their taxes, but the debt itself is actually unpayable and reaches 129 % of the GDP of the United States...

The evolution of the US debt
In 2022, the US paid 853 mlrd$ in interest on the debt - more than on defense in 2023.

A war may be a "momentary salvation" for America - because the vast majority of all the largest arms companies are American. So yes, America can partially heal from war… (see chart below text).
But the main problem cannot delay it.

It seems to me that every time mankind thought that THIS TIME it cannot collapse, that the tree can simply grow indefinitely and that "it will somehow pass". Sure, IT it will pass somehow - of course, gender freedom for all fifty sexes is important, and we can still hammer another nail into the coffin, for example in the form of the Green deal.

I can't imagine that economists don't see it and are silent... but actually yes - I can, doctors and scientists were silent about vaccination and are silent again...
So either it's complete blindness, incompetence and faith in a dead mare, or it's AGAIN intention and direct path to Great reset and clearing money.
And all you need to add to the equation is that almost the entire world economy and oil are linked to the dollar...

But still cool. I'm afraid it may be part of some folklore - the band was also winning on the Titanic until the very last moment.

Continuation - 4/5/2023

A few days ago, a rather disturbing video was released that Russia (and other BRICS countries) are going to use the Chinese yuan as an international currency instead of the US dollar. It is important to hear what economists think about this and what it actually means for the US and our entire Western world. (More on BRICS and what it all means in this article.)
It is probably the last BIG nail in the coffin of the American economy (and also, of course, the European one, which is linked to the American one) and a perfectly prepared path for central digital currency…

US debt to GDP ratio.

It is also very interesting to see how the USA has dealt with its huge debt in the past - always the same way and the key is war...

Similar text: Out of cash…


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1 year ago

And taxes will increase in the coming years as governments around the world take more and more control over their nation's money - introducing digital currencies around the world. Economies have collapsed, there are problems with banks everywhere..

And all problems are global in nature. It is not a coincidence. For this, "vaccination programs" are spreading worldwide. Alleged climate change is blamed for everything. Crazy attempts are being made to ban all fossil fuels - with disastrous results.

And there are strikes all over the western world.
And the media don't give us any news anymore - they just give us propaganda.

Orwell was right.
Too many people are content to be slaves because they fear the price and consequences of freedom.
This is Orwell's Eternal War

Smartphones will be people's jailers. Without smartphones, the digital world will not work

1 year ago

Off topic though this is what Czech arms assistance looks like in reality..:
The comments are also worth it... (get a translator who doesn't know Cyrillic):

  • You elected this government
  • Czech Republic, Slovenia - there is no difference if your flight arrived!
  • It's terrible how the world can close its eyes and keep silent. Czechia !!
  • But isn't the Czech Republic not a democracy and you didn't choose this government?
  • These crimes will be fixed and then the court will catch up with those who were involved in these terrible actions, Czech Republic!
1 year ago

The price of everything except human life has risen.

Nancy Pelosi earned $16.7 million during the pandemic.

In America, the government is spending 85 % of tax revenue on the war in Ukraine. 15 % left for everything else. No wonder the US is falling apart.

1 year ago

Meanwhile, who "rules" us for xxxxxx:
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+ Health in 1 place, or I discovered something. How to make a homemade "chelator" - for cleansing from heavy metals in general, through chemtrails, etc., here is the link:
EDTA 1 teaspoon, MSM 2 teaspoons, ascorbic acid/vit.c 2 teaspoons then pour CLEAN untreated water, mix, then add 2 teaspoons of baking soda, mix briefly and drink immediately after bubbling.
= I tried, just had a drink. But I don't have the EDTA powder at home, so the effectiveness will probably decrease, well, we'll see.. Otherwise, for now, I follow the controlled fasts every day (on average 15 hours without food) and my health has improved immeasurably, almost without pain, so I'm observing an overall improvement..

Last edited 1 year ago by CZkotas
Reply  CZkotas
1 year ago

I just don't understand how all those career generals can sit on the general staff with this individual and still follow orders without thinking...
Control question. How to get vaccine version 2.0 to a huge number of people, including children and pensioners?
A fictitious nuclear explosion, and in the affected areas the government, after a huge media massage, starts distributing in schools, shopping centers, retirement homes, etc. "iodine" tablets on the recommendation of the Minister of War/War, and Comrade Drábová will explain to us, as Flégr once did, that if not, there will be freezers everywhere, and whoever does not have a tablet in them will not be allowed to go to work, public transport, etc. due to radiation. .and he will die, from the effects of radiation, of course..
If it worked the first time, why wouldn't it work again, right?

1 year ago

Yes, it is exactly as you write - and the people in the comments ... it will just fall this year and then we will see - I think it will be good, otherwise most of the sheep / guts will not wake up

Reply  Line
1 year ago

+ And here it is again, Fauci: “Another one will definitely break out pandemic. It could be as early as next year…”

Gradually, it will now become clear whether people have learned something from the covid fraud or NOT..

1 year ago

you will eat crickets and be happy:
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1 year ago

!MUST: You and I must spread the truth to fight propaganda! Digital enslavement, social credit and the end of freedom are only a few months away. The brainwashed people who demand more war are manipulated and don't realize they are being exploited. Now I think the risk of a third world war is growing rapidly and will soon be somewhere between probable and inevitable. The fact is that all those behind the co*covid hoax, global warming and the great reset need a war to keep their fear alive!
Look what's going on, read Orwell again: !!Permanent War. Fear and terror. Other countries are doing the same!!

The media is doing a good job (again). The headlines are full of demands for more actions, more bullets, another war. Political leaders are talking about ousting Putin and arresting him.
!And all the people who did not say anything during the Russo-Ukrainian war in 2014 and these wars in Yemen and Syria, for example, are now suddenly full of horror!
The public is encouraged to support the fringe. Conspirator-led media constantly report on atrocities (which may or may not have happened) and encourage the public to call for greater Western involvement. We basically ARE already a partner of the fringes and we will probably soon have joint participation in this "depopulation competition".

They have created the war they need, and it is already underway: a war that will kill billions of people through hunger and poverty; a war that destroys economies; a war that will create permanent subjugation.
And in the meantime, inflation will increase. The price of fuel will rise in 2023. It seems abundantly clear that the government is deliberately pushing energy prices up (somehow the war and UA support has to be paid for). If you think it's bad now, wait a few months…

And what else is happening as a result. Bankers think this war could be used to accelerate the adoption of digital money by central banks. And there will be a programmable currency. You can only spend it on things they allow you to buy! It is sanctions, not bombs and bullets, that will kill. The result of wars is always great poverty. None of this happens by accident..

There is no longer any doubt that NATO deliberately pushed Russia to invade Ukraine. Likewise, there is no doubt that this is far from the worst military activity currently occurring. The wars in Yemen and Syria have killed many more people, but have generated little interest from Western politicians and journalists. And citizens are constantly urged to support the fringes. I have not seen any signs of support for the oppressed people of Syria or the oppressed people of Yemen, but the people of the border are treated as something special..

Will China join in supporting Russia? Will China use the war as an excuse to occupy Taiwan? What will happen in the Middle East? Bad times are coming, organized and controlled by evil psychopaths. Two months ago, World War III was almost impossible.

=Distrust the government, avoid the mass media and fight the lies=

1 year ago

We are still waiting for the cultural front, and in the final will come the political non-profits led by the porn actor Janda and his European values.
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1 year ago

Not only humans will eat insects, but animals too - see BRIT CARE dog food here:

The following "general public" products will be sold with added crickets (Acheta domesticus):
– Multigrain bread – Multigrain rolls – Biscuits and bars – Cereal bars – Dry premixes for pastries – Biscuits – dry filled and unfilled pasta products – Sauces – Potato products – Legume and vegetable based dishes – Pizza – General pasta and whey products – Meat analogues (vegetarian meat alternatives) – Soups and soup concentrates, soup powder – Cornmeal-based snacks – Beer-like drinks – Chocolate products, nuts and oilseeds – Snacks (except chips) and all meat preparations..

!! To the point: This powder - from crickets - contains chytin, which our intestines can't process, but it's a very tasty polysaccharide for cancer, parasites, fungus and almost anything that causes disease. Insects also contain metamorphic steroids, especially ecdysterone !!

IN ENGLISH to the question: What is the future of food? Answer, here:

Does anyone know when the CSRQ starts yet?!

no one yet
no one yet
Reply  CZkotas
1 year ago

"It looks like crickets aren't just crickets, or just an ordinary food ingredient, or just an ingredient that makes people sick. The real reason for the crickets could be that chitin is a key component in self-assembling nanotechnology, hydrogels and cell engineering. It can induce an immune response just like vaccines, and its nanoparticles are not a problem to combine with graphene oxide.
Furthermore, it causes inflammatory processes and diseases in humans, causing hyper-allergic reactions, respiratory problems, rashes, joint and muscle pain, flu-like symptoms and "long covid".

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In gene therapy, it is used to distribute genes, change DNA.
In bio-nanotechnologies, it is used for the creation of nano-biodevices, nano-structures, micro-structures, micro-electromechanical systems."

Reply  no one yet
1 year ago

Insects contain many parasites that can grow on chitin in their bodies and feel at home because humans do not digest chitin, unlike birds, for example. Again, the poison is a biological or parasitic component.
Those parasites wouldn't be a problem if the insects were fried. But he just freezes and grinds!!

Reply  Jiri
1 year ago

+ I will add this, when the 1 minute of time is worth it.. Prof. The booth warns against eating insects:

1 year ago

And what's more, it's also a lot of trouble, the disruption of family relationships, neighbors around, etc., etc.. 🙁 Anything that I have ever uttered/raised/put out of my mouth or written word to anyone, is immediately understood by most as some kind of "attack" and that it is literally "shit" etc. No one was simply interested and until now they probably are not interested in the "problems" surrounding the supply situation (collapse) of food, fuel, inflation with hyperinflation and everything around..
It doesn't lead anywhere, it seems to me that 100% vaccinated people are being controlled in some perverted way and that their outbursts, including aggressive behavior, whether from (former) friends, family members, neighbors - when paradoxically, it is precisely all those who let themselves go" vaccinate” against the false “covid” narrative, and it shocks me how aggressive they have become… they are angry about everything. And they sputter because of everything - I think it's the Sprotein that goes into the brain and causes prion disease. A prion disease means that the proteins behave abnormally, etc.
However, individuals "vaccinated" by gene therapy are much more likely to fall than those who are pure and non-genetically modified individuals.

I would like to draw your attention here to one piece of information that I think is quite fundamental, which I came across in a discussion and that:

"From January 24, 2023, most foods in our supermarkets may also contain cricket powder.
This powder contains chytin, which our intestines cannot process, but it is a very tasty polysaccharide for cancer, parasites, fungi and almost anything that causes disease. Insects also contain metamorphic steroids, especially ecdysterone.
Enjoy your meal! Your EU.”
see pdf link. in Czech:

And to make matters worse, when we are all moving on the edge of death, so:
Meanwhile, eg Scotland - the government trolls there are proposing nationwide "twenty minute districts" - where there is a limit to how far the lifé can travel from home to "save the planet" from global (fraudulent) warming.
And as a pearl to the aforementioned Scotland: the greens (GREEN DEAL) want to regulate everyone's carbon dioxide emissions - no more breathing... for the planet!

And yet, a certain Hans Joachim Schellnhuber is convinced that in order to "save the planet" from "climate change" each person's carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions must be limited and regulated by the government. Mr. Hans Šůlin literally said that every person should have a limit of three tons of CO2 emissions per year in their daily life. According to him, those who exceed this amount should be forced to pay a fine

= Since with each breath a person exhales CO2 in exchange for oxygen, breathing would have to be regulated as well. Those who want to stay under the three-ton limit may need to breathe less, etc.

And also - co. Alibaba is developing “individual carbon footprint tracking” to track people’s CO2 emissions…
"A commitment to better travel - We're building a movement of millions of people committed to responsible travel"
+ the glaring chemtrails the guy has above his head is priceless :-D, see:

I still keep wondering how all those solar panels, wind turbines, etc. are going to be recycled at the end of their useful lives? Climate idiots probably don't care that solar panels and wind turbines are energy negative (they use more energy to build and operate than they produce), BUT WHAT happens to all those solar panels and windmills when they are thrown away? (Just like with electric cars, WHAT happens to all those batteries when they run out.).
And the whole green joke also lies in the fact that the fools haven't yet noticed that the world is running out of copper, nickel and other basic minerals needed to make their much-loved electric cars and so-called "renewable energy" projects.

=From March 2020 the END of homo-sapiens begins? And welcome to homo-borg-genisis…?!=

Reply  CZkotas
1 year ago

it's a shame how the vaccinated are aggressive and don't even want to listen to a different opinion…. that WEF Israeli henchman Harari said that people today are already hackable animals - after all, they probably already control some of them through technology....
anyway, people have definitely been controlled psychologically (mass formation) for decades, via television and the media