Strong personal experience with vaccination


This is a very sobering personal story of a man who is almost from the profession - a biomedical engineer - and who has always believed in the system, doctors and science.

But after two doses of vaccination, he almost died, woke up from a vaccination dream, stopped trusting doctors completely and understood the crazy reality in which we live and tries to warn others with his statement in a great cycle of statements from The conscience of the nationDotted stories.

Personally, I thank everyone who is willing to appear in front of the camera and talk about their experiences and come to the market with their skin, because I know that it is not easy to be dragged through the channels for two years for nothing.


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2 years ago

Any (otherwise healthy) person who has started wearing a face mask "again" when just walking around, shopping... is completely insane and should be locked up for their own protection.

The world is run by psychopaths..

Crooked idiots working for the media now define positive (false) PCR tests as co*covid19 infection. It is clear that this is just an attempt to pretend that the fake pandemic is returning.

Jana Muzikantová
Jana Muzikantová
2 years ago

What to write about it? Yes, it was pressure on people. What they did is a crime. But they all signed it there, they are not responsible for the side effects. I was surprised that the gentleman was afraid of who would feed the family. And now, when he will spend time after hospitals? Who will take care of their children, God forbid they won't be here? People forgot and believed in the white coats. A miracle pill or vaccine will solve everything and it's also more convenient. The doctor is not responsible for any surgery or vaccine, but always the patient. People eat bad food, maybe they know it's not healthy, but if they like it, why not eat it? They excuse themselves - I have to die of something. In the last years of their lives, someone has to take care of them somewhere. A place to they changed something so that they could enjoy life and great-grandchildren until the last moments and not wake up in the morning. Everyone has not had time and wants to enjoy life and forgets the most precious thing that we need for that HEALTH. Will there be someone who will lead people back on the right path and humanity will wake up and realize what is all a FRAUD on humanity? The fact that certain groups see this is huge money?, Have you thought about what legacy we will leave to our children? People wake up!!!!

2 years ago

Terno, thanks and I will send it to everyone!