Why is there no blood and the hospital is crying?


Yesterday was World Blood Donor Day and I've read countless articles about how hospitals are complaining, aren't they they don't have blood

Let me share my story.

I have been a regular since 2003 and VOLUNTARY blood donor, I received a Janský bronze plaque in 2017 and I have a relatively rare blood group A-.
So much for facts.

Then came March 15, 2021.
I went as usual to ÚHKT on Karlov náměstí, Where am I AN HOUR passed all pre-collection examinations, including an interview with the doctor, and only before the collection room did the nurse notice that THROUGHOUT I have no mask or respirator.
The same doctor who joked with me a moment ago without a mask, I was with her for ten minutes examining me, she said she didn't notice and it even seemed to me that she winked at me, so she didn't notice on purpose... 

But the footbridge's mistake - the fun stopped immediately and the doctor turned from a friend to a sledgehammer - suddenly I was an enemy of the people and a murderer and I can't take a sample without a mask!
It didn't help that I, like all healthy donors of course, were healthy ALWAYS donated, without a mask, that I won't suffocate after all, when they voluntarily a FREE I leave half a liter of blood…

Just no! It's unbelievable, but the doctor told me TOTALLY SERIOUS, as a last "compromise" she handed over a piece of gauze, supposedly so that I could at least hold it in front of my mouth to make it look...
I told them not to be angry, but that I wasn't really going to play this comedy, so they fired me.

Even though they themselves contacted me every six months, because I donated blood specifically for one patient, since then no one contacted me and they removed a COMPLETELY HEALTHY person from the register...

So there you go - it's only a fragment, but maybe that's why it's not blood...

(Edit: After I published the text, I was contacted by a fairly large number of people with a similar experience here and on social networks, so it probably won't be that unique, unfortunately.)


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1 year ago

I had my first blood draw on March 9, 2020, that is, before the outbreak of covid-comedy, and then I did not go precisely because I refused to wear a mask or a muzzle. I was only on June 7 this year. and then I go on 7.10.

A frog
A frog
2 years ago

Mr. Tománek, as a bronze donor (0-), I "removed" myself from the records there. And that's because of the incredible persecution against us "unvaccinated" ... constant threats that when decisions are made in the hospital, which patient will get "priority" ... and then my blood will be good for them? No way! Until the hospital changes its attitude, only my loved ones will get it if needed. Crazy time….

Reply  A frog
2 years ago

..the time will soon come when they will beg and beg for "pure" blood from us, genetically non-manipulated and pure individuals...

2 years ago

A long-time male blood donor has been turned away after he refused to answer a new pre-donation questionnaire asking if he was pregnant! https://archive.ph/LsQa9
A 66-year-old Scotsman who has been donating blood for nearly fifty years was recently turned away from a clinic after refusing to take part in a gender madness exercise.
Leslie Sinclair claims that at his last visit he was given a new pre-collection questionnaire that asked him whether or not he was pregnant. Shocked at the stupidity of such a question for a male donor, Sinclair complained to the clinic staff to be told his blood was no longer wanted!
"I'm angry because I've been donating blood since I was 18 and I used to go regularly," the father of two is quoted as saying...

2 years ago

“test only” comment (avatar) ..

Reply  Jan Tománek
2 years ago

It is enough to register on Gravatar.com, enter the email address that is given when writing a comment on (any) website, so the avatar that we want to be displayed on the comment in discussions etc. is uploaded to the Gravatar.com server (picture /icon). Subsequently, on all websites when writing a comment - just enter the indicated registered email address from Gravatar.com and that's it. It works from 90% everywhere. That email is paired with the image/avatar/icon in the Dixue by itself through Gravatar. Then just enter your name + email.
SEE:comment image

2 years ago

I have been donating blood and plasma for free for almost 40 years, with over 120 donations. From my point of view, I am helping others and that is why we tried to adapt (subordinate) to the recent situation with masks and respirators. The worst thing in the world is a collision with an idiot, and when you start arguing with him, two idiots are already arguing. It's about people, some nurses and doctors were benevolent, but some nurses warned me to put the mask on properly. And as you write, not even the argument that I was healthy had the right effect, on the contrary, I also encountered hysteria. I see the same thing today, when some of the health workers wear a blue and yellow fangirl on their coat.... Unfortunately, I have a similar experience in my family, what fear can do to people.

The rest
The rest
2 years ago

It seems to me that the death of a patient or client due to neglect of care is becoming less of a problem for the medical community. See the statement of the doctor from the ambulance who testified about malnourished seniors during covid. https://www.svedomi-naroda.cz/2022/04/18/rozhovor-s-mudr-jirim-michlem-lekarem-intenzivistou-koronerem/
Apart from him, I have not heard any other specific protests regarding the neglect of care.

Reply  Jan Tománek
2 years ago

..one account and generated code and you can set the same avatar everywhere 🙂

Reply  CZkotas
2 years ago

You register on the Gravatar.com server, enter the e-mail address that you most often provide when writing comments on websites or in other ways of inserting content on the website, and upload an avatar (image/icon) to the Gravatar.com server. Then on the websites - just enter your e-mail address and that's it. From the 90% it works everywhere. But for an anonymous user, unnecessary risk 😛

Miroslav Krchnik
Miroslav Krchnik
2 years ago

106 odberu, A2 Rh -, Kladno 21/12/2021 - the examining doctor (unfortunately, I don't know her name) forced me to wear a muzzle - when I replied that I was healthy and therefore saw no reason, she replied that she would take me to the covid ward to see how I look sick - I agreed, but with the condition that only after collection. The consequence of this was that they stopped inviting me for subscriptions. They probably have too much blood.

Reply  Miroslav Krchnik
2 years ago

..the whole co*covid consists only of lies, fraud and scandals…
Hospitals received incentives in the form of money for each "victim" of co*covid. Hospitals received tens of thousands for each co*covid patient admitted. Financial bonuses were provided for each positive co*covid test result. If patients were treated with a single prescription drug, remdesivir, the hospital received additional bonuses from the entire bill for the patient's hospitalization. For each patient connected to a ventilator, the hospital received additional large sums of money. And if this patient officially died of covid, she got thousands and thousands more.. The total financial amounts reached millions!! The hospital got all the money if the "protocols" were followed.
If patients with covid were admitted to the hospital, they received tens of thousands.. If a patient with covid is connected to a ventilator, they received additional hard money. If you came in with an injury and they made you covid positive with a set ridiculous number of cycles that are always false positives..they got money for you, that's why the bulbina around the dead etc, which of course is all a lie. The whole narrative is one big lie.

2 years ago

I have donated blood 60 times, when they gave me to sign that I agree to my blood being sent abroad, I refused and finished with donations.

2 years ago

I have a similar experience. I have been donating blood for free since I was 18, 75 donations. Even during the covid era, I honestly went 4 times a year, I also bit through the mandatory mask only because there was a shortage of blood at that time and every drop was needed. Last year before Christmas, during my last collection, a nurse rather rudely warned me that I must not wear an ordinary mask but a respirator, and that made me very cold. I told myself enough, I won't bully anyone. I've always liked going to transfusions, but now I've somehow lost my appetite.

Oldřich Strítežský
Oldřich Strítežský
Reply  Jan Tománek
2 years ago

I think that the unvaccinated should keep donating blood. Preferably unvaccinated. So that they don't accidentally "kill" pure blood

2 years ago

"..suddenly I was an enemy of the people and a murderer, and I can't take a sample without a mask"
= Exactly the same experience, I confirm. It's not sad, it's crazy! I've given up since pLandemia..
The withdrawal itself is balanced for both parties. Perfect for donors to clean, let the vein go and the other gets help. I have ZERO NEGATIVES.

And our blood travels "over the border" and is sold back to us, but isn't it always? If I add to that the "collection" places in department stores, I have a feeling that it is there that it is heading out of the Czech Republic, or maybe I am mistaken? Correct me, somewhere, it's been a long time, I read it.. That it goes out and we buy it expensively. Our own blood. In the Czech Republic, everything is possible

2 years ago

Do you know that all operations can be done without blood? But it requires skilled operators, not the usual butchers who have no feeling.

Francis H.
Francis H.
2 years ago

Hello Honzo.

Unfortunately, I have exactly the same experience.
I've been donating blood for many years, I've collected 60, but before the last one I called the Kladno Hospital to be sure, so I wouldn't drive 50 minutes unnecessarily, and I asked if they force donors to wear meaningless masks.
I was assured that I had to wear it and that everyone was wearing it, so I had to too.
I thanked the account and said that I would not donate under these conditions.

It's a shame, but nothing can be done.
And I have 0 Rh-….