I think things are starting to move… and this is a VERY important message for a time of chaos.
Check out this one-minute video that covers everything.
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"I think things are starting to move"
= Unless it starts from the very top in management processes, nothing will change.
I RECOMMEND – Expert opinion, drawn up on behalf of the Court of Justice No. V in Bern:
I will also remind you of the statement of one of "our politicians":

Zeman: "Let me remind you of a beautiful sentence from the Talmud: 'he who saves one human life, saves all mankind.'
However, Zeman then "forgot" to point out that according to the Talmud, all non-Jews are animals and therefore this sentence does not apply to them!
From the Talmud:
Baba Necia 114.6: "Jews are human beings, but the nations of the whole world are not human creatures, but animals."
Sanhedrin 59a: "To kill a goyim is like killing a wild animal."
Abodah Zara 26b: "The best of the Gentiles must be killed."
Hilkkoth Akum X1: "Have no mercy on the goyim."
Zohar II, 4b: "Gentile fertility must be massively suppressed."
Zohar I, 168a: "The Jews must always try to deceive the Gentiles."
Erubin 43b: "In the time of the Messiah, all (Gentiles) will become slaves to the Jews."
Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes, every Jew will have 2,800 slaves."
And where did we get as a nation after 1989? How could the Czech nation allow this? The nation was abducted by mafias who parceled out their power in the Czech Republic with the help of money from the USA.
And all processes in the Czech Republic are controlled by Jews. Why? For what reason? Well, because all the control bodies in the Czech Republic are run by Jewish families, complete. After 1989, all constitutional functions, institutions, were controlled by Jewish families. All important positions, all organizational structures are managed by Masonic associations, i.e. Jewish Masonic organizations.”
Jewish organizations also brought Václav Havel to power..:
"Finances for the activities of Charter 77 and for the private needs of Charter 77, especially their leaders, were collected at the Charter 77 Foundation in Stockholm by the son-in-law of academician Arnošt Kolmann, František Janouch. The funds came mainly from Jewish patrons from the international PEN club, the Rotary club, the Jewish Agency, the Guggenheim Foundation in the USA, B'nai B'rith, the Masaryk Foundation at the Masaryk Museum in Israel, Jewish trade unions especially in the USA, Sweden, etc. The Charter 77 Foundation established 6 literary foundations (the J. Seifert, Jiří Lederer, Fr. Kriegl, etc.) awards for literature to selected members of the Charter for the purpose of their popularization and promotion. So-called scholarships were paid from the same sources. Through Masonic lodges in Europe and the USA, the Charter Foundation had an influence on some traditional literary foundations, and through them it achieved the awarding of international prizes to those signatories of Charter 77 who were predestined for political positions in the future (Havel, Dienstbier, Battěk, Němcová, Palouš, Uhl , Shabbat, etc.). …
Charter 77 has been conceived as a Masonic Lodge since its founding in 1977. The function of spokesman is taken over from the Zionist Organization. …
Acceptance of members (signatories) of Charter 77 ended on 17 November 1989, when the number of signatories reached approximately 1,900 citizens. The vast majority of them signed the Charter in defiance of the regime, without having the slightest idea of the character and mission of this mysterious organization.
Charter 77 was managed by approximately 70 to 85 people, with a core of 42 speakers who rotated in this office during its existence. This group of people was created by several families, bound to each other by family, kinship and similar bonds (interest and financial not excluded). They are mainly the families: Havel, Dienstbier, Šabat, Němc, Palouš, Hromád, Ruml, Marvan, Štern, etc. All these branched families are Communists or their descendants, Freemasons and their descendants, and Jews. Now approximately 180 members of these families, their relatives and friends have taken positions in the highest state, diplomatic and economic functions of the state.
This group of citizens of Czechoslovakia was approved for their mission today by the authorized authorities of the USSR and the USA (through the StB-KGB-CIA-Mossad). Other international organizations also expressed their agreement. …
Out of an insignificant person and average writer, Václav Havel, global advertising at a cost of approximately 13 million US dollars created a person called a world writer, king of philosophers, European politician, the greatest living humanist, etc. His person guarantees investors and creditors the political role of Czechoslovakia in Europe and elsewhere, according to needs. …
Therefore, Havel restored all Jewish societies in Czechoslovakia and promised the transfer of Jews from Russia through Czechoslovakia, restored Masonic lodges, whose members became almost all elected members of Charter 77 and the Civic Forum, the government and the diplomatic corps."
(Miroslav Dolejší; Analysis November 17, 1989)
Even the processes in the Kremlin are managed by two groups of Jewish management processes. … The Moscow offices are composed of two types of Russian Jewry. One group is the Russian Jewish Congress. The other group is the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia. And these two groups are the real owners of Russia. And Vladimir Putin is their appointed gosudar who is their manager. They, as the owners, put their own person in charge to be the CEO of Russia. Vladimir Putin is the CEO of Russia, literally. … The CEO is only an employee of his owners. Those who own the business. They are above him. This is how Russia works. That's the reality. I understand that many people refuse to believe this. They still live in the illusion of democracy. A democratic system that is nicely described in the Talmud as scum. Scam on the goyim. Democracy is mud, a fraud. An illusion for the goyim that they are deciding something. That's democracy. …
"The ideology of the Talmud predestined many tragic events in human history and pitted the Jews against the whole world. … The secret Jewish satanic sects and organizations, and subsequently the Zionist regime of Israel, have done much to turn part of the Jewish people into a criminal community seeking world domination”
(Oleg Platonov; Russian Resistance. War against the Antichrist)
+ Take a look when you can at the ZF discussion forum - it's riddled with spam - through chatbots, etc.