No one asks, side effects are trivialized and instead new "syndromes" are "emerged" as explanations, or deaths of young athletes are attributed to Global Warming...
I am attaching the translation of the new book for download “Cause unknown” – which is full of references to studies and, what's worse, is also full of dozens of deaths of young athletes and children…
Cardiologist MUDr. Jana Gandalovičová has been dealing with side effects for a long time. It advocates, among other things, that substances approved in the fast-track regime are stopped from being given to children and healthy young people. "The cumulative numbers are scary and surprising," says Jana Gandalovičová regarding the database of the World Health Organization, which records less than three years of use for just one type of substance against the world's most famous virus 4.926.301 reporting. At the same time, 129,972 reports are registered for more than 50 years in the case of polio vaccination, which is used practically throughout the world.
In the interview, we also discuss the background of the approval and promotion of the widespread application, which took place entirely under the direction of large farms. companies. At the same time, some of them have a history of lawsuits and billion-dollar out-of-court settlements precisely because of the adverse effects of drugs and unfair business practices. "You need to give up blind faith. Medicine has experienced a lot of dead ends, mistakes can happen, and the point is for medicine to self-correct. But there is a lack of reflection here, and there is also a constant lack of any discussion," he says, adding that doctors will have to think about how they treated patients and what they recommended to them.
Prof. MD Vojtěch Thon – How is the mRNA vaccine spread throughout the body? Why do side effects occur? How does mRNA get into cells? What data has been kept secret for a long time? Why does mucosal immunity not the vaccine protect? How does vaccination work? How does mucosal immunity work?
Here's why it's all such a problem…
The video was deleted from YouTube within a few hours… “Medical disinformation” – although again the video is not about health and it is only about reporting what really happened… But of course, the inconvenient truth hurts…
What is the worst vaccination experience you have had IN YOUR NEAREST NEIGHBORHOOD or family? (Please, not what you know from hearsay or the internet)
You can select up to 3 options in total
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My mother's kidneys started to fail after the surgery for her broken leg, she got a high temperature, they say it's the coronavirus. They put on remdesivir for kidney failure and she also lasted two days. Besides her, another relative also just fell at the same time.
The pension reform is in full swing.
Dr. Malone reports:
And one more link to the topic:
Even Professor Turánek has been clearly expressing himself on the subject of mRNA for a few years:
Yes, Mr. Turánek is right about everything.
And what's worse: that doctors knew co*covid vaccines were deadly, or that doctors didn't know anything and didn't bother to find out?
Four options, attitudes and solutions to the current situation:
When I tell someone who is being vaccinated that it is in line with the depopulation program, the usual response is Why would they do that? And now I ask: The mainstream is already writing about the import of grain from Ukraine and its contamination with cancerous poisons. Neither the EU nor our government wants to stop it! The question "Why would they do this" is also appropriate here.

Cleanse and repair yourself, occasional fasting will benefit many, or as someone wrote here, controlled fasting
1. mRNA vaccines were never approved by the FDA (including the emergency use permit was falsified)
2. They clog the vascular system with toxic-spiked proteins and cause mass inflammation(s)
3. There is no guarantee when mRNA will actually stop producing toxic spike prions
4. They trick cells and change their natural function(s)
5. Each additional booster dose causes the autoimmune dysfunction to worsen
6. MRNA is an experiment, safety and efficacy have never been proven
7. These injections kill test animals and human babies even in the womb, causing infertility
7. They are experimental gene therapy injections that fake news claims are “safe and effective” when in fact they are dangerous and harmful to health
The interval between alleged fakes and reality keeps getting shorter..
ad 1) Just like that, it's been a while since these toxic fake injections, masquerading as life-saving "vaccines" have been shown to actually contain so-called modified RNA or modRNA, which, according to Dr. Klaus Steger, genetically manipulates healthy cells:
..which thanks to their small size and synthetic optimization can very easily (purpose) overcome biological barriers and reach even vital cells in the heart, brain, liver, kidneys..EVERYWHERE
I've been trying to explain it to people, and while we're at it: MODERN (insert the letter "E" in the middle and you have modern).
And on and on: A healthy 32-year-old doctor died suddenly of a cerebral blood clot as a result of AstraZeneca's covid "vaccine," the coroner has determined..
War: "covid has not disappeared, covid is here and we will need the vaccine in the coming years"
If you want to sell a shunt, all you have to do is create the feeling that people are fighting over it and if you don't hurry enough, it won't get to you, and the tanker ChciVálek knows this well, and he wants us even more in debt by buying vachcín from Pfizer, Válek signed a contract with It won't show Pfizer because it's completely blackened, but don't buy it sheepishly when it's only for 19$ per piece and not 100$ and it's worth it..
Prymula: "We are pouring out millions of expired covid vaccines. Losses for the Czech Republic amount to billions of crowns" The state threw 18 billion crowns into the channel for the co*covid game.
"That person is not ashamed to openly say in public that the state bought 3 times as many ampoules as it actually needed and the rest must be thrown away. It is said that 18 billion CZK was thrown away for this joke. Imagine if someone else misused state funds like this. Why isn't she in jail for this thief?"
ADDENDUM ..they have plans given in advance (e.g. video from War above), all politics is just theatre, from co*covid, when "vaccines" are the same tunnel, as will be the tunnel with bugs. AND playing war which we and any we have not announced to anyone and no one. Insect farms will be subsidized, but no one will eat them.. Cancellation of post offices so that as many pensioners as possible start receiving payments in digital form, because the post office branches that remain in operation will face total collapse any day. It's all purpose and intent. They want to gradually force people to use data boxes, to force them to pay pensions by bank account transfer, to make direct debit payments by bank transfer instead of by vouchers. As soon as the EU introduces mandatory payments of wages and pensions only cashless to the account, it will be painted over.
And an increase in VAT means an increase in prices, so an increase in inflation. Hyperinflation will occur, which I pointed out early, but yes, it will, it will 🙂 Unfortunately. People prefer to keep their mouths shut. Pensioners were also robbed in broad daylight. And it passed. Expect gradually more induced plandemics, increases in deaths from depopulation "vaccines" that lead to global warming, etc.. They all ride with the TOTAL CONTROL push-in.
Exactly as Mr. Tománek wrote:
They try to get this crap into people in every way. We'll eat it, and it won't even have to be written into the digital ID. They don't need to write anything down for people to die after that. It seems that everything is seriously headed for that. Several sources already agree on this.
Digital identity? And are they so sure it will never fail? This will not work for them again, just like those applications after vaccination. Vaccines ordered for billions can swell up in their underpants and keep pouring out.
Their artificially induced war still makes me think that its main purpose is really to distract from the implementation of this digital horror. In most states of the USA, the socially weak receive a mobile phone for free, plus some data for a month, so that they can call the office, call the doctor, etc.
In my opinion, there will be a Ukrainian offensive, that is why mobilization is being prepared. Since Ukraine does not have enough soldiers, they will bring ours. Professionals will be in command posts, most professionals will stay at home to guard important places, plants, etc. it occurs to me that in order for this to work, they have to make a real provocation, to which they will immediately react.
Zoznam writes about severed heads and hands in Ukraine in the period before mobilization. Islamic State rag
This is even worse than full covid patients
AND IT NEVER ENDS. New Zealand extends mandatory 7-day co*covid quarantine until 2024!
..with the possibility of further extension even after this year.. The extension was announced on April 11 by New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins. The period of isolation serves not only to reduce the pressure on the health system and leads to the fact that fewer people become infected, Hipkins said.
New Zealand and its Nazi regime in full display, get tested or go to concentration camps!!
And mad "scientists" are already "experimenting with mRNA injections" into beef, poultry and pork, food in general... biological weapons for the food supply?
Meanwhile, Slovakia plans to destroy a 1,500-ton shipment of grain from the outskirts after it was found to contain banned pesticides:
On Thursday, April 13, Samuel Vlčan announced that the inspection had discovered a high amount of chlorpyrifos in the grain of Okraina, when it was processed in one of the largest mills in Slovakia! I will add that chlorpyrifos is an organophosphate pesticide, which is banned throughout the European Union. The edge was simply and is, a European testing ground.
Since 2018, pork producers have been using customizable mRNA-based "vaccines" in their herds, I myself have only just now learned about this. But they want to start introducing the new covid lethal injections everywhere.
It's already sizzling on stage. Those new mRNA-lipid nanoparticles against bird flu are in development, as are mRNA injections for cows and pigs. They intend to use the new mRNA vaccines in cattle, which could apply to both dairy and beef products and almost everything we eat. Missouri House Bill 1169 would require labeling of products that may alter your/our genes. It would also require companies to share information about the potential transferability of gene-altering interventions, and says fully informed consent must be given for all vaccines, gene therapies and medical interventions.
As described on Merck's animal health website:
SEQUIVITY's revolutionary porcine vaccine platform uses RNA particle technology to create customized prescription vaccines against influenza virus strains including COVID-19. And in pigs, porcine circovirus (PCV), rotavirus and others. It is supported by a sophisticated dashboard full of comprehensive data and insights…
The first RNA-based vaccine for livestock, the swine flu (H3N2) RNA injection, was licensed more than a decade ago in 2012 and was developed by Harrisvaccines. In 2015, mRNA followed it up with a bird flu vaccine. Harrisvaccines was acquired by Merck Animal Health later that year.
There are any number of safety risks because each pathogen has different effects, and tricking an animal's body into producing that pathogen (or the pathogenic part of that pathogen, as is done with SARS-CoV-2) can have unexpected side effects.
We have clearly seen this with the SARS-CoV-2 protein in humans. Pfizer's own filing lists 158,000 recorded adverse events, and many of these diseases and conditions have never before been recorded as a reaction to a vaccine.
YES and in the background they are already working on enslaving the entire planet. Because, if the WHO amendments are accepted, the unelected and unaccountable WHO Director-General will be able to unilaterally declare a public health emergency without seeking advice from member states or WHO committees, etc.
There would be no committees involved in decision-making and no control mechanisms to check the CEO's decisions. One unelected and unaccountable person would thus have the power to make decisions that could lead to limiting the lives of billions and billions of people. This is an unimaginable concentration of power.
And it's certainly not the intention... 😉