The last strong warning before autumn


I don't get any benefits from constantly going up against the wall - on the contrary, it only causes me problems, just like everyone else who doesn't shut up.

This is really so hard to understand that if I wanted to increase my own popularity, I would sit in a TV studio and start praising vaccines, telling myself with a worried frown "stay at home and trust the health professionals" or whatever in the course and what do the media want?

What I'm writing now, I'm writing for myself, as an educated layman and as a dad who hasn't been silent for two years and who already knows quite a bit about the background of what's going on around him. I don't know the answers to all the questions, but I think I already know quite a few. And I can say with a clear conscience that the stench emanating from the whole game is getting bigger and bigger.

And here is my strong warning that I would also like to address to people who knew me years before covid and who for some reason think that I am crazy and have the blood of grandmothers on my hands - at least that's what they wrote to me two years ago when covid started . I don't know what they are thinking now, but maybe some are starting to see and feel on their own skin and their health that maybe I'm not such a fool...

When I was exactly one year ago he warned against vaccination, we only knew that the vaccine was untested and useless for many. Now we also know that, in addition to the fact that it hardly works, it is really dangerous and its risks far outweigh the benefits.


Animated image with bounce effect

I have spoken with respected immunologists who see how the people they examine, after each additional dose of vaccination, the natural immunity decreases, and of course the person becomes more susceptible to any and even trivial diseases - similar to when a person is infected with HIV.
I've talked to doctors who have offices full of myocarditis, rampant autoimmune diseases, and cancers—and unfortunately, that's even among pediatricians. It simply wasn't to that extent before and they know it well.
I know epidemiologists who in good faith at the beginning recommended the vaccine to the elderly and sick, but now they literally warn against it.

The fact that you don't have health problems after the vaccination may be lucky, or maybe you already have a weakened immune system and you don't even know about it and it just hasn't shown up yet. And weren't you sick this summer? This is not common at all.
And this will only get worse with each subsequent dose.

I really don't know all the answers, but I do know that this pointless mess has made you nothing more than cannon fodder for the great business of interest groups, and that there is no disease here for a long time - if it ever was.

Vaccination against covid is a dangerous and above all completely useless game and for children for whom covid is not dangerous at all, it is literally a crime.

I understand that fear for your life and your children's lives can blind a person and make them behave irrationally and try to cling to false crutches - but now is the time to wake up.
Autumn is approaching and now you have one of the last options to throw away unnecessary respirators that are not good for health at all and start your natural immunity with a healthy lifestyle and start living normally - without dangerous vaccines and manipulated news that deliberately sows fear and lies.
And most importantly, to finally admit that the "harder" dotted path is just a pleasant deception and fraud.

Don't you find it strange that the most vaccinated Portugal currently has the most sick people?
That ICUs are filled with vaccinated people?
That there are many more sick people in the former West Germany than in the East, where the vaccination rate is much lower?

Number of sick people in Germany and comparison with vaccination coverage.

And just remember when was the last time a state where censorship was rampant thought good of its people...?

I wrote what I felt I had to say - if only for the sake of the children. I have a clear conscience and the decision is really up to you.

EDIT: A very good 5 minute video where the doctor explains how lipid nanoparticles travel in the body that should have stayed in the muscle.

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2 years ago

=Two- and three-year-olds with seizures are the "new normal". I get numerous reports from my nurse friends about two and three year olds having seizures.
It ONLY happens in “vaccinated” children and symptoms start 2 to 5 days after the “vaccine”=

2 years ago

..In the Australian New South Wales (NSW) in recent weeks, the number of so-called "pandemic children" who have to be transferred to the hospital to the intensive care unit has increased almost tenfold:
..these young children develop a mysterious respiratory illness that requires critical medical intervention. The media refers to this disease as respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV.
It is said that approximately 120,000 young children die from RSV each year. And in New South Wales, its incidence has exploded from just 355 cases a week just three weeks ago to 3,775 cases a week now. Children get sick and die because they have "no immunity". This indicates that the children's parents, and especially their "fully vaccinated" mothers, do not provide them with proper immunity.

2 years ago

You could imagine that without doctors, people would be dying like flies (in the fall). When doctors in Israel went on strike for a month, hospitalizations fell by 85 %, with only the most essential cases admitted, but still the death rate in Israel fell by 50 % - the biggest drop since the previous doctors' strike 20 years ago - to the lowest level on record. It was similar everywhere the doctors were on strike. In Bogotá, Colombia, doctors went on strike for 52 days and the death rate dropped by 35 %. In Los Angeles, the doctors' strike led to a reduction in the death rate of 18 %. During the strike, 60 % fewer operations were performed in 17 major hospitals. After the strike ended, the death rate returned to normal levels. And when hospitals and clinics were closed in Sri Lanka, the registrar-general announced that the number of reported deaths had dropped. Whatever statistics one looks at, whatever evidence one examines, the conclusion must be the same: doctors are a danger to any community rather than a benefit…

They say that life is not determined by what you want, but by the choices you make.

"These are the times that try human souls. Thomas Paine

2 years ago

If vaccines were miraculous, Babiš's daughter would not have resisted vaccination. Dad certainly has information. You, Mr. Tománek, are the most trustworthy person for me. I'm glad you write and express yourself.

2 years ago

comment image
And due to the cowardice of employees, he has already removed the page about adverse effects, completely removed it..:

More than 1 million COVID vaccine-related injuries and nearly 27,000 deaths have been reported to the VAERS-USA system. VAERS data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention includes a total of 1,226,314 adverse event reports from all age groups after vaccination with COVID vaccines, including 26,976 deaths and 219,865 serious injuries between December 14, 2020 and April 8, 2022:

A report by the Swedish Public Health Agency misrepresents the death rate of unvaccinated and vaccinated people:

Reply  CZkotas
2 years ago

SÚKL continues to record and report suspected adverse effects of vaccines, incl. vaccines for COVID.

Reply  passersby
2 years ago

NO. Until recently, an overview of suspected adverse effects after vaccination against covid-19 was regularly updated on the SÚKL website. Unfortunately, the reports have been cancelled:

For the needs of those interested in this information, at least "Reported suspected adverse effects of vaccines against covid-19 for the year 2021" published in the SÚKL Pharmacovigilance newsletter are available:

Radek Matouch
Radek Matouch
2 years ago

Thanks for the nice summary... I don't want to be unnecessarily pessimistic, but I still have the impression that those who have succumbed once will still have the same view of things... Yes, some realize their mistake after health problems, but I don't know what percentage Yippee. The mainstream idea that only and only Covid is to blame for health problems is still pushing through :-/ Anyway, thanks to you and others from Zdravý forum, Initiative21, SMIS... etc. etc. a person does not have to feel that he is perhaps crazy or out of his mind when he perceives things "otherwise". I see the basic problem in the fact that most people don't even accept the idea that something could possibly work in the world differently than it is presented and that someone with people might not think so well.

Reply  Radek Matouch
2 years ago

..All of them, even calendar vaccines, served to gradually break the resistance of the population. They lied to people all the time to get used to the fact that getting pierced is "normal"….

2 years ago

In the fall there is going to be a strong promotion of "vaccination" and possibly including "vaccination" that has never been tested, all without clinical tests.. There is a good chance that exclusions and masks will return, because the misleading, unnecessary and lying PCR tests will enable the conspirators ( governments, media, hospitals – following covid protocol) to claim that the co*covid threat is back.
According to, approximately 800 people who participated in the "vaccine trial" never completed the trial - some died, some withdrew their consent, and some were injured!
Of course, Pfizer is releasing the safety data on the "vaccine" piecemeal - after a judge allowed it to do so.
The biggest joke for years was Imperial College's claim that "vaccine vaccination" saved millions of lives in its first year. They might as well have claimed it was 200 billion lives in the first week..
If schools (and parents) continue this crazy thing, they will be raising psychopaths. Children are not born with empathy or kindness - they learn it!
Information about the dangers of "vaccination" has been available for more than 18 months!! I have no more sympathy for those who still choose to put their health at risk by accepting toxic experimental "vaccinations" and I hope the doctors and nurses who administered the toxic injection are tried as war criminals.

And the tax burden on the Czech Republic and all expenses is the highest since World War II. It is an intention. We need to grow the economy, encourage people to work, push production growth and help companies grow. The tax burden will stop all these things and accelerate the development of the Great Depression.
The EU has declared that it is at war with Russia. And politicians are constantly boasting that the war will last a long time. The result will be more and more famine and more wars all over the world. This is exactly what the conspirators who are leading us to the Great Reset want. The EU granted Ukraine the status of "candidate country" for EU membership. This guarantees a longer and more brutal war and many more dead in both Europe and Africa and Asia. Of course, the EU does exactly what it is told to do.

And the suppression of the truth is getting worse. Can you imagine the uproar if a pro-vaccination doctor or climate change protester was silenced, blocked and hacked and prevented from speaking on a radio show? No! They must be allowed to tell endless lies…

Reply  CZkotas
2 years ago

..And since DEPOPULATION must continue, another new Israeli study has shown that "vaccines" cause a decrease in sperm count (I will add that it has been and is proven to target the ovaries in women):
In the study, researchers examined male volunteers for six months. They tested the parameters of their sperm at different times before and after the administration of the "vaccine". In fact, "vaccines" do not appear to negatively affect sperm count immediately. Instead, the difference was noted two to five months after the "vaccination" and persisted throughout the rest of the study. 75 to 120 days after the end of "vaccination", the sperm concentration of men was 15.4 % lower than the initial number of sperm collected before "vaccination", and the total number of motile cells decreased by 22.1 %. The data after 150 days from the completion of the "vaccination" showed that their levels remained even lower than before the vaccination. Study participants were not tested after the third and fourth injections.

Reply  CZkotas
2 years ago

Two years ago I said that if vaccines were developed with the goal of depopulation, they would primarily cause infertility and loss of immunity. And lo and behold, it gradually begins to appear and manifest itself.

Reply  Arwi
2 years ago

Exactly! And in the meantime, are we supposed to believe that the flu just happened to disappear? Just like that, out of the blue? I do not think so. It makes no sense. As Reiner Fuelmich also said, the only basis for determining that a person has "covid" is the Flemish Drosten's solidly refuted and lying PCR test.. And the whole narrative is based on LIES...

Radek Matouch
Radek Matouch
Reply  Arwi
2 years ago

I still remember the first interview with Prof. Turánek on the "Conscience of the Nation" website... It was about mRNA vaccines and he mentioned most of what is happening today as possible side effects.

Ivo Gondek
2 years ago

Thank you Honzo. I don't know what enlightened me not to believe it from the beginning. Perhaps faith in my ability to take care of my health, education as a chemical engineer or the strange activation of politicians in the health sector. Fortunately, my curiosity discovered you, Soňa Peková, Honza Hnízdil, several other real experts that some obviously interested people tried to suppress. A lot of help from lawyers, Mr. Rajchl, Nielsen and others prompted me to study a number of domestic and foreign sources and compose a "helicopter overview" of this event. I protect myself, but I also fight for others, not just my family. I didn't think I would be part of another "revolution".