Not related III - excess deaths


Great summary and new facts about the excess deaths that are starting to appear in almost every country in the world - no one knows what is causing them, but everyone knows what they are definitely NOT! – simply NOT RELATED!
For example, in the USA, the death rate in 2022 and 2023 increased by 26 % between 35 and 44 years old, and 19 % between 25 and 34 years old. Similar numbers also appear in a number of Western European countries.
More data and information in the document - like how Anthony Fauci is now testifying before Congress - and imagine, he can't remember anything he said now under oath...

An ongoing survey from my blog shows that more than half of the people in our country have someone in their environment with a destroyed immunity and are constantly sick. Every third person knows someone close to them who, according to them, died after vaccination. Another third know someone who has serious oncological or permanent and chronic consequences. The same is confirmed by some doctors (who are not afraid to speak...)

Consequences of vaccination in your area

What is the worst vaccination experience you have had IN YOUR NEAREST NEIGHBORHOOD or family? (Please, not what you know from hearsay or the internet)
You can select up to 3 options in total

Previous articles: Not related and Unrelated II


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1 year ago

COVID-19 vaccines and adverse events of special interest: A multinational Global Vaccine Data Network (GVDN) cohort study of 99 million vaccinated individuals(Covid-19 vaccines and adverse events of particular importance: the Global Vaccine Data Network (GVDN) international cohort study of 99 million vaccinated individuals.)

..This multi-country analysis confirmed pre-established safety signals for myocarditis, pericarditis, Guillain-Barré syndrome and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. Additional potential safety signals have been identified that require further investigation.

Reply  CZkotas
1 year ago

+ I noticed that they also devoted themselves to this at smis-lab, I warmly recommend it to everyone, a small example:

4. Adverse events were monitored only 42 days after vaccination. Any events that occurred later were not counted. This is another reason to believe that the risks calculated in the article are greatly underestimated.

After the Safe&Effective mantra became unsustainable, it was probably desirable to anchor the discussion about the prevalence of side effects as low as possible. It is very difficult to argue against a study of 100 million people (whose data is not publicly available). So the Covidists leave the bunker labeled "Safe" and very quietly move to the "Side effects are relatively rare" firing position.

It will be a few months again before they have to leave this position as well. After that, I expect that many will change into civilian clothes and disappear into the crowd, so that in a few years there will be no one to publicly defend the illegal, unscientific and immoral push to "vaccinate" with experimental gene therapy, the serious side effects of which are slowly becoming more widely known the public.

1 year ago

I am in contact with vaccinated people every day, after contact I always ventilate and take a shower, not because of the injection, but because they are always sick, coughing, wheezing, sputtering and feeling exhausted.

I used to get sick like that, but now I haven't been vaccinated for more than fifteen years, and all the ailments have literally disappeared.

Reply  -PCH-
1 year ago

Like this. For those of us who are looking for info and reading, for those of us for whom a single "ofic. narrative” nothing new but..: FDA and Pfizer documents show co*covid “vaccine” shedding is REAL:

= All those useful idiots who are “fully vaccinated” against co*covid idiocy pass these poisons on to others through contact or close proximity, which justifies all those independent researchers! There is already so much evidence...

1 year ago

+ "I've never seen such clots!" The doctor posted a video:

..I can't say for sure, but I only started to observe this at the beginning of 2021. Unfortunately, I still find strange clots on many bodies…

comment image

!Article 4 was indeed passed "in the second vote", which means that France is now a medical dictatorship where residents and citizens must take the prescribed "medicines" given to them by the government - with a smile of approval!

The French government has just passed a law that imposes fines and prison terms for refusing to inject mRNA "vaccines" (modRNAs). Violation is punishable by a fine of 45,000 euros and up to three years in prison.

"Will not tolerate any criticism of treatments that will be recommended or made mandatory by the state," wrote Dr. Kat Lindley on Twitter. "Anyone who dares to openly criticize these therapies will face fines and prison terms." "It's a disaster for a country where most citizens no longer listen to vaccine propaganda. We are facing social unrest.”

= It is extremely fascistic. when WEF members and other politicians and shitheads push their twisted ideas, almost everywhere and in all countries! And it is essential for us the people, no matter where we live, to speak up and speak out against such things. Not only that, but naming and calling out every fascist in government who supports such things!! Your government is illegitimate, you don't have to listen to it!!!

Reply  CZkotas
1 year ago

Over the past 3 years, funeral services in the US and around the world have begun to find something incredible in the bodies of people who died of Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS). These are protein clots, long elastic clots that clog not only veins and blood vessels, but even major arteries. Never before had pathologists and funeral embalmers, who prepare bodies for burial and flush blood from bodies to preserve bodies for burial without biological changes, seen anything like this. In the bloodstream, there are tissues several centimeters long that clog the blood flow in the vessels and are most likely the cause of death of these people.

And according to the first theory, it is a faulty transcription of the mRNA template from the vaccine, when 90% time ribosomes translate the template correctly and produce spike proteins, but in 10% cases, these mRNA templates generate aberrant, or nonsense, chains of proteins, simply clumps that clog blood vessels and even arteries! And approx. in 10% cases the mRNA templates start producing nonsense aberrant protein clumps! A second theory that is directly related to mRNA vaccines, it is suspected that created spike proteins, which are made according to mRNA templates, attack the linings of blood vessels and arteries as a side effect.

Reply  Jan Tománek
1 year ago

There is something here, for example, a link to the entire YT video:

Pathologists and embalmers have problems washing bodies that have died from blood, because the arteries and vessels are clogged.. In the program Dr. John Campbell was exposed by mathematician and analyst Tom Haviland.

That Dr. Campbell is old school, he watches his words or he would have been banned a long time ago. It's a great interview. In CZ subtitles only shortened version 9 min here:

At the end of the video he says it looks like it's coming off the walls of the vessels, this also led me to the idea of connecting with Dr. Andreas Noack. I remember how they attacked him in that live broadcast, when it was running online, where he was taking apart the nanorazors in the "vaccines".
(German chemist Dr. Andreas Noack found DEAD after exposing presence of graphene hydroxide in covid)

There are still 20% of us who are pure and genetically unmodified, even according to Peková this is enough to preserve the Slavic gene pool...

I would also like to add that the Sproteins grow even after the death of the "patient", which has also been proven before!

I followed Campbell during covid, he presented quality data…initially he blindly supported vaccination. I also wrote in the comments under the videos, where I pointed out the enthusiasm associated with complete blindness to reality.
And today, when it is absolutely clear that the data do not lie, that vaccination is a crime against humanity, he understood.-.-.

+ How do those ribosomes work, etc. Mr. Turánek discussed earlier, for example.

+ According to infowars see link – news – there is evidence that humanity has been infected by mass vaccination of the population with covid injections equipped with cutting-edge tracking nanotechnology!
comment image

= From Revelation 13: “And the second beast made a mark on the right hand or on the forehead of every man, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave; and no one could buy or sell unless he had a mark.'

-They want to make sure you got the injection. Either directly or by shedding from vaccinated to unvaccinated-

…In late 2020 and early 2021, people in various countries around the world noticed street lights emitting violet light, the color of UV light. Quantum dot tattoo research funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has made it possible to determine whether or not a person has been vaccinated by incorporating fluorescent medical information into the vaccines.
It was an invisible infrared tattoo that is imprinted under the skin and can later be read by special smart phones…

Last edited 1 year ago by CZkotas
Reply  Jan Tománek
1 year ago

And the information and facts are constantly increasing, that the whole "OPERATION KOVID" really stinks of lies, hypocrisy and hatred towards people.. And I will never back down from the fight for the truth!!

+ The American Red Cross asks potential blood donors if they have been “vaccinated” against COVID: If so, call us first to see if you are still eligible.

The only way a blood recipient can be sure that the donated blood is pure is "if he is donating blood for himself or if he has a family member who is willing to donate it for him." a representative confirmed. In addition, the Red Cross representative also admitted that some people who received the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccine" several years ago "still experience some types of symptoms," which is (allegedly) why RapidPass asks in the app on Q79. One example cited was a fully vaccinated woman who applied to donate blood but was deemed ineligible to donate because she now suffers from persistent ringing in her ears as a side effect of her COVID vaccination.

= “If vaccinated blood was not spoiled, the Red Cross would not ask if you had been vaccinated before donating blood - End”

Let's sum it up:
#1. "Kovid injections" are responsible for the strange, white, long and stringy "proteinaceous" clots that have been found in the blood vessels of people "vaccinated"
#2. “Kovid booster shots” damage T-cells, blocking your body from fighting cancer and many more and more infections
#3. According to evidence-based scientific research, many lethal batches of "vaccines" against are found to be contaminated and deadly (purpose?)
#4. "Kovid injections" have never undergone adequate safety and toxicological testing in accordance with previously established scientific standards
#5. Favorite puppet and charlatan Dr. Paul Offit in the US (who created the previously most dangerous vaccine of all time, Rotateq Rotavirus), also refuses the “Kovid injection” for fear of… wait for it… heart failure (you can't make that up)
#6. According to research (from all over the world), half of all sheep vaccinated with “Kovid injection” will forever create toxic prion-imitating proteins in their bodies; in other words, most half-vaccines are literally walking biological weapons factories!
#7. “Covid injections” have created a triple combination of deadly “alliance” that causes terrible, unpredictable and deadly side effects from the deadly combination of graphene, mRNA and nanotechnology!

No, the virus still doesn't exist and never did! No proof of isolation just hysteria through mass media propaganda, lies and deaths and symptoms from many other reasons! As long as there is a persistent narrative about the virus, we will never find the real truth! Snake venom, nano-tec, graphene in injections have caused all the deaths and symptoms in vaccinated people that we see. Fake covid virus “treatment” has killed hundreds of thousands of people, with midalozam, remdesivir, ventilators and toxic drug cocktails on top – declared as “1. wave"! And so far I am still standing, because there is no indication to the contrary, covid was and only one big lie...

Last edited 1 year ago by CZkotas
1 year ago

Moderna is already starting trials of new mRNA injections against cancer, how ironic.
Adverse effects of covid19 vaccines included, for example, cancer (turbo), spontaneous abortions and stillbirths, various heart problems, blood clots and others. Just imagine the new problems their new mRNA vaccine will cause against the cancer they actually helped cause. And Moderna was a failing cancer cure company before the covid hype, Moderna was a scam operation from the very beginning. They haven't cured a single patient in those ten years!
Do not take any injections of any kind. Any injection. Like cortisone, tetanus, antibiotics could be loaded with mRNA that injures, kills millions, globally. Big-Pharma says the "m" stands for messenger. But real expert scientists have found (eg Turánek) that the "m" actually means "modified". It modifies your RNA/DNA!! Even an anesthetic can have mRNA or some other toxic substance in it. Let's see if most people have woken up to the injections from Big-Pharma.

In fact, there is not even a single "successful" case where mortality from all causes decreased after the introduction of covid vaccination - why is this so? The answer is that the covid vaccination does not prevent death, but rather causes it. Vaccine manufacturers knew years ago how toxic vaccines are. Their actual test results were swept under the rug.

I thought about all those naive gullible people who think their doctors are infallible. One of my brothers was in that category. His doctor was 'brilliant' and told him 'vaccines are safe'. He took three vaccinations...and I haven't heard from him for a long time. He told me last time to stop sending him more information. I sent him lots of information about why he shouldn't get the covid vaccine. I always explained it to him. There are many other people who think the same. In my opinion, these are people who have received too many vaccines over the years.

Experts are confused = because they are paid to do so. And "just following orders," the FDA's decision already allows research studies to now proceed without informed consent.

1 year ago

The fact that they have an increased mortality in the world, especially in the USA, UK, Benelux, does not mean that we have it increased as well... It was seen that the further away from the manufacturers, the less harmful it was... We were lucky that they It "sucked" in transit, but they planned for the worse...

See our mortality statistics from CZSO data, combined with Covid data from MZČR:
In 2023 it was already completely normal... Apparently... Only the younger years have a lower mortality rate than usual, as can be expected after an epidemic, but the elderly 75+ still have an increased mortality rate, approx. 100 people per week above the 2011-2019 average

See also how "Covid" always broke out after a new round of vaccinations, apparently because the vaccinated are more resistant carriers...


1 year ago

Hello, I have been working in palliative care as a nurse for almost 30 years. Since the spring of 2021, we have noticed a change in the course of the terminal stage of cancer (for those vaccinated with covid). What used to be an exception - the so-called turbo cancer, unresponsive to treatment, immediately with metastases or multiplicity, previously in our patients several cases per year, since then the ratio has completely turned around. That is many cases with turbo cancer, few patients after long-term oncological treatment or after recurrence of the disease, where the oncological treatment was no longer beneficial. As time goes by, I probably don't know anyone in my area who has been vaccinated so that they don't have at least some difficulties. At first it was rather sudden deaths, heart attacks and turbo cancer, now, i.e. almost 3 years after o. I see that many are still sick, respiratory diseases are constantly recurring, they are repeatedly on antibiotics, many have become allergic, asthmatic and much more relatively young people - 30-40 years old solve problems with high blood pressure and other cardiac problems. I also see an increase in depression in people. I also don't think that the difficulties would not apply to the unvaccinated as well. Vaccinated people spread "something". They smell mysterious, although I have to say that they wear off over time (Thank God! That was a terrible stench.) However, already in 21 I wrote down a whole constellation of effects on a healthy individual. I regularly "wear" them home from work. They disappear after a few days without contact with the vaccinated. I cut my hours in half and only work half a week. I'm healing for a day or three, and when we eat well, we can start anew….

Reply  Marta
1 year ago

The "vaccination" and shedding through the monkeys .. = it's very real, the evidence runs into the hundreds. Prevention and almost daily detoxification of the organism is important, there is no other solution...

Martin Jan
Martin Jan
1 year ago

You see, we didn't even think about it, we didn't solve covid, all the atrocities and cruelty are escalating and we have DISEASE X, DISEASE X ready here, which will go in the same covid scenario. By May the pandemic treaty will be adopted, WHO will take control of us all around the world. Individual countries discuss pandemic plans in accordance with WHO notes. For example, in Italy, it came to the light of God, so how did we learn and what will the tools be? Lockdowns, underlined by martial law, vaccinations and watchful waiting. And this time it is already clearly declared below the line that vaccination will be enforced by force, not even a mouse will escape....

Martin Jan
Martin Jan
1 year ago

"Tell me if the vaccine is behind my daughter's death"La Nuova Bussola Quotidiano

Raffaella De Luca, policewoman, 29, with a son, died suddenly. The father's legal battle, also a police officer, in search of the truth: “We want to know if the vaccine had anything to do with it. There is a suspicion of an escalation of unexpected deaths among us agents.” Hint: that epileptic seizure a few days earlier. 
Little Andrea Rosario is crying. She just turned one year old and is looking for her mommy. But mom is gone. On June 30, she was seized by a sudden, cold and anonymous illness, a cold and anonymous definition of a way of dying that harbors a painful and impenetrable inevitability and is increasingly frequent.
Raffaelle De Luca was only 29 years old, she had been with the police for three years and if you do not enter the police and stay there, unless you are healthy and subject to constant checks. He decided to follow in the footsteps of his father Quintin, who will celebrate 36 years in uniform this year. He didn't think he'd have to go back to dealing with diapers and bottles. His battle is now not only taking place on the roads of the province of Cosenza to ensure order and safety. It is also to give a name and truth to the death of his daughter Raffaella.Death due to sudden illness are becoming a disturbing phenomenon among police forces, so much so that the Osa Polizia trade union asked the police management for thorough pay investigation into the many unexpected deaths of uniformed police officers.
"I have been with the police for 35 years, it's the first time I've seen it such an escalation deaths due to deaths not classified as deaths in service or diseases. There must be something there.”
During the conversation, the word vaccine is mentioned as little as possible. Because Quintino just wants to know the truth about the death of his little daughter, who was also a city councilor on an opposition candidate in Crosìa, in the province of Cosenza: "If I get vaccinated or not, I owe it to my nephew Andre, who one day will ask me what his mother died, and I really don't want to tell him I don't know." What is certain, however, is that the vaccine is repeated in the technical report that the father entrusted to two forensic doctors and that will have to be delivered to the public prosecutor's office in Castrovillari, where the file on Raffaella's death does not yet have a cause. However, if it is a vaccine, it is clear that it will be impossible not to start with that mysterious episode that took place just 20 days before his death.
What Quintin?
A seizure, his first seizure. I never had anything, nothing at all. However…
How did it go?
Raffaella had all the vaccinations, the first two voluntarily, the third mandatory, as did I, because we both wear uniforms. The last one was in January 2022. She then gave birth in January of the following year (2023, editor's note). Everything was fine, she was happy and got married in MayHow did it go?
Raffaella had all the vaccinations, the first two voluntarily, the third mandatory, as did I, because we both wear uniforms. The last one was in January 2022. She then gave birth in January of the following year (2023, editor's note). Everything was fine, she was happy and got married in MayAnd then?
On June 11, she fell ill: she fainted, lost consciousness, and we took her by ambulance to Corigliano. The doctors did all the tests, including CT and MRI, they were afraid of a stroke. In the end, the diagnosis spoke of an epileptic seizure.
That's how it's written, but Raffaella never had any problems.
When was the last time you had a general inspection as a policewoman?
The last routine inspections took place in 2019. They were perfect.
What will happen in the following days?
She returns home, but her husband rightly doesn't trust him to leave her alone while he's on a business trip. So she decides to come and stay with us and then we go after her to help her with the baby. She recently returned to duty with reduced hours. On June 29, my wife will sleep with her. next day?
They get up early because at 9 o'clock Raffaella had a city council (she was a councilor on the Free City We Want list, editor's note). The wife comes home, but late in the morning the husband becomes suspicious because he doesn't answer the phone. And so he calls us.
And will you find her dead?
The wife goes to the bathroom, finds her on the floor, Andrea Rosario fell from the changing table. Try CPR.
And you?
I'll be there in ten minutes. I'll try that too. She died in the bathroom.
An investigation is underway…
An autopsy has been ordered, the investigation is not yet closed. Our technical advisors, one from here and one from Milan, have to report back.
And then?
And then either file or continue the investigation.
What do you mean?
All tracks are open, we want to know if there was medical insurance or if there is more.
For example, a vaccine?
It's a legitimate request. Of course, the media hype surrounding this news tends to quickly fall by the wayside within days. But I have never seen such an escalation of deaths. He must tell us the truth.That might be plausible. First seizures related to vaccination are reported in the literature.
We will see what happens.
Now you have to move on…
It is very difficult to continue, we found ourselves raising this child, we revolutionized our lives: we had two children who were now grown and independent, we did not think about going back to changing diapers full time.Why did Raffaella join the police?
Because she grew up with a father who was always in uniform, she had a degree in child psychology, she could have decided to do something else, but she chose the police.
Did you like?
She was very proud of the uniform, wore it with honor. He had an innate sense of justice. Now Justice must find out what happened to one of his young and loyal servants.

Reply  Martin Jan
1 year ago

Ha- Critic of the unvaccinated Djokovic, died suddenly at the age of 59

I know that the journalist had been vaccinated 3 times and publicly bragged about it, not only to Djokovic but also to other countries. That's called karma :))
Vaccines are a slow death that unfortunately awaits the vaccinated everywhere

1 year ago

Just walk past a funeral home and the notice board reads "died suddenly" or "suddenly and unexpectedly" …..age 41 years, 33 years, 52 years, 45 years, etc., etc.. is almost the order of the day today.

Anna Mračková
Anna Mračková
Reply  Mirka
1 year ago

I also got used to seeing "died suddenly" on obituaries, and last year there was a lot of it.

Reply  Anna Mračková
1 year ago

And there will be more, this has only just started to take off

1 year ago

Could foreign DNA enter your cells via co*covid "vaccine" mRNA and change your DNA and humanity forever? It sounds crazy. It isn't. "It could definitely happen," says Dr. Joseph Ladapo, Surgeon General of Florida.

Tucker: DNA enters cells via covid vaccine mRNA

It happened.. We will see soon on the birth rate…

Reply  Jan Tománek
1 year ago

A new type of disease called VEXAS syndrome, an auto-inflammatory disease that was first discovered in 2020 since the administration of the "salvation vaccines" is increasingly appearing in people who have been given the "vaccine" against co*covid...

"People who have been given Wuhan coronavirus 'vaccines' This is the case with any autoimmune or inflammatory disease, because the immune system tries to control itself, but then if you are attacked by something else, then that level of control can be reduced," said Dr . Savic, when a new type of disease is increasingly being diagnosed, which they call VEXAS syndrome, an autoinflammatory disease that was first discovered in 2020...

Of course, humanity will survive, but only the strong - the unvaccinated - rule (no vaccine, not "just" tetanus, etc., simply no "vaccine") = genetically non-manipulated and pure individuals. In vain, after 20 years, the "doctor" tried to push me to e.g. the aforementioned tetanus, it's been about 25 years since the midday "injection" 😀 … just do exactly the opposite and we have never been healthier at home 🙂

I will add to this that it is necessary to exercise/play sports almost daily and to observe min. those controlled fasts that I have mentioned more than once and being careful about what to eat etc. Not for nothing, for example, Dr. Peter McCullough recently stated at a World Council for Health conference that the entire vaccination schedule for children should be delayed and suspended and independently reviewed. And Dr. McCullough is not alone. There are suddenly a whole lot of those "doctors".. A vaccine for this here, a vaccine for that there...

NEW VERSIONS OF ALUMINUM – HEAVY METALS – UNKNOWN SUBSTANCES – CONTAMINANTS etc.etc.. Whether in the air we breathe, in the food we eat, all around us .. These risks need to be minimized daily! As I say, only citizens and people in the resistance will survive, only the strongest and non-genetically modified individuals will survive and that's how it is.. I believe in cosmic laws and that all those "things" will only happen in their reality, not mine.

..I'll come when he sets up the mirror..:

"The decrease in interest in vaccination does not only concern mRNA vaccines. Experts who monitor the compulsory vaccination of children are already pointing out that the percentage of vaccinations against really serious "childhood diseases" has been decreasing in recent years. The trust of parents and doctors in the safety of vaccination has been broken and it will be extremely difficult to restore it.

= And I say, only thickets and bigger drops! Just fuck them with those poisons!!!

Warnings about flour from the side that exceeded the norm six times over or "infected" meat (after all, the warning that it is defective is always repeated), all the "alternative" information, which is actually the only true information, is not enough read only and min. come to think of it, they just really need to shut up!!!!!!

+ Poland tightens mobilization law: 6 hours to join army or prisonA record number of cancer diagnoses are expected in the US+ Israel warns that it will expand the military offensive to Lebanon
+ US-led strikes in Yemen escalate Middle East conflict
+ GREEN FAIL: Electric car owners struggle with dead batteries and long queues at charging stations
+ Phthalates and bisphenols are now "widespread" in common foods and are quietly causing an epidemic of chronic diseases
+ …………………………………..
= There is no more effective method of depopulation than war, famine and epidemic.

Reply  Jan Tománek
1 year ago

Rather than dying, the covid vaccines slowly spill over into the body and cause more and more problems, and above all, they quietly and slowly kill the people from the inside, and a lot of placebos were also given, but only in the first doses to cover up the problems that are only now being looked at in a big way the light of day and we are starting to see the effects, but slowly we can already see them around us and it is happening programmed in such a way that they will blame it on the climate and other diseases, all of which have been caused since the first doses of covid vaccines. I also recommend that you and all your children definitely not vaccinate with anything, and the evidence for nothing is increasing that they are starting to add that crap everywhere, when the certainty of success is to digest slowly and as a solution to offer other vaccines, prescription drugs and contaminated food, the saying WE ARE WHAT WE EAT does not apply for nothing

Reply  Jan Tománek
1 year ago

comment image

Nobody yet
Nobody yet
Reply  Jan Tománek
1 year ago

German doctor Dr. Arne Burkhardt warns that spike protein from covid vaccines replaces sperm in vaccinated men! Here he shows the medical presentation of two individuals who were confirmed to have spike proteins completely or almost completely replacing sperm in the testicles!

Another top doctor-cardiologist, Dr., talks about the risks of infertility from covid vaccines. McCullough. Infertility caused by the COVID vaccine, both sides, almost certainly causes the death and destruction of these rare ovarian cells, those with a lower range will become infertile through each period of injection

So yes, I believe that the worst is yet to come, they will cover it up with diseases and an artificial climate crisis and the like. And the future?? I see here like in a movie called Children of Men !!!
Multiply the problems and you end up with something that looks uncomfortably like the human-descendant environment above

Nobody yet
Nobody yet
1 year ago

A WEF whistleblower says that Disease X will be the final solution to the depopulation of 6 billion souls

There is already a vaccine for disease X. Unsurprisingly, "disease X" has also been practiced, this time in Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, which already hosted a "Clade X" pandemic exercise on May 15, 2018 in Washington.
We all know that covid had a dress rehearsal in an exercise called Event 201 Pandemic Exercise. She did the exercise Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in cooperation with the World Economic Forum (WEF) in October 2019, just a few months before the start of the covid pandemic in January 2020.

1 year ago

A guy named David Archibald believes we all have some version of HIV today anyway via covid. I'm not sure, but the amount of people I know (or read) that just died last year and even this year is staggering. In sleep, due to aggressive blood cancer or heart attack and so on.

Reply  spring
1 year ago

Yes, already in 2022. Some people believe in "vaccination" even though its effectiveness is practically zero compared to the effectiveness of simple vitamin D supplementation.. The way vitamin D works in HIV is probably the same. And vitamin D is cheap.
It is produced on an industrial scale by irradiating sheep wool lanolin with UVB radiation.

Last edited 1 year ago by CZkotas