Do you like war? Quiet changes to the Constitution and army laws

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I wrote this text in January 2023 and now I am gradually adding more information - as time goes on.
Again from conspiracy to reality in a few months...
Please be careful - your children will too!

I will completely forget the presidential election games, who will drag us into war and who promises what. What is certain, however, is that the government of Petr Fiala REALLY is preparing extensive changes in army laws and even in Constitution
For example WITHOUT approval of the Parliament, the Government itself could send our troops abroad, or agree to the stay of foreign troops on our territory. The entire proposed point d) is new – i.e., ideal abuse for, for example, a pandemic, the Green Deal, or the protection of the "security of the Czech Republic" in Ukraine, for example...

So much for the Constitution – and here are the changes in individual laws:
Here you can download the currently discussed version of the changes in the laws related to defense, which the government has already approved for further discussion with the House of Representatives. 

There are really a lot of changes, but perhaps the most unimportant is the addition of points C) and d) to paragraph 13.

Operational deployment is understood 

a) the use of the armed forces in the defense of the Czech Republic against external attack, 
b) fulfillment of the tasks of the armed forces in an environment of armed conflict or in an environment threatened by combat activity, 

c) the use of armed forces in other serious situations threatening the security of the Czech Republic outside its territory, or
d) performing the tasks of the armed forces in other serious situations threatening lives, health, significant property values or the environment.

In other words, it can be much easier to deploy our army in a foreign conflict or to use it as in point d), for example during a pandemic or some "climate" crisis... (that is, the same thing that is proposed to be changed in the Constitution).

Paragraph 25 is also very interesting.

Exemptions from the obligation to appear at the levy proceedings and to perform extraordinary service have: 

  • deputies and senators of the Parliament,
  • Members of the European Parliament,
  • members of the government, judges of the Constitutional Court,
  • the president, vice-president and members of the Supreme Audit Office,
  • members of the banking board of the Czech National Bank,
  • citizens in positions with diplomatic and consular privileges and immunities,
  • governors of regions, the mayor of the capital city of Prague, directors of regional offices and the director of the municipality of the capital city of Prague.

So, as I have written several times – THEIR BLOOD NEVER FLOWS! Please don't forget this when you and your loved ones are having a pointless argument about whether to vote THEIR Losnu, or THEIR Sweetie.


Animated image with bounce effect

There are, of course, a huge number of those changes. In particular, many chapters have been added on the transportation of weapons by rail and related laws. Full text with marked changes.

But ALL is of course - as the general and the government say - an alarmist report and a hoax, and this country is on NONE he's not planning a war at all... And who better to command this bad comedy than a general, right?
But young men don't forget - there probably won't be Wi-Fi in the trenches...

I don't know if it's actually funny at all, what's going on and on what basis the government probably makes decisions...

I won't let go of one more important video - the testimony of the former chief military prosecutor. So that you have a complete picture of the "clean" general before your selection and how likely it is with his connection to the Soviet secret services and what his real blackmail ability is. 
Both from the US and NATO, and from Moscow.

Very interesting testimony of the former chief military prosecutor.

I would also add link to the website of the Ministry of the Interior, where they can be downloaded OFFICIAL materials on how the government should best manipulate the public…

EDIT 1/25/2023

I will add to today's statement chief of the general staff for CTK.

If there was a war between NATO and Russia on the eastern flank of the alliance, a professional army would not be sufficient for the task. The state would have to proceed with at least selective mobilization, Chief of the General Staff Karel Řehka said in an interview with ČTK.

1/2/2023 – Nice summary of all the information in the video

Isn't there something really weird about that...? Do you really think they are planning any kind of end to the war, or even peace? And who do you think will probably be sitting in those dances in a year...?

EDIT 2/21/2023

Key speech by the Chief of the General Staff:
"War in Europe is not unthinkable… if a conflict were to break out, we will be an active participant FROM THE FIRST MINUTE… the state would have to proceed with the mobilization of material and PEOPLE!”

So you already know why the Government is pushing for you to have data boxes and be able to communicate with you quickly...?

EDIT 11.4.2023

A rather disturbing letter appeared today, which is being sent to doctors in the Ústí Region, inviting them to appear on 18.5. to the mobilization exercise, where the readiness and feasibility of the levy procedure will be verified.

The fact-checkers immediately went on the attack and may break (by the way, again a great indication that this is a serious topic and hit the nail on the head), to trivialize this absolutely alarming thing with naive references to the past, that such exercises are commonly done... 
Sure, military exercises are routinely done, but to involve civilian doctors in a country with a professional military? That would mean relatively extensive levies and a mobilization that is unprecedented and that army doctors could not handle…
But again, just a conspiracy that - that's what the good general Pavel and the great prime minister wouldn't do, drag our country into war...  
And now it again depends on the doctors which side they will take - so that they can look their children in the eyes one day...

Meanwhile, the article appeared in the mainstream and the "chief covidator" expressed himself very surprisingly - he probably hadn't received the instructions yet and was caught unprepared...
“This is the first time I've heard of this, I've never heard of anything like this. Not even in this case - I don't know that anyone would turn to the Czech Medical Chamber in such a matter. Full-time military service has been abolished in our country for almost twenty years," Milan Kubek, president of the Czech Medical Chamber, told the editors.

EDIT 2/26/2024

And today – another nicely popped balloon, right?

ODS pupil: "We probably won't avoid compulsory military service, NATO wants reserves, Russia is unpredictable" (Echo24)
And another balloon: "Macron did not rule out the deployment of troops from NATO countries in Ukraine
But don't worry - Fiala and Černochová all they assured immediately, that there will be no compulsory war and you certainly believe them...

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7 months ago

The gypsies in Mykačevo briefly and clearly explained to Náhončí at the slaughterhouse what they thought of him and that his wheat would not flourish there.

Finally, they are organizing together to resist the people from Bandera.. here too, there are probably only men left among the gypsies..

Reply  Jan Tománek
7 months ago

Thanks for updating the topic, I'll share this here:
Trump: "What happened to the cocaine they found in the White House?" Where's the cocaine? Ask Hunter.
-Hunter Biden: “Ask Zelensky”

And below a short clip from "supported and loving Ukraine".
Mrs. Vegetables, probably currently the biggest famous fad:

1 year ago

The month has met the month and the "conspiracies" are starting to come true.

From July 11 to 12, the NATO summit will be held in Lithuania, when the largest air exercises in the history of NATO will take place over Europe. And so Okrajina has the last chance to throw the last big sparklers or firecrackers at the Russians, before the entire outskirts goes out and ends up in the oblivion of the Western partners.

Czech soldiers are already preparing for war with Russia, Karel Řehka was not talking in vain at the General Staff of the ACR a week ago, he has notes from NATO. The task seems to be to prepare the information space in the Czech Republic for mobilizations so that the population is not surprised when it comes. A few months ago, the five psychopathic government approved an amendment to the mobilization, or of the martial law, as Mr. Tománek already reported in the article above, they were in a hurry, there is no time, the edge is on fire and they want the whole of Europe to burn - it is a war between "Z" and "z"...

And I am not mentioning Pekarová, who wants to cancel the Founding Act of Russia - NATO, which is the last safeguard against the permanent deployment of nuclear weapons in the Czech Republic and in all NATO member countries admitted to the alliance after 1997.

By terminating the act, the last obstacles to the introduction of American ballistic and nuclear weapons into the countries of Central and Eastern Europe would fall, which is why Řehka was now talking about the preparation of the ACR for a war with Russia.

The five-psychopaths in the government want war. But they will not send their children to war. The children of citizens who, since the covid fraud, were indifferent to what the government did and after the last election are doing to them, their children, the state and the country will die there...

Last edited 1 year ago by CZkotas
Reply  CZkotas
1 year ago

+ We must help Ukraine more, offer SOLDIERS and air support (Petr Pavel wants humanitarian aid by sending soldiers and the air force. The use of force is said to be the only option..)

Translated: you have to die so we don't lose the troughs

1 year ago

Look, so already according to the "new" NATO doctrine, for example: it will be an attack on a NATO member's army during a mission in a non-member country, and a NATO country will be able to activate the collective defense of the alliance. So I hope that even the moms have seen through it.
The NATO doctrine changed last week. If, for example, Russia were to liquidate the Polish army on the territory of the Okrainian territory, it can already be redefined as an attack on a NATO state (+certainly also with subsequent mobilization). After all, the laws and everything around it have already been quietly approved (see the article by Mr. Tománek above), not only during official castle games (such as the presidential "election").

+ Australians support the Russian SVO, the fringe is a terrorist state. The day before yesterday in Sydney, without any media interest, there was a demonstration in support of Russia and Putin, when supporters gathered in front of the Russian consulate for a "rally for freedom". Hundreds gathered with Russian flags and Z T-shirts:

The point is that in the discussion under the video, everyone is thankful that such an event took place and expressed their support for these people who came there. So it's not as the mainstream media tells us, that apart from the Czech and Slovak desolates, no one in the collective West supports "Russian aggression".

no one yet
no one yet
Reply  CZkotas
1 year ago

NATO stated that protection does not apply to countries that are aggressors, that is, if Poland or Slovakia send their soldiers or provide offensive weapons, then they are out of luck, NATO will provide them with defensive weapons at most, so let's end up like Ukraine, ourselves with the fact that The EU and NATO will pat us on the back. By the way, the shit newspaper and the government themselves admitted that the mobilization will be a team, that they claim that Russia will attack us.

no one yet
no one yet
1 year ago

A record was broken: more than 40,000 men refused to fight for Slovakia. Naí also blames Fic and Blaho
Look: they cannot avoid serving their country

"It is precisely because of people like Fico and Blaha that the defense capacity of the country is decreasing. Over 40,000 people submitted such a form, which, by the way, is absolutely useless," Naď announced today on Radio Expres in the Braňo Závodský program live.
"If there was a mobilization, which theoretically could happen in the future, they would still be mobilized, but they wouldn't get a weapon, but they would go to hospitals or dig trenches. They would not avoid serving their country," the minister explained his words.

Only 27.5 percent of those questioned were willing to take up arms for their country, roughly 37 percent answered negatively, and about a third could not answer.

+6 suspicious indications that a mobilization may indeed be being prepared in Slovakia

Reply  no one yet
1 year ago

Interesting interview from the Czech entrepreneur zijici in Moscow. (from time 1:01:10)

Excellent interview. Dismantling on the political side - Russia is on its feet, the mood has changed, at the moment when the German tanks with the cross are already being sent. 20 million people died in the Soviet Union after being attacked by Germany. They already have this in their genes! They know why they are fighting, for whom. What motivation do Czechs and Slovaks have, none.
Then there is practical information – visa, money exchange, connection options, meals …….

1 year ago

I will add, because I follow (mostly) foreign news and information, which fully indicate that Russia will launch an offensive against the fringes in the next (about 20) days, and it will be much larger and better equipped compared to February 2022, but it will proceed more slowly and methodically. .This offensive is called “Day Z” – you remember the movie still:
comment image
and this offensive will involve: more than 700 aircraft, 1,800 Russian tanks and 500,000 troops, all of which are aimed at overthrowing the vegetable (green/Kiev) regime that acts as a proxy for NATO's efforts to remove Russia from the world map. Russia is apparently on the verge of launching both a major offensive against the fringes and – potentially – a “preemptive” nuclear strike against the US and NATO targets.
So, to sum it up: 1800 tanks, 700 planes, 500,000 troops = all ready to attack…

It also occurred to me in the context (with another recent revelation) that the Nord Stream gas pipelines were blown up by the USA (in cooperation with Norskema) and it made me wonder if the whole thing will "turn around" when Germany declares a violation of Article 5 and demands that other NATO countries attacked the USA for its act of war against Germany..
Former US Marine and UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter has just called for the arrest and prosecution of Victoria Nuland and Joe Biden for masterminding a conspiracy to destroy the Nord Stream gas pipelines. (See Ritter's recent interview on YouTube)

Since with us including the alternative (for now) silence:
!!The countdown to Z-day has begun as Russia prepares for an imminent offensive against the fringes!!

Reply  CZkotas
1 year ago

No one has ever conquered Russia. Russians know their country. Ask Napoleon about Moscow. Ask Hitler about Stalingrad..

1 year ago

How are conscription, mobilization, "voluntary takeover" and denial technically and legally?
So there is no need to panic, and certainly not hysterical about the election of the president, who has zero influence on mobilization and conscription.

Reply  spring
1 year ago

1. If you refuse a weapon, it does not mean that you are not mobilized, go to work as a supply or medic, for example.
2. The President as 1 will sign a defense agreement with the USA, where it will be written that the USA soldier can do whatever he wants here and will not pay taxes. And most importantly, he can drive his tank wherever he wants

1 year ago

Meanwhile, for example, Austria and Hungary agree not to send any weapons to Ukraine:

Austrian Defense Minister Klaudia Tanner and Hungarian Defense Minister Kristof Szalay-Bobrovniczky signed the agreement during a January 30 meeting in the Hungarian capital of Budapest. Defense ministers reiterated their "clear" stance on providing war material to Ukraine "to prevent further escalation."

Szalay-Bobrovniczky told reporters that the Hungarian government would only supply humanitarian aid to Ukrainian refugees, adding that Budapest and Vienna would stand on the side of peace. "We live in a time of danger," he noted. "Continuing this close collaboration is extremely important."

At the end of last month, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán called Ukraine a no man's land and compared it to Afghanistan. The Hungarian leader's comments prompted Kyiv to summon the country's ambassador to Ukraine over these "unacceptable" statements.

Other countries supplying arms to Ukraine. Austria and Hungary NO.
You should all start dealing with expired passports NOW, the standard issuance time is 3-4 months. Expedited passport issuance - even within 24 hours to one month costs a lot of money.

I also hope that there will be other countries that are not calling for war, so far it is AUSTRIA AND HUNGARY. You need to have back-up plans, after that almost no one will get anywhere outside the EU….

1 year ago


Everyone who is among the first to hand in the paper that they do not want to go to war due to conscientious objection, etc. will eventually be among the first to be drafted. Everything that is needed for "mobilization" and what kind of shelter they actually made for us is explained there perfectly now!! Political shit!! See for yourself..
It was also explained that the Baltic states, such as PL, SK, CZ, will go to war and that when the tankers in PL refused and left for civilian life and were replaced by SK+CZ etc. = this is really a Slavic fratricidal war...

1 year ago


And again, for the third time, a world war was officially started by Germany. The German foreign minister declared today that we are at war with Russia!
I wonder how many people understand what that means.

Military experts say some of the promised weapons will take almost three years to arrive at the border.
Is this a sign of how long the West hopes this war will last?!

But tanks are not enough, the fringes who are losing their war now want warships, submarines and planes.
And they get them!

It's a great way to kill and maim more people and depopulate the world. When the bombs actually start flying, THEY will be safe in their underground bunkers and on their well-equipped super-yachts.

Things are moving fast..

The mainstream media won't tell you anything you read here. They cover up what is happening with platitudes. CT/SEZNAM... and the rest of the propaganda machine won't tell you that the fringes are now sending sixteen-year-old and old men to war. They won't tell you that gangs are collecting cannon fodder. They won't tell you that Okrainian soldiers, untrained for war, deserted. And all the while the infrastructure is being destroyed on the outskirts.

The West allows the deliberate destruction of the fringe because there is a hidden agenda and idiots who wave or wear fringe flags are part of the genocide. Of course NATO knows that the fringes are losing, I think they want to keep the war going for as long as possible - to get as many dead as possible. That is why the West supplies bombs, shells and tanks – and soon will supply planes, warships and submarines…

Now that the fringes have lost the war, the US, Britain and the EU want to keep pushing Russia as hard as they can.
And they want a third world war so they can wipe out (not only) the Russians…

Reply  CZkotas
1 year ago

+ After morning talks with European officials, Biden said this afternoon, among other things:
"We are fully, completely and utterly united," said "President" Joe Biden in a brief speech at the White House earlier this week after the disastrous decision. "Today's announcement builds on the hard work and determination of countries around the world. … That's what it's all about – to help Ukraine defend and protect the Ukrainian land.”
"For NATO, which was founded as a defense alliance after the Second World War, the delivery of battle tanks and hundreds of other armored vehicles, which is also being transferred to the sidelines, is a prelude to what is shaping up to be a ground war of a scale not seen in Europe for more than seven decades. Although the United States and its allies insist they have no intention of striking Russia directly, these decisions significantly raise the bar for how far they are willing to go to help push out Putin's forces.”
Russian officials now believe the West is eager for an all-out war that could quickly escalate into nuclear war after NATO's two richest countries approved the transfer of sophisticated main battle tanks with depleted uranium missiles to the sidelines, allegedly to sideline Kiev could use for a counter-offensive and push out the Russian army..
Germany's defense ministry said it aims to have the additional tanks on the battlefield by the end of March. This leaves a tight space for logistics and training, which should begin within days."

== Some US military experts are excited about the escalation:
"If true, this could be a real turning point in the war," former NATO Supreme Allied Commander James Stavridis, a retired US Navy admiral, wrote on Twitter. "Good job, Germany, and 'Danke Schoen'."

If true, this could be a real turning point in the war. Good job, Germany, and "Danke Schoen:

"The Leopard coalition with partners worked!" Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov also wrote this on Twitter. "Leopards are doing well in Ukraine!"

The Post added: “The US plan calls for sending enough tanks for one Ukrainian battalion, or 30, plus one for command and control, Kirby said. The administration will also send eight M88 armored recovery vehicles for tank towing and repair.”

– Admiral James Stavridis, USN, Ret. (@stavridisj) January 24, 2023

"The Leopard coalition with partners worked!" Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov also wrote this on Twitter on Wednesday. "Leopards are doing well in Ukraine!"

The Post added: “The US plan calls for sending enough tanks for one Ukrainian battalion, or 30, plus one for command and control, Kirby said. The administration will also send eight M88 armored recovery vehicles for tank towing and repair.”

Pat and Mat
Pat and Mat
Reply  CZkotas
1 year ago

Where can I find the information please that the German foreign minister has declared that we are at war with Russia and that some of the promised weapons will take almost three years to arrive in Ukraine?

Reply  Pat and Mat
1 year ago

There was a discussion about those weapons directly from the weapons manufacturer, I don't know where, but yes, it was said there, I have no reason to be confused here. We have been talking about lies from politics here for three years... but about the Germans, for example:
"German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock sparked a firestorm of debate on Tuesday when she claimed that Western allies were waging war against Russia."
= contrary to the official position, the silent part said out loud "THERE".

And here:
The German foreign minister is now saying that we must be united because, quote, we are at war with Russia. I didn't know that," he said, adding, "Maybe Germany is at war with Russia, but then, good luck, maybe it will turn out better this time than it did seventy-plus years ago."

I have it from another source, try to find it. It was somewhere in a diary. Everything I mentioned can be found. Is it true. I'm writing quickly on my mobile.

Reply  Pat and Mat
1 year ago

There is something here:

I'm leaving but I found this in 5 minutes. I'm sure the rest will go too..

Reply  Pat and Mat
1 year ago

The internet is full of information. Only the mainstream liars don't want to read it

Russia is preparing a new offensive to regain the initiative, even as it prepares for a long period of stalemate in Ukraine.

Nearly a year after an invasion that was supposed to last weeks, Vladimir Putin is preparing a new offensive in Ukraine while preparing his country for a conflict with the US and its allies that he expects will last years.

Russia's deputy ambassador to the OSCE, Maxim Bujakevich, said the US and NATO had moved dangerously close to a full-scale military conflict in Europe after the US and Germany agreed to send advanced battle tanks to Ukraine.

Reply  Pat and Mat
1 year ago

USA: Defense Ministry to increase production of artillery ammunition for Ukraine by 500 % ... but only construction of new factories will take two years. US arms commitments to Ukraine will continue despite lack of supplies.
The call to massively increase production of artillery ammunition comes after US officials expressed concern over how US military aid deliveries to Ukraine may have depleted the country's artillery ammunition stockpile. Some Defense Department officials have pointed out how the country's stockpile of 155 mm ammunition is "uncomfortably low" and "not at the level we want to go into combat."

Last month, Ukraine used an average of 14,000 rounds of 155mm ammunition every 48 hours, roughly the same number as the US produced in the month before the conflict.
The military's recent decision to expand its artillery ammunition product is "the clearest sign yet that the United States plans to support Ukraine no matter how long the war continues," according to New York Times writers John Ismay and Eric Lipton.

And that's why Satan's children invaded Russia! War creates TRILLIONS of dollars for them to fill their fat wallets! So far they have been packing their wallets for the suffering of people with covid-19 fraud and vaccines!

1 year ago

"Few people realize that, according to the law, conscription applies to persons between the ages of 15 and 60. Will our children have to throw away their tablets or playstations and go to the Ukrainian front to defend the interests of the American war hawks connected to the global financial elites?"

Reply  CZkotas
1 year ago

We recommend listening until the end especially to parents!!

Reply  Jan Tománek
1 year ago

Excellent 🙁 “Mobilizing Czech citizens? So what is NATO for? Yesterday's misinformation - today's information!"

+ War levies Made in Ukraine:

+ Tomáš Zdechovský – About the trip to Ukraine!!

and he found the video. Time is set see:
And Zdechovský ... = the exact image of a Flemish and MEP, who can allow this unfortunate creature to stay in Brussels is really a mystery to me.

+ Černochová wants an army register of conscripts, the state would collect data even before conscription:

Z.samson Just
Z.samson Just
1 year ago

Pavel is rubber and evil. Babiš is no better. With them and the vile Viola it's the way to hell. Only God is the way. Samson Just TT

1 year ago

If, after the presidential elections, the GREEN RUBBER at the Prague Castle becomes a reality for the Czechs, which of course cannot be done without electoral fraud (ÚZVK) - the central rotten electoral commission with the help of Hewlett Packard (USA), then the first thousands of fools and other SHEEP pfizer-covid vaccinated eager to receive military conscription orders located in UKRAINE, are already identified in the squares cheering over the GREEN RUBBER with accuracy to 99% using your mobile operators, to whose data about the online time and location of your mobile phone, the Ministry of Truth has unlimited access up to ten years back! !

Yes SHEEP, you have already revealed your identity and if it is already decided in the (ÚZVK) - central election commission with the help of Hewlett Packard (USA) that the presidential election will be won by GREEN RUBBER, then in a few days look for the long-awaited CALL !!

And you have to welcome the GREEN RUBBER in the squares repeatedly, so that the Ministry of Truth knows that you really want it, that they will make you happy with the army conscription order!!

1 year ago

It doesn't belong here, but two days ago - the confrontation of the director of Pfizer at the WEF in Davos 5min must be seen!

Rebel News reporters caught up with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla on the streets of Davos and asked him questions the mainstream media should be asking him. Report from 1/18/2023.

1 year ago

Let's mobilize Ukrainian refugees in Poland for war, urged Polish General Skrzypczak:

Do you think the West should continue to support Ukraine militarily?
– Yes, it is necessary to supply weapons to the Ukrainians, but this aid should also have a completely different character. Together with NATO, we should start training new formations of the Ukrainian army - in Poland, Germany, France. We should train those Ukrainian citizens who are here - mobilize, train, appoint and send to the front, because it is becoming more and more difficult for Ukraine.

Do I understand you correctly - do you think that those Ukrainians who now live in our country should be mobilized and trained in Poland?
- And why not? In France, in 1939 and 1940, we built an army of 80,000 soldiers from emigrants and those who fled from Poland after the September defeat. And why not build such Ukrainian units in Poland and send them to the front? It is just a matter of intergovernmental agreements and it can be done, there is no need to wait.
As for Ukrainian citizens residing in NATO countries, including Poland, those of them who wanted to fight at the front are already in Ukraine.

– And now we will ask them if they want to be soldiers or not? They need to be mobilized, drafted into the army and that's it.


Reply  CZkotas
1 year ago

This is spot on, I also found this other information elsewhere-
"Imagine that you are refugees from the war in Ukraine, you get asylum in an EU country, and when it turns out that there is a threat of military defeat in Ukraine, the general of the host country wants to mobilize you, put you in uniform and take you back to Ukraine for combat operations on the front line. Yes, that's exactly what happened on Monday in the Polish daily wPolityce, where an interview with General Waldemar Skrzypczak, former commander of the Polish Army Ground Forces and former Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Polish Army, was printed. The Russians are advancing along the entire front, occupying the key town of Soledar, and another key town, Seversk, is considering evacuation due to imminent encirclement and cut off from supplies.
The loop around the city of Artemovsk (Bakhmut) is closing, and after its fall, the entire Ukrainian defense in Donbas will be threatened. Artemovsk lies in the middle of the Ukrainian fortifications in the Donbass, and if Ukraine loses this heart of the fortifications in the Donbass, it will lead to the collapse of the entire Ukrainian defenses in the Donbass. And worst of all, the Polish general stated outright that it could no longer be prevented.

1 year ago

People, don't be fooled by the illusion that some person will decide your life and whether you go to war or not, that's just their Matrix. When it comes to life, there is always a choice, if I don't want to, I don't go..

"Right now, the thermobaric works on the Slavjansk direction every day, and PMC Wagner Group members call it "trench disinfection" and drone footage explains what it means. Thermobaric rockets burn trenches and tunnels with an incendiary aerosol, and after the explosion, a shock negative pressure occurs, which causes a person to rupture a lung. The soldier dies within 30 seconds of "drowning" as his lungs fill with blood.

Ukrainians cover their mouths and noses before a thermobaric attack in the belief that this will prevent the lungs from bursting due to the negative pressure after the explosion. This is a fatal mistake. The negative pressure finds its way through the ears and the Eustachian tube into the throat, but when the mouth is closed, the skull ruptures in the area of the ears and the middle ear, associated with the skull being torn from the atlas, i.e. from the place where the skull is anchored to the spine and the spinal cord ruptures. Death occurs instantly. No person has yet survived a thermobaric shock, no such case has been documented.”

No wonder Western mercenaries don't want to go to such a hell. Not even for a lot of money. That's why they prefer to send weapons and let (US) lackeys die. Until the last Ukrainian. If they run out, then to the last Slav.

The fratricidal war is just getting started!

1 year ago

As you can see, Rakušan's CRETANS were inspired by Goebels

1 year ago

All the politicians are completely off. Why do average, everyday hard workers allow these fools to mess with their lives? An example for all: Fiala. Every word that comes out of his mouth proves that he is a fool. How is it possible that this person still drives anything?! Look around Fiala's administration around him. The same is true of all corners of the entire government. Everyone is completely off. I've had enough of these idiots and dudes.

1 year ago

I don't need to add anything, you described it exactly. I will add here, whoever pulls "on Russia" so he knows what awaits him in reality - Hundreds of Ukrainian corpses in every district in SOLEDAR:

It's a morgue - in the open, luckily it's cold, so it doesn't "rot" there. The Russian meat plant is still running at full speed, every hour there are more and more bodies, the reporter says. And if someone wants to enter this war, for foreign interests with the continued destruction of the future, then for me.. Protor, this is exactly how every ordinary soldier who previously only played computer games will end up. Let him practice it at home first, just sleep outside with his girlfriend for ten days, smoke only a knife and a lighter! And you can probably guess why there are so many women with the status "divorced" on dating sites... 🙂


Forget the farce about politics, it won't solve anything. Nothing we focus on will solve anything! No one will get you out of this politically!! All politics is just theatre… all countries are theatre. All wars are contrived… there is no reason for anyone to fight anyone else.
=!This is all theater to distract us so they can continue to implement a total system of control in the meantime!=

1 year ago

"Fiala, the author of fascist processes in the Czech Republic, from website blocking to enabling laws to send Czech soldiers abroad without the consent of the parliament. In just one year, Fial's government fascistized the Czech Republic beyond recognition, this had never happened before"

Pavel: "War brings victims, but for me every fallen person will be a hero, not just a number"
vs Čaputová! see:
comment image

In addition, coal is bad, wood is bad, gas is bad, and now solar is also bad. They really want us to freeze. Or they started paying huge taxes on solar panels as well. Just read the headline and it's clear:

The Union is handling the tribunal for Putin's Russia. However, instead of the Union solving the energy crisis, high inflation, the worsening misery of EU residents, unemployment and low incomes and high taxes and other trifles, uninteresting to the EU, they solve big-mouthed bullshit.

In Ukraine, they probably calculate that the war will last twenty years to grow new meat for their grinder. They will, however, come here to us to give birth and receive maternity leave and all our social benefits. I just don't know if children of foreigners born in our country automatically get our citizenship:
3 Answer

Comrades from MSN hastened to support the boat of the so-called "general" Pavel and to spit on everything that would somehow be related to the positivity of Russia.

I'm still slightly in shock here, look at the comments for this article. On the contrary, it seems that people are beginning to realize that the threat of war is very real. Election results by hundredths are a charade of the USA, I don't believe those elections here: