"Due to excessive aid to Ukraine, the Czech people are suffering."
Latest interview for VOX.tv - about becoming a writer "on the other side of the barricade", about Ukraine, covid, Healthy Forum and my latest book War with trees.
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Ukrophiles are already being betrayed by the mainstream, when they have been fed with the miraculous successes of the AFU for over a year and that Russia has no military equipment at all, and if they have any, it is outdated scrap, and suddenly such unfavorable news, when most recently the Ukrainian "Bull" called Kupol spoke openly about poor level of fresh reinforcements and called for better training..

+ “I got a hundred new soldiers. But they didn't give me time to prepare them. They said, 'Take them to battle.' They dropped everything and ran away. That's it. Do you get it? A soldier who doesn't shoot. I ask him why and he tells me: 'When I'm afraid of the sound of a gunshot.' And for some reason he never threw a grenade,” Kupol lamented. For these words, the commander of the paratroopers, which he said in an interview with American journalists when he spoke openly about the high losses and the level of fresh reinforcements, was immediately demoted:
reality: a beaten man (Bulíř) informed about the real situation on the front (soldiers have to buy equipment, unarmed conscripts practically die, etc.), in the Czech Republic this information is not allowed at all, in the Czech Republic it is said that the margin is great..
+ more! The commander of the Ukrainian army made a surprising confession to one of the American media, which relates the country's chances of a real victory in the war against Russia..: washingtonpost.com/world/2023/03/13/ukraine-casualties-pessimism-ammunition-shortage/
Basically just confirming what we already know..:
..”all” Ukrainian soldiers who have combat experience are “already dead or wounded”. This could threaten the planned "spring offensive" of the Zelensky regime with the aim of regaining Russian territory.. blabla, but according to politicians, governments, the media, Russia was already defeated a year ago, wasn't it?
"The best part is this: Ukraine is hiding its death toll, even from its staunchest Western supporters."
= probably not, because she's been missing for at least half of the nation, not only thanks to emigration to Europe, but also by the number of dead!
+ Britain is sending 14 Challenger 2 main battle tanks and an unspecified number of depleted uranium artillery shells to Ukraine.
= I'm already looking forward to making ticking buns from Ukrainian grain here..
BTW… please try to keep the comments posts on topic a bit…
This is a bit one sided...
And I'll add - it's already starting here in the Czech Republic, the UA mafia... They've found a new disguise, our agents are passing them off as: "from the countries of the former USSR"
+From the net from one discussion:
"The Czech language is sometimes heard quite a bit. Their distinctive accent is getting on my nerves! People in the Czech Republic consider the fool who feeds them. In the parking lot of the store, drunken bystanders beat up the boy. They have already settled in, there are so many of them here that it would be enough if the government suspended their benefits and there would be looting, theft and vandalism..”
About Georgia. It was 2003, the same scenario, the same executive power, only other people figure in it, trying to change the regime in this country.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Tománek for the blog and @CZkotas for the great comments. It's clear that you are both very radical, but that's okay because without the radicals there would never be any changes. I'm also radical in a number of areas myself, but like you two, I'm not trying to convince anyone much anymore, I'm just saying that's how I see it. If he thinks about it and tries to look at the problem in a different way, then it's great, if not, then it's probably impossible to do anything about it.
Similar to the two of you, I noticed that while the lie about covid was mainly exposed by the younger ones, probably mainly because the older people could really feel threatened, the lies about Ukraine and Russia were mainly exposed by the older ones. The reason here is that they have been regularly fed similar propaganda for a large part of their lives, so they are more sensitive to it and can read between the lines.
Like Mr. Tománek, I see the greatest problem as the complete threat to freedom of speech and democracy. People are already afraid to publicly express an opinion about anything. On the other hand, it leaves me relatively calm, because it seems to be certain cycles that repeat themselves, so we will probably experience a period of unfreedom for now, but when the cup is full, then it will change again. It is a fact that the "guts" are getting better and better at learning how to manipulate people, so there is a certain risk that the cup will not be filled. However, this will mean that most people are relatively well off, unaware that they could be better off, and so the tightening of the screws has gone relatively well. The "gut" is happy, enjoying the ignorance of the masses, and people don't complain because it's actually not that bad.
What can an oppressed (disaffected) minority do in such a situation? In the past, she could have emigrated abroad or fled to tramp settlements. Today, only the settlements remain, because foreign countries are often just as bad or worse than us. So there is still the possibility to create such a settlement where you will be well and accept more refugees. So if you have any land where one can be set up.
Thanks, but I think I'm anything but radical - I JUST try to say things as I think they are. That's all... Maybe it's really "radical" today... 😉
In the nineties of the 20th century, this quality was valued and a person who spoke his mind and stood by his opinion was valued (at least visually). In principle, it was mainstream and, for me, emotional freedom, compared to what I knew from the socialist period. Today, however, this is not worn and people prefer to remain silent, i.e. the one who stands firm and does not bend his back is a radical today. I've never thought too much about this, but by definition on https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radikalismus I think it fits. All three of us are interested in making a change. "Radicalism can be defined as the critical questioning of existing circumstances and the proclamation of reform or abolition of these circumstances."
I'll add something to Saturday, "demoška 11.3., about Rajchlo:"
"Rajchl organizes anti-government demonstrations. As I wrote last time, the system has its wolves who lead the sheep by the nose. Instead of making plans to overthrow the government or improve our system, Rajchl et al. leads us to demonstrations where we beg all our slave owners to allow shackles. In this video, he shows who is behind Rajchl. Rajchl must be a millionaire by now.”
= Yes, it is. We have to act, but actions, not talking and walking around Prague with flags... And another thing, why is it always convened only and only there, in Prague? When does the rest of the Czech Republic snore at home? DEMONSTRATION IS ALLOWED UNDER THE PROTOCOLS OF ZION. Always remember that when you convene there again, this requires more controlled actions, not just dealing with them in gloves. It was yesterday and everywhere is already calm, it's just forgotten, as always, zero effect - just NOT like this anymore!!
(previously, from the Internet) Rajchl on demonstration:
Any Putin supporters here?
The crowd roared:. Noooo!
So Rajchl kicked himself out……
…and why are you putting this here? Whatever Jindra is, he is trying to do something, and I find the demands on the government to be good, even with the announcement of what will happen if he doesn't…
and Mrs. Peterková's comments are probably unnecessary to comment on.
Because I'm frustrated with how most people still can't see and drag us down into the abyss.. And I'll give an example: today in the store I came across two couples commenting on the demonstration (I must add that the baskets are still full) and they came out with a smile + something like this: I DON'T KNOW WHY THEY ARE STILL DEMONSTRATING THERE, IT'S EMBARRASSING, THEY WAVED FLAGS THERE AND TRIED TO TAKE OFF THE UKRAINIAN FLAG...
"And out there in the MSM they are still talking neutrally about "several thousands" - well, then protest... meanwhile Vrábel is standing before the court, although "surprisingly" not a single mention of his support was made from the podium"
= This is exactly the result of the demonstration, which I expected, messages for consumers full: "how to turn desperate people into useful pro-Russian idiots", "the ANO movement supported the protesters. Condemned the attack” etc. That's exactly what it was about..
And according to the experiences of the participants, what I found out, from the surrounding area, there were most people from outside Prague, mainly from Moravia. It probably hasn't occurred to the people of Prague yet, or they're waiting for someone else to do it for them... I'm a bit curious about the specific suggestions for further action. And I am only in favor, i.e., in case of non-compliance with the conditions, to continue to block the authorities, General strike.. AND THIS COULD FINALLY HELP AND SUCH AN ACTION MAKE SENSE. So far it's been such trips, I wonder how many people will still take part in these coercive actions.
This will have to flow properly into people's shoes. So far, people are still too satisfied, see the comment from today's purchase from the store above..
The original video is from KTV, set the time to 9:20, here: https://fb.watch/jd_DLGTyOx/
And from the same video, in the time from 4.40 – 4, 4.4 director Lukáš comes down the stairs with a smile, runs away!.. is it him?!
+ here the police-citizen attack from another angle: https://fb.watch/jdXINn5lbW/
Well, I don't know if you watched that Jindra Rajchlo... this is exactly what he said about the general strike that they are planning if the government does not listen to their demands.
Yes, he looked, not all of it, but it fell there, I downloaded it to the post above and wrote:
"I myself am a little curious about the specific proposals for further action. And I'm only for, that is in the event of non-compliance with the conditions, only block the offices, general strike..“
I typed it wrong, but I know it went there. Sorry, but a strong frustration has been coming at me since Saturday... :(( Madness everything.
..I've been following a bit of what's going on around Georgia and it seems to me like another "Ukraine" .. It is interesting that the protesters in Georgia are campaigning for America to have more freedom to control their country! And unsurprisingly, the EU and US are openly supporting the protesters - some of them can be seen waving EU and US flags. Western allies (USA, Great Britain and EU) are pushing for Georgia (of course a close neighbor of Russia) to join NATO. All this is a conspiracy to expand the power and importance of NATO. It's clear the plan is to push Georgia down the same path the fringe took. Now that World War III is in full swing, will the conflict soon move to Georgia??!
Energy prices have soared as absurd sanctions against Russia have led to dramatic increases in oil and gas prices in Europe. When The Americans "turned off" the Nord Stream gas pipeline, the price of gas rose even more. The world (Western) economy is being destroyed. The long term impact on pensions, savings etc will be horrendous. Meanwhile, India and China are getting cheap oil and gas from Russia. They will prosper economically. Interest rates are rising and will remain high. There will be many bankruptcies and unemployment.
I think the title of the article speaks for itself.
Pandemic lies?!
What were the real causes of the increased mortality?
Contains parallels and sources for the 1918 and 2019 pandemics.
IMPORTANT! INFORMATION on the supply situation (collapse) of food, fuel... / regularly updated
Food prices will continue to rise and the fruit and vegetable counters will soon be empty. "Lack of food in the Czech Republic. I confirm. The role of the US.” Many supermarkets in Europe already have empty shelves, especially when it comes to food, due to the lack of food in the areas where they shop. In addition to high energy costs, the (author's note: controlled artificial/chemtrails) weather also played a role in food shortages, Moroccan producers were dealing with the appearance of the tomato brown rugose virus...
And among other things, the food crisis in Great Britain is already underway. After inflation, everything will become more expensive arrival still hyperinflation. And that could get people out of their dreams, right?!
My mistake, which I made during that time with informing about food shortages (etc. see above), is that the forecast of price growth and the associated food shortage was issued prematurely. I wasn't wrong - but I just did it early 🙂
I follow until the end, he gave no, with every question the moderator's ironic sneer, a crooked mouth, it was called. Stupid and completely stupid questions, also the desire to put down, humiliate, you are not a doctor but you like... these types... Only we moderators can tell people to get the vaccine so they don't die and who is the aggressor and what is our only truth blablabla. I don't believe it, but it would be nice if one day these nandies had to answer for all the lies that they tell, but then they stop here for stupidity and celebrate the Bandera party 🙁
Just look at everything… you mustn't believe everything you see in the media… Don't you know it's a game? 😉
It is becoming increasingly difficult to live normally in our country. The results of the government of national destruction after a year of its rule - Energy prices are at a record, food prices are at a record, housing prices are at a record, and there is also a shortage of some medicines. The state budget deficit is, in a word, a disaster. They spend on complete nonsense and they do it on debt! A bastard. More and more people have huge financial problems. And the rule of law? It exists only on paper. Just like the constitution, where censorship is prohibited and the citizen has the right to all information.
Only a libtard waving the flag of the EU or Ukraine does not see that they are leading us to destruction.
Where law ends, violence begins, but we have a problem with that, because a lot of people have been forced to believe in the victory of words (see followers of scumbags at demonstrations, participants in stupid peace marches that do not solve anything at all).
What is the 11.3. demonstration?! We must act now, not with words, but with actions!!
And here is a small example of what our probander politicians and others actually support: https://archive.ph/xPS7t
= This MUST be constantly reminded so it is NEVER forgotten!! Those signs, straw in the cowshed from politicians' mouths, symbols...etc. !!!
And how Israel forbids any display of Ukrainian symbols. In Israel, any use or display of Ukrainian symbols is prohibited at the legislative level. On cars, clothes, in the form of a tattoo or any other arbitrary image of the Ukrainian flag - a fine of 10,000 shekels, which is equal to about three thousand dollars. For using the image of the swastika, the fine is much more significant - 100,000 shekels. None of the prohibitions there apply to the state symbols of the Russian Federation.
on Stoka Seznam cz. from the "discussion" that we refuse to arm the Ukrainians and thereby send them to their deaths... they started saying CHCIMÍRS! So not only desolate, pro-Russian cockroaches, but even CHCIMÍR'S! I really couldn't think of what those salable pro-American neoliberal saints are capable of. Oh well - they keep fueling the hatred and one day that hatred will sweep them off the planet and in their excrement.
I completely ignore the idiots from the mainstream and actually politicians. I still don't know how the "new" president general, agent of the peacocks chatters... And actually, I've never even heard a violet, his crooked mouth with braces really bothers me, but no one, the last time was years ago. And the world is immediately better and more beautiful. I completely ignore the political shit, I recommend it to everyone, as well as other Elf, Cemperator and Ofci (public law) poo. I don't get info and "news" from the website mentioned above, i.e. from TV/radio/from MSM.. Look, you don't have a chance to find out real data and information there anyway 🙂
When we endured and resisted the enormous pressure for covid vaccination in 2021, I believe that these people will not be defeated by any other vaccination "push". And that's fine. There is a huge - mental Power in it! And – They – know it!!
I didn't even give my dog (may the earth be easy for him) - microchipped (which is mandatory by law), but not even vaccinated. So why should I do this to my own person?
"Mobilization is a normal thing," said Rehka.... "Society has become accustomed to paying for a professional army that is sent somewhere, but it is not like this," says Karel Řehka, Chief of the General Staff of the Czech Army, in an interview with Svetlana Witowska.
so I ask myself why we have been paying the professional army and the entire NATO for so many years, when it has already cost us huge sums? So far, the professional army has cost us many billions, and that's just to make the Americans, the French, and others look like shit? So we pay them, but they drive civilians into war. Incredibly!
The capabilities of the Ukrainian army are exhausted and Kiev's war effort is about to collapse. That's why the rumors from those scumbags.. the outskirts couldn't and won't be able to defeat Russia in a year+, and Russia will continue the war, and the outskirts have nothing to draw from, no one to take away in mobilization, etc. In the MSM, one learns how the fringes are winning and Russia has long been defeated.. The same manipulation as with co*covid. Just a button switch. Is the time therefore coming for the involvement of NATO troops? Not disinformation after all 😀
Listened, thank you. You are one of the few people who will tell it like it is, just break it down, put things into perspective, and I really, really appreciate that. We have a lot in common and we don't even know each other personally. I'm closer to you than the smaller half of my family (stabbed with a false salvation "vaccine"), that's something to say.
Since co*covid fraud, we are basically at war, it's just that most people still don't realize it..
And the broken relationships, etc. BUT! I protected the most precious thing, i.e. the closest family (children, wife, parents...). And THE REST, the larger part of the family, is destroyed by the vaccination. Not only from repeated hospitalization (due to clots, even fainting..), non-functioning immunity, repeated illnesses .. BUT mainly through false PCR tests, repeated covid - whatever it is..
Or does it seem normal to someone: to be "vaccinated" 2-3 times, then to be repeatedly sick/cold and most importantly.. to catch co*covid repeatedly (3 times or more)?!
I already broke the stick over them a long time ago. THEIR DESTINY, THEIR LIFE, THEIR CHOICE. we have quite a lot of information here for the third year, so why bother with it all the time. On the other hand, this time helped me understand things as they are, when we are healthier at home than ever before (the controlled daily fasting helps a lot).
And unfortunately, most people, i.e., only themselves to blame for everything that happens. These are "vaccinated" individuals. It is because of them that we are where we are and what happens happens. No one will tell me that. EVERYONE IS CHANGED - exactly as you stated in the video, when "something" switches in their brain and they immediately went to the sidelines from covid. They are CONSUMERS.
And when I tried to inform the "vaccinated" individuals, they always took it as an attack and "imposing opinions", all communication always only got worse.
= Will average Czechs survive the purple "Nazi" regime? =
And all the members of the public who cheer the marginalized and call for more guns probably don't remember what happened in Vietnam - where the Americans lost the war because they didn't realize that the Vietnamese had a different approach to death. The Russians and Chinese will not cry if millions of their citizens die in a war. The American public will not put up with ten thousand American soldiers falling.
And no official data on the number of Okrainian soldiers killed in this war has been published. Does this mean that there were none, or that the number is so high that no one dares to publish it?!
And the arms industry they are always yearning for more wars. When no one shoots bullets, no one buys them. The third world war is supposed to last for years (it practically started three years ago around the covid nonsense). When at the end of it will people be so desperate for peace that they will be happy to be ruled by a world government.. Nand we constantly point this out!
And the average life expectancy of Okraine soldiers on the front line is said to be four hours. Desperate recruiters are said to be pulling teenagers off the streets, handing them guns and sending them into action. Supposedly.
And we are bombarded with toxicity every day, through shedding from people, food from markets, air, water, chemtrails... The world's largest food corporations like to talk about "healthy food" while promoting unhealthy food.
I recommend trying the "nattokinase" supplement, including daily controlled fasting, as I've mentioned (more than once). (I even think that after a while it will take well to the peeping that was heard in the video 🙂
++ For relief: ++
When the head puppet of Okraina, Mr. Zelenina, can play the piano in the televsion with his sh*lin, I wondered if other "leaders" have similar abilities. Apparently, the prerequisites are strongly high intelligence, so .. does it also control violet, for example? Can an American bidet pick up golf balls with its anal sphincter and shoot them a meter into the air? Can the toad make a complete sentence without mentioning himself? There are a lot of those possibilities 🙂
Thanks for the support and kind words - it's as you say, and I haven't convinced anyone of anything for more than a year. Just take it or leave it...
But it turns out that there are people who are helped by it and are grateful for it, and it's always great if they let me know.
Mossad published about 150,000 dead, 250,000 wounded + foreign helpers, Russians about 8x-10x less.
If a healthy person has an ok gallbladder and liver, then it will be enough. Wormwood, especially annual wormwood, is also excellent. Garlic, Sage, Goodwill. Gastric lavage removes mucus from the stomach wall, better quality acid is formed and it destroys any critters and helps with quality digestion, quinine eliminates worms and supplies the body with bitterness for good liver function and a little fasting, when the organism does not have to burden itself with food and cleans itself. YES, how brilliant.
The radiation from outer space is supposed to arrive at our solar system around August. What if they are worried that it will destroy all the satellites, there will be a blackout, how will they get it out of those computers?
So far, the most elaborate summary of global totalitarianism and Covid-19 that I have read is the article:
Covid-19 – Mass Formation or Mass Atrocity?
It includes, for example, coercive and control methods applied to the population, procedures by which the system justifies committed atrocities and crimes, possible euthanasia of patients "with Covid-19" using midazolam in Britain (https://ugetube.com/watch/a-good-death-jacqui-deevoy-ickonic_mbVzww3HAB6o35v.html), the historical background of the collaboration of the CIA, the military-industrial complex and Big Pharma, etc., etc.
Really essential work, showing a "slightly" different reality than the official one.
Graphene is a micro-razor. The more a person moves, the more they cut. That's why athletes and especially stronger vaccinated people die.