It was no accident - what vaccines do in the brain


A very important interview with a German doctor about the deliberate dumbing down of the population and what changes to the brain can be caused by vaccines and fear - the brain behaves similarly to Alzheimer's disease.
And why with all the covid "doubts" it was definitely not a coincidence...
In the video, there is also a way how brain damage can be reversed.

New Rumble video

The video was again censored on YouTube

Great translation of the interview and other videos:


Animated image with bounce effect

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10 months ago

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A lot of people suffer from a kind of mental lethargy, the quality of deep conversations has decreased recently, and those that require more cognitive energy are difficult for some. And the "virus" appeared around the time the World Economic Forum announced its reset program. WEF founder Schwab himself said: "The pandemic presents a rare but narrow opportunity to reflect, reconceptualize, and reconfigure our world."

11 months ago

This is not related.. They die suddenly, almost daily…
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Last edited 11 months ago by jiri
11 months ago

Thanks for the great interview ❤️

11 months ago

And what about the other findings - residual Spider Silk Protein DNA found in v..c

By the way, that's what you've probably all seen flying around when you're outside, those white spider webs, and there are also reports from all over the world, and it's the same thing, and it can't be removed from the body with anything, and that this would appear out and through e.g. chemtrails?

It also explains the fibers in the dead bodies!!!!!!!
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and here e.g

Spider Silk Polymer Sprayed Via Geoengineering Operations From California - Darkfield Microscopy Analysis

Reply  Anonym
11 months ago

Those "threads" are formed in bodies probably for the reason that they are artificially synthesized RNA, which ""vaccination" could also get into the nucleus of the cells and subsequently, in many confirmed cases, they probably genetically modified the original DNA of some cells. Then, according to the imposed "prescription", the thus imported RNA gave the order for the production, i.e. the synthesis of unnatural proteins, which were then precipitated in various parts of the body, because the organism cannot use them to build the tissues found in it.
More info:

Reply  Martin
11 months ago

Yes, that's how it is, and in my opinion it's purposefully wrong transcription of the mRNA template from the “vaccine”, when they then generate aberrant, i.e. nonsensical, chains of proteins, simply clumps that clog blood vessels and even arteries, those createdspike proteins which are made from mRNA templates, attack the linings of blood vessels and arteries.. I've posted this here before.

I certainly don't like the theory about "spider threads". But on the other hand, what do we know. And I registered those flying cobwebs two years ago and I have never actually noticed them on such a large scale before... There are already an awful lot of damage mechanisms from "vaccines".

Facts and reality are connected from opichy, they are just harsh and in my opinion it will continue to take more and more terrifying turns.

11 months ago

Great, there is also a lot of information not only about vit. D and many other things also explained, I will remind you:

1) LIST+EFFECTS OF scientifically based NATURAL ANTIBIOTICS and other medicines that help fight (not only) infections

2) Guidelines for removing GRAPHENOXIDE, how to DETOX (+other substances excreted not only from "covid vaccines") from your body

Horror stories about covid oysters appear almost daily. And the only way to win the war against humans is to spread the truth as fast and as wide as we can.. In all forms.

And I will add that fully vaccinated individuals SPREAD "SOMETHING" AROUND THEMSELVES and infected the unvaccinated at the very beginning, when I personally sign for "magnetism". After the initial contact with the newly "vaccinated" against the idiocy of covid, a kind of "cold with magnetism" appeared and we all had it. So me, my wife, my kids. Below is a photo of my son (he was 4 years old at the time)
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The "magnetism" (or how to describe it) started as a manifestation of a cold, when they held metal objects together on the chest, gradually it even moved to the limbs, to the head, then to the arms = where there is soft tissue! Due to this "cold", the upper respiratory tract was mainly affected, we used e.g. isoprinosine, herbal teas such as: cistus incanus+sagebrush+pine needles, etc.+in addition to the herbal detox, we also performed a "little fast", i.e. intracellular detox (controlled fasting)..
We had it at the very beginning, when the whole family was ceremoniously injected with the solution pretending to be a vaccine, then it ended after the contact with the eye was over... So far, no explanation. And I will never forget this. We've all had it. After a few weeks, it disappeared when we stopped other contacts from all the idiots. CHANCE?

And I'm not talking about pouring Sprotein and actually infecting the unvaccinated in such a way that, for example, inflammations, recurring colds and colds can form even in clean individuals without life-saving vaccines, etc., etc. But what is positive about this is that we can always rule it out without any problems, they, unlike us, probably never and in most cases they are walking factories/carriers for Sproteins and its modifications...

And that's why I decided to write articles with the information listed above. And be very careful about what you eat too, chemistry and toxicity are all around us, so keep your exposure to it as low as possible and reduce your risks as much as possible.. I mean it dead serious. The only disinformation is big farms, governments and political shit!

I still look forward to bright tomorrows with hope, when the Cemperators and government manipulators will finally burn the stupid meter so that it is irreversibly damaged and will no longer harm us…….

Last edited 11 months ago by CZkotas