Personal website and blog of the author of Goat Stories and writer Jan Tománek

If the world is not in order, in my opinion, everyone should contribute and help with what they can and, above all, they should stop being silent. And I guess I can write – so I write…

In addition to blogs, you can find oi some information about me, my movies and bookswhich you can order in our e-shop.

The best place to follow current glosses and observations is on X (Twitter), or on Facebook – that's where I'm most active.

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Pre-sale of the latest book

Everything you didn't want to know about the world…

The sequel to the successful book Guide to the Rabbit Hole, which raised a number of questions and showed that what you have believed your whole life as a safe haven is one big lie.
Where the previous book asked questions, this one seeks to find answers.

"The cause of the crisis is moral poverty."
Tomáš Baťa said this a hundred years ago, and since then everything has only gotten worse and the problem has deepened - even the faith that people still had at that time has disappeared.

In almost every conversation where I meet people, the question comes up at the end:
"...I see what's happening, but what can I do about it?"

The short answer is: Start with yourself.
The longer answer, I firmly believe, is this book…

My books

Interviews and news from the work

Blogs and Texts

Important doctor's statement about mRNA vaccines

Dr. Thomas Binder is an internist and cardiologist with 35 years of experience who studied in Zurich and also holds a doctorate in immunology and virology. I highly recommend devoting 8 minutes of your life to it

I wonder in vain where the difference is...

Original text published - 3/6/2022 I recently came across an article on Echo24 where the author wonders how in Russia they prosecute teachers who say something other than what they claim

The finale of the Butterfly Scream game

On Friday, April 21, the finale of the play Motylí ú-křík based on my book Butterfly Scream was held in the Kámen Theater with a subsequent discussion together with the director Petr Odo Macháček. Calendar of other talks a

Cardiologist's warning about side effects of vaccines

No one asks, side effects are trivialized and instead new "syndromes" are "appeared" as an explanation, or the deaths of young athletes are attributed to Global Warming... I am attaching the translation of the new book for download

Is there a levy?

This is a continuation of the text about the army, where the conspiracy is slowly becoming a reality again. How time went with the army laws and the election of Paul - here. A rather disturbing letter appeared yesterday,

You don't have to believe it - it's enough that they do!

The European Council agreed with the WHO that it would be an excellent idea for the WHO to completely manage the next pandemic, in such a way that its decisions would be directly superior to the constitutions of individual national

Contemporary Economy - Life on the Titanic

(article was originally written on 1/23/2023) You are also fascinated by how the city streets are full of people shopping, everyone is spending on stupid things, young progressive leftists can't do without their coffee at an overpriced Starbucks

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