The worst disappointment for me is from people

I recently remembered a fairy tale that my dad once illustrated for the Four-leaf clover. This is a classic Erben fairy tale So the world pays back.

“…I don't comment at all on how he presents himself and engages in the context of covid. I'm afraid he put his last brain cells into this (really good) book.”
I read sometimes between reviews of my book Chandelier for the Pope.

Or today this post by a gentleman whom I remember from my profile as a "passionate" supporter and supporter of Zdravé Forum...

At the same time, I am still the same person and I still say the same thing - including my reluctance to engage in any kind of politics.
Searching for the truth and asking important and often uncomfortable questions is one thing - it is exactly the same in my books and texts on the Internet.
And it doesn't matter if it's about the 70s of communist camps, lying about illness, or foreign events.
The search for truth is universal - even if many people don't like it in some cases.
A person always has to ask questions and search for the truth - not just sometimes, when it suits him, because maybe he just doesn't want to wear a respirator...

But the saddest part is that when a person doesn't run into his shoes, or someone doesn't shut him up at home and force him to get a senseless vaccine, how quickly he can knock himself out and easily forget everything within a second, turn his coat around and blindly return to his "normal" self again life.

No friends, but this really isn't an awakening that can change anything and if you happen to have been touched by my books but not anymore, what I say, then I'm very sorry, but in that case you didn't understand at all what I'm trying to write about and what's coming and coming in the fall.

Yes, that's how easily people forget and that's how the world really pays back and the last few years just show me how much truth there is in folk wisdom, biblical stories and fairy tales and how incredibly timeless and still valid those lessons about humanity are.

Unfortunately - because from those stories we know how closing our eyes to the truth ALWAYS ends… 😢


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2 years ago

"People will stone the first messenger of truth and prophet. Then his followers with roses.”
I read that in P. Coelho's book. I sat down by the river Piedra and cried. I don't know if there was already a reference to another origin of the message in the novel, and it's certainly not an exact quote, but the meaning is captured.
I admire every preacher of truth, whether from Zdravý Forum or otherwise. It requires a person's enormous inner strength to stand against the wind, often even a gale and stones.
I bow before you and know that with all that inner strength you must also find a balance between giving and taking. Catch the time when you really need to hide in the lee for a while and gain strength before you face the storm of human pettiness and stupidity again.
You trample your way, but no one can blame you for having had enough and for a change you give up the place at the head of the crowd to someone else and go your own way in peace for a while. It is also a great art to calmly go your own way and maintain strength and optimism when the storm is raging around.
With gratitude, Flora wishes health and a lot of strength and courage

Reply  Jan Tománek
2 years ago

Thank you for being!! Unfortunately, many people do not see, do not hear and do not want to...

Dana K.
Dana K.
Reply  Dana
2 years ago

I agree with your comment and thank Mr. Tománek for all that he does to open people's eyes and minds, unfortunately, I am afraid that it is a Sisyphean task, nevertheless - hope dies last.

2 years ago

Well, yes, well, Mr. Tománk, that's right. And such unfair reactions (comments) hurt (and sometimes for a very long time) and drain energy (and sometimes for a long time)... But it may help to alleviate that frustration if you tell yourself that the man simply has a narrower vision of the world and context than you have. And so he only expected from the Healthy Forum a solution to a certain limited - i.e. "his" problem (covid measures). And he simply can't see behind the fence of his garden anymore (it would cost him effort and he feels cheated "again", so he insults). Don't let it ruin your day.

Reply  Jan Tománek
2 years ago

Unfortunately, it is.

Reply  Jan Tománek
2 years ago

Honzo, who gets burned once, will think twice about who he will ever pull hot chestnuts for again!!!

Stephen Martin
Stephen Martin
2 years ago

To question and seek the truth? But we were never used to that. We always preferred to accept the truth. Sometimes from the emperor, sometimes from the communists, sometimes from scientists or experienced politicians. Whether it's because of your low self-confidence, or mainly because it's more comfortable.
You are not a savior. You cannot help a drowning man when he has decided to drown. One joke. It is up to us to believe (perhaps you know him), but aren't those who believe in the infallibility of the vaccine and the infallibility of scientists, politicians and public media also believers?
“The flood. Neighbors who noticed water in the streets tell the religious man to leave the house with them and go to safety. "God will help me" - and he prays. The neighbors leave. The water gradually rises. The man moves to the balcony in prayer. A boat floats by and the people in it offer the man to take him in the boat. "God will help me". The ship sails away, and the man finds himself on the roof of the house with the rising water. A helicopter with rescuers flies by and they call to him. "God will help me" he answers again. When the man does not even get into the helicopter, the situation reaches its conclusion and the man drowns without help. He finds himself before the Lord God and reproachfully asks him: "My Lord, why didn't you help me?" God answers him: "And who do you think sent your neighbors, a boat and a helicopter?"

People cannot or do not want to recognize the signals that not only you (although you are not God or his Son) send them in a way. One day he might understand them, but it will be too late. But that's none of your business anymore.

Someone wise once said: "If you want to change something and you have the opportunity, change it." If you want to change something and you can't, go for it." So there you go. I started following it some time ago, otherwise I would have to go crazy, and I recommend you do the same. Because in the fall it might be all over again and you need to switch off for a while. As for covid being you, I would not spend my efforts in convincing the convinced. Try to focus on things like before covid. You won't convince those you haven't convinced yet. It gradually comes to the surface by itself (see "Poland wants to sue pharmaceutical farms").