Tag: great reset

Interview for VOX.tv

"Due to excessive aid to Ukraine, the Czech people are suffering." The latest interview for VOX.tv - about becoming a writer "on the other side of the barricade", about Ukraine, covid, Healthy Forum and my latest book War with Trees. Like26

What if II…

When I wrote my sci-fi review "What if..." some time ago, I was missing the last piece in the mosaic for everything to fit together perfectly. Such a small detail that you know that when it falls into place, everything will only start to make perfectly crazy sense. I still find myself…

Paradoxically, I see hope in evil

This reflection is a free continuation and a kind of addition to the older text "I see hope paradoxically in stupidity". In addition to stupidity, incompetence and sticking one's head in the sand, the current situation is caused by something else, and I think that something is the incredible moral and spiritual emptiness of people. Faith in something higher was replaced by the hunt...

Who to vote for? Make sure to “choose”…

Short answer: I don't want to legitimize ANY evil and play that some evil is lesser and I should choose that - NO! For the first time since the revolution, I can't go to vote with a clear conscience and I'm simply not going to play this doll game anymore... And now the longer one reflection: What do you…

What if…

Allow me a little sci-fi writer's reflection today. Imagine that you are a really rich and powerful person. I'm not talking about the people who are tossed around as "billionaires" in Forbes for the masses to talk about and dream about - I mean, when you're really rich and powerful - like the groups that…

Sudden Death - Documentary

A very powerful documentary about blood clots (beware, it contains naturalistic footage directly from autopsies) and other incredibly serious facts, vaccine approval fraud and vaccination side effects. Many doctors, pathologists and embalmers talk about what they encounter in the human body after covid vaccination has been introduced. Can you have what…

Interview for the Conscience of the Nation

“I stopped watching the mainstream a long time ago. It seems strange to me that I would suddenly start believing someone who has been lying to me for two years. It's like the battered wife at home who keeps apologizing to her husband for not meaning to like her... Psychologists and sociologists will one day reap the harvest of...

Propaganda - the answer to HOW and WHY

Two very important documents. Propaganda, the consent factory - this documentary was created in 2017 and ČT broadcast it in 2019 - but today, in 2022, I don't think that would happen anymore, because this documentary perfectly describes the reality in which we have just found ourselves and excellently...

Do you still believe in coincidences?

In France, at the time of the biggest energy crisis, 32 out of 56 nuclear reactors are shut down. In Holland, farmers want to cull herds. In 2021 and 2022, quite a lot of food warehouses burned down in the USA. quite a massive explosion…

Why is "ceiling" just another government scam?

The first thing to say is that it is not about capping the price of energy (for example, by setting a "fair profit" for energy companies, as presented by the government) - but it is purely about COMPENSATION for these companies, which will be paid later by all of us, including our children. from taxes. The government will therefore simply PAY the amount from…

Carbon footprint and carbon neutrality…

One of the biggest frauds of the big mining and energy companies - a fraud that is beautifully covered up and invented by today's globalist politicians and activists like Greta - some just out of ignorance and stupidity, some guaranteed to be intentional. I recommend starting with the first document on the carbon footprint… …and continuing with the second one on so-called “carbon neutrality”. Already…

When a man is alone, he doubts

Civilization is gravely ill. Healing must come from below. The system will crash, there is no way to stop it. Definitely autumn. Let's build communities, keep friendships. When a person can lean on someone, they see that they are not crazy and alone. And why didn't I go into politics… My latest interview for the Blue Deer – dear…

…and then there is another dimension to all of this

And that one is perhaps the most important of all! Isn't it strange that the struggle between good and evil has accompanied humanity since the beginning of its existence? That all stories, songs and fairy tales in all cultures have the same foundations and archetypal heroes? Why are people still fascinated by Hamlet and Faust? Why do the greatest artists and scientists always run out of…

Running out of cash?

Not so long ago, I read a text that in Israel they banned the payment of cash over 6,000 shekels, which is about 42,500 crowns, and that if this amount is exceeded, it will be a criminal offense. daily cash payments set at NOK 270,000...