Postal voting? Easy end to democracy!


I've seen a lot of articles about voter fraud in the 2020 US presidential election, but today I saw this documentary and it really shocked me at the extent it was going on and if this is all true, then the evidence is really incontrovertible.

4 million minutes of camera footage of the boxes where thousands of couriers take ballots (which itself is illegal in the US), hundreds of thousands of records of the phone movements of the couriers who go around dozens of ballot boxes a night.

Spend an hour and a half on this very well done documentary because it's really worth it.

And how is the big mainstream media talking about this election? Like Fr of the "cleanest" and "most carefully monitored" elections in America, while the reality is vastly different.

It's not about Trump or Biden at all, but it's about seeing what's possible and then you won't really be surprised what's possible even with covid...

The words of the authorities and the mainstream media are still the same - nothing happened, there are no electoral frauds, there is no point in investigating anything, and on the contrary, whoever asks is a conspirator, disinformer and is censored or his account on social networks is canceled.
Doesn't that remind you of something? The vaccine is safe after all!

By the way, efforts to introduce postal voting are slowly but surely starting to emerge in the Czech Republic as well.
Why do you think...?


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2 years ago

I also thought of this:
Governments have been set up all over the world that are guaranteed to betray the people. Just look around.. United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France, CZECH REPUBLIC...wherever you want - collaborators rule. Was the vote rigged somewhere? Did people really vote for Biden? Macron? Trudeau?

2 years ago

..“2000 Mules” Documentary Prompts Michigan Republicans to Call for New Investigation of 2020 Election:

"True the Vote investigators used cell phone location data and security camera footage to uncover what they say was a well-organized operation in embattled states by left-wing groups that collected mail-in ballots and paid mullahs to drop them into drop boxes — usually in the middle of the night'”…

The rest
The rest
2 years ago

The connection was made clear there and it makes sense: antifa, blm non-profits mafia drugs (mules) election fraud. I hope they have enough strength to expose it.

Frankie Kovarik
Frankie Kovarik
2 years ago

A truly amazing and explosive revelation with clear and indisputable evidence. A chill runs down my spine. With this, I personally received clear and indisputable proof of election fraud not only in the USA, which I instinctively thought about, but indirectly for me it is proof that the elections here in October 2021 for the PSPČR were also "rigged". possibly also the subsequent presidential elections in France this year. It is necessary to stop it as soon as possible and to block such practices, which will clearly lead to totalitarianism and global enslavement under the pretext of an all-embracing "liberal democracy". Personally, I will definitely spread this video and my personal knowledge further.
Thanks for your amazing work and research.

2 years ago

There are already dozens of such proofs. 🙁 And it is undeniable. Of course, e.g. Cemper will claim that everything is OK. And all politics is theater, all states are theater.. It doesn't matter who is =artificially= installed there, depopulation has to go, the covid chapter has never ended, lies and misinformation from governments and the media must continue and divert attention from the artificial "vaccines" conflict, let's add to that the upcoming hyperinflation, which will begin to seep more in the course of the summer with a shortage of NOT ONLY food….
And therefore:
Don't trust the government, Avoid the mass media, Fight the lies. Real power lies only in people's awareness.