Animated movies
In the years 2005 – 2012, Jan Tománek devoted himself to the creation of animated films. In his Art And Animation studio the first Czech 3D animated film The Goat Story was created, which in 2008 became the most successful Czech animated film in terms of audiences. Over 500,000 viewers saw both films in Czech cinemas alone, and they were translated into many world languages and were seen by millions of viewers in dozens of countries.
In 2009, Jan Tománek won the prestigious Febiofest critics' prize - Kristián for The Goat Story and was also nominated for the Czech Lion for the best creative solution.
In addition to production and direction, he also created the overall artistic concept and wrote the scripts for the films.
Goat story - The Old Prague Legends
The cheerful story tells about Kuba and his constantly chattering Goat, who bring eggs to the construction of the Charles Bridge. Love for the city girl Máca leads Kuba to work at the legendary Old Town Astronomical Clock. The whole story is interwoven with the mysterious fate of the poor student Matěj from Faust's house and other rumors and ghosts of medieval Prague. In addition to the great acting performances of Jiří Lábus and Matěj Hádek, "The Goat Story" - the first Czech 3D animated film - gained a reputation as a film with a special and distinctive visual concept, which won the favor of foreign viewers as well.
Goat story with cheese
The story of the goat with cheese loosely follows on from the previous part. The plot of the film has been transferred from medieval Prague to the fairy-tale cheese kingdom, and in addition to the old familiar characters, the audience can look forward to a number of fairy-tale creatures and new protagonists - the children of Kuba and Máci - Honzík and Zuzanka, who go through the entire story together with the Goat. The overall tuning of the film is more family and fairy tale than in the previous part.