No way, we don't have censorship...

This is how a young editor from Czech Radio calls you in the middle of the summer saying that she would like to invite you to the studio for an interview... The lady is from the culture column and it turns out that she wants a fairly large interview about the Goat story - 15-20 minutes and that's about it quite worth it… i try…

Psychopaths III - How to defend against them?

How to resist a psychopath and his manipulation? Don't let him into your life. Don't tell him your plans - you'd soon find out he's a part of them... His power will only grow where you let him. They say you have to invite a vampire into your house. This is doubly true of a psychopath….

Psychopaths II - How do you recognize them?

How to recognize a psychopath? How to recognize a manipulator? Hardly, or hardly at all. They really don't like to kick themselves and show their true colors. Psychopaths have a brilliant ability to disguise themselves. In fact, they live their whole lives behind the mask of "normality" and never let you see behind it. After the last introductory article "Psychopaths I -…

Psychopaths I - What are they?

Who is the psychopath? How does a psychopath behave? Psychopaths are people with shallow emotions, a complete inability to empathize and an absence of any sense of guilt. They are perfect manipulators and ruthlessly pursue their goals - at work and in relationships. Which is far worse. A common but completely wrong idea is that…


Animated image with bounce effect

Let's finally talk about the Great Reset

Original text written in March 2022 (supplemented by new videos) Let's call it what you want - New fourth industrial revolution, New world order, Green deal, Agenda 2030, Great reset... - it doesn't matter - the result is still the same and we need to really start having fun with it. Global Redistribution and Modern Socialism…

Important doctor's statement about mRNA vaccines

Dr. Thomas Binder is an internist and cardiologist with 35 years of experience who studied in Zurich and also holds a doctorate in immunology and virology. I highly recommend devoting 8 minutes of your life to his statement and summary of the entire covid hoax and more importantly his warning against the effects of mRNA vaccines, including recommendations…

I wonder in vain where the difference is...

Original text published - 3/6/2022 I recently came across an article on Echo24 where the author wonders how in Russia they prosecute teachers who say something other than what the government propaganda claims. …and as it turns out, it can be quite tricky for educators in Russian schools to try to oppose the official narrative in any way. In April…

Cardiologist's warning about side effects of vaccines

No one asks, side effects are trivialized and instead new "syndromes" are "appeared" as explanations, or the deaths of young athletes are attributed to Global Warming... I am attaching a translation of the new book "Cause Unknown" for download - which is full of links to studies and what's worse, it's also full of dozens of deaths...

Is there a levy?

This is a continuation of the text about the army, where the conspiracy is slowly becoming a reality again. How time went with the army laws and the election of Paul - here. Yesterday, a rather disturbing letter appeared, which is being sent to doctors in the Ústí Region, inviting them to appear on 18.5. to a mobilization exercise where…

You don't have to believe it - it's enough that they do!

The European Council agreed with the WHO that it would be an excellent idea for the WHO to completely manage the next pandemic, in such a way that its decisions would be directly superior to the constitutions of individual national states. In translation, this means that individual countries would completely put themselves in the hands of the WHO's decision-making if it were...

Contemporary Economy - Life on the Titanic

(article was originally written on 1/23/2023) You are also fascinated by how the city streets are full of people shopping, everyone is spending on stupid things, young progressive leftists can't do without their coffee at an overpriced Starbucks, and economists pretend that nothing is happening and that we will move on as before? Over the past two years…

Artificial intelligence – a tool of a completely new censorship

Don't be fooled by the name of the OpenAI chat, or by the fact that Elon Musk is behind it and that artificial intelligence is really "open" or even "independent". I have never trusted Musk and have always thought of him as a Hochstapler businessman who only siphons money from generous government subsidies from…