A big interview for Rádio Universum


About everything that happens around us and what my book discusses A Guide down the Rabbit hole – 3 parts, without censorship with Martina Kociánová.

"Censorship is no longer just in quotation marks, and governments that no longer completely respect electoral programs have learned to say nicely that there is no left and right anymore, so that they don't have to fulfill any electoral programs. And they're totally betraying their countries, and it's fine for them to give up the right of veto, for example."
"The basis of the Green Deal is the same fraud as with covid. A problem is artificially created, and a solution is sought for it. But it suits someone very well, or someone does it on purpose in order to be able to manipulate and make agendas that they have come up with.”
"What happened here during covid was not the fault of Babiš and Hamáček, or whoever was at the top. But here were hundreds and thousands of doctors who knew that what they were doing was completely against what they were taught in school. Hundreds of journalists who knew they were writing lies. Hundreds of lawyers translating contracts for the ministry that confirmed this. Everyone has a part in this cogwheel, and he could say – couldn't he?'


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8 months ago

+ ATTENTION! Food attacks CONTINUE - after phasing out and replacing all meat products, GATES is moving on to milk and dairy products - announcing a new food-like liquid product called "EntoMilk" that it says can replace animal milk. EntoMilk is made from crushed worms!!
continued here:


In short, I'll remind you of something - remember the "food with the frog logo"?
As for the frog logo, behind the beautiful-sounding statements about how everything is eco, bio, fair trade and above all sustainable... is the fact that "sustainably" produced proteins from worms and insects can and will be added to the mixtures of these foods. Honestly, no one will ever write this until the situation is settled and the people fooled by the propaganda don't believe that the frog logo is the best thing for them. The frog logo, for example, on chocolate/wafers/yogurts .., where there is a high percentage of milk powder, for example, a certain % of milk powder can be replaced by another "sustainable" protein and no one will know anything, the manufacturer will save, then the price will increase and the consumer, especially children, will satisfied. All this will lead to disease, more drugs and the fulfillment of the depopulation program… BUT WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT?

= According to Gates, EntoMilk is necessary because traditional milk comes from farms that he says are destroying the planet..

+ add-on: British farmers are being subsidized to weed their fields and transform the land into fallow, supposedly to protect the climate, wildlife and local habitat! The liquidation of farmers and food producers has already arrived in the British Isles from Holland. Whoever controls the land in Ukraine will control the food market in Europe!


Last edited 8 months ago by CZkotas
Reply  CZkotas
8 months ago

+ New Zealand Government Announces Livestock Genetic Engineering Initiatives! Genetically modified foods are increasingly occupying the shelves of grocery stores. The New Zealand government has announced that in the next three months it will decide to lift the ban on genetic engineering, opening the way for the use of gene technology in agriculture, among other things:


+ Something positive – Tractor Supply announces that it is going to:
Eliminates DEI role, stops sponsoring LGBT events, Repeals carbon goals, refuses to share any data with Human Rights Campaign = Tractor Supply listened to customers:


8 months ago

+ I will add that the Russian warships and nuclear submarine that are now in Cuba could destroy all of America before the Ussack "means in the area" could even stop them.. (Russia-DPRK Military Pact – Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un signed a mutual defense pact yesterday if either country is attacked by a third party).
And that they would finally have a "war at their door" for the mess they made? Everything is possible.

+ By the way, the United States and the following 12 countries have signed an agreement that will effectively destroy agriculture worldwide and bring about global famine and starvation:

Burkina Faso
!Czech Republic!

“A shared commitment by the international community to mitigate methane emissions from agriculture as a means to achieve the goals” “Food systems are responsible for 60 percent of methane emissions”

see: https://www.globalresearch.ca/13-nations-sign-agreement-engineer-global-famine/5860390

= From this wording, it can be inferred that the processes under consideration include replacing a large part of the stocks of beef and dairy cattle, pork and chicken, on which the population relies for obtaining protein, with insect larvae, mealworms, crickets, etc. So, “UN, World Economic forum and other NGOs have been promoting a meatless diet and insect protein consumption for years, and billionaires are investing in huge insect factories being built in Illinois, Canada and the Netherlands, where mealworms, crickets and other bugs are processed into food ingredients , often without clear labeling to inform people exactly what they are eating.” !!

Reply  CZkotas
8 months ago

.. "In Germany we have a minister of agriculture who tells us that we should only eat 10 grams of meat a day..."


– “When politicians start telling you what you can and cannot eat, we have crossed the line. You can't tell me how to set the thermostat, you can't tell me what I can drive and when, and most of all don't tell me what I can eat, to hell with you.” …

Reply  CZkotas
8 months ago

+ Something happened last week that will destroy the still-struggling European agriculture in the near future: on Monday, the EU authorities approved the Nature Restoration Act, see:


This law threatens agriculture, with many farmers losing land and access to water resources. The main provision of the law provides for the restoration of at least 20% of "degraded" water bodies and land surfaces in Europe. How this will be done is not yet clear (EU countries have until 2026 to submit ecosystem restoration plans).

As has been shown over the past six months, the methods used by protesters have proven ineffective.

While farmers blocked highways with tractors, officials in Brussels could negotiate environmental laws to the sound of manure spilling through the streets of European cities. The current slowdown is most likely a sign that agricultural associations and citizens in solidarity with them are looking for new ways to express their disapproval of current EU policies.