How Česká spořitelna canceled Zdravé Fórum's account...


As part of the fact that I needed to quickly set up a transparent account for Zdravé fórum, in 2021 I did the heavenly stupidity for which I should be slapped, that I set up the account with Česká spořitelna, which was the closest to me...

And even though, of course, I provided all the necessary documents when setting up the account and all movements on the account are transparent, ČS remembered that it now wants to fill in a new KYC questionnaire (Know Your Customer - Know Your Customer).
Not only is the document in a completely bogus analogue form, where the Czech Social Security requires the client to re-write the data, which of course he has (such as the company name and registered office...), but he very brazenly wants to write the data about "expected annual turnover", and the most absurd column "Name the main customers and suppliers in the Czech Republic with whom you plan to make regular payments". I take it for granted that I am not politically active and do not deal in weapons (so it would probably depend on which side...) and I don't even write that here.

Yes, according to the law from 2008 against the legalization of criminal activity, the bank should know its client and report any "illegal" movements to the state, but of course it itself sees those movements on the account. And what's more, what would prevent the client from starting this activity the next day after filling out a meaningless Eurohujer questionnaire that he does not trade in weapons? Then ČS should pester the client with a questionnaire, probably every week. I'm not even talking about the fact that anyone who really had money from an illegal activity would of course enter false information in the form, so its purpose is ONLY pure bullshit.

ČS arrogantly sent the document to herself by your own email - fill it out within 7 days! (during the summer holidays) When I didn't respond to this, after a week a banker called to say that I "haven't filled it out yet..." And I told her that I definitely wasn't going to fill it out.
Of course, it didn't go without scares "But that's everywhere today - they'll ask you for that" - NO, they won't be, and I personally haven't encountered this with any bank yet, and I have private and corporate accounts with many banks.
I'll cut it short – CS canceled the Healthy Forum its transparent account.

But everything bad is good for something - the end of thieving fees for keeping an account and we have a new account with FIO bank - quickly and without any fees and even even without any filling police fascist documents.

We ask everyone who, for example, sends funds to Zdravé Forum by standing order to cancel them and possibly redirect them to a new account: 2602999420/2010. Thank you


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2 months ago

And please, what is ZF for in December 2024? Almost 3 years after covid ended? Why and what else do you need money for?

Brian Williams
Brian Williams
Reply  Jan Tománek
2 months ago

But that's not true at all. Everything has returned to normal. No one talks about Covid anymore as if it didn't exist and that's a good thing. Yes, I feel sorry for those who had to get vaccinated for work or had side effects, etc., but at the time we desperately wanted Covid to end. And it did. Please stop living in the past and do your best. You remind me more and more Hiro Onoda in the sense that you too cannot accept that the war has long since ended and that you are already a general nonconformist.

Reply  Jan Tománek
2 months ago

And what exactly, Mr. Tománek, can you not do in the Czech Republic? What freedoms do you not have now, in December 2024? Please provide specific examples, not just assumptions that 'something doesn't fit here', etc. Just because the bank wants some documents from you, does not mean that there is totalitarianism here.
Do you know why (as your former fan) I'm not as involved in this as you are? 'And Hitler asked!?' You certainly remember this catchphrase that Mr. Bartoňíček caught on Wenceslas Square during the protests against Fial's government. That really, really scared me. 'Is this supposed to be our 'good' side?' I said to myself. And since then I haven't looked at 'anti-Covid' people like I used to, when 'one of us' can easily produce such ferocity. If you prefer to believe the Kremlin's lies that there was a 'genocide' in Donbass - when in fact there was no genocide at all - and other, meaningless lies because you really think that the free West is so incredibly evil and set against you, you should really look in the mirror and ask yourself if you have all 5 of them together. Because all this lives in your head and does not correspond to reality. Next stop: Chemtrails and Flat Earth.

Reply  Brian
2 months ago

To the holovid - horror stories about covid scams and saving "vaccines" appear almost daily.. You must be a deployed AI/chatbot, a troll or just an idiot..
And many prominent public figures who praised, boasted or lectured about the benefits of COVID are now dead... But, everything is fine, we are back to normal.
Oh, and WHO predicts over 35 million cancer cases by 2050, but ignores the TURBO CANCER caused by vaccinations in people under 30 🙂

And the west is already reaching beyond the edge of darkness.

“When you prefer to believe the Kremlin's lies that there was a 'genocide' in Donbas”
= Let me remind you that there were over 13 thousand civilian victims, more than 140 of them children – they have a central cemetery in Donetsk, the “alley of angels”, if you ever want to go and see it in person. In total, it’s about 13 times the size of Lidice.

And are we to believe that the Russians shot themselves in the head with howitzers and Grad 122mm rocket launchers? With large-caliber 120mm rocket launchers? Did they shoot young girls in apartment buildings who jumped onto their balconies to smoke or water flowers or hang laundry - because those were exactly the "targets" of the heroes from NATO, with large-caliber rifles with thermal imaging sights, in caliber .338 Lapua Magnum or .5 BMG? And this has been demonstrably happening for 8 years!
Such a fashon regime, committing crimes like on a conveyor belt.. Which shut down all opposition media, murdered dozens of journalists, banned opposition parties, murdered hundreds of people in Odessa - they burned them, raped and strangled the prettier girls before, including at least one pregnant woman before giving birth - and then bombed cities and villages with howitzers and rocket launchers for 8 years!!
The Ukrosh regime is such a horrible fascist criminal perversion that the Russian attack is an invasion of angels. It is absurd that someone can judge this from the absolutely lying media. Doesn't that even shock you with the fascist anti-Russian rant? It wasn't worse even under Hitler against the "dirty Jews".

And the sleazy website “” of the liar Cemper, an agent of who knows what.. Or the President of Ukraine Poroshenko, who, in his speech to schoolchildren at the beginning of the school year, rejoices that “Russian” children (actually Ukrainian, speaking Russian like 90% other Ukrainians, but born in Donbas) instead of going to school are dying of cold in basements and shelters because the Ukroshi are bombing them – the “President of Ukraine” publicly boasted about this. Politicians and media stars have been talking about “Russian cockroaches to be exterminated” for 8+ years, a good joke is hamburgers made from minced Russian children (a hilarious theatrical scene), cakes in the shape of “Russian babies”… Completely publicly on television, radio, and in the press.

If there weren't Russians in 1945, many of us wouldn't have been born. Just because something is Russian doesn't mean it's stupid. For example, do you find the Russian Mendeleev table of elements stupid? Or the Russian Tsiolkovsky equations? Or Tchaikovsky's music? Or the nuclear reactors in Czech nuclear power plants and their fuel? Or the Russian language itself?

I still look forward to a bright tomorrow with hope, when the Emperors, government manipulators, and idiots like you will finally burn the stupid meter so that it is irreversibly damaged and will no longer cause harm...

Reply  Brian Williams
2 months ago

In medicine, everything is the other way around. Are you a hired Khazarian troll or just a provocateur, or are we writing to a robot here, who knows 🙂


So you wished for Covid to end and it did, right? When and where did it happen? So everything is fine and millions of crippled and dead people after the saving Covid monkeys are ok. Phew, we have you. So everything that is happening around us is actually fine, we are all ok, the sky is beautifully blue and the world is pink..

I recently wrote something about the co*covid scam, for example here, link:
+ You also have something there for another lied topic, "global warming"..

And why, for example, does the New Zealand health service still refuse to publish data on heart damage and cancer in vaccinated people - real data? Or what do you think about killing poultry in the name of a non-existent virus! They destroyed agriculture and got us to the point where we have to import everything. Now kill the poultry and throw worms at the stupid goyim. Also in the news that they managed to turn people into clowns in respirators..

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+ Who “controls the media”:
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= The Czech Republic is in the mud and it is currently impossible to pull it out of the mud. Above all, we must start from the top and break free from Jewish management processes!

+ Insect hamburger in Brno:

“Czechs have another first, we eat the most edible insects per capita in Europe”
= Food for the goyim. Add to that their fake global warming, science, poultry slaughter…

“They” always bend reality and distort information to suit “them”…:
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In 2023 alone, the age-specific stroke mortality rate was 51% higher than before the pandemic. Hypertensive heart disease (heart rhythm disorders) and blood clots have skyrocketed by 28%. Diabetes and kidney failure have also increased by almost 30%, etc. Since the introduction of these injections against the covid hoax, the number of dementia cases has increased significantly worldwide. It is predicted that the number of people suffering from dementia worldwide will increase to more than 20 million in the next 5 years, from the current 55 million to 78 million and then to 140 million by 2050… In the US alone, the number of Alzheimer's patients is predicted to increase from 6 million to 14 million over the next 35 years…… All the MSM media – controlled by Jews, of course, blame high blood pressure, high blood sugar levels, etc. And I could go on.


Reply  Brian Williams
2 months ago

What about the fake plastic test kit for detecting holovid-cocovid in the body, which was mainly used in cases when a pensioner was not feeling well and called the emergency room so that paramedics could easily drag him to the hospital. “It's there,” the nurse exclaimed happily, and off he went.

If someone wants to forget these years of terror against citizens, I think it's the same as denying the Holocaust.

A yard
A yard
4 months ago

Well, I wanted to open a normal association account in Fio in November 2022, and after refusing to fill in the above absurdities, I was refused to open the account. After complaining, I learned that the bank did the right thing. However, at another branch of the same bank, it was done without filling in and the account was opened without a word and without problems. So it will also be about people...

4 months ago

ČS is the worst Jewish bank in the Czech Republic, At home, the whole family canceled it some fifteen years ago, we then went to mBank and since then not a single problem, no caviks, set up online etc. and 0,-CZK fees all the time!

Reply  CZkotas
1 month ago

not the worst .. not at all, during my fight with the system and its criminal activities, she first intimidated me - with executions, passing on a non-existent debt to one company, then another, a third .. but in the end she withdrew everything, and it ended with the sims even coming to collect an overpayment of several thousand after the account was canceled ..

There are other mega crooks, literally a criminal organization... ČSOB has the exclusive claim to this title in the Czech Republic... Here you will only see what is possible in our country...

Reply  Akasha
1 month ago

I will add that it is currently impossible to pull the Czech Republic out of the mud; it must first and foremost free itself from Jewish management processes!
And all over the world, unelected globalist Jewish bodies, such as the UN, WEF... are waging war on people. And show me where, for example, in Katyn or UA, there is a memorial to the fact that people were killed there? On the other hand, the Jews have memorials at every step in Auschwitz, it's such a farce with them.
+ Who “controls the media”:
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This puppet also helped the Jewish brothel, see the Masonic photo:
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They control absolutely all international organizations, which they use as a means to achieve their goals! Including the aforementioned banks….

Martin Vizner
Martin Vizner
5 months ago

If I were to start a new bank today, would be the only choice. It cannot be compared to brick-and-mortar banks. Minimal administration, he knows everything (except that I don't know if he knows corporate honors).