Will Pfizer kill the hen that lays the golden eggs?


Today I am bringing a text from a colleague from the Healthy Forum - MVDr. Jiří Urbanek, MBA – former manager of the pharmaceutical industry.

It seems that nothing seems to be happening around covid, but there may be processes running in the background to take advantage of the covid situation.
Efforts are underway to introduce a universal covid passport. Pfizer has applied for approval of a 4th batch. WHO wants to be above governments. EMA's powers have been strengthened. In the Czech Republic, a person linked to the pharmaceutical industry became deputy minister. Millions of doses of original vaccines are being purchased. Pfizer to launch antiviral drug Paxlovid.

It can be assumed that only 2. this booster (fourth dose) for a limited part of the population and an antiviral will not sufficiently fulfill the desire for profit, when much more could be extracted. From the point of view of a former manager in the pharmaceutical industry, I would not be satisfied with this profit. If I had such massive financial and political backing, I would choose the following scenario.

Money always comes first...

In the fall, a pandemic of some other subtype of coronavirus will be declared. Again, hauntings, freezers, mandatory testing (set to be positive) and dead reports (so that there are as many as possible). Everything according to the already proven scenario. You just need to find new "faces of the pandemic" who will do professional staffing. The old lineup is no longer trustworthy, it is necessary to find new, well-motivated and capable "experts".
Again a culprit is found, this time it could be the war (or that Putin unleashed it) which made covid not thought of. (so that political leaders are out of obligation). It's just that nature has played tricks on us again, or that someone wants to destroy Western civilization. How out? Lockdowns, checking QR codes, masks all over again... Only with the fact that the economic situation of the population is even worse than it was before, so people will be more flexible. In such a situation, nothing really needs to be justified. People will listen.


Animated image with bounce effect

For this, it will be necessary to come up with a revolutionary discovery that the old vaccines against this strain do not work and that previous vaccinations do not protect against it, and that, of course, previous exposure to the disease does not protect either. (this will surely be explained to us correctly by hired experts with the right opinion).
But the people need hope and solutions. Here is. They managed to produce a "universal" vaccine that will protect everyone against all coronaviruses for life.

It will be registered in the same way as previous vaccines, only given a different name.
It will depend on whether you want to maintain continuity (Comirnaty NEO, or something similar if so) or another brand. In practice, all manufactured and undelivered vaccines are repackaged in new packaging.
Then the QR codes will be turned off for everyone, saying that they will be turned on when people get vaccinated again.

And if less money were to be made, then a new study would have to come out that the original vaccine works, but it just doesn't last as long.

With the fact that the vaccination schedule must be started anew, i.e. 2 doses + booster + revaccination every fall. But since there were negligible side effects after previous vaccines, it is safe and even safer because the bugs have already been caught.
And next year it could be declared that vaccination is mandatory, but everyone will pay for it themselves.

Let's be alert!

I would only add, with the writer's imagination, that it may well be a new disease - let's call it "monkey pox" or whatever - which with its "symptoms" will perfectly copy the adverse effects of vaccines...
But why be a writer, it's been happening for a long time... “Healthy young people die suddenly and unexpectedly from mysterious syndrome – doctors search for answers .
It is finished!

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2 years ago

You know, it's such a desperate cry. But, in reality, 99% people I hang out with (a cross-section of the population at my age) just screw it up.

Reply  Jan Tománek
2 years ago

Exactly. When it came down to it (breaking bread and not just talking), we were the only family in the whole town who said no to school. And they moved the children to IV. When it came up at work, I was the only one out of 10,000 employees who said, no, I'm not going to participate. And it took them a year to finally fire me for being redundant. I found another job. And now they'd rather send me a big fine because they're afraid I'll take them to court.

Reply  Arwi
2 years ago

…you found another person who did the same, ME. And parents must stand up for their children, because we have nothing more valuable than children and they must protect themselves! Our world has been turned upside down for no reasonable and medical reason and millions of children will never recover. And heart abnormalities, tumors, diseases are being observed more and more often in children.. If parents and teachers did a little research, they would know that the co*covid idiocy scaremongering is a hoax…

Reply  Josef
1 year ago

Although they are talking about COVID, it will not be necessary until 10 years from now elephant flu so he jumps on it again scared. There was bird flu 10 years ago and it didn't work out there logistically and promotionally.

Reply  Spring
1 year ago

Mainly, the world was still relatively calm and I think Rath rejected it then and was against it, and then the box of wine arrived... He was probably the last normal minister of health.

Anna Urbanová
Anna Urbanová
2 years ago

You are absolutely right. With the invention of the writer, do you also have an idea how to "enlighten" die-hard supporters and promoters of vaccination among health professionals? I didn't figure it out even with the help of a psychiatrist. And if it was only a matter of the problems of the vaccinated, but that - completely in accordance with the statement of the developers and representatives of the J.Hopkins University - the vaccinated INFLUENCE the unvaccinated! But it is impossible to prove it with an objective study. Even the obvious microscopic findings in the blood of the vaccinated and in the vaccines were ignored by the medical mainstream.
So let's be positive and keep our fingers crossed. Ev. we will have to create a parallel society.
Hello A.Urbanová

Pavel Adamek
Pavel Adamek
Reply  Jan Tománek
2 years ago

I see the problem in the fact that hospital doctors are prohibited from providing truthful information. It is somehow in the public interest so that panic is not caused by true information about the negative effects of chemical agents, so-called vaccines. These doctors were forced to have the "vaccine" injected. If they didn't comply, they would lose their jobs. It is a vicious circle. So much information from one cardiac surgeon from the most prestigious hospital in Prague...

Reply  Anna Urbanová
2 years ago

..We must never forgive THEM or forget the war against the unvaccinated…
To the harm done to the people they tried to break. And nobody wants to talk about it..
Mandatory vaccinations and vaccination passports are like in 1938, when the Gestapo demanded documents from every German.
First they came for the unvaccinated.. In the case of KO*KOVID, it took barely two months for society to go from "we're all in this together" to declaring half the population subhuman!
We'll see how long it takes before the media starts calling for forced segregation of gays to protect us from monkey pox..judging by the effectiveness of the brainwashing that causes people to believe patently absurd narratives, the risk is certainly there.

Reply  CZkotas
2 years ago

I say for myself that I will certainly not forget how they treated us "irresponsible" people. I have never experienced such a trauma in my entire life as I experienced in the last two years. You just can't forget that. I would like to live to see that the guilty do not escape a just punishment.

2 years ago

In Australia, hospitals are collapsing because of vaccinations to damaged patients and health workers..
From the very beginning of "vaccination" against (idiotism), attention was drawn to health risks all over the world, when (un)DESIRABLE effects can be divided into the following three basic groups:
– short-term or immediate
– medium-term, appearing within a few days, weeks or months
– long-term, these develop over the course of six months to several years

= Is Australia a harbinger of things to come this fall? Australia is located in the southern hemisphere. This means that while we have summer, they have winter, which is a period of increased spread of respiratory diseases.. In Australia, the vaccination rate is almost 90 %, and yet (rather BECAUSE) hospitals there are collapsing in a big way. It seems that the cause is precisely the onset of the above-described medium and long-term adverse effects of "salvage" vaccines!

What we see there is an increasing number of co*covid patients with a severe course (manifestation of the ADE and VAIDS syndrome), the number of "vaccinated" patients suffering from the side effects of vaccines (heart attacks, strokes, cancer, other infections due to immune failure...), incapacity for work of healthcare workers affected by "vaccination".

My opinion? Expect this in autumn here, in Slovakia, everywhere.. Australia is now THERE, given the time of year where WE will be in autumn....

Reply  CZkotas
2 years ago

Maybe it won't be so bad here, after all, we have a higher percentage of those who resisted the pricks, so maybe our immunity can handle it better than those poor people in Australia.

Reply  Mirka
2 years ago

..there is a sequel.. Healthy young people are now dying en masse in Australia and the corporate media still dare not mention vaccines: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10895067/Doctors-trying-determine-young-people-suddenly-dying.html
Healthy young people are dying suddenly and unexpectedly across Australia today. Although journalists are now reporting on it, the corporate media still dare not mention the causes of this disaster. Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) is taking Australia (the world) by storm. Fully vaccinated individuals die unexpectedly. According to the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, this new category of death is called "sudden adult death syndrome (SADS)". People under 40 are now being urged to get their hearts checked as a wave of young people collapse after being forced to take part in vaccine experiments.
Melbourne's Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute has created a new national registry to better record the surge in deaths among the young, healthy population. This register is the first in the world to include information from hospitals, clinics and medical examiners. A spokesman for the institute said "there are approximately 750 cases of sudden cardiac arrest in people under the age of 50 each year in Victoria". The institute reports that approximately nine young people are currently dying without cause each month, even after a full autopsy. Of course, this autopsy does not include any investigation into the heart-damaging vaccines these young people are needlessly receiving.
It's not "as easy as getting everyone in Australia to be genetically tested", said cardiologist Dr. Elizabeth Paratz because scientists aren't 100 percent sure "what genes cause it." Perhaps the scientific community is looking in the wrong place as it protects its rulers, sponsors and government enforcers – the vaccine industry. Genetic screening is used to determine the risk of SADS, yet genetic screening is a mere formality. It does not accurately predict a case of SADS, investigate its causes or prevent it. It is very difficult to fight against SADS because it is actually a "diagnosis of nothing".
A generation that grew up with a rampant and irresponsible vaccination program for children and ever-increasing cases of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and autism suddenly becomes the generation that has to deal with a rampant co*covid “vaccination” program and all the sudden deaths of adults and heart damage that caused…