I have a long…


At Christmas I came down with some virus - who knows what it was - lost my sense of smell, laid up with a fever for a week, rested and enjoyed reading in bed.
Strangely after that I had a Long thing... - unbelievable - I was short of breath on the stairs for a week, I felt weak for a fortnight and it took about a month or two before I was able to go up the bike that I had gone up before.
After all, like after every virus...

I bumped my shoulder in the mountains in March and I still have a Long shoulder - it still hurts in some position.

I had a Long appendix when I was in my twenties - I could hardly stand up for a week after the operation, and then it took several months for the abdominal muscles to heal. Long cut muscles are rew…

I also had a few Long splinters and Long fractures as a child - that was something. Unreal, but it took long weeks and months for those Long syndromes to go away.

And after the harsh Long flu, the body can be quite relaxed for a year.

It's the stupidity of society that is really deeply rooted - don't forget, for example, the "new covid" is said to be characterized in the summer night sweats…
People want everything immediately and preferably by a miracle and without work. If there's a powder for that, that's great. I weigh a hundred and fifty pounds and my joints hurt? Unexpected - but it doesn't matter, the doctor will give a new joint.
And the ideal way is, if you take twenty pills and you have heartburn after them, go to the doctor and he will be happy to prescribe you the twenty-first, for the heartburn.

EDIT – I would also like to add that the Long covid and its symptoms are suspiciously similar to adverse effects after vaccination... 😉


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2 years ago

Hello, I assume you are referring to long covid. so that's not what you had. Long covid is when you can't get out of bed after covid, like not at all. if you try it, you will feel brutally sick, you will vomit, you will faint. it will gradually improve a little as you begin to follow a low-histamine diet. It will improve, but it is not good. a person whose idea of rest was a 25 km walk can suddenly manage a maximum of an hour at a slow pace. Any exercise is out of the question – within one to two days of exertion, the symptoms worsen, you can't focus your eyes, sometimes you wade through a brain fog where you forget everything. and all this is accompanied by terrible fatigue. Not the good kind, after exertion, but fatigue close to coma. You were lucky you didn't get long covid. But a lot of people weren't so lucky, and it's weird to make fun of them. just for completeness: covid 8/2020, until then healthy and fit, exercise and sports daily. first year very bad, now better but still not back to precovid level. My life is defined by what I can't do. and no, LC was not caused by vaccinations, I got it long before vaccinations started

Reply  Renata
2 years ago

Oh yeah.. What does “LONG COVID” really mean
The American CNN Prima or Cyperský Seznam still refuse to let those who question vaccination into their broadcasts...

Reply  CZkotas
2 years ago

I'll add that if someone accused me of being an idiot, Perhaps he didn't read to Renata, so he did.. She wrote that she had "long covid" even before the vaccines. But that's nonsense. Everyone has already forgotten what it's like to be sick, what the flu is, that it's basically a "detoxification" and necessary process in the body once in a while, what it's like to have a temperature, etc. be aware that the media massage and disinformation (not only) from the Ministry of Health and the TV, etc. will also do its thing to the psyche itself!! LONG COVID is a fabrication and as unproven as the isolation of this “disease” still does not exist.. And the SARS-CoV-2 virus (as it is officially called) has never been isolated, purified, sequenced, characterized and its existence has not been proven. No one anywhere in the world has done it. No scientist, no virologist, no Nobel laureate could do it. No study has met the gold standard of Koch's postulates. They all failed. Researchers and scientists (previously) asked more than 90 institutions around the world if they could provide any record describing the isolation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus taken from a deceased person. Not a single institution could provide those records…not even one..even though this killer virus was never isolated and thus never proven to exist, even though there was never an excessive death rate (until they started the vaccination campaign) and the official death toll was that of mild flu, so PCR was never meant to be used for diagnostic purposes and cannot tell you if you have COVID or not, even though we know today that too many cycles will give you a false positive…
And don't forget (again) the new covid variants, e.g. COVID "XE", which is supposedly a combination variety - a new head cold more contagious than omicron, but in reality it's just a LIE to push more deadly vaccines and "boosters". .So XE is more portable than Omicron's nephew and Omicron's BA.2 nephew. it was more contagious than Delta and Alpha combined, but neither is worse than the common cold. This is the "pandemic" we should all be SO SCARED of that we all run to get injected with billions of toxic prions that clog our blood, cause irregular heartbeats, CNS disorders and cancerous tumors...

2 years ago

Good day,

I'll tell you one thing, if you had problems after vaccination for a long time, you certainly wouldn't write like this! I've had it for half a year after the vaccine, I was in the hospital because I stopped feeling my leg and arm. you will get over the flu. You know how to treat her, but not this. I'm young and every day is survival for me! I have been healthy all my life and now I can sleep 10 hours, I feel tired, muscle pain and daily pressure in my head. Medicines don't work. You don't care about anything then. All you want is to be healthy. Thank you!

Reply  Aneta
2 years ago

..I was vaccinated with a woman last time 15 years ago and had tetanus and since then nothing and never again... Co*covid mass psychosis helped me to reevaluate all medical "science" so that I changed my lifestyle and used to be a cardiologist, which the doctors really .created over twenty years, I can safely say that over the past two years, I have reduced all medications myself, and I stopped them completely in half a year, and all diseases, etc. and problems (not only) of a neurological attack, including arrhythmia, etc., have completely disappeared! We don't allow "vaccination" of anything in our house anymore, we also stopped having children from the age of two or three, when we calculated for ourselves two years ago, for example, that each child would receive roughly 25 doses of vaccines on average, and he is not even five years old! Feel free to do your own examination and you will come to the same conclusion.. Doctors these days do not treat the cause but the consequences, it doesn't matter where you go... For example, this fully describes it: do you use crackers? We will prescribe another one.. Don't you use it? So don't go.. All of them, practitioners, etc., all of them, because it's MONEY, and not only for prescribing the "correct" drugs, from which the pharmaceutical companies make the most money, just as no one even stops at any vaccination, because that's how it's "done" ” and the doctors put an end to me for good. Getting to the hospital today is about health, I'm not talking about the protocols for the fraud itself with the name KOVID, from fake tests, devastating health treatments to the deployment of deadly ventilators... because PROTOCOL. Dot. And no one will stop to think about it. And people with red eyes from vaccines. Most of what is left after the "vaccination" is complete. I see it today and every day. Leaky tests, leaky manipulated only propagated narrative, lied statistics and data, all science no longer exists here, everything is built on lies and people still can't see and hear.. Good for you. Unfortunately, you have come across lies all over the world. Now you have to suffer the consequences. A lot of warnings and information have been circulating since the beginning. It was never about health. For example, I don't feel sorry for you at all. I feel it in my whole family too. The last time, the uncle from the guild ended up in the hospital x times from the second "battery" and was carrying the third (so far). He was scammed just like you. When can anyone actually be fully "vaccinated" and that it's actually a worldwide lie.. By the end of the year, 4+5 doses and another year to come. Two years ago, it was reported that these benefits should be at least 8! And what kind of reality? Look it up yourself at pfizer clinical trials publicly available...

Reply  CZkotas
2 years ago

You're right about this, it's terrible what's happening and people don't care, they didn't say it on TV. doctors don't fly today

2 years ago

..the sweating in the evening is due to the influence of 5G, microwaves (haarp, emf..) and chemtrails... Primarily head/neck and around. It is not only related to summer, it happens all year round, it depends on the intensity of external influences.
Everyone suffers from it, co*covid is a cover. Feel free to call me a "conspirator" I don't care 🙂