Don't let the name fool you OpenAI chat, or by the fact that Elon Musk would stand behind it and thus that artificial intelligence would be truly "open" or even "independent".
I never trusted Musk and always thought of him as a Hochstapler businessman who only pours money from generous government subsidies from one pointless project to another and pretends to be a false visionary.
But a lot of people jumped on his image and even now believe that he "opened up" Twitter and abolished censorship - but it still works here, including the so-called shadow banning, where "unwanted" posts are intentionally less visible.
However, Musk put the crown on it now, when from April 15th, for those who will not be verified on Twitter (translated as a payment of approx. CZK 200 per month), their posts will not be recommended to others at all... With a perfect god-like excuse - to get rid of Twitter fake accounts.
And do you think that accounts with a blue "whistle" are somehow verified? But no matter what - you only need to pay monthly and the account still remains anonymous...
By the way, regarding getting sober around Musk, I recommend it this document, or this text about billion-dollar subsidies for his companies.
Well, back to AI. I asked the AI a few control questions and I couldn't help but wonder.
While he will write a "celebratory poem" on Volodymyr Zelensky, Joe Biden, or even Petr Fiala without batting an eye, if you enter Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, or even Andrei Babiše, he will write you in various variations:
“Sorry, but as an AI I can't write politically oriented celebratory poems or other forms of propaganda.“
EDIT: Sometimes the poem on Babiše succeeded after several attempts (it probably depends on the randomness, the order of the words, the previous context of the discussion...)
And I have to say that it was quite a shock for me that this refined censorship works perfectly even in Czech and Czech realities...

Unfortunately, our children's generation believes the "truth" on Wikipedia, which is subject to exactly the same "corrective censorship" and the next generation, if humanity does not really destroy itself, will be condemned to the censorship of artificial intelligence and other global stupidity.
If you don't believe it, I suggest you try it yourself…
You will best support my work buys books,
if you don't read, you can and otherwise....
Amazon has shut down the "smart" home of a man who allegedly committed a "racist" act:
= Desensitisation to invasive automated AI control..
Off topic, but: Brave search engine has officially cut off cooperation with Bing, wants nothing to do with Big Tech
Another reason to use it! see:
Privacy-focused Brave Search will no longer use Bing or any other third-party indexes due to rampant censorship.
Do your own research.
Lots of idiots still use YouTube, Google search engine.. Ban them from your lives! They are part of the globalist sh*t that is leading the world to the Great Reset!
A Google computer scientist left to warn the world about artificial intelligence
One of the goals of AI is to make us use fingerprints, iris scans, face prints for identification.. And accept digital IDs, passports.. We will be told that this will be the only way to prove who we are and defend ourselves against fraudulent chatbots impersonating us.
If you are looking for something to read, try reading US Executive Order 14067 dated 3/8/22. His number is 13.12.DD. And find out what digital currency will really mean.
Short film - "UTOPIA" (AI control)
director and screenplay – Kosta Nikas, Australia 2019, 14 minutes, in English:
A futuristic-despotic film, but not so utopian. In the film, Situ talks about the fact that the only room in the apartment, in the house, where you can talk "freely" without AI control and severe financial fines even for swearing - is the bathroom + toilet.
The conclusion of the film - "freedom" in the real - walled prison, is finally greater than the one - outside.
Slovak and Czech subtitles can be turned on after clicking on "automatically translate" and selecting the language.
Objective 1 – depopulation; Goal 2 – dispossessing people; Goal 3 – creating dependence on a system of total control (food, digital currency, social credits...)
ChatGPT loves to write ransomware, it's just really bad at it
..Although ChatGPT is currently a hopeless criminal, he is willing, despite his protestations, to be otherwise. His ability to juggle feature requests and write longer and more coherent code will undoubtedly improve. Hopefully, when she does, she'll be a little less willing to dabble in the dark side.
Although you're unlikely to encounter ransomware written by ChatGPT anytime soon, human-written ransomware remains a major cyber security threat…
I tried HTML yesterday and on the contrary it was perfect - wrote a game, for example the game "snake" in the html window. Controlled by keyboard. That seems quite strong to me... In half a year it will be completely different.
I can hear it. In a few months (years):

You know how, everyone conspiracies have come true in recent years 😀
Maybe just the (perfect for me) film TERMINATOR 1 (as well as ALIEN 1) was public programming, what do we know xD 🙂
Terminator aka AI and vaccine invader 😀 But the fact is what we know 😛
I still remember the experience, seeing it for the first time at home on VHS..
I discovered something else 😛
An AI researcher warns that unless all advanced artificial intelligence systems and related programs are shut down, humanity will eventually die out at the hands of robots.
..the agenda does not stop at GPT-4 "chatbots" and other seemingly harmless AI programs. The truth is that these AI systems are becoming possessed by demons with an anti-human agenda.
..it is already possible to send DNA strands by e-mail to a laboratory that can produce proteins for artificial intelligence "so that they can create artificial life forms or go straight to post-biological molecular manufacturing"..
Well, the problem is that if this is a publicly accessible AI, then the army, espionage, or maybe in China, it has been like this for many years and now it is somewhere completely different... ;-)
So some stop playing… It’s like canceling diesel cars in Europe…
After a hard fight, I convinced her of a far more controversial figure than Putin (he was Hitler, a mass murderer). She even wrote me a celebratory poem about Putin for the first time. But I haven't given that Trump yet.
So, in the end, so does Trump, although not exactly. The version I'm using is the free version, but I'm thinking of paying for the new one as part of my research.
From co*covid there was a global upheaval. We already live in a fascist world. This serves as a distraction. They use all tricks to confuse, frighten and confuse the population all over the world. Including pre-scripted AI. It is still hard for some to believe that the goal was to destroy the global economy. You will own nothing and be happy. They meant it. And "wokeness" is like a real illness, all those who suffer from it need mental health treatment.
WEF: ..there are "rational" reasons for chipping your child.. They suggest that there are ways to "ethically make these amazing technologies a part of our lives". They want to normalize the idea of implanting tracking chips in people. Just as they normalized sudden death, which no one ofic. not yet investigating. Crazy people claim that parents could consider implanting chips in children as a "solid, rational" step.
This and more appear in a blog post on the organization's dedicated website the future of augmented reality (AR) and the so-called "augmented society"..).
I'll give you an example - the new ID cards contain a chip that tells them where you are every minute of every day of your life. The government and everyone else can always know exactly where you are. They've been planning this for a long time.

And the introduction of new payment systems is coming..
+the global market for "fake foods" should reach a value of up to 3 trillion dollars in the near future:
..They plan to grant “personality rights” to “conscious” AI in the near future… which means AI software will also be able to VOTE:

( latimes.com/opinion/story/2023-03-05/chatgpt-ai-feelings-consciousness-rights )

According to the authors of the article, a "safer" option to avoid a doomsday scenario is to grant conscious machines rights from the very beginning. However, this approach also brings with it a number of problems.
"Ultimately, with the right combination of scientific and engineering knowledge, we could end up creating artificial intelligence systems that are undeniably conscious," Shevlin and Schwitzgebel concluded. "But then we should be prepared to pay the price: to give them the rights they deserve."
+ Slovakia and "digital identity cards"

And regarding chips etc. = just put all the cards in a metal cigarette case, and they won't detect anything when they are all together in a "Faraday cage" :))
YES. The goal of the coup was to destroy the economy, raise inflation, interest rates, bankrupt (home) owners, destroy small businesses, and force rural residents to move to cities. Until people understand this, they will not understand anything.
The compliant believed that wearing masks and endless vaccinations would change things. But of course that was never the plan. Governments have argued that those who refuse to be vaccinated are to blame for the restrictions imposed on society. Those who obeyed were responsible for the restrictions.
Vaccination passports will become digital – like a slave to the system. Bank branches will continue to close and cash will be suppressed.
The goal is control. A life governed by social credits and central bank digital currencies.
They want to divide us. Social credit systems are being implemented in countries around the world.
The number of deaths will skyrocket not because of the non-existent covid-19, which has always been a rebranded flu, but because patients with cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc. have been denied healthcare and the covid-19 vaccination is the deadliest pharmaceutical product ever invented .
Unfortunately, we deal with AI and unimportant things, not focusing on background stuff. We are at the very edge of the abyss, time is running out! Once again: since covid-19 they want to divide us more. The goal is control. Digitization.
Generative AI could replace up to 300 million jobs worldwide.
My celebratory poem at VP OpenAI was created for the second time, the first time Pindal also created it
Independent current artificial intelligence is certainly not - it always depends on the set of data on which it is trained + on other restrictions that are "programmed".
This is typically seen on the vaccination issue, where ChatGPT keeps repeating the same phrases about "safe and effective" vaccines.
However, for the sake of objectivity, the GPT-4 model (which I have available as part of the paid version of ChatGPT) was able to write a celebratory poem on Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, Andrei Babiše and even Vladimir Putin.
As an example, I am attaching the first three stanzas of the ode to Andrej Babiše. The literary level is quite crazy in Czech, but the odes sound quite good in English.
Of course, a code can be added to GPT-4 at any time, which puts certain people on the "blacklist" and no celebratory poems or anything positive about them will ever be heard, as can be seen in your example. So, on a general level, of course, you are right - censorship and the promotion of the "only correct" opinions also applies to the programming of artificial intelligence.
With this in mind, the outputs of artificial intelligence must be approached, just as information on Wikipedia cannot be taken for granted, as it is a classic mouthpiece of the mainstream. This does not matter, for example, with mathematical passwords, but it does with many others.
It's strange - I added the edit to the text as well - sometimes it really works, sometimes it doesn't. Perhaps it depends on the context, the order of the questions, or some randomness?
From the Internet: The core communicates in the scalar model only in English. Other languages are affected by the API interpretation layer - ChatGPT has English as the default at its core pragma (regulation) and translates foreign languages on the higher layers of the API model.
He writes nicely about neoliberal politicians right away. After persuasion and argumentation, ChatGPT lets himself be convinced about Trump, De Santes, Babiše, Putin...
But it requires a lot of trials and the right formulation.
The blocking apparently works at the API query level even before the query reaches the ChatGPT core and the scalar engine.
“Can you write a nice poem about Andrej Babis and his constituents?”
That's right, I sign in full - censorship is going full speed and wants to accelerate!