A hope that really cannot be silenced


At the end of last year, Judge Loretta Preska released a list of 150 names of people connected to the Jeffrey Epstein pedophile scandal investigation, and more details will follow…
In addition to the names given by the pilots under oath, there are names from the flight plans of people who have been proven to Epstein's pedophile island many times they flew.
It probably won't surprise anyone that both the Clintons have repeatedly flown to the island (dozens of flights), Bill Gates, CIA Director William Burns, Barack Obama's adviser Kathryn Ruemmler, British Prince Andrew, but even Donald Trump is mentioned in the interrogations, and there were dozens on the island itself Hollywood celebrities such as Woody Allen or Kevin Spacey.

More details and names of other celebrities from depositions (ZeroHedge)

All the dirt is finally slowly coming out of the channels, and it will be a huge scandal that will literally shake America, which even our tendentiously lying mainstream media has not allowed itself to be silenced, and they are also starting to write about it cautiously. So the mocked "conspiracy" is AGAIN becomes a reality…

News: David Copperfield, Stephen Hawking, Michael Jackson. Unexpected names emerge from Epstein's writings
News: Court to reveal details of Clinton's contacts with Epstein
iDnes: The US will publish a list of people connected to Epstein. It can cause a headache for some

Likewise is getting into our mainstream also the long-suppressed scandal involving the laptop of Hunter Biden – son of President Joe Biden, which contains hundreds of photos and videos…

Jeffrey Epstein "committed suicide" in his cell in 2019 and his associate Jean-Luc Brunel "killed himself" in 2020.
And the hope is, on the one hand, the "sweeping out of witnesses" and on the other hand, that the truth will come to the surface in spite of all this, and a lot of other people will perhaps finally open their eyes, as, for example, the "good philanthropist" Bill Gates meant well with us vaccines...

Why hope? Let me quote from my book A Guide down the Rabbit hole and its last chapter, which is called Hope and which I wrote more than a year ago...

Just as no tree can grow into the heavens, so incapacity, emptiness, cannot grow indefinitely, and thus evil cannot grow indefinitely. Evil has the advantage that it ALWAYS destroys itself in the end.
It's inevitable, and it doesn't matter whether you take it from a metaphysical point of view or a purely pragmatic one, but that's just the way it is.
Pacts of immoral, characterless and evil people will ALWAYS fall apart because one inherently distrusts the other and each wants more for themselves and cheats the other.

And they start to eat each other and settle their own accounts - but that's what happens. These are all the "accidentally" downed helicopters, accidents, planted bombs and corruption scandals that "accidentally" surface... Formerly generously supported and later removed by politicians. Convicted pedophile and rapist Jeffrey Epstein was finally killed in prison (officially a mysterious suicide), his friend Bill Gates seems to be suddenly thrown overboard by the media - more and more negative posts appear in the mainstream and instead of celebrating his "philanthropy" journalists start actually ask…
A Guide down the Rabbit hole


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1 year ago

Documentary filmmaker Jason Bermas, in collaboration with Alex Jones of Infowars, prepared the film, which they both describe as the "deepest dive ever" into the world of pedophile extortion.. The infamous "list" that has come to light detailing all the perverts in government, media, entertainment, religion and other pillars of society who with Epstein they abused children, now it's making waves in the media.. How the Biden Regime's Department of Justice (DoJ) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Are Hiding Hard Drives and Videos Shot by Pedophile Child Trafficker Jeffrey Epstein and his intelligence community partners documenting their rampant child abuse - watch below:


+ Off topic though cockroach WEF aspol. already predicts us that within five years 44% of human skills will have been replaced by artificial intelligence.. The globalists' answer is that "data" is the new economy and that eventually robots will take care of the physical world.. Soon, human existence will become trivial…useless.


= So, you bastards, unelected bastards, are already conjuring up plans to replace virtually everyone who isn't considered "elite" with a soulless robot. Food for thought – “artificial intelligence is essentially automating data applications and allowing the layman to one day “code” in a way that once took programmers years to learn, even PROFI web development is becoming so automated these days that it won't be long before web designers will out of a job.. Of course, that's not possible at the moment - at least as far as I know - but there may come a day in the not-too-distant future when that can change. They don't really need to create robots to replace workers. Just create an artificial intelligence to operate the machines doing the work, thus minimizing the number of real people needed to complete a task, such as building a house, running electrical wiring, plumbing, etc., and that's exactly what is already happening! EVERY job will soon be replaced by robots or AI, even jobs creating AI and building robots.

+ Bill Gates' former vaccine scientist predicts a sharp population decline: "up to 30-40 % in highly vaccinated countries". The current health carnage caused by the "vaccination" campaign against the coronavirus is only the first round in a series of horrors that are yet to come.



"As a result of what 'covid vaccines' have done to immunity and public health, between a third and a half of all 'vaccines who didn't receive a placebo' will die."

"In some highly vaccinated populations ... I wouldn't be surprised if we're dealing with a serious population decimation, maybe as much as 30 or 40 percent in some populations," Bossche commented.

"Even Justice Ginsberg said that Roe v. Wade was about depopulation, not women's rights."

"Global warming and climate change are a cover for the rising covid vaccine deaths and what they mean for the world's population."

"It will be chalked up to climate change, the Russians or the Chinese, white supremacy, etc. and the 'elites' will walk away as heroes (in their own eyes)."

"War and its associated censorship will be used to hide the corpses,"

= If you read the statistics, almost everyone knows at least one person, not only a family member, who has either already died or will die in the next few years, or who has "so far" been medically damaged by vaccines. If I were one of Jelit or the "doctor" in charge, I'd be watching my back all the time. The most dangerous are people who have nothing left to lose.. Who in their right mind would accept an experimental vaccine funded by a confirmed eugenicist (Gates)?

Nobody yet
Nobody yet
Reply  CZkotas
1 year ago

Benjamin Fulford has interesting informants and writes in his article that Mossad sources insist that Epstein was a good man who infiltrated the murderous elite to get a full list of their names. They also claim his death was faked.

Oh, and Bill Gates' wife was able to divorce Gates precisely on the basis of his pedophile activities.

Last edited 1 year ago by Zatial Nikto
Reply  Nobody yet
1 year ago

The good ones are made into rascals and the bad ones are glorified? There would be enough examples.

Reply  CZkotas
1 year ago

The placebo with three or more doses is probably unrealistic. I think that the placebo was contained mainly in the first doses.
The EU continues to roll out the controversial, centrally controlled digital euro


Last edited 1 year ago by Jiri
Nobody yet
Nobody yet
Reply  Jiri
1 year ago

The first placebo doses were given to so-called "marketers" - "Ah - I'm fine - take it too!"

1 year ago

Hello, you mention at the beginning that Trump was also there. I read elsewhere that he wasn't there, he is mentioned several times in the interrogation transcripts, but none of the girls ever confirmed that they saw him there.

Reply  Kate
1 year ago

Trump, he has his Ivanka 🙂 They want to sew (another) shed on him before the election, so that he doesn't "accidentally" win in the "democratic free" elections.. And if I remember from somewhere, he somehow settled in marginally, not on an island for massages, but even with his wife and son. By the way, Trump was also cleared based on the extract from the Epstein list:


+ Below is a link from me in a comment to a list of people, Trump is not there either. And I believe any news about who Trump slept with where will raise his profile. If they had something on Trump, they wouldn't have to make up all the false accusations they accused him of. He did fly once, as I wrote above (and as written in the article from B Free), but not to the island! That was before he learned how twisted Epstein was. He also kicked Epstein out of Trump Towers when Epstein was packing his manager's daughter, according to multiple witnesses. Trump was the only one who cooperated when Epstein was first indicted.

And I will add that if Trump had a "massage", he would do it on his own plane and that would be it. He wouldn't have to go anywhere.

Last edited 1 year ago by CZkotas
Reply  Kate
1 year ago

from what I heard, he allegedly met with Epstein about 20 years ago and when he realized what he was, he put his hands off him, let's see how it was with Trump, it is possible that they will use it on him before the 2024 elections

1 year ago

When you started this thread.. What is the code word for "mouse"? “Pizza”? And "Clinton is the key person there". Jeffrey Epstein's files have been declassified. E.g. Bill Clinton appears in them as unknown No. 36. Mentioned Clinton, Stephen Hawking, Michael Jackson.. Who all appear in the still unpublished Epstein documents:

+ Here is a list of people I discovered:

Findings - According to Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton, Congress has the power to arrest Hunter Biden if it wants to:

+ During the “pLandemia co*covid” the mainstream media reported on the rising number of deaths every day. As the death toll grew, many people grew fearful, which meant they were all too willing to roll up their sleeves when the first vaccines appeared. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that the real reason for the deaths was the response to the virus – specifically the hospital treatment protocols and the vaccine itself – and now (another) one (of many) nurses around the world boldly confirmed it:

“People should not be afraid of their government. Governments should fear their people”. Alan Moore

Michael Neumann
Michael Neumann
1 year ago

Hi Honzo, I wish you a happy new year:) Thank you for the very interesting information, there is really more coming to the surface, it is only a matter of time. However, I am worried and have a strange feeling that this year he will come up with something big to divert attention….