I wonder in vain where the difference is...


Original text published - 3/6/2022

I recently came across an article on Echo24 where the author wonders how in Russia they prosecute teachers who say something other than what the government propaganda claims.

...and as it turned out, it can be quite tricky for educators in Russian schools to try to oppose the official narrative in any way. In April, for example, schoolchildren in the Russian city of Penza reported their teacher to the police, who criticized Russian military activities in Ukraine. According to information from the independent portal Meduza, the authorities then initiated a prosecution against the 55-year-old English teacher based on a law that prohibits the dissemination of information discrediting the Russian military.
(The whole text can be read here.)

I remembered an article - well, there were more of them - where exactly the same thing happened in our country about a month ago. For example here.

"A teacher should honor the facts, not utter propaganda contrary to the obvious facts. Yes, everyone has the right to an opinion, but not to a lie," Gazdík wrote for Seznam Zprávy.
His department dealt with similar cases already at the beginning of Russian aggression. That's when he sent out instructions to schools on how to talk to children about the conflict. But not everyone follows it. "That's why I appreciate the approach of the school principal, who immediately put the teacher on the line and terminated her employment relationship," added Gazdík.

If we changed the names of the teachers and the countries, I'd almost say it's the same article.

So I'm just asking - maybe I don't understand it completely - but how do you recognize "democracy" as opposed to "evil totalitarianism", when in both it is obviously forbidden to think and especially to say something other than what the government officially stamps?

EDIT – 4/27/2023

A year has passed and the fired teacher Martina Bednářová, who I wrote about almost a year ago, is now going to court for absolutely absurd accusations the crime of genocide denial.

Even now, I remember the reactions of the right, aware citizens, how my comparison with Russia is absurd and false - in our country, after all, no one agrees (read the inconvenient truth) doesn't close - that only happens in totalitarian Russia...


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1 year ago

Confession of Ukrainian military chief, fringes have been fighting Russia since 2014. Direct from UA!!
"The head of the joint tactical group Adam - an experienced tank driver, colonel, Hero of Ukraine, 41-year-old Yevhen Mezhevikin (call sign "Adam"). Mezhevikin has been at war with Russia since 2014, after the DAP passed….”


It's for everyone, including Lipavský, Černochová .. who croak that the war started in 2022. Here we have a confession from the hero of the outskirts of Meževikin 🙂

Maybe when the courts try the cantor again, they should study the historical facts

1 year ago

Off topic, but BEWARE! I went to the market, specifically LIDL, to look for "meat" - just out of curiosity...
FOR "CHICKEN" MEAT FROM LIDL, which are listed in the promotion for CZK 129:
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On top of the top cover Slovak producer, but what caught my attention, something like this was written in large letters:
And when you turn, you will see the COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: UKRAINE !!!

So there you go, pomejas are everywhere. And at counters "anywhere" and at the butcher, you are not guaranteed where the meat is from. And you know what? I don't know about you, but I've never seen it on store-bought meat, anywhere, actually, that says it has to be cooked above 85 degrees or something.

What if someone gave it raw at home to, for example, a cat! TOdy Okraine pesticide GMO flour, which has already received the nickname "Banderka" on the Internet:
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= This "grain" is also fed to laying hens and chickens on poultry farms, etc. It was already suspected that meat and eggs are repackaged in Poland and Slovakia! Well, there you have it.

Just go and see for yourself in the inflation taming advertising, in LIDL and have a look...

no one yet
no one yet
Reply  CZkotas
1 year ago

The cherry on the cake is the Czech bakery, which after publishing the announcement - for the good and in the interest of quality and to reassure customers - that they do not bake with Ukrainian flour - got the right Nazi Bander Czech revenge and death threats!
Reportage from the Czech Republic. "You don't bake with Ukrainian flour" ?! So you are a Russian collaborator!

Reply  CZkotas
1 year ago

Of course, even those scumbags can be quickly identified by their low price. If something is very cheap, be careful, you need to carefully read the country of origin.
We will either have to bake the bread at home or go to small shops where they bake it themselves. What comes from big bakeries is disgusting. This applies to products made from wheat, in addition to flour and products made from it, it also includes pasta, couscous, bulgur...

Reply  jiri
1 year ago

Fortunately, I was shopping before the outbreak of the "conflict", I watched a lot of events when the "problems" around food started much earlier..
And, for example, the aforementioned bulgur or rice with min. duration end of 2024/2025, canned food, etc. And a lot of old good and proven stock, produced for example even before 2019/2020 when things started to "shit" and, for example, canned goods with a minimum shelf life. 2025+ will last for years if properly stored.. Including "pre-conflict" flour from home bakeries, etc.
But it's not a permanent solution, we have enough supplies at home, including sleeping bags, gas, burners/stoves for PEPO, a biofireplace and 100 liters of fuel. seriously!

And do you know what a stake is? Trading in the shares of the other three banks was STOPPED, the contagion of the financial sector is accelerating..
i.e. TOTAL CONTROL is getting closer and closer:

Central banks are buying gold in anticipation of fiat currency collapse. Meanwhile, the commercial banking sector is imploding, which is probably a sure thing for anyone who follows the events around them.
Just yesterday, three more banks were suspended from the stock exchange, as their stock prices plummeted: PacWest Bankcorp, Western Alliance and Metropolitan Bank

More bank failures are imminent, fiat currencies continue to collapse. The goal is to liquidate the small and medium-sized banks and leave only a few giants standing that hold all the assets?
Once the small and medium banks are destroyed, the final currency collapse will begin and try to force everyone into digital currencies central banks (CBDC), which will be the last nail in the coffin of human freedom!!

And meanwhile, The Polish general says they're out of ammo for the edge.
And from America, the land of the free: the military now has very little industrial capacity to produce munitions and the júesej gunpowder plant exploded two years ago and is still not in operation.
And the EU? And what about the Czech Republic? After all, we literally have shit here!

So the question remains, what do they want to fight on the fringes, when Russia has not been "defeated" and the fringes are running out of almost everything at a record pace, and according to M. Koler, voj. analysts, according to the RAND Corporation, which works for the US government, the last years when the US could defeat Russia are 2022 and 2023. So there is not much time left

1 year ago

And here a collection is already being made for weapons... it is not enough that we are going to the bottom economically, but people are being persuaded to humble themselves and give money for killing, for weapons... https://www.zbraneproukrajinu.cz/#about
This is one of the trial balloons, how is the department with morale. Just like all demonstrations. And then that people feel bad….
the vaccination doesn't hurt either. All according to the narrative "kill your child by vaccination and you will save the planet Earth, I will add that even depleted uranium does not harm. Somehow we have to claw our way to that golden half billion. journalists also bet on the fact that people have a short memory or that they don't have a brain.
Something from the account of the warmonger Drábová.
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Greedy people are being unmasked beautifully. That sewer elevated the will to war into a positive moral trait.
Just take a look at her Twitter … and you fear for our nuclear security

Stephen Martin
Stephen Martin
1 year ago

Well, I see the difference. While the Russian teacher did not agree with what Russia is doing in Ukraine, our teacher denied that there is any fighting in Ukraine at all. The former is her opinion, the latter is either a conscious lie or stupidity. Adequate shaking can be discussed, but there is a difference.

Anthony Morava
Anthony Morava
Reply  Stephen Martin
1 year ago

You are probably wrong, the statement, "Nothing is happening in Kiev", was relevant, after all, after the first, perhaps slightly staged attack, the Russians withdrew. So nothing is happening in Kyiv, there is no claim that nothing is happening in Ukraine!! On the contrary, the person in question also gave the children unwanted information about what has been happening there since 2014. This is the genocide that is denied to us and denied and kept secret.

1 year ago

Tucker Carlson could narrate.

Let's not forget who is really behind these censorship crackdowns - the owners of BlackRock and Vanguard - everything else is just their puppets.


Ukrainian sale.


1 year ago

Life begins to be absorbed by unimportant things, they drain our time. Today, it is almost impossible to keep up with a pure mind when brutal enemies of truth are purposefully numbing us and contaminating every aspect of our lives.
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Just as no one from the WEF or the UN was elected. These "people" have no mandate to rule our lives. The Sustainable Development Goals were drawn up by madmen.
Their technique is simple: create extraordinary situations and then offer solutions. The world is in a much worse state than you thought.

And the EU itself is currently deliberately letting Africans starve. The EU has rejected Russia's request to provide marginal grain to millions of starving people in Africa.
+ For relief: And because there is too much of it in the EU countries, it is also used to feed (reporter) pigs...:
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You can always count on the EU to do the wrong thing..
And by what year will all "conspiracy theories" be exhausted? 😀

I am waiting in vain for the manipulation and constant lying to end..
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Now that the non-existent covid is in the trash, there has to be an explanation for the skyrocketing of die-offs.

Last edited 1 year ago by CZkotas
2 years ago

The difference may be in the hardness of the agent used. The question is, in which legal branch does the Russian law, which prohibits the dissemination of information discrediting the Russian army, fall into; I assume that we will be in the category of criminal law (maybe; it is not clear to me from the article; let alone that she was convicted), or administrative punishment (I have no idea about Russian laws and journalists are not really helping me with this). In the case of the Czech teacher, it is a labor law penalty; the question of how the relevant headmistress of the school or the municipality, as the founder, defined the breach of duty by the employee "in a particularly gross manner" (see § 55 para. 1 letter b) ZP), if it was necessary, when Gazdík concluded that it was correct and publicly supported it (I assume it was an immediate termination of employment by the employer). Someone somewhere wrote that if similar events were an incentive for a free dialogue between several parties, it would be educational, but the times are not very favorable to dialogues. And so anyone who does not currently fit into the official narrative is easily branded a traitor in one country and a disinformer in another country. Truth is hard to find where, in the name of the only Good, reason has been reduced to ashes in the furnace of feelings. But there is really no need to be under any illusions about Russia.

Anthony Morava
Anthony Morava
Reply  bowl
1 year ago

Wait, it used to be. There is already a criminal case against her for "genocide denial".!!!

2 years ago

Once again for "mirka" (Cemper? xD)
..We know that everything 'they' told us for two years was a lie. So why should we believe anything they tell us now and will tell us in the future? Our governments are as crooked and unreliable as Google and Wikipedia…

Reply  CZkotas
2 years ago

Well, I learned a great wisdom in my mature age, that two doing the same thing is not the same thing. In the circle of my acquaintances, we got to these hot topics and I mentioned my opinion on "turning off" disinformation websites and I argued that both here and in Russia they use exactly the same procedures, i.e. that someone from the security forces calls a private company (editor ,….) and will recommend what they should or should not do. The reaction quite shocked me, it's not the same thing, the fundamental difference is that here is a democracy and in Russia a dictatorship.... And the entire debate was carried out in a similar spirit. Restricting freedom there is a bad thing for consolidating dictatorship, and here it is a good thing for protecting democracy...

2 years ago

Cemper? …