Not overpopulation - the planet is dying!


However, you constantly read the exact opposite in the media - there are eight billion of us and that's it DISASTER.
Occasionally there is a small whiff with a "local problem" - for example, CT finally noticed, that for the second year in a row, the birth rate in our country has dropped by 10% in an unprecedented manner. This is the equivalent, to imagine, as if not a single child was born in Prague ALL YEAR. And two years in a row...

It has been pointed out for a long time in to a number of SMIS articles, or for example inFacts and tries to ask questions about what it has to do with.

In his book A Guide down the Rabbit hole I dedicate a whole chapter to this topic and believe me we have as humanity A REALLY big deal - but the media, politicians solve artificial and stupid problems like the Green deal...

Overpopulation and depopulation

There is constant talk about the overpopulation of the planet, but unfortunately the problem is exactly the opposite and it is a wonder that no one draws attention to this and the media does not sound the alarm.


Animated image with bounce effect

In order to JUST maintain the population, there needs to be statistically two children per woman (population replacement level). All of Europe, America, Russia, China, Japan and other areas are depopulating unstoppably - 70 % people live in countries where the number of children per woman is WAY below two. India has been below this threshold since 2021, and China, thanks to the controlled birth rate and the one-child policy, has surprisingly been below the population replacement threshold even since 1990, when there were only 1.16 children per woman in the long term. Due to this perverted one-child policy, there are 120 men for every 100 young women in China today, and there are 40 million young men in the country for whom there is no woman their own age. The only countries where there are more than four children per woman are countries in equatorial Africa.
Today, 50 % fewer children are born in Germany than fifty years ago, and the same is true throughout the developed world. The situation is even worse in Japan, where there are 1.3 children per woman and more diapers for adults than for children are already sold there... In the Czech Republic, the replacement level of the population began to decline in 1980, when it fell below the level of two children for one woman and never got up again. Today, there are 1.7 children per woman.

It is very strange that the ratio of women with one, two, three or more children remained exactly the same, but there was a noticeable increase in women who have no children AT ALL. In Italy and Japan in the 1970s only one in thirty women was childless, but today it is one in three. Likewise in the USA, where every third woman remains childless as of 2018.
There is no explanation for this trend, which has affected literally the whole world, and it is surprising that no one is even looking for it.
Governments are trying to use migration to patch up this social collapse, which is now inevitable, but this paradoxically causes even greater cultural problems with the assimilation of completely different cultures, thereby only hastening the chaos and decay.

The population will continue to grow from "inertia" for a while as the current generations age - about 10 billion - but a collapse in twenty to thirty years on the social plane is quite inevitable, and then a population crash will follow.
Today, there are three to four active people of working age for one pensioner, who support him and the entire system from their taxes, but in twenty years - as there are now, due to the population gap, there are no children who would grow up in twenty years and replace the current active working people - in today's generation of 50-somethings, there will be ONLY one working-age person for every two pensioners who cannot legitimately support them.
The downward spiral is of course still deepening and unfortunately this process has been going on for many years and today it is basically irreversible.

If you take all these circumstances into account, does it still seem like an overblown phantasmagoria that someone is trying to reduce the population already?
The absolute worst possible solution to covid with the highest number of deaths, scandalous neglect of preventive and emergency health care, 70 % of the world's population is vaccinated with an experimental vaccine that has proven side effects, after which many people die, and they have no idea what will happen in a few years. The completely unregulated expansion of euthanasia in some countries, the media feeding of the cult of "singles" and LGBT communities, supported by large multinational companies that change the colors of their logos to support the communities, and finally, deliberately unleashed and fueled wars...

And you can ask again if this is again just the insane stupidity and incompetence of the politicians, or if it is really intentional.
Anyway, those who try to interfere with the natural course of humanity's life have technically increasingly larger and more destructive means that have absolutely global effects, and by playing the gods they have unleashed something beyond their power, because when you interfere with the complex an ecosystem you don't understand is most likely to be disrupted and completely destroyed.
And I'm afraid that's exactly what's happening to humanity right now.

Does that seem too crazy?
By the way, during the Third Reich, of course, no one believed that disabled people were killed, and the Red Cross did not believe (did not want to believe) in the existence of concentration camps until the end of the war.
Of course, it's certainly just a coincidence - nothing like that could happen again today - after all, that's only in textbooks...

(chapter "Overpopulation and depopulation" from the book A Guide down the Rabbit hole)

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if you don't read, you can and otherwise...

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1 year ago

OFF TOPIC but.. Sweden has now abandoned plans to introduce renewables and is pushing for more nuclear power:

= Is it because of the current harsher (normal) winter, which has caused power outages in their homes there, including the discharge of batteries in electric cars? Be that as it may, it's heartening to see that the UN and WEF's anti-human agendas have begun to at least "slightly" crumble 🙂

1 year ago

WEF “New Entrant” Now Says Unthinkable at Davos 2024 Meeting!! 18 seconds before they shut it down but worth it!!!

“I appreciate the World Trade Forum WEF giving me the opportunity to be on this stage and say, screw Klaus Schwab, screw the NWO New World Order.
We the people were born free, we will stay free, and you and all your globalist friends, including everyone in this room, can go screw yourself.”

Then there was the loss of connection .. Davos 2024

Reply  CZkotas
1 year ago

So I probably discovered that it's a fake, or rather, satire..

+ Watch the original WEF video from which this "edited" clip was taken:

Reply  Jan Tománek
1 year ago

Well, at least this is not fake - Javier Milei (yes, "the" magor, nothing about it) at least said there that they (WEF) are the PROBLEM, not the solution:

Reply  CZkotas
1 year ago

The meeting of global idiots in Davos ended today..+ After Milea, Kevin Roberts also said something similar there: "you are the problem", speaker Kevin Roberts said to the face of the "globalists" in Davos

"Political elites tell average people ... that reality is 'x' when in reality reality is 'y',"
"Infamously hypocritical self-proclaimed Marxists, private-jet-flying environmentalists and genocide-advocating aid workers want to hear how they can 'restore the trust' of ordinary people against whom they have weaponized their institutions."

= Usually IN THEIR DAVOS you mainly hear Klaus Schwab fantasizing about how to operate brain implants on everyone, cancel democratic elections, etc.

+ Something from the court jester of the Czech Republic:
comment image
And notice the fake F24 cesspool logo too

Last edited 1 year ago by CZkotas
1 year ago

Look what the human monsters in the current government are up to, after all we already know about the so-called vaccines!

Reply  Martin
1 year ago

Zahumenská?! Are You Fu*king Kidding Meee?? I read here how she ran "" and I've been going there for almost two years, but I've been successfully ignoring and ignoring her for two years now, and my life has been better since then. She's "strange", kind of closed in on herself, I don't know where to classify her... according to her, EVERYONE is probably STUPID, etc.. AND ONLY SHE IS RIGHT.

Last edited 1 year ago by CZkotas
Reply  CZkotas
1 year ago

At first I thought I wouldn't respond to your comment, but "a voice from the mountain told me" to respond.

You know CZkotas, I also disagree with some of her articles and statements she has on her blog. But let him write for me and for me, the articles he wants and comment on what he wants. He does not harm or hurt anyone physically. So why the "screams".

Moreover, what is undeniable is that during the time of covid apartheid in the Czech Republic, she did not keep her mouth shut as a lawyer and did not allow herself to like the state crap of abuse of power and trampling on the law. Actually, in the end, I don't even admire her for some of her opinions in this corrupt absurdist state with this government in power.

She didn't do anything to me personally, and with my comment I only wanted to point out the fact that often such things that are prepared "behind the scenes" in the ministries and then come out in documents in eKLEP, many of us only learn about such blogs. The mainstream deliberately doesn't point out such things.

So it is not always necessary to react like a "devil from a box". And in the end, it's only this state - this current sold-out government - that is making an ass out of us all.

Last edited 1 year ago by martin
Dr. Bombay
Dr. Bombay
1 year ago

Yes, that's true, but to be honest, neither the cockroach nor the covid can really blame for this.

The reason is a civilization that has forgotten that women are primarily designed to give birth and raise children; and not that they are female travelers, directors, cosmonauts or writers.

I don't know at all if this simple and by now obvious truth is not too alternative today even for the alternative 😉

1 year ago

Excellently written!! It's all somehow related, they also submitted quite well documented data to SMIS "Who is missing children?"
1 part)
2 part)

"In simple terms, we can say that the children we are missing from January 2022 are children who, for some reason, were not born to vaccinated mothers. Unvaccinated mothers are in normal numbers.”
"vaccination against covid has a causal connection with the decline in fertility of Czech women"

+ I will add that the "coronavirus vaccination" through mRNA, proteins with spikes get through the blood-brain barrier, which damage the hippocampus - the temporal lobe, which plays a major role in learning and memory, when they deliberately make people bigger idiots, for this the mainstream media uses fake messages for promotion = part of the global psychological manipulation of the mind that is still going on, including TRANSGENDER and the rainbow "movement" ... and I'm not bringing this up here, I mean tell them to wear masks when many lobotomized Czechs STILL carry their bacteria procreative, impairing cognitive function, dirty masks, not only in stores..

This and, of course, others are quite related, and it also explains the fact that it is the "new" norm not to support families with children and, if at all, to keep an eye on it, so as not to say... Even if one parent works and the other takes care of the children, the one who takes care of you has no helping hand from the state, unless he is an immigrant or a Roma citizen.. EVERYTHING IS ALWAYS RELATED SOMEHOW