A big interview for Rádio Universum

About everything that happens around us and what is discussed in my book Guide to the Rabbit Hole - 3 parts, without censorship with Martina Kociánová. Like5

Controlled population exchange in Europe

A very important and above all harshly true video. We can guess WHY this is happening, but the fact that it is already happening is in itself unmissable, but still most people do not want to believe it for some reason... Dutch lawyer Eva Vlaardingerbroek spoke this year in April at CPAC in Budapest,…

Talk about books for Parallel

With Jirka Havel about the books – Guide to the Rabbit Hole and The War with the Trees. How prepared are you for the next tree war? Like3

It was no accident - what vaccines do in the brain

A very important interview with a German doctor about the deliberate dumbing down of the population and what changes to the brain can be caused by vaccines and fear - the brain behaves similarly to Alzheimer's disease. And why all the covid "doubts" were definitely not a coincidence... There is also a way in the video, how can you possibly damage the brain…

Sunday Live Chat

Recording of evening live discussions. Thanks for all the nice responses and I look forward to seeing you again next time. If you subscribe to my YouTube channel, you won't miss the next debate... Sunday Talk #4 - 9/11 - Conspiracy and Reality Sunday Talk #3 - American "Freedom", Big Pharma, Bill Clinton, Whooping Cough...

"Safe and effective" - cardio problems and clots

It's far from just deaths, which are increasingly getting into the mainstream - it's about thousands of people with more or less serious health problems after being vaccinated against covid, which the system is not interested in. How could the system be interested when vaccination is " safe and effective” so these…

Not related III - excess deaths

Great summary and new facts about the excess deaths that are starting to appear in almost every country in the world - no one knows what is causing them, but everyone knows what they are definitely NOT! - simply NOT RELATED! For example, in the US, the death rate between 2022 and 2023 increased by 26 % among 35 to 44-year-olds, and…

Interview for the Conscience of the Nation

“Want to sweep the squeamish elephant under the rug? In time, everyone trips over the trunk." - pre-Christmas talk not only about the book Guide to the Rabbit Hole. Like12

Interview for Countercurrent

Pleasant talk about the book Guide to the Rabbit Hole and philosophizing with Petr Hájek. Like21

System change – Petr Blahynka

A very interesting lecture about the relationship between work and money, the Great Reset vs. The local reset, the end of the system based on the dollar, about the countries of different categories, the economic functioning of the world and the inevitable rebirth into another epoch - the New World Order, because capitalism has exhausted itself and ends... I don't completely agree with everything, but I really recommend it...

Non-dotted stories - Czech documentary

The next part of the long-awaited documentary Conscience of the Nation (after Dotted Stories). A great act about the trauma that our society has experienced and it is not healed and must not be kept silent about it. I am very proud that my wife Verča was one of them. On the stories of 24 brave people who chose instead of fear…

Dr. Yeadon: There was no pandemic - they want total control

Dr. Michael Yeadon was the head of the research department and one of several presidents at Pfizer. I highly recommend listening to this speech he gave at a recent demonstration in London (May 2023).And if this still sounds like science fiction to you, try to think what these people would get out of it,…

Important doctor's statement about mRNA vaccines

Dr. Thomas Binder is an internist and cardiologist with 35 years of experience who studied in Zurich and also holds a doctorate in immunology and virology. I highly recommend devoting 8 minutes of your life to his statement and summary of the entire covid hoax and more importantly his warning against the effects of mRNA vaccines, including recommendations…

I wonder in vain where the difference is...

Original text published - 3/6/2022 I recently came across an article on Echo24 where the author wonders how in Russia they prosecute teachers who say something other than what the government propaganda claims. …and as it turns out, it can be quite tricky for educators in Russian schools to try to oppose the official narrative in any way. In April…