Welcome to my site associated with blog, where I took refuge after the censorship on Aktualne.czIn addition to blogs, you can find oi some information about me, my movies and books, which you can order in our e-shop.

And why at all blogs I write and share interesting videos? If the world is not in order, in my opinion everyone should contribute and help with what they can and above all they should stop being silent. And maybe I can write - so I write...

The best way to follow my current glosses and observations is on Facebook, or Twitter – or you can subscribe to the latest blogs help newsletterGoogle news, or classic RSS reader.

Reprint of my best selling book

Everything you didn't want to know about the world…

Thirty-three easy-to-understand chapters of essential contexts about the times in which we live.
It's like the biblical apple of knowledge - then the world, the news, the individual "personalities" and events you read about will never be seen the same again, and you will find that what you believed to be a safe haven - especially the whole 20th century - is one big lie.

"The book is global psychosomatics. Well written, short, clear, understandable. This is exactly how psychosomatic communication with a patient should look like. I will promote until the last ban." MUDr. Jan Hnízdil

My books

News from creation

"It's all the media's fault" - Interview

Covid. The war in Ukraine. Israel, Hamas and the Gaza Strip. Three events that could not and cannot be discussed in public with any deviation from the only accepted opinion without being

A Guide to the Rabbit Hole - Book Launch

On Thursday, October 19, we are traditionally at the Kámen Theatre, together with MUDr. Jan Hnízdil and the principal of the theater Petr Odo Macháček, christened my new book The Rabbit Hole Guide. it is a book

Blogs and Texts

"Safe and effective" - cardio problems and clots

It is far from just deaths, which are increasingly getting into the mainstream - it is about thousands of people with more or less serious health problems after being vaccinated against covid,

Small talk - talking about a book

Yesterday's talk about the Guide to the Rabbit Hole in Malostranská beseda - as a guest of the literal legends of Czech film and theater, Jan Kačer and Vlastimil Venclík. Reading from a book by famous actors and

Fools and minions

One chapter from my book A Guide to the Rabbit Hole The special group that makes all the power games - including the covid and green deal - work are the fools and minions that include

Catastrophe - The Gulf Stream Stops! Really…?

You probably haven't missed another batch of catastrophic storms on the topic of the Green deal in recent days - this time with the subtitle "The Gulf Stream is stopping". Instead of catastrophic warming, the whole of Europe is said to be waiting

The king is terribly naked

Sometimes I look at the profiles of old acquaintances and friends, how they still have Ukrainian flags on their profile photos, "I'm voting for the General" and "we're going to do it TOGETHER"... They all live in a huge and interconnected

Not related III - excess deaths

Great summary and new facts about the excess deaths that are starting to appear in almost every country in the world - no one knows what is causing them, but everyone knows what they are definitely NOT! – simply

Not overpopulation - the planet is dying!

However, in the media you constantly read the exact opposite - there are eight billion of us and it's a DISASTER. Sometimes a small whiff of a "local problem" appears - for example, CT finally noticed that

The hero with the crusty bread…

"It's raining outside?" Today's journalist, rather than getting his butt off his chair, would rather reach out to an agency and find an answer there, or invite two people to the studio, one of whom claims that

Reprint of my best selling book!
Answers to your questions,
if you have the courage...
Thirty-three easy-to-understand chapters of essential contexts about the times in which we live.