Member of Parliament for YES on Twitter JUST she dared to ask that it would be worth it to investigate everything about the intervention at the Museum... You can look at the dozens and hundreds of reactions yourself. Here I have selected a few of them…
And it's not just politicians who can be "understood" as part of the party struggle, but unfortunately also journalists, who should seek the truth and not reprint government propaganda. And what is the saddest thing for me, unfortunately, even ordinary people who evidently cheerfully cheer on the lack of freedom and totalitarianism towards which this country is heading...
Or the persecution and attacks on associate professor Ševčík, who freely "allowed" himself to be at a demonstration against the government. And what's worse, even endorsing police brutality against him and writing student pamphlets calling for his removal from his academic post... That's not the way before '89 - we're already there a long time ago.
In fact, it is not just an intervention - the problem is much deeper. Again, it reminds me of the beginnings of covid, vaccinations and actually the war on UA, when completely fanatical people literally kick anyone who touches their vision of reality with a question.
It used to baffle me and I couldn't understand why they would literally react so hysterically, but now it seems quite obvious to me. There is a simple fear behind it - the admission of any similar wrongdoing by the police, scientists, doctors, media or the government would naturally have to lead to further questions, if the lies and manipulations were not there before...
The intervention at the Museum leads directly to questions about other government lies - those about the economy, UA, freedom, and then lies about covid and the vaccine, which are already dangerous. Because even admitting to myself that I poured and had unnecessary junk pumped into my body - or that I had it injected into my own children - is really not fun anymore.
And every such question is precisely why it is so dangerous, because it can precisely demolish the entire glass castle built on water of incredible lies and self-hypnosis.
It's all or nothing - just like at the end of the Second World War, when the inhabitants of destroyed Germany did not want to return to reality and believe in definitive defeat. They still wanted to naively believe in a miracle weapon and even in the final victory - and therefore sent their children to a completely unnecessary death.
Not accepting reality is apparently comfortable - otherwise one has to live in the truth and that is not easy at all and even that it often hurts…

You will best support my work buys books,
if you don't read, you can and otherwise....
I consider everything probable or possible, except for Ukraine. I absolutely do not understand why Putin's hoax is repeated in the circles of freedom fighters and the opposition, that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was somehow caused by someone in the west. This is hardly sustainable and it is completely strange that the war in the UA is among the main culprits of expensive energy for the opposition (they note with the government and thus help it), when the culprit is the Green Deal, many times more significantly. Even those crazy WEFians, the Resetians, couldn't have caused Russia's attack in any other way than by having Putin at their command. do they have Don't they? I don't know, rather no, he took advantage of the consequences of the Energiewende and the resulting weakness. Ukraine did not attack Russia, that is simply a fact, and the opposite happened, also a fact. If they have Putin at their command, then it makes sense to include the UA globalists in the list of strange events, otherwise it completely devalues the efforts to fight against those who limit freedom, to save the West, to return to the way things were. In Russia there is already a dictatorship, in the West it is still on the verge and we can reverse it. If not, then there is no point in writing anything, I believe so. But Ukraine is not to blame for Putin attacking it. It had no NATO troops and weapons on its territory (even now it receives the latter very little by little). NATO did not encircle Russia in any way, even in the Baltic it had only symbolic troops that would not defend it, Finland wanted to be neutral (after the annexation of Crimea, however, Russian fighter jets flew provocatively into neutral Finland, why? Did they want to cause Finland to join NATO? And only after the invasion the opinion of the Finnish population changed to UA).
Remove UA from that list and there would be more people who could wake up to the fact that something is wrong. Putting in UA means discouraging a lot of people and actually helping the WEFs implement Reset here.
Don't be angry, but you are a really special case - someone who sees all the "scams" (including the global one and WEF) but not this one, I have yet to meet.
I personally believe that it is a globally arranged game that is unfortunately beneficial for everyone. But if you don't believe that Putin is part of the WEF game (after all, there are photos with Schwab and he refers to Putin as his "horse"), it is still very clear how the USA is involved in the manipulation and how everything they inform all the world's media and politicians (again as unilaterally as during covid). And thanks to this alone, your red light should be flashing…
First, read my comment at the beginning and try to refute something from it, I will be happy:
(it starts ..Civilian casualties are over…)
So. Now I will add that currently (since covid) Russia, is the same PUPPET, riding it, just like the rest of the world, riding it too. In what? In shaping the NWO/AGENDA 2030 .. And call it what you want.
Oh, and who attacked whom... I don't take what you wrote seriously. And none of the parties involved. did not declare war. This is a game. A moronic game waged against all of us, AGAINST THE PEOPLE. And the fringes? (I can't call them anything else, I'm sorry, but all the Westerners, i.e. the majority, the fringes, abuse it, don't really get mad at me). Their benefits will soon end here too. DIGITALIZATION of everything (they will eventually themselves run away from the disintegrating EU and their values. Those who wanted to join the EU have been here for a long time, the rest of the really needy could not or stayed, the rest are in Russia).
Yes, one more thing, why are most of the refugees in the millions in that terrible Russia that invaded Ukraine, I wonder, according to the officials. statistics there are already over 2 million.
And while we're talking about savior Russia, I'll give an example, I can think of...:
Russia produces food additives from crickets and cockroaches:
TSU biologists plan to create food additives from crickets, worms and cockroaches
And I'm not writing about the digital ruble..
Or 8 people were hospitalized with the non-existent H5N1 virus:
All over the world .. By 2030 NATIONAL IDENTITY is to be suppressed. That's why they exchange documents (digital IDs, etc.) .. And of course facial images and fingerprints, but not in the form of images, but BIOMETRIC data.. From ko*kovid there was a global upheaval. We already live in a fascist world:
You are the epitome of herd washing. Again. This game is perfect. While we are playing a war that no one has declared, we have a cruel war going on here, which we are all diligently fighting with almost scant interest.
Information warfare, real.
And our children take it away the most. I am truly pained and utterly hopeless by any injustice done to children, all children.
But watching the children of my nation being destroyed is too much.
I would like to write, I'm sorry, no I'm not sorry, I wish what I can't even write for this callous, corrupt society. Society not people.
Do you know what happens to a completely defenseless child? What do you do for them?
!Children are the most valuable thing we have and therefore we must protect them!! There is nothing more valuable than children, I keep saying that.. I have two preschoolers at home (for now, my older son starts school from September), they are not picky, he eats everything. Except for the NWO and insect products! I teach them at home that it is poisonous, if by any chance they wanted to try it on them already in kindergarten, etc. 😛 We completely distance ourselves from the covid lies from masks, distances, contacts and do everything the other way around..
Random quick photo selection:
We actively guide them in a positive way towards humility and respect for life and nature. No cell phones, etc., hiking/hiking in the mountains, cycling, walking in the forest... roasting sausages over the fire, preparing it and collecting wood, swimming in the river and catching small fish. We read them fairy tales at home, no TV and when watching, without ads and massive controls only for Czech older fairy tales and evening programs (e.g. Katya and Škubánek, Maxipes Fík, fairy tales about Mashinka, talking about Dog and Cat...), but also on Peppa Pig, Pingu or older children's films (Neverending Story, Journey to Prehistory, Mr. Tau, Long Live the Spirits). .)…
Among other things, you also write comments on AE, as well as the corona coup, etc. Sometimes I put a link here to Mr. Tománek's blog, I didn't expect such a great reaction here as well. I probably dragged you along here a bit 😀
We also brought up the children like this, but the problem is the second grade and older... they want to fit into the collective and without a phone, knowledge of YouTubers, etc. it's hard to do...
If they don't indulge in any of this and don't really live ONLY in the forest or in a group of the same people, they won't avoid it and it just isolates them and makes them freaks...
I don't know where the line is... ;(
What will scare me a little, nothing about that.. Anyway, min. they also know that they should not walk around mobiles (with a mobile phone) much, that it is not good for children. He lies at home most of the day, even if we are out all day. Disinterested 😛
I know that up to (at least) five years, a child's brain can absorb most of the emitted radiation compared to an adult, there were also studies on this, the number was crazy, maybe around 80% when children absorb that radiation 🙁
For now, we are trying at home. What will scare me a little.
I hate "parents" who stuff mobile phones into their children's hands from the time they are in strollers, play fairy tales, etc., and de facto instill in them this abomination for normality. And as I have written more than once: THE FUTURE IS DESTROYED
Are seven billion people really going to die to protect a man whose only claim to fame is the ability to play the piano with his penis, and a country most famous for its corruption? Staggering ignorance. Ukraine started this war in 2014. Nobody remembers that Ukraine has been corrupt for decades and was pretty broke before they started the war in 2014. Ukraine's government Zelenskiy - the world's highest paid actor can now ban media it doesn't like without bothering with the courts.
What is going on with Taiwan? In the Middle East? And in Korea?
The EU is a satellite of the US.
The countries with the largest commercial loans in the world are China, Russia and Saudi Arabia. The poorest countries in the world are the USA, the UK and the EU countries.
That's why Ukrainians mostly fled to Russia, the country that "attacked" them. official map with UNHCR data as of 11 March 2023

Russia 2,852,395 refugees
Poland 1,564,711 refugees
Germany 1,055,323 refugees
we are in 4th place with half a million, but we clearly lead in terms of population!
some ended up outside Europe as well, UNCHR's monitoring includes only European countries
That's nice, I thought that "only" something over two million and ofic got to Russia. it's almost three. I will add a link:
AND in the Czech Republic it is already on 2.4. = 504.107
And the following countries have accepted the most refugees per 1000 inhabitants in the world:
1. Montenegro (55.2 refugees per 1,000 inhabitants)
2. Estonia (50.8)
3. Czech Republic (46.4)
But when I go back to Russia, I think there must be at least 2x-4x more people there than reported. I thought: a few million left the fringes for Russia after 2014 and before 2022! And that's not counting Crimea - that's another 1.5 miles! hmmmmm
Do you all really think that these comments were made by specific people out of their specific beliefs without economic incentive, or by a single person in the dark behind a Ukrainian flag, or a dark flag with Putin's head?
This is not a throwback to pre-89.
but the fascism of the 1930s
Udo Ulfknotte this is how he quoted Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann in his book Buying Journalists.
Let's prepare for the fact that in the near future we can expect further and even stronger provocations from the authorities, which will lead to the hardening of the regime and the introduction of a kind of "truncheon laws" from the beginning of normalization. A small pretext is all it takes to trigger the pre-prepared indignant reactions of politicians and evoke the "spontaneous" voice of the people, calling for harsh punishments and tightening of repression against us all. The state power will then be given the opportunity to apply all the tools and procedures of oppression over the entire society, which it has been preparing for a long time in advance (see the government's agenda against "disinformation", the KRIT department of the Ministry of the Interior, established with new water cannons and other equipment equipped with repressive elements of the state, etc.).
The fanatical clique of journalists and Internet mobs, demanding harsh and uncompromising punishment of "traitors of the nation", "pro-Russian cockroaches" and "collaborator pigs" (see the attached Tweet of Kryštof Stupka in the article) already tells about what the anger of the fanatical herd will look like. Just like in the 1950s, when the working people asked the party and the government to definitively deal with those enemies of the state, the "evil scumbags" and "subversive elements paid from the West". With the difference that today this wave of hatred is a direct result of the events of the past 3 years when the same mass of fanatics called for harsh punishments for opponents of covid measures and refusers of testing and vaccination. So today they are asking the state power to deal just as hard with those who do not bow to the government in its fight for Euro-Atlantic interests and they do not enthusiastically encourage war with a nuclear power.
The fear of punishment for not complying with the covid-fascist regulations has created a habit for people over the last 3 years to automatically obey and willingly follow all instructions of power, nod to any government propaganda and march to the rhythm of the crowd. The consequence of the covid rampage was that people allowed a global power to massively control their own lives like never before in the past. We can see how this manifests itself in the ever-increasing fanaticism of the deranged herd, who applaud the curtailment of their own liberties and call for an even more brutal tightening of totalitarian repression over themselves.
We still have the ability to express our opinions relatively freely, but I'm not sure how much longer that will last. Last year's shutdown of several "subversive" websites was just a dress rehearsal for something bigger. Do not be silent, do not be afraid to express your own opinions, but do not allow yourself to be provoked by intrigues similar to those that occurred during Saturday's demonstration. Don't give THEM the opportunity to use false pretenses to justify the introduction of brutal repression against their own citizens. If they get a pretext and present it to the manipulated mob in their controlled mass media, the repression-enslaved flock will still applaud them and demand an even stronger tightening of oppression over us all!
I can't fix the comment below 🙁 please edit - delete the first same bold half. When I tried to fix it, it still hung and it didn't work, I waited 20 minutes.
Thank you
+ I will add (add to the previous one if possible):
Testimony of a man beaten at the National Museum. Will he remove dean Miroslav Ševčík for wanting to help a beaten person?
+ Support of doc. Ing. Miroslav Ševčík, CSc.
Is the media corrupt or just plain dangerous? And all the commotion surrounding the rascal and his staged intervention in front of the Museum provoked by the police, not to mention.
Nobody in the media so far cares that the world banking system is hanging in the balance or that stock prices and pensions are close to collapse, inflation will soar even higher. And billions are still pouring into World War III..
The media seems to be afraid of free speech and I believe they are consistently betraying their audience. By obscuring the truth and making life easy for liars and frauds, the media allows fraudsters to push their fakes without question or discussion.
It was the very media that helped make it possible for the Czech people to be abused and mistreated, bullied and mistreated by an out of control government and unscrupulous pharmaceutical companies!
The media in the Czech Republic still reject freedom of speech, have demonstrated their arrogance and betrayed the Czech people. Let us remind you that the media received (NOT ONLY!) a huge amount of money from the EU.
This "truth" media denies people the right to hear the information they have a right to hear and need to hear.
In the meantime, the summary:
China sets up "military offices" across from Taiwan. And Chinese fishermen "accidentally" cut the cable line to Taiwan. And the Chinese government tells its citizens the location of the nearest nuclear bunker.
North Korea now claims that "there is a real possibility of nuclear war".
The US government has lost wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Vietnam. Why does Biden think he can fight Russia and China and win?
Both America and China are rapidly expanding their arsenal of nuclear weapons.
Hungarian President Orbán has said that Western countries are close to negotiating the possibility of sending NATO troops to the fringes to fight against Russia. The Russians will then have to kill the NATO soldiers very quickly.
NATO reckons that we are fighting an eternal hot war with Russia, unless the third world war turns into a nuclear war, it will last for years.
A huge amount of US military equipment (including endless rows of tanks) is currently in Poland. Where is this mass of invasion material going? On the sidelines? To Belarus? To Russia? Or will he stay in Poland.
Rheinmetall, a major German arms and tank manufacturer, wants to build a factory on the outskirts of the country that would produce 400 tanks a year. The factory is said to be protected against air attacks.
Governments everywhere are on their own – hacking, spreading propaganda, sharing disinformation and demonizing honest truth tellers. These people live by lying all day long.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insists that the possibility of attacking Iran's nuclear facilities in "self-defense" must remain open.
And all those "sanctions against Russia" that hit the EU so hard did nothing to Russia
Is the media corrupt or just plain dangerous? And all the commotion surrounding the rascal and his staged intervention in front of the Museum provoked by the police, not to mention.
Nobody in the media so far cares that the world banking system is hanging in the balance or that stock prices and pensions are close to collapse, inflation will soar even higher. And billions are still pouring into World War III..
The media seems to be afraid of free speech and I believe they are consistently betraying their audience. By obscuring the truth and making life easy for liars and frauds, the media allows fraudsters to push their fakes without question or discussion.
It was the very media that helped make it possible for the Czech people to be abused and mistreated, bullied and mistreated by an out of control government and unscrupulous pharmaceutical companies!
The media in the Czech Republic still reject freedom of speech, have demonstrated their arrogance and betrayed the Czech people. Let us remind you that the media received (NOT ONLY!) a huge amount of money from the EU.
This "truth" media denies people the right to hear the information they have a right to hear and need to hear.
In the meantime, a summary of what else is going on around us among the craziness:
China sets up "military offices" across from Taiwan. And Chinese fishermen "accidentally" cut the cable line to Taiwan. And the Chinese government tells its citizens the location of the nearest nuclear bunker.
North Korea now claims that "there is a real possibility of nuclear war".
The US government has lost wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Vietnam. Why does Biden think he can fight Russia and China and win?
Both America and China are rapidly expanding their arsenal of nuclear weapons.
Hungarian President Orbán has said that Western countries are close to negotiating the possibility of sending NATO troops to the fringes to fight against Russia. The Russians will then have to kill the NATO soldiers very quickly.
NATO reckons that we are fighting an eternal hot war with Russia, unless the third world war turns into a nuclear war, it will last for years.
A huge amount of US military equipment (including endless rows of tanks) is currently in Poland. Where is this mass of invasion material going? On the sidelines? To Belarus? To Russia? Or will he stay in Poland.
Rheinmetall, a major German arms and tank manufacturer, wants to build a factory on the outskirts of the country that would produce 400 tanks a year. The factory is said to be protected against air attacks.
Governments everywhere are on their own – hacking, spreading propaganda, sharing disinformation and demonizing honest truth tellers. These people live by lying all day long.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insists that the possibility of attacking Iran's nuclear facilities in "self-defense" must remain open.
And all those "sanctions against Russia" that hit the EU so hard did nothing to Russia
They approve and shout: "Harden even more!" But only until it starts affecting them.
They don't understand that it affects them too. It just wasn't enough to touch their needs yet.