Interview for Countercurrent


Pleasant talk about the book Guide to the Rabbit Hole and philosophizing with Petr Hájek.


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1 year ago

+ I have to add something again.. All conspiracies (according to those shits) are always just facts, e.g. when we read more than a year ago that the upcoming digital currencies will have an expiration date. And according to the wef mantra, I will remind you: "YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND BE HAPPY"

– Chinese digital money will have an expiry date and this has now been confirmed. Users will actually have to spend the digital yuan by a certain date or it will simply disappear..:

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And I'm not talking about the digital ruble, Euro, CBDC in general, etc. !!THE WHOLE WORLD IS A THEATER!!

Last edited 1 year ago by CZkotas
1 year ago


+ One (in my opinion, good) news:
Yesterday, December 29, 2023, "one of them" died - Abraham ben Elazar, I saw a headline somewhere that he died, those who don't know you know him by the name:
Henry Kissinger also known as Avraham Ben Elazar, was a prominent figure in the development of the =NEW WORLD ORDER=

+ “Der Friedensnobelpreisträger Avraham Ben Elazar (alias Henry Kissinger)”

Who still doesn't know .. some info, e.g. here:

A short excerpt from the translator to CZ:

"On a good stretch of the innumerable infamies of the 20th century, the most terrible in the history of the West, as the British philosopher Isaiah Berlin warned, is a genocidal man who has just completed a hundred years of a soulless life in which, paradoxically, he won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973 and has millions of dead behind him in both high and low intensity conflicts. We are talking about the former US Secretary of State and National Security Advisor, the Jewish German and gringo Henry Kissinger. A hundred years of bloody existence. One hundred years of a genocidal man who was an accomplice, co-author and actor of unheard-of massacres in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Of course, a criminal's birthday should not be celebrated. They need to be condemned and questioned and it is an opportunity to read chapters about his extensive involvement in conspiracies, interference in the internal affairs of many countries, bombings and coups d'état….”

1 year ago

Slovakia, when Fico declared at the ceremonial assembly at Bratislava Castle that Slovakia under his government will not sign the Pandemic Agreement with the WHO, because it is a project of unscrupulous pharmaceutical companies! And again he called for negotiations for peace, etc.
= nooo, at least then (I hope) there will be somewhere to run. And meanwhile, here in the cat house, blindly following orders:
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+ gates through your !new! of Breakthrough Energy is calling on governments around the world to use his genetically modified plants and animals for "climate adaptation" (it's bogus science, just like Jew-vaccines).. The funny thing is that the fact that a lot of farmers have fallen because they came across GMOs.

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Ouuu yeaaaa - new normal, let's get used to it.. And what kind? When ONLY vaccinated people die "suddenly", just like there is no recorded case/proof of ADHD or AUTISM disorder in NON-VACCINATED children!! Not a single case like this is publicly known!!! Just like other "diseases of civilization" from toxicity around us, e.g. lead exposure is linked to heart disease and lower IQ, heavy metals are the cause of alzheimer's, etc., etc.

And you know what? Let the monkeys with co*covid solution have inflammation of the pericardium and myocardium (or heart surgery :P), in addition to the advertised low-fat diet, which causes inflammation over the years so bad that they end up in the hospital for no particular reason (the cardiologist won't tell you that) and that not to mention those udder pricks where the focus is mainly on serious injuries and deaths, so less "dramatic" side effects (primary!) go unnoticed, eg: brain fog, neuropathy, excessive fatigue, numbness and exercise intolerance. At least half of those surveyed reported experiencing symptoms such as burning sensations, insomnia, ringing in the ears, myalgia, headaches and palpitations, gastrointestinal problems, neurological problems, anxiety..etc.etc.!

And how to push economies to further collapse? E.g. In the Wehrmacht (Germany) in 2024, the prej will double the expenditure on military aid to the fringes. Just go and go, whatever it takes, whatever it takes the digitization of everything must be stopped!

Nobody yet
Nobody yet
Reply  CZkotas
1 year ago

Tomáš Taraba gave the following status to this topic on Facebook 3 days ago:

Many of you are contacting me about the WHO contract!
The government will not agree to any WHO treaty that would transfer national sovereignty in dealing with any pandemic to a supranational body as circulated in the working documents, where the WHO is supposed to have the right to deny the sovereignty of states and human rights. On behalf of the SNS, we put this question at the forefront of the coalition negotiations, and Prime Minister Fico confirmed this yesterday at the Diet. That's why we clearly stated in the government's program statement that international agreements of this kind do not have the right to be approved by the government, nor by a representative of Slovakia anywhere, but, as the constitution states, only the parliament.
On the other hand, it is true that we as a coalition had a legal analysis done and we also consulted the representatives of Slovakia regarding the claims of one politician who claimed in a video that Slovakia only has time until 30.11. to reject the new WHO treaty. This statement is not true. Negotiations at the WHO level regarding this document are only at the level of working groups, and for now it is not even possible to estimate whether an agreement will be reached between the states in such a form that it will be on the table as a document for approval in the near future. We are closely mapping the situation, but there is no reason to panic, we will not sign any amendment to the contract in the proposed version.

Before the end of the year, a lot of people receive invitations from banks to respond to changes in contractual conditions within a certain time - an increase in fees, otherwise the banks will consider these changes as agreed. Corporate law - if you don't hear back - you agree!

We need to start eating babies!!

We need to start eating babies. We don't have to be here much longer because of the climate crisis.
We don't have enough time, there is a lot of CO2.
We only have a few months left.

Martin Jan
Martin Jan
1 year ago

Seek the Lord, all you quiet lands, who do his law; seek justice, seek silence, perhaps you will somehow be hidden in the day of the Lord's anger." (Book of Zephaniah II, 3)

This last quote is a salutary reminder that seeking God is not optional for today's souls if they are to avert God's punishment that hangs over the heads of us all. Events seem to be moving slowly but surely towards World War III, and it is hard to imagine that this war will not become a nuclear war at some point. We are already seeing the horrors in Ukraine and Palestine, and humanity as a whole has never been as far from God as it is today. However, God did not create mankind or the universe for mankind to populate hell, but His heaven. Therefore, he will intervene soon before all of humanity ends up choosing hell. But such is the depravity of men to-day, that only a very severe Punishment will suffice to turn the survivor away from those sinful pleasures which are so familiar, if not practised, in our day, the worst of which is the mockery of God. 

So Almighty God has His arms wide open to welcome sinners in this last hour before His wrath breaks out. At the same time, however, life is not a game to be played on human terms— "The Lord searches all hearts and knows all the thoughts of the mind. If you seek him, you will find him; if you leave him, he will cast you off forever.” (1. Book of Chronicles XXVIII, 9) Let no one today be so foolish as to say to himself: "I am not a religious person," in the sense that "the Punishment does not concern me." He runs the grave risk of realizing, too late, how seriously he was wrong about God's infinite goodness.

1 year ago

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Reply  colombo
1 year ago

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We don't recognize that satanic "holiday" at home, but this fits 😀

1 year ago

AGAINST THE CURRENT - I take it and read it by chance, so I'll add my comment here, which is a digression, but I think it will fit, because "against the current", so:

Today, after a long time, I was in the hitlermarket from the Reich (it wasn't in the duck, so - in LIDL), and the workers there were wearing such t-shirts, something like let's help the children and for money a poster - support children with autism and there was even a picture of a child with autism (probably)..
And I was the first to think of it - children's "mandatory Jewish vaccinations" proven to cause autism (autism = damage from vaccines!) and now those people contributing to this Jewish fraud (big pharma owns the "Ž" - just to be clear) are demonstrably constantly digging his own grave beneath him and, amid great cheers, squealing with happiness at the help:

Then I walk past a private school where they have taken down the blue-yellow cloth and put up an EU cloth instead, so this company is really just ripe for destruction!

Degeneracy manifests itself, the constant support of "Western values" ... and I'm not talking about the possible celebrations of the satanic holiday and the crazy children's heads around HALLOWEN. We still need to hang and support the rainbow cloth, then it will actually be painted (i.e. completed).

Reply  CZkotas
1 year ago

Excellent and totally to the point post… thanks.

Reply  Monique
1 year ago

Thanks, who understands at least "a little" what is going on .. I will add something to "F" - a large number of CDC officials who promoted lethal co*covid injections are JEWS with dual Israeli-American citizenship! Although Jews represent only 0.3% of the current world population, they hold the highest positions in most of the places, not only in the American government (just look around here, in the Czech Republic, who controls what and what their origins are!), including the American CDC center..


“The director of the CDC was Rochelle Walensky, a dual citizen with Israel, a Jew. CDC Deputy Director Anne Schuchat, dual citizenship with Israel, Jewish. CDC chief Sherri Berger, dual citizenship with Israel, Jewish. CDC Chief Medical Officer Mitchell Wolfe, dual citizenship with Israel, Jewish. CDC Washington Office Director Jeff Reczek, dual Israeli citizenship, Jewish. Czar COVID Jeff Zients, dual citizenship of Israel, Jew. The co*covid advisor, Andy Slavitt, who also has dual citizenship with Israel and is Jewish, along with “Assistant Secretary of Health for Human Services for our country, Assistant Secretary of Health Rachel Levin, transgender, dual citizenship with Israel, Jewish…
Big Pharma, federal government also overpopulated with Jews.. Pfizer vaccine boss, Albert Bourla, dual citizenship with Israel, Jewish. Pfizer Chief Scientist Mikael Dolsten, dual citizenship of Israel, Jewish. Chief Scientist at Moderna Tal Zaks, dual citizenship of Israel, Jewish. Then there is the financial sector, including BlackRock CEO Larry Fink and BlackRock President Rob Kapita, who are also Jewish and hold dual Israeli citizenship. Johnson & Johnson CDC Chief Medical Officer Joanne Waldstreicher, dual citizenship with Israel, Jewish. Chief Medical Officer of Merck, Michael Rosenblatt, dual citizenship with Israel, Jewish.
World Economic Forum (WEF) Senior Advisor Yuval (Noah) Harari, dual citizenship with Israel, Jew - and we're just talking about co*covid here; we are not talking about who is in charge, who controls the media and our banks!