For the second time, the Council of Czech Television stated in our favor that CT violated its code. The world is amazed, even the Novinky and iDnes servers reported on the case... A great and professional analysis is provided by the former long-time chief editor of news and journalism at ČT and one of the founders of modern journalism and journalism in...
Not so long ago, I wrote about how the CT Council stated that CT grossly violated its code and the presenter lied on the air. And today we received a response from the CT board to our other complaint and according to their statement – Czech Television has violated its code AGAIN! "...The Council notes that...
Unfortunately, it is far from that easy... It is true that those who have seen through the covid lie once are much more resistant and cautious towards further manipulations, but this is far from the rule. Unfortunately, quite a lot of people who have been debunking the covid and vaccination lies have jumped right on board with the Ukrainian and warmongering manipulation. Those reasons can…
Several people wrote to me yesterday that Lukáš Pollert's Facebook account had disappeared, so I wrote to Lukáš today. And indeed it is so - Facebook canceled his account with thousands of followers. Lukáš filed an appeal and is waiting to see if some merciful Indian with unlimited power clicks somewhere that this is...
The exact same thing happened to Fauci and perhaps Canadian Prime Minister Trude some time ago. Both, like Biden, also vaccinated many times, constantly wearing protection and still get sick. In a NORMAL world and an earlier reality, this would be clear evidence that vaccinations are completely ineffective and masks do not protect anyone...
This is a very sobering personal story of a man who is almost from the profession - a biomedical engineer - and who has always believed in the system, doctors and science. But after two doses of vaccination, he almost died, woke up from the vaccination dream, completely stopped trusting doctors and understood the crazy reality in which we live and try...
This pre-election video is really only for strong people. Yes, you can really rely on Petr Fiala and there is no point in adding more - he really matures like wine... Like6
At Christmas I got some virus - who knows what it was - lost my sense of smell, laid up with a fever for a week, rested and enjoyed reading in bed. Strangely afterwards I had some Long cosi... - unbelievable - I gasped for a week stairs, fortnight I have…
It's been about two years since we stopped having objective media in our country - be careful, I'm not under any illusions that it was rosy before, but with exceptions, the main media (sometimes even the public media) at least "tried" a little. But today? Apart from the usual tabloid news, a dead or cute pet…
Put dangerous and untested vaccines on the market? No one would allow that. We have control mechanisms, we have the responsibility of doctors - that could never happen. I remember seeing "our scientist" in the fall who, with an expression of complete determination and almost fanaticism, repeated in…
I naively thought that under the weight of facts, evidence and studies, the media should begin to slowly turn around and quietly back away, but the bridge was wrong. I uploaded the following video to YouTube - it was deleted and banned within three minutes... Just a statement and a doctor's concern about what is happening...
Today I read that the CEO of CT Petr Dvořák was elected vice-president of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) for the second time at today's general meeting in Dubrovnik. Congratulations - Mr. Dvořák is obviously doing well. And here it would be good to recall the article I wrote back in November last year...
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© Jan Tománek 2023
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