Why don't we have doctors?


I recently wrote about why is there no blood - that is, from my personal experience - but as it turned out later, dozens of people unfortunately went through something similar, so my case is probably not unique at all.

Yesterday, a number of articles jumped out at me again, how hospitals are desperately looking for doctors and that simply doctors THEY ARE NOT. The fact that they leave for a better job abroad in the long term is a fact, as well as the fact that there are a number of other reasons why there is a shortage of doctors, but perhaps this confession will once again help to open another perspective on this problem.

Dr. Michl is a doctor with many certifications who was fired because he didn't keep quiet about covid and hasn't been vaccinated yet - and wonder, they don't want him anywhere since then.
He speaks very openly about the falsification of death certificates, the pressure for a single diagnosis of covid, the non-treatment of patients... - in short, about everything that we suspected was happening, warned about it and it is finally starting to surface.

I know that this is not an isolated case from the stories of some of my fellow doctors from Hello forum, who have their own experience with similar actions.

EDIT 1.7. 2022: I just learned that based on my article and of course mainly the video made by Viktor Baroš and the Conscience of the Nation, it happened that Dr. Michl has a new job and can be useful as a doctor again! Thanks a lot everyone! It's great to see that our efforts at least have some meaning.


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David V
David V
Reply  Jan Tománek
2 years ago

Great, I'm happy for him and it's nice that there are people like you...

Lucie Karbulová
Lucie Karbulová
2 years ago

Hello, I watched the interview enthusiastically. Doctor, get into alternative health care - I myself would rather pay someone who understands it than the traditional doctor I had until recently. Does it not treat without a mask? When I walk backwards? That they will help me if I get sick... I will not support this system, I would rather pay for a visit to a specialist with cash - as I earn as a psychologist. Thanks for the information, the clients will be happy. I am sure.

Lucie Karbulová
Lucie Karbulová
Reply  Lucie Karbulová
2 years ago

By the way – if a person stops paying health insurance, he still earns from it

2 years ago

NONE OF THE "VACCINATED" WILL ESCAPE... They are leading us into global slavery. And those who are not "vaccinated" may be denied medical care. Social credit schemes are being introduced everywhere - and key to them are vax passports. The co*covid hoax was the warm-up wheel for the big one - the global warming hoax. It was always supposed to be a pretext for new harsh laws, economic destruction, further genocide, the end of medical care and the introduction of digital passports. It's all coming very fast now. And the predictable limitations come quickly, too. The economy will continue to be destroyed. And the truth tellers (we) will be further suppressed. The first real warning about the side (desirable?) effects associated with these "injections" was warned by the skeptics back in December 2020, when I pointed out that it causes death, disease, including myocardial inflammation and stroke. This warning was largely ignored and any "opposition" (the truth) has been harshly suppressed ever since. The World Health Organization plans global laws to govern the world in the future. It will join forces with Schwab and the World Economic Forum. Nobody asks us, the citizens, what we want. We are NOTHING to them. Elderly and sick people will be killed. They even kill children and get away with it. All these things are happening all over the world. They are pushing legislation for rebranded flus – legislation to eliminate cash, introduce digital passports and take total control of every aspect of our lives… Inflation and future hyperinflation are only driving us closer to the Great Reset..

2 years ago

..First came claims of a supposed “pandemic,” which incompetent mathematicians warned would ravage the world and kill millions. Of course the flu disappeared – proving that co*covid was nothing more than a rebranded flu… There are doctors who insist that more people died in 2020 and 2021 than in other years. If they just looked at their own data, they would know that this is not true. Everything is a lie. And doctors, journalists and lawyers protect these lies.
No sane, informed, or intelligent person can think that "vaccination" is relevant, useful, safe, effective, necessary, or morally justifiable, but in the US the FDA has allowed doctors to "vaccinate" co*covid idiocy as young as six months old. Doctors who were foolish enough to administer dangerous "vaccinations" reported that they were baffled by the number of sudden deaths among young people and healthy adults! How can someone with functional brain tissue not realize that it is "vaccinations" that kill people?!

Meanwhile, the results of Pfizer's testing program are being released piecemeal—like the results of a TV talent show. Each release brings more terrifying information that the mainstream media continues to ignore because it's inconvenient. We are learning that co*covid idiocy is making a comeback. In the fall, there will be more "vaccination" - even though we know it does nothing, except for the damage done.
Dangerous PCR tests are still being used and people pretending to think they know it means something. Tossing coins in the air would give a more useful result. Millions of people around the world - including police officers and hospital workers - routinely wear masks that destroy their health and eventually kill them anyway.

And in the Czech Republic, government spending is higher than ever before.

And puppet politicians and television tell us we're at war, even though we're not quite sure how or why we got into it. And politicians are not interested in worse and bigger wars, e.g. in Yemen and Syria.

Anyone who thinks that what is happening is a coincidence is wrong. This is the beginning of the Great Reset. This is what the "new normal" looks like.

2 years ago

I don't have a contact for the doctor, but let him try the ASČR Rescue Service, where they are still looking for a doctor to leave.

2 years ago

You know, honestly, all of us who follow (not only) ZF and all the information since the beginning of the outbreak of this world's biggest fraud on people and lies with the name of covid know all this. So, I (us) are no longer surprised by this irrefutable evidence and information. We know that. And the rest will just close their eyes, the truth will be defeated again and end up among the "disinformation" .. And the only ones who present lies and manipulate us are the politicians, all the mass media and corrupt doctors. They are all well paid liars.

And all facts and truth are ALWAYS labeled disinformation by corrupt puppet governments and media lies. And DISINFORMATION means anything they don't want said out loud.

2 years ago

Just a thicket... more of those who are not afraid to tell people how it really was (and is). And I hope that soon we will be able to point the finger at the real "conspirators".