(Interview for Parlamentní listy, December 16, 2024)
The utter professional failure and enormous shortsightedness of scientists, doctors and journalists during the Covid period have meant that any trust will take generations to be restored – if at all. “I personally have completely lost faith in scientists and doctors. Unfortunately, the same level of salesmanship has also been evident in artists – both in the ease with which they have been paid to promote poison in their name, and in their turning a blind eye to the suppression of real freedom and democracy, and on the contrary, in their advocacy of the ‘correct’ European values, which opens the way for them to enter the media and television,” he says. ParliamentaryLists.cz writer Jan Tomanek.

It has been five years since the first cases of a previously unknown respiratory disease appeared in Wuhan, China, in late November and early December 2019. It was later named Covid-19. Do you remember when you first came across this information and what significance it had?
I remember that moment like it was today – in January 2020, we were in the mountains in Italy… True. And back then, it was written that the mortality rate was (today completely absurd) 3-5 %, but that the disease did not affect children at all. I took a calculator and calculated that even if a quarter of the planet got infected, about 50 million people could die, which is as many as the number of children born on Earth in six months… Actually, nothing. Humanity is not going extinct and the disease does not affect children, and that stopped me from being afraid in any way.
When we got home, our children were sobbing and didn't go to school, and when I went to their classroom to pick up their homework and the teacher found out we had been to Italy, her eyes literally widened and she handed me the books with her hand outstretched so she wouldn't have to touch me...
It was actually funny, but I only started to understand how huge a scam it was and how terribly wrong SOMETHING was during the summer of 2020.
At a time when a strong wave of infections was sweeping through the Czech Republic in the fall of 2020, you became a co-founder of the civic association Hello forum, which was one of the first to speak out against the measures being taken at the time. What led you and your colleagues to do this?
At the time, I had a blog on Aktuálně and for years I had been commenting on everything possible as a writer, but suddenly I hit a strange wall.
I wrote simple truths and observations, but friends I considered intelligent and who had read me for years suddenly started writing to me that I was writing nonsense and that 2+2 definitely does not equal four, and that "I am not allowed to express myself, I am not an expert and it is not my place to do so..."
So I noticed – something was really wrong and strange. People started behaving completely irrationally and when you told the truth, you really felt like a fool.
You point to the ground and say - but the grass is green and everyone around you tells you - NO NO - it's blood red, experts and scientists have confirmed it - here are the studies.
So I raised the flag and went to the market with my skin all the more – most people considered me a disinformer, and even former friends called me an irresponsible murderer and stopped associating with us…
But when you throw away the mask, you get hurt, but other people can join you because they find out about you, and that's how we started to come together. And the Healthy Forum was the first oasis of normal people in a crazy world.
When you're not alone in a problem, the problem is half solved, and sharing was really the foundation - and it was also the foundation of the cells we founded and where like-minded people gathered.
How did you cope with the fact that the Healthy Forum and people associated with it were labeled as disinformers, even on Czech Television, which is supposed to be a disseminator of objective information?
When there are more of you and you have someone to talk to, you won't be broken anymore. On the contrary, you are much stronger and you can just laugh at the stupidity. And laughter is, of course, the perfect medicine.
And in the end, you know that you won – both by not injecting that shit into your veins, but also by staying true to yourself and your truth and being able to look at yourself in the mirror.
That time is long gone, but people still stop you and thank you for literally helping them survive that period.
Moreover, the truth is now surging to the surface and the insanely huge elephant sitting in the middle of the room can no longer be ignored – see the devastating report US Congress, which came out on December 4th, where everything we said was confirmed. The WHO lied, masks, distancing and lockdowns didn't work, governments and the media lied and misinformed, and forced vaccinations did more harm than good, there was censorship on social media - and as a bonus, of course, the virus escaped from the lab and was artificially modified...
And that they call a person a disinformer? It's far worse for fellow scientists and doctors, whose careers it really ruins - but as a writer, I can only laugh at human stupidity.
The supreme arbiter is always time and karma – the huge increases in cancers, heart attacks in young people and children are crazy – and they all have one big thing in common. THEY ARE NOT RELATED.
Thousands of people suspect that the vaccination was wrong, but because they literally forced it on their children, they can't believe in their minds that there could be anything wrong with it...
How did you explain that other major media outlets only gave the floor to one side, even if it was spouting the most stupid nonsense about freezers in the streets, while not giving the other side the opportunity to address the public with its position and perhaps even calm it down a bit?
The short answer is stupidity and money – the stupidity of unionists who served voluntarily and out of conviction as part of the herd, and the money of those who made billions on that dirty game and paid journalists and entire media outlets to write what should be heard in the public sphere.
Moreover, every catastrophe increases the readability perfectly…
Do you remember how at the beginning of the pandemic, Czech Television broadcast completely alarming and false footage of people literally falling in the streets? Did anyone at Czech Television take responsibility for that? Those people should be held accountable for spreading alarmist news and instead continue to run the news…
I admit that your War with trees, which is a parodic parable about the events of that time, I read in one breath and was horrified by how an extraordinary event managed to disrupt what had been a strong and idyllic family relationship until then. Could the split in opinion between relatives and their mutual estrangement due to Covid be explained intergenerationally, with some being overly cautious and others not succumbing to the prevailing hysteria?
In 2021, I still had a tendency to convince people and spent long hours doing so, but then I realized that it was completely unnecessary. Facts no longer mean anything, because for every study, there are ten others that refute it. That's why I'm glad that The War with Trees on People works precisely through emotion. As a story, a funny and at the same time chilling parable, and they suddenly say to themselves, "Ah, this is exactly what I experienced."
Fortunately, our family survived that period perfectly well, and even though our extended family thought otherwise, we never let our relationship deteriorate. That's actually admirable on both sides.
But I know dozens of stories from people around the Healthy Forum – a husband is a Covid hysterical person and a wife goes to a Healthy Forum meeting. I don't understand how such a relationship can work...
However, this is far from a Covid problem - another salami-like division of families and relationships was caused by the war in Ukraine, the government, the presidential election... One dirty manipulative game after another, which divides previously strong ties and does it completely intentionally.
I addressed all these questions in my book A Guide down the Rabbit holebecause I am truly becoming more and more convinced that these are not coincidences, but completely targeted games and manipulations.
What from that time left an indelible mark on your memory?
Our eleven-year-old crying daughter, who begged us to let her wear a disgusting blue mask full of poisonous fibers to school, to fit in with the others, because we were against it, because we knew how terribly unhealthy it was...
Then I remembered the story of a gentleman at a demonstration – he told me how they bribed a doctor so he could go and say goodbye to his dying mother. They gave him a fake coat and he had to pretend to be a doctor…
It was a complete genocide back then, unfortunately aided by doctors and health workers – but today they pretend nothing like that happened. Forget it, that's how it was everywhere in the world...
In April 2021, rapidly developed mRNA vaccines were approved for use. Many saw them as a salvation and went for one dose after another, others rejected them, but unfortunately, there were also those for whom side effects, sometimes very drastic, caused death or permanent damage to health. What do you consider to be the main consequence – whether in a positive or negative sense – of the Covid vaccination?
It was a huge lie and a disgrace – just how quickly scientists adopted the thesis that what used to take ten or fifteen years to test on animals suddenly takes half a year. All it takes is one naive animation from the BBC, how those “clever and smart” scientists managed to do it earlier today because they were doing things in parallel…. But time cannot be cheated. This alone is more than enough for one to understand the deception – but no.
I know cases of people who literally collapsed after the first dose and still went for a second one because they are not related...
The only question that remains is whether it was truly a depopulation plan, or "just" a dirty billion-dollar deal with a failed vaccine that is not even a real vaccine yet.
Previously, one could have an excuse for those who "didn't know", but today I know that anyone who doesn't understand in four years is lost - it's their health and their life.
How would you describe or characterize the two-year period of COVID? What has it revealed about humanity, politicians, the Czech Republic, and individuals?
That politicians are just corrupt puppets probably didn't surprise anyone - that's to be expected. But for me, it's first and foremost a huge disappointment in humanity as a whole and especially in the intelligentsia, which should set an example. Scientists, doctors, journalists - a complete professional failure and enormous shortsightedness, and any trust will be restored (if it can be restored at all) for generations. Personally, I have completely lost faith in scientists and doctors.
Unfortunately, the exact same salesmanship was also evident among artists - both in how easily they were paid to promote poison in their name, and in their turning a blind eye to the suppression of real freedom and democracy, and on the contrary, in their advocacy of the "correct" European values, which opens the way for them to enter the media and television.
Would we be smarter next time? In what way?
I believe that as individuals yes, but I fear that as a society no. And it is precisely the incredible stupidity and stupidity of the herd that absolutely terrifies me – it is the harbinger of every totalitarianism. I wrote earlier that totalitarianism comes slowly and creepily, but now it has lost all inhibitions and is not hiding anything, it is striving for power by all means and where it already has power, it does not want to let it go at any cost…
For the Parlamentí listy he asked – Jiří Hroník
You will best support my work buys books,
if you don't read, you can and otherwise....
I will add that natural and alternative treatments ARE humanity's best weapon. I challenge the traditional view of viruses and essentially what people consider to be infectious particles (because they are taught to be so..) are in fact contact poisons primarily designed to spread fear, division and dependency on healthcare systems controlled by financial and political elites (Jews).
"The goal of these psychopaths is to rule the entire globe, to scare everyone and depopulate as much as possible. This goes back a long way and has always been their goal."
Instructions for all “pandemics” are nothing new. The methods used, from the release of contact poisons to the mass promotion of vaccinations, are part of a carefully prepared plan to manipulate public behavior and maintain social control.
These include the aforementioned detoxification protocols and parasite control. Based on mineral deficiencies and the need to eliminate harmful toxins from the body, detoxification protocols focus on a clean diet, proper mineral supplementation, and increased hydration. On the other hand, a significant aspect of staying healthy in the face of these toxins is managing the parasite burden in the body, which can exacerbate the effects of the contact poison.
All lifestyle factors such as nutrition, sleep, exercise, exposure to light (not just sunlight), grounding… also play a crucial role in managing inflammation and overall body health. A well-rested body is better equipped to regulate inflammation and repair tissues, which increases overall resilience. And building immunity takes years!
= When these life-saving “vaccines” (biological weapons) first appeared, WE desperately tried to warn the sheep not to get them, but we were only ridiculed. My own family didn’t believe a word I said. Unfortunately, it gradually turned out that we were right, and a smaller half of my family is crippled by these “vaccines” and are still constantly sick and have health problems. =
+ Gavin Newsom declares a state of emergency in California over bird flu, which is expected to destroy the state's livestock population...
The article is very apt. I read it yesterday on PL, including some "mocking" comments. It is clear that many people still live in their closed bubble, how the world is fair and how corruption and evil do not exist.
The reason is certainly also in people's faith in the mass media, which does not publish such articles, and therefore the "sheep" in question continues to be convinced that this is the truth, while everything that is discussed on social networks and in emails is untruth. Because of this belief and convenience, they have no reason to search for other websites, and if they do find them, they usually do not even read the articles anyway.
I am convinced that these people who mock your and similar interviews and articles and still consider them conspiracies and stupidity in 2024 are either paid, ignorant trolls or people who, due to their consumerist lifestyle and the above-described beliefs, have pushed death out of their lives or, on the contrary, are terribly afraid of it. Such behavior and attitudes are closely related to this.
Someone probably needs corpses in the streets from war or some other element, or empty shops, to wake up and realize what kind of world they actually live in.
And with those illnesses after mRNA injections, I see that in everyone I know. Since then, only health complications (frequent recurring flu symptoms, joint pain, asthma symptoms, tremors of the hands and limbs – which indicate damage to nerve cells neurotoxic substances). I personally knew several people who had that crap impaled on them and are now dead. And some of them weren't even in their 50s.
Thanks, unfortunately that's exactly how it is.
I'm more fascinated by human stupidity - for example, with that report from the US Congress. You put it on the website, with a source. 520 pages, two years of investigation. And the reaction?
“Because this news is total bullshit”
“After the battle, every general”
“You are lying”
"Don't be silly, that's exactly what it says."
“But I don’t find any evidence that the earth is flat.”
"You're an idiot."
And one more reaction of the doctor to X. He doesn't read it, he doesn't care. He just knows...
And this is what he will write in 2024...:
Mr. writer, you belong to the elite of the nation, at least by profession..this is sad what you write, the US report on coronavirus could not publish it like this, vaccination cannot be denied and you must know this (the FDA will not release products without functional studies... by doing this you are contributing to the disinfo scene
That's a pretty good deal. If my diabetologist died, the insurance company should assign me another one. He would take over the treatment and could respond to the fact that the current medications are not enough to stabilize my diabetes. In my opinion, that is the only logical solution. After mature consideration, I decided that I will not write to you anymore, these are my last letters. I weighed 98 kg, now I have 76 kg. Since the death of my diabetologist Dr. René Pospíšil, I have not taken any medications that destroy my pancreas and liver. The solution was the recommendation of my general practitioner to start Ozempic, but the diabetologist must prescribe it, that's you. You refused, instead you tell me fairy tales about settling Dr. Pospíšil's inheritance, which does NOT interest me as a patient. I decided to go my own way. You only care about commissions on drugs with pharmaceutical companies with which you have contracts, I care about my health. With diet and exercise, I will get my weight under 5 and if I manage to get my blood sugar under 5 three times in a row, then diabetes 2 will disappear. I once made a promise as a medical brother at the Terezín memorial and I will keep that promise to myself just as I kept my promise and I have not smoked for forty years. One last thing is that I do not understand you as a professional doctor. I see it as a distaste for complying and helping a person. I was 72 years old and I lost my health in various jobs, working in a mine in a quarry, in ironworks on assemblies, everything for our economy. As a voluntary blood donor, you injected jaundice, which was discovered in the Česká Budějice military hospital and that is where it all stems from (they were not one-time injections) but that is not your fault. I continue to work, I have no compensation for myself as a self-employed person and a heartthrob of the year 2024, I still have to be here so that I can promote the Liberec region and Czech porcelain to the world, best regards http://www.porcelan-glass.cz Jan Cidrych
I assume your comment probably belongs to a doctor and not me...
But it would probably be good to write about it... 😉