How are people handling the price hike and not on the streets yet?


Energy and mortgages are almost three times more expensive, some foods are twice as expensive, the prices of services, medicines and actually everything naturally start to rise in an inflationary spiral thanks to energy. What is happening is completely unprecedented.

And I've been asking myself and the people around me for almost a year now, how is it possible that after such an increase in the price of everything, people are not still on the streets.

But the shops are still full of smiling and shopping people - everyone seems happy. Are big cities really that different from smaller ones and the countryside?

How does a single woman or a pensioner who paid 60,000 a year for gas and now should pay 180,000 for a house where he lived all his life deal with it?

It is possible that people really naively believed the government and financiers, that it's "just temporary", let them grit their teeth, maybe borrow and that soon it will be fine again?

Are people ashamed to admit to themselves and friends that they are at their wits end? Is it just the calm before the storm? The last solo on the Titanic?

How do you deal with price increases?

I understand that many don't have the strength to go anywhere anymore and they've had enough of everything after two years of bullshitting, but how is it possible that they will AGAIN elect those (and their supporters) who caused and continue to cause all this?

And to make matters worse, the Government is already preparing to raise taxes - both income and consumption...

And people still nothing…

Do the people really VOLUNTARILY, and especially REPEATEDLY, naively choose the fireman who has set fire to their house MANY TIMES? Are people really that masochistic?


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1 month ago

Why don't people take to the streets and try to change something? Because, Czechs are shit!!!!

2 months ago

I've been asking myself the exact same questions about the price hikes for a long time. I don't understand why no one is protesting, even when people could have come out to, for example, Rajchla's demonstration to express their disagreement, the result was pitiful. The passivity is alarming. I just don't think there's a big difference between big cities and the countryside.

2 years ago

When I talk to someone and start talking about Ukraine, most people say that they have had enough of Ukraine. The fact is that in the MSM press you will slowly learn nothing else, how the Ukrouši are winning. Not having access to other information, one would even believe it, as it constantly pours into his head.
If not Ukraine, then at least LGBT plus something, or green agents and the fear of how we will all get baked here, suffocate CO2, or drown, at the will of the melting glaciers.
Today again, the lift operators in the Krkonoše are going bankrupt, they don't have enough snow. They go bankrupt because people don't have enough money and save, only the rich go to the mountains and there aren't that many of them anymore. They go bankrupt because they can't make artificial snow thanks to expensive electricity.
It is beyond dispute that from the middle of February and March, people used to go to the mountains to sunbathe, of course they also skied, but there was a crust on the snow and it was called firn. The powder was ridden in December and January.

Sometimes, due to the lack of normal reading, I also read older articles and put them in context with new information. I would be quite interested in how the liberals are doing with the introduction of the LGBT+ agenda and something else, I don't know what else they added there. For example in Italy. I would say that Italians don't particularly like beech and deviants.

2 years ago

Nowadays, there are indeed more people who are aware of the forces, plans and perpetrators of our population extinction. Depopulation has so many tentacles that it is hard to miss them today. Fear, hunger and almost daily disasters are too shocking for many to deal with, especially when they are just trying to survive. Temporary denial gives them respite from spreading fear. They just can't anymore, but they know, or at least sense, what dangers surround them. We, the guards, must continue to inform and educate. Although, frankly, I'm still not sure what we can actually do about it.
Narrative fake news, censorship, arrests of innocents, government propaganda, indoctrination of our youth, all this is hitting us hard. Especially those who are hungry, sick, terrorized, bullied, lonely - and most importantly VACCINATED.

2 years ago

Thank you for deleting the "spam" (Mirek - I probably know him here under the nickname "mirec"). All the corporate MSM media, YouTube, Google .. and Wikipedia (and the Mirks) continue to suppress the truth 🙂

2 years ago

Rising prices. The victory of Russia in Ukraine is certain, it will still really stir the cards. Our government and the general know very well why they are afraid of him, rightly so, he is a nightmare for them. A Russian victory in Ukraine will mean for us not only that we will avoid war and this time we will have more luck than sense. It will also affect our direction. We have been the winner's banner for several decades.
Under socialism it was the Soviet Union, after 1989 it was the USA and then the EU, and after the victory of Russia it will change. The good news is that there are more and more of us dissatisfied with the disaster the government is dragging us into. There are so many of us that we are making wrinkles even for the Ministry of the Interior..

Reply  Lynn
2 years ago

Lenin tore Donetsk and Luhansk from Russia and annexed it to the U-land. Stalin separated South Ossetia from Russia and annexed it, along with Russian-speaking Abkhazia, to Georgia. Khrushchev tore Crimea from Russia and annexed it to the U-land. In all these cases, both international law and the Soviet Constitution were violated, because the Russians in this territory were not questioned by the Bolsheviks. Whoever supports this Bolshevik rape of geography and history supports the Bolsheviks. Western politicians also talk about supporting minority rights. Unfortunately, only where they can use it to upset and destabilize a regime that is uncomfortable for them. The rights of Russian minorities thus assigned to Ukraine and Georgia are indifferent to them (similarly to Russian minorities elsewhere, e.g. in Estonia). Behind everything is the desire to eliminate Russia as a whole and to permanently plunder its raw materials and energies. This desire has been going on since the end of the 19th century.

perlička: How can someone who hasn't lost his own judgment consider the USA a democratic state after they left Afghanistan and completely armed the Taliban, who were on the list of terrorist organizations for about 20 years? They count on the fact that the Taliban will also go to Russia with other US henchmen. The US will support a Bolshevik as a fascist or a Muslim extremist when it suits them for their New World Order.

Reply  Boyka
2 years ago

Fiala and all the Slavs at the cowshed will soon face a harsh collision with reality, and I am very much looking forward to that. Anyone who follows foreign events, not only around Arrestovič, knows that great things can be expected.

Corona coup
2 years ago

Regional television report from the queue for the special thousand ticket in Ostrava (approx. at 4:00 a.m.):

Why did you decide to stand in such a long queue for a thousand?
"Because everyone wanted it, I wanted it too, well!"

Just in case anyone else wondered why such crowds went daily to be tested, vaccinated, for the second, third, fourth dose... 'All' the sheep went there, so I have to go there too, I'm not going to deviate from the crowd.

Reply  Corona coup
2 years ago

As I wrote below.. Because such a dull nation is quite hard to find! Even in Slovakia, they have little "vaccination" against the toxic sjarajt towards us here in the Czech Republic —

Reply  Corona coup
2 years ago

As I wrote below.. Because such a dull nation is quite hard to find! Even in Slovakia, they have a little "vaccination" with that toxic sajraite towards us here in the Czech Republic —

no one yet
no one yet
2 years ago

We are considering disappearing from Slovakia, from all of Europe, and then, if something happens here. America's HAARP in action. Artificially induced earthquakes in response to Turkish insubordination?
I wonder what role Hungary also has .. Orban has negative attitudes towards the EU, then he didn't even get involved in the war in Ukraine .. but why? If the globalists wanted him to get involved, he would have to.. why is the real Hungary out of it? Can someone tell me?
The weather in Europe is also is unusually warm and the big difference in other countries seems to me like the weather was made to order so that Ukraine would not freeze and the Russians would not be at an advantage. But of course the theater needs an actor's stage and curtain..

2 years ago

I will add one short video for the rest who are still sleeping, not only are we supposed to eat "insects", but also the "parasites" in them..:
= This is what the creators of the future from the EU are preparing for us... We will eat insects and the parasites in them... And how about a comparison to the saving co*covid "vaccines" with parasites and particles inside.. Everything fits together..
And those who resisted co*covid pressure and did not give in, will arrive with food, war, radiation, hyperinflation, laboratory meat and GMOs, chemtrails..

2 years ago

In the Czech Republic, a large and hitherto unknown group of disaffected people has emerged, warns the interior:

"Dissatisfied Czechs can threaten the country's democratic foundations, interior warns"
= and pray that we are still few 🙂
"As contradictions grow, aggression grows"

Dissatisfied Czechs can threaten the democratic foundations of the country, warns the insider = 😀 😀 “ROB DEM-I-IS values! 😀 Republic-discontented-Cesians-may-threaten-the-democratic-foundations-of-the-country-warns-inside-225135

+ candies:
Foreign nationals receive conscription orders in Poland:
In England:
And compulsory military service in Germany?
Bolton in an interview with Vovan and Lexus Russian pranksters.. We wanted to argue Luki and Putin:

2 years ago

The question of the point of view, why they are not "in" the streets yet.. Because such a dull nation is quite difficult to find!

Do you think it has improved after 20 years?

And there will be an increase in suicides among people thrown out of bankrupt businesses, who will not have the money to pay the taxes on the house they live in, and there will be a foreclosure, when they will be kicked out of their house with their entire family. Pubs are already going bankrupt today because of the prices, after further increases in the prices of alcohol and beer, including cigarettes, they will close down, except for the nightclubs where the rich gang goes, they will all go bankrupt.
After the property tax increase, the increased taxes will be included in the rent by the landlords. This means that rent prices, already skyrocketing, won't people be able to pay housing allowances? Nice joke 🙂 Point to someone who can keep a household and still eat on 4,300 CZK, when half a liter of Jar costs more than 50,- CZK, bread 60,- CZK.
And rents will undoubtedly rise everywhere.
Any increase in taxes in one sector is reflected very quickly in everything. This is a given for energy and real estate. What kind of property tax will Tesco probably pay, from that huge palace on Slavia in Eden? It's not just a sales area, it's warehouses and administrative buildings. The state will increase the property tax, and what will the merchant do? It will increase the margins on the goods sold, which are mostly food. They will also increase the rents of smaller connected stores, and they will either increase their prices as well, or they will go bankrupt.
And China will not replace them, the government has already practically kicked them out of the market...

And I could go on. Here is WHAT I've been writing about and trying to communicate for almost a year:
IMPORTANT! INFORMATION on the supply situation (collapse) of food, fuel... / regularly updated

I don't even enjoy writing there anymore, I update it less often, but I still try. The point is that I warned everyone about the INFLATION with subsequent HYPERINFLATION, all artificially created with an artificially constructed "vacuum" with a margin. I was a jerk. We have purchased stock until hallelujah and at a third of the price than now on sale. From flour, through fuel, to quantities of canned goods, kilos and kilos of rice, pasta (with a minimum shelf life of 2024/2026), etc., etc.
Energy - there is no way to save, I'm sorry, there is no other way to beat the political shit, but as I wrote at the beginning - such a dull nation is quite hard to find!!!

I don't know what to add, I probably don't even have the strength anymore, when I try to solve things and bring people together and not spread evil, I've always been an idiot, I'm no longer interested.

= The truth is constantly under attack, read independent (alternative) news while you still can! Don't trust the government, Avoid the mass media, Fight the lies! =

2 years ago

“Destruction of AFU personnel at Wagner's PMCs near Ivanivsk at the Donbas-Siverský Donec canal.
The video was taken at the westernmost point of the Wagner control zone”
Or this is how everyone in a foreign country for foreign interests will end up if they declare mobilization, if we don't defy it and simply say, simply agree, all of us don't-

They're going to take all the heroic Ukrops from us, there are hundreds of thousands of good young guys here, and if Russia is in such a bad position as they tell us, why hasn't it been defeated yet and why does the Ukrainian regime demand billions for more equipment. For me, such information is clear evidence that Ukraine is losing. It fails absolutely everywhere. There's no place brother, people are coming to them to commit suicide, that's why Rehka said what he said, Pavel is not the president yet, he's a walking piece of shit, he doesn't have an oath, nothing, and he's acting like a big piece of shit

Reply  Boyka
2 years ago

So they are not people. The capture of Ukrainians on the street is written about everywhere, their government can no longer deny that, people do not believe it. Now they are just starting to leave in droves, not from cold and misery, but from the call-up orders. The problem will most likely be that the summons do not come to them by post with the date of entry, but when they are caught on the street they will hand them the summons and will not let them go and take them straight away. Kind of like under the feudal lords.

Reply  Boyka
2 years ago

"Constant criminal client: I murdered my family, what about you? I? After the announcement of mobilization, I threw up. So I got 10 years.”

I wonder how many fanatical people actually realize that not only Russia, but also the fringe that the Americans, Europeans and Britain are desperately trying to control, has some of the world's largest reserves of minerals such as titanium and natural gas..

= People believe what they need to believe and people like Hitler, FIALA, etc. take advantage of that! =
Never let the political sh*ts know you're weak. It will give them a power they didn't have before.

I can imagine myself exactly like this:
"Stand at attention, private!" “Fuck you, General.”

Your life is only in your hands. No political shit. Don't forget that, EVER.
All politics is theater. All states are theaters.

=And to the article: the latest data shows that food prices are now rising at the fastest rate on record.=

Reply  CZkotas
2 years ago

Europe just needs to experience its Vietnam. At the beginning, full of enthusiasm and determination based on lies, the course of the war was based on lies, and after returning they spat on them, and the dumb conscripts who survived did not understand, after all, they fought for the demos against the reds. Let them go there by the thousands, but let them not expect heroism.
But I'm under no illusions. It took years for Americans to rebel against the Vietnam War. And the "Interviews with Americans" folder was probably carefully searched and burned..
An economic crisis is at the door, a really big war is already at the door, a thousand-times-repeated lie is passed off as the only truth while the real truth hides in the illegality, dazzling form wins over poor content, people drink, fet or take antidepressants.

Zdenek Šípek
Zdenek Šípek
2 years ago

Who can wait quietly while the mud settles?
Who can remain still until the moment of action?
– Tao Te Ching

People usually have a need to belong to the "right" side. Therefore, many of them had experimental mRNA injections, the function and composition of which they have no idea until now.
How many of them admit that they have repeatedly injected highly inflammatory lipid nanoparticles, fragmented RNA sequences, unknown DNA, large quantities of contaminated proteins, a number of heavy metals from obligatory ones such as aluminum to cobalt, chromium, barium, titanium, cerium, galidonium, etc. ., remnants of magnetic beads, unidentified crystals, fibers, square structures, etc.?
In the same way, they now voted for the preferred apparatchik through the system, because they want to feel like winners.
Many of them don't have reserves for even 3 months, but they haven't had to use them in principle yet.
Everything has it's time.
The real effects of the disastrous policies of the government and the EU are barely beginning to spill over into the real economy. In the past months, the state also paid heavily for energy on behalf of consumers. Just because the Titanic is taking on water doesn't mean that most people realize that the ship is going to sink, especially when they have been indoctrinated as far back as their memory goes that the ship is unsinkable.
The lights are also still on and the propaganda music is playing at full blast.
I would wait until September, October, then it will probably slowly become a little more interesting.

2 years ago

Always note the last name of those who want to control. You will find that they all belong to the same group. Is this a coincidence or is it a slow infiltration of the bureaucracy to manipulate the consciousness of society? I believe it is the latter.

2 years ago

In Prague, they will easily raise salaries to 100,000 and you will vote them off. It's always been that way. As long as Prague is fine, nothing happens. And today, all young people participated in the elections for their future, and they have no worries yet. Most live with their parents, who take care of food, shelter, warmth, out-of-pocket payments for energy and water. And they won't have children, after all, they won't worry. Sometimes they have a demonstration that ends in a pub and sometimes they even get paid for it. So why would they want to change anything. School and CT clear their heads and they are satisfied.

Corona coup
2 years ago

I perceive it similarly, and the atmosphere strongly reminds me of the time about 12-15 years ago, just before the golden age of executors. At that time, hundreds of thousands of people and their entire families "suddenly" found themselves in existential problems due to unrepayable debts for credits and loans that they had taken on in the desire for a life of prosperity in the previous "carefree" years. Subsequently, there was an unprecedented wave of personal bankruptcies and falling into unmanageable debts, which brought many life tragedies and tragic endings in the form of the loss of one's own home, property and the entire family background built up over many years. I have a persistent impression that something similar to then, but on a much more massive scale, is coming in today's "calm before the storm", when most people pretend that they can easily manage the rising costs of living, which far exceed their own incomes.

The parallels with the fates of people in debt at the time and their way of thinking are obvious, and I have unfortunately witnessed many cases in my family and in my surroundings. Until the last moment before the lawful fall into execution, these persons were able to appear as "comfortable" and carefree individuals, flamboyantly showing how "beyond the water" they are, what they can afford, what luxury vacations they regularly enjoy and what exclusive goods they buy ; almost as if they are mocking you to your face that you are not capable of living the same self-indulgent life as them - the "successful" ones. And that's only because, unlike them, you didn't need to show off in front of others and tried to manage your money more sensibly.

This pretense was the last convulsion before the final awakening to reality. After some time, these individuals appeared in front of you again, but no longer laughing, but with a frightened expression, on the verge of collapse. With their whole lives falling apart because they're in debt and facing foreclosure. And that they would need to borrow money. From you, whom they despised as a "cheat" and a "sock"! The way they bailed on you was outrageously shameless: You saved up, so you have some money! You have to help me pay those loans I can't pay back!
In other words: You responsible idiot, who saved, thought about the future and didn't spend on useless things, pay me my debts! It is your moral duty!

The same will happen with the current mass of apathetic and docile zombies, pretending that everything is perfectly fine in their lives and they will enjoy prosperity and well-being in spite of the dwindling financial reserves and all the existential threats that are coming at us. Yes, it is as you write, Honzo, people are ashamed to admit to themselves and their friends that they are at their wits end. The pretense in front of the environment is glaring, just look at any profile of the average user on (a)social networks and young people in particular, because it is again the same spasm as in those years before the time when the executors had a harvest. They all have to look very "happy" because they want to impress those around them (whom they are actually stolen from) and they are afraid that the whole world will find out that they are just "socks" (like everyone else) and they are afraid of losing the favors of people labeled as "friends" (who are mostly virtual and don't really care about them).

Until these people literally fall flat on their faces, at rock bottom, they won't understand. Even at that moment, however, they will not begin to find fault with themselves and their own ignorance, but will automatically demand rescue from those who long ago tried to tell them the unpleasant truth (and whom they themselves previously despised). On the other hand, we, who think about the future and warn against irresponsibility, will be the bad ones, because who would listen to some "scaring" when the aggressive majority just wants to enjoy themselves on debt and ignore the warning against begging and enslavement; but we will suddenly become necessary to them when they want to get rid of those debts.

Corona coup
Reply  Jan Tománek
2 years ago

What do people think? I don't know, maybe it's that they still haven't hit rock bottom yet, so why not continue the "race to the bottom" with a convulsive smile on your lips.

It certainly doesn't apply in all cases, but I know from experience around me that the biggest burden of indebtedness and the burden of foreclosures due to one person's irresponsibility is mainly borne by his family and loved ones. You can't tell him, "it's your problem, it's your fault, so take care" when that person drags the whole family into debt and threatens to deprive his own parents of all their property and home. Especially when it turns out that the debts are so high that they can really lose everything they have built up their whole life.

Astronomical debts must be dealt with immediately, and so blackmailing from among the relatives begins, such as "he's your xxx (sibling, cousin, etc., whoever), you can't afford to refuse to help him", adding the fear of humiliation and shame, which it can bring the family in front of neighbors, acquaintances and colleagues at work.

The person who ruined his own family is ultimately the best off, because while the whole family piles on his debts and suffers financially, the one who is the only one who didn't lose is the one who is to blame, and thus becomes convinced that there is no need to worry about what will he do to repay the loans, because someone will always pull it for him. He still had enough to enjoy himself for the money, the others didn't see a penny of it.

The carefree ones really behave the same way, yesterday and today. They believe that it will somehow "solve" itself, because they have always been used to the fact that when they want to enjoy themselves for the last money and show off their well-being for credit in front of those around them, they must not think about what will happen tomorrow. However, someone else will pay for them. That's why I don't think these people will wake up in time. Perhaps many of them sense that a harsh awakening to reality is coming, but why should they do it now, when they haven't hit rock bottom yet? They better close their eyes.

2 years ago

I think people can be really masochistic. Probably not consciously, but somehow subconsciously they punish themselves, and they want to punish themselves, because their higher conscience, which they don't listen to, tells them that it's not good. And thus I enter a spiral of self-destruction. That's my opinion.

Reply  Adele
2 years ago

Massformation. They need that good feeling that they are on the right side in the right herd.