Unrelated II - Dates of Death


There is simply no way you can cheat death charts - they can speak quite clearly.

While in 2020, ONLY older people died from insufficient treatment and fear of a new "flu", this of course did not affect young people, even though people were purposefully told the opposite (green arrow). The real increase and still trending up in the younger age groups, but it didn't happen until 2021…


However, the situation in Australia is even crazier.

Then, unfortunately, we have the Czech Republic and for the year 2022 an incredible drop in the birth rate - by more than 10 % - i.e. in the year 2022 there were born 12.000 fewer children than usual. Which is completely unprecedented - it is as if not a single child was born in Prague in the year 2022... (More at SMIS)

And he will die here in December 2022 increased to 23 % – and at the same time there was almost no covid...

And we could ask: "How does it work?" – Again of course – one big UNRELATED and one tiny SUDDEN…

And by the way, isn't this weird to you too…?

The ongoing poll from your neighborhood is also quite informative...
It follows that every third person knows someone who died after vaccination or has a serious oncological disease, and every second person knows someone whose immunity is destroyed...

Consequences of vaccination in your area

What is the worst vaccination experience you have had IN YOUR NEAREST NEIGHBORHOOD or family? (Please, not what you know from hearsay or the internet)
You can select up to 3 options in total

Also read the previous text – Not related!


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Keringer Rene
Keringer Rene
1 year ago

Hello, I can't vote. The field will flash, but the voice will not come.

Last edited 1 year ago by Keringer Rene
1 year ago

Vaccination against covid-19 in Germany is not proceeding as epidemiologists would like. The number of patients complaining of health problems after the vaccine is increasing at a rocket pace. And the contact point where they can report them is not enough to receive them.
Source: https://tn.nova.cz/zpravodajstvi/clanek/498190-lekare-v-nemecku-zahltili-pacienti-stezuji-si-na-problemy-po-ockovani-proti-covidu?campaignsrc=tn_clipboard

no one yet
no one yet
1 year ago

There has never been a pandemic, yet billions of people believe delusions. They wear useless masks, although there is no evidence of virus isolation, and even if there was - masks do not block nano-sized molecules! Where has the flu gone in the last three years? Flu has just been renamed C19! A useless PCR test cannot test for any alleged virus or infection! It's another scam! And forcing people to give themselves lethal anti-clotting injections that have already killed millions of people!

1 year ago

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Reply  Lynn
1 year ago

Yeah, it's kicking off in a BIG way..
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1 year ago

I recommend an interesting interview with Mudr. Tomáš Furst about the huge excess mortality of young people and the decline in the birth rate in Europe. Neither VZP nor SUKL are willing to publish the data of the last two years, even though we have the right to do so (Act on Free Access to Information). What can I do as a citizen?

1 year ago

ATTENTION !! Dr. Paul Cottrell - A chimeric biological weapon composed of: SARS + HIV + H5N1 (bird flu) will be released !! ATTENTION

…the vaccine industry, in conjunction with the powerful, is right now planning another plandemic, which according to some is already fully planned and just waiting for the appointed time to arrive. Some of the biggest vaccine companies in the world are reportedly preparing their brand new experimental H5N1 bird flu shots for people in preparation for what Dr. Paul Cottrell claims that some kind of chimeric bioweapon will be released, composed of SARS, HIV and bird flu.

!! THEY ALREADY HAVE H5N1 “VACCINES” in stock and “on standby” meaning they are ready for immediate deployment !!

  • MORE IN THE ARTICLE LINKED TO ZF ABOVE, which I will add more info to..
Reply  CZkotas
1 year ago

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New Avian Flu Transmits to Mammals and Causes "Zombie" Behavior.. Update with NEW info, in the ZF link above!

..Virological experiments of the (fauci) type contributed to the sudden transmissibility of bird flu to mammals gain-of-function? Is an upcoming outbreak of highly transmissible bird flu seriously on the horizon?…

Reply  CZkotas
1 year ago

I want to add this: bird flu does not exist. There are no diseases on this planet that are transmitted from one species to another. The virus has never been isolated or identified. It has been proven many times (not only) in the courts. Pharmaceutical medicine is simply genocide. It's about the fear of them killing chickens, killing our pets, and so on and so forth. This (bird flu) is just another show, like it was with co*covid.

There has never been a pandemic, I repeat NEVER, and yet billions of people believe lying bullshit! And covid? Remember.. And what is not (yet) can be. I'm just pointing out info and connections. That's all.

STRAIGHT,these "signs of something bird" make me think, for example: electrical excessive radiation or maybe a parasite activated by antennas (through fuckcins and tests, after all, they forcibly gave the false positive sticks to fish, etc.).

The co*covid scam was invented with a certain intention, but it all went away much, much earlier.. When a bunch of bad guys decided they needed something to scare the world's population to death with; a threat, a danger that would enable them convince billions of people to accept totalitarian world government etc..
Same with the global warming hoax and apparently the recycling nonsense works well so they decided it would be better to change the name of the hoax to "climate change", because it gave them more opportunities to blame people for the bad weather..
The Global Warming Hoax he was fine long term but not scary enough. They needed a threat to scare everyone into doing exactly what they were told. They decided that a pandemic would be good for them… And I could go on.
They started with AIDS in the eighties and they managed to destroy the myth that AIDS will kill us all, so they tried different types of flu and with each new threat they perfected their plan… DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHERE I'M GOING?
At the end of 2019 ..

They needed to embark on the Great Reset and New World Order, appoint themselves to the New World Government and turn their power into billions and billions of dollars for themselves. Therefore, they decided to use the common flu of that winter as the main threat to humanity………

1 year ago

For two years now, various countries around the world have been dealing with the alleged bird flu, as a result of which large-scale farms from the USA to Europe to New Zealand have been culled.
Bird flu has been so hyped up in the past two years that it could end up being an ideal candidate for the next plandemic

1 year ago

Everything that appears in the mainstream media should be considered lies, it is the media that helps do the work of the evil ones. Promoted establishment + truth go together like rain and a picnic in a meadow. We are now very quickly approaching the end, we are at war with cov-19 and the consequences are everywhere. The enemy is fighting for power, resources, money and control.
We are fighting for our bare lives here - the truth is our most powerful weapon

1 year ago

This is just the beginning. There was always going to be another fake pandemic when the first one was successful and they couldn't resist the next one. Of course, the next fake pandemic will come from birds or animals and will be an excuse to cull livestock, close farms, and push people into cities. Caps, masks will return and a new miracle vaccine will be created.
Older people, already cornered and disenfranchised, will continue to be treated like garbage by Generation Z and Millennials.
Soon a mass run on the banks, everywhere, the whole system will collapse, remember, the dominoes will fall. Make no doubt that the Silicon Valley banks, Signature and Silvergate are just the first three in a long, long line of banks that will not only need to be bailed out, but will completely collapse in the coming days, weeks, and months of 2023 and beyond into 2024 . Through the riots, the exhaustion, the disappearance of prescription drugs, water shortages, food shortages.. Covid injections will continue to decimate the injected persons as the spiked proteins clog their vascular system and the nanoparticles will collect heavy metals in the body until several billion people simply collapse from heart failure , stroke and major organ failure.

A run on the banks is coming. Then comes the food rush. Then comes the fuel supply. Then electronics. Then medication. Then clean water.
Do your own financial research. Don't use Google.

The truth is not only in books, we are programmed in advance and movies
Escape From New York Official Trailer #1 (1981) Kurt Russell, John Carpenter HDhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10OoccK7dIw

Reply  Anonym
1 year ago

Like this, after the widespread collapse of banking, governments will push for digital currencies. They have been given a great opportunity as banks continue to fail in the US and around the world. Just as they were given a chance and actually succeeded, as part of DEPOPULATION in co*covid, the whole world is vaccinated on average above 60%.
In my opinion, the years 2024-2025 will reveal the true face of what is yet to come. It's looking more and more like we should pull out of the banking system entirely and move to barter or gold/silver trading. CENTRAL BANKS OWN AND CONTROL CENTRAL GOVERNMENTS. Tracking, tracking everything and evaluating. If it is not high enough, you will lose your privileges, you will not get a loan, an apartment, a house, a car…FOOD

The IMF, IBM and Mastercard have been working on it since 2019, i.e. before the outbreak of the co*covid pandemic. And cryptocurrencies were just an exercise for blockchain technology..

IBM: Blockchain in Financial Services – When Are Stable Coins Useful? - Blockchain in Financial Services (November 12, 2019 By Andrew Munro)
Mastercard: CRYPTO AND BLOCKCHAIN – Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) – Enabling new types of payments.
90 % of the world's central banks are involved in some form of CBDC. When considering Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), Mastercard is happy to help you research, test, implement and secure these new currencies. We are committed to working with central banks to support CBDC payments on our network.
INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND (IMF): CURRENTLY OVER $100,000,000 IS AVAILABLE IN THE CBCD MARKET: Stablecoins, Central Bank Digital Currencies and Cross-Border Payments: A New Look at the International Monetary System - Remarks by Tobias Adrian at the IMF-Swiss National Bank Conference, Zurich (May 2019 - 14 May 2019)

What will happen if the majority of the population goes out of work when this tyranny is established?

Reply  CZkotas
1 year ago

Czech industry has a big problem. Greendeal becomes Black deal. Can the Czechs tolerate it?https://paralelne.cz/2023/03/26/cesky-prumysl-ma-velky-problem-z-greendealu-se-stava-black-deal-vydrzi-to-cest-tolerovat/

Energy expert Ivan Noveský analyzes the consumption of gas and electricity over the last period. We were lucky that it was almost not really cold.
The industry is sinking mainly due to non-competitiveness due to extremely high gas and electricity prices. We will soon see what effect this will have in the coming economic and financial crisis.
Ševčík tells the truth without circumlocutions, cleaned of government propaganda. and that is punished today!
Let's hope that, thanks to the ongoing crisis, empty wallets and termination of employment, the Czechs will soon understand that the truth can't be hidden forever.

1 year ago

Deadlines? Useless! Masks? Useless!! Tests? Useless!!! And I could go on. AND everything has been proven and proven.
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And the children's chances of living to the age of eighteen are decreasing exponentially 🙁 Children are the most precious thing we have and therefore we must protect them!!

+Study: All-cause mortality among US children is rising rapidly:
(..All-cause mortality among children aged 1 to 19 increased by 10.7 % from 2019 to 2020. This trend continued from 2020 to 2021…)

I will only add that "immigrants" are not forced to get vaccinated at all..

+ The CDC bought the location data of 55 million phone users to track them during co*covid lockdowns:
(..According to the contracts, the Public Health Agency paid one firm $420,000 and the other $208,000. These combined expenditures of $628,000 gave the CDC access to the location data of at least 55 million US cell phone users…)

They also monitor the whereabouts of immigrants in the Czech Republic, when they also give them free telephones, flat rates, etc.. And it happens to all of them at some point, even on the sidelines, I have written about it more than once (not only) here, they just don't realize it yet.. We are watched everywhere we go and everything we do is monitored. That's why I never carry my phone with me and I have the 95% at home.

And on and on.. The same corruption and mess (not only) at Pfizer and its criminal activities..
And the same Pfizer was giving away (of course for fat profits) saving "vaccines" !!
Pfizer recalls migraine drug over poisoning risk:
(..A recall announced March 16 by the Consumer Product Safety Commission found about 4.2 million packages of this migraine drug do not meet the child-resistant packaging requirements mandated by the Poison Prevention Packaging Act. Children who manage to open the packaging and swallow the tablet inside can be poisoned..)

For God's sake, how many times has Pfizer been proven its criminal activities including the past !!

+ 7 children in Africa paralyzed as a result of polio vaccination funded by the Gates Foundation:
(..Medics reported that seven children were paralyzed as a result of vaccine-induced polio associated with a new experimental oral vaccine..)

... MrWhy hasn't an arrest warrant been issued for Gates (a long time ago)?

.. and it continues, already we have been living in some psycho world for three years. It just switched from covid to edge with the switch. And I'm not talking about you Western Laughing Margins, which will slowly reach a million here. And what completely destroys me is how the government robbed the pensioners and I see the same pensioners smiling at the Western laughing fringes. And that's not to mention the constant sending of millions from our taxes to the most corrupt country on the European continent, which of course is the fringe..

+ Fruit warning: 75% of fresh (non-organic) produce in the US (I think it will be similar here in Europe) contains toxic pesticide residues. The list of worst offenders in terms of the amount of pesticides and poisons were: cabbage, green salad and mustard and hot peppers and peppers.
The entire list of "bad" ones from markets is as follows: 1) Strawberries 2) Spinach 3) Cabbage, green salad and mustard 4) Peaches 5) Pears 6) Nectarines 7) Apples 8) Grapes 9) Peppers and hot peppers 10) Cherries and sour cherries 11) Blueberries 12) Green beans 
And here is the list of net, i.e. the measured mesh values, as follows: 
1) Avocado 2) Sweet corn 3) Pineapple 4) Onion 5) Papaya 6) Sweet peas (frozen) 7) Asparagus 8) Honeydew melon 9) Kiwi 10) Cabbage 11) Mushrooms 12) Mango 13) Sweet potato 14) Watermelon 15 ) Carrot