Bolshevik is back in full force

Today we drove from the cottage around Litoměřice to stop at the square for ice cream. But there were closures and entry bans everywhere - the entire center was completely cut off. It is said that the minister has arrived and the firemen are having a celebration, one of the security guards at the entrance to the city has passed. And indeed in the completely cleared square in Litoměřice...

Will Pfizer kill the hen that lays the golden eggs?

Today I am bringing a text from a colleague from the Healthy Forum - MVDr. Jiří Urbanek, MBA – former manager of the pharmaceutical industry. It seems that nothing seems to be happening around covid, but processes may be running in the background to take advantage of the covid situation. Efforts are underway to introduce a universal covid passport. Pfizer applied for approval of 4….

The ban on the sale of cars with an internal combustion engine - intention or true dilettantism?

Yesterday, what many had warned about for a long time and others thought was just a bad joke happened yesterday - the European Parliament approved a ban on the sale of cars with internal combustion engines from 2035 "The approved proposal envisages that from 2035 the sale of new passenger cars would end and light…

We'll just stick it in you!

Our country with a population of ten million has ordered almost 49 million doses of vaccines against covid-19. 29 million have already been delivered for 12 billion crowns. 17.6 million vaccines have already been administered to people and the rest are waiting for the autumn and more millions are still to come... Some EU states against disadvantageous and one-sided contracts that…

"They flew in and now they are proving us right" - Interview

I remember what a good mood you and other authors were in at the beginning of March at the launch of the book Chronicle of the Covid Era in the Kámen Theater in Karlín. You seemed to capture the absurdities and incredibly restrictive interventions in people's lives during those two years, but it's behind us now and…

Do you still believe in the state?

When I heard today about the botched reconstruction of the Old Town Astronomical Clock, I thought it was a joke and most of all it reminded me of how a Spanish pensioner "restored" an old painting of Christ with her own help and in good faith. However, what I read today is really powerful and seems...

The War with the Trees - New Book

In the spring, after a year, I finished the new book War with the Trees, now I have finally finished the graphic design of the cover and it will go to press in the summer so that the book can be with you on September 14th. Years later, I also left Albatros and decided to publish books myself in my own publishing house, on the one hand...

Covid memento 2 and 3

Unfortunately, human stupidity still knows no bounds... When I posted the previous video of the Covid memento not long ago, I thought that nothing could surprise me anymore. But the opposite is true - human stupidity really knows no bounds. But this video, unlike still images, is much stronger and especially to see what is…

Disinformation? Nowhere, often just sheer stupidity

Recently, information and panic began to spread through the media space that monkeypox has a mortality rate of 37%. A number of REAL experts shook their heads at this "fact" and asked where this information came from. It was published on his Twitter by an "expert" - prof. RNDr. Omar Šerý, Ph.D. – researcher from Masaryk...

GDPR? What are we playing here for four years?

In 2018, these four letters crept into our lives - that is, "with us"... The EU created those letters for us, and those letters only annoy us and no longer fulfill their original purpose (if there really ever was a good purpose...) Previously "maybe" ( with a big question mark) God's intention has changed...

The ČT presenter lied and the TV grossly violated the code!

On December 9 of last year, CT broadcast the program Máte slovo, where it refused to allow previously invited lawyer Jindřich Rajchlo, who immediately drew attention to this on his Facebook, as a guest. He also commented on this topic in an interview for the program Incorrect. I will just remind you that this censorship intervention, as Jindřich Rajchl...

Against the recommendation of SÚKL? No problem - it's just the kids!

In her article, Markéta Dobiášová asked the ministry why Minister Válek did not follow the negative opinion of SÚKL, which did NOT recommend the third dose for children from the age of 12 and yet approved it for use in February. Markéta wrote about the problem already in February, but nobody cares and from the beginning…

We just lied - nothing happened, we're moving on!

Today, Novinky published an article titled "Did it work even without lockdown? The numbers from Sweden speak clearly". In the text, just by the way, the WHO admitted that Sweden was of course right with its approach to covid, and as far as the death rate last year is concerned, they are more than 3 times better off,...

Mainly the sustainability!

Every time I turn over the top layer of compost in a year and see what has "grown", it never ceases to fascinate me how much a family of four and a small garden can produce in a year. Nature will make two to three cubic meters of super quality potting soil from this - cleanly, with almost no work and how to…