Welcome to my site associated with blog, where I took refuge after the censorship on Aktualne.czIn addition to blogs, you can find oi some information about me, my books and movies

IN calendar of talks you will read where we can meet in person or order one of my books in our e-shop.

And why at all blogs I write and share interesting videos? If the world is not in order, in my opinion everyone should contribute and help with what they can and above all they should stop being silent. And maybe I can write - so I write...

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Reprint of my best selling book

Everything you didn't want to know about the world…

Thirty-three easy-to-understand chapters of essential contexts about the times in which we live.
It's like the biblical apple of knowledge - then the world, the news, the individual "personalities" and events you read about will never be seen the same again, and you will find that what you believed to be a safe haven - especially the whole 20th century - is one big lie.

"The book is global psychosomatics. Well written, short, clear, understandable. This is exactly how psychosomatic communication with a patient should look like. I will promote until the last ban." MUDr. Jan Hnízdil

Books about the world we live in...

News from creation

Blogs and Texts

What if…

Allow me a little sci-fi writer's reflection today. Imagine that you are a really rich and powerful person. I'm not talking about the people who are being touted as "billionaires" in Forbes to have the masses

An inconvenient truth bothered Facebook again

On 11/30/2022 I published a post on Facebook that was deleted on 12/2/2022 and my account was blocked for 24 hours. (In short - Bodybuilder Doug Brignole publicly wrote that he believes in a covid vaccine

Suddenly freedom for China…?

Why rewrite history when we can change the paradigm right in real time. For two years we have been pointing out what is happening in China - how covid camps are being built there

Sudden Death - Documentary

A very powerful documentary about blood clots (beware, it contains naturalistic footage directly from autopsies) and other incredibly serious facts, vaccine approval fraud and vaccination side effects. Many doctors, pathologists and

Paradoxically, I see hope in stupidity

Rationality, arguments and common sense have been vulgar insults for more than two years now, and propaganda and sectarian religion have taken over the brains of the vast majority of the population (not only) of our country. First

Why did your loved ones have to die?

The documentary shows from the American point of view exactly what we have been experiencing in our country for more than two years. A perfect summary of the entire covid situation and especially WHY and WHO it served perfectly. Denigration of functional drugs a

No time for the big question?

I keep reading the same narrative: "Putin won't stop at Ukraine - he threatens all of Europe." Well, let's face it - I, as well as probably no one except Putin and

Reprint of my best selling book!
Answers to your questions,
if you have the courage...
Thirty-three easy-to-understand chapters of essential contexts about the times in which we live.